Really makes you think

Really makes you think..

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Women are impressed by the stupidest shit. They are inferior.

Whats the deal? Boyfriend bought his gf expensive shit?

If he can afford it more power to him. Who cares?

Did you expect them not to be materialistic wastes? If you find one that isn't hold on.

he's dressing her up like a barbie doll with a new dress,and she's impressed

i'm sure she's a strong independent woman, though

is it true that in burgerland the husband has to buy his wife something on mothers day as well?

>have birthday party
>girlfriend gets all the presents

If the wife is a mother then I think.


Literally nigger garbage.

Reminds of what's his name... The black dude where no one showed up to his party :-(

I mean if they're married with kids, the kids buy the mom a present. yet they're kids, so they don't exactly have an income. do the math

though for childless couples, I see no reason it would happen

If shes a mother, yes, normally flowers and a card

Wow tasteless brandshit. 0/10

ohhhhhhhhh it was HIS birthday. I get it know.

That gives me the impression that this is a man who will be cucked. Why is he trying so hard in the relationship? It makes it seem that he is compensating for maybe not being an ideal mate by buying her shit?

I feel like this trying to hard shit is going to ultimately be a turn off for women

Beta bucks buying attention from his gf, what a "man" he is all right

I'd be okay if the cunt didn't post this on kikebook.

if i make a gesture and i make you happy, i want you to be private in your happiness. using my gesture to brag to your facejew acquaintances is a surefire way to get me to never ever do anything similar ever again.

thank god she didn't post her face in front of this it

anyway guy is a cuck unless he's supppper rich

no shit. it'd be sorta like regularly giving your landlord or boss or business partner presents.

sure, it might prolong the period of your interaction, but ultimately if you can't do your job you will be cut loose

She'll dump him or subconsciously destroy the relationship for being too nice

What a retard.

I bet she cheats on him

makes me think posting expensive items, jewelry, cash etc on social media show you don't have an education. Its immature and ghetto. Basically something niggers would do.

Why do dumb women like purses and shoes so much

Because it's a badge they can show off anywhere, it's like a sign of her being a (biologically) succesful woman by picking man who is capable of providing her with tons or resources and caring about her.

And his wife's son

>Runee Dupee

>tfw spoiling my gf gives me pleasure
d-don't judge me

this. women are vain and superficial.

A pure status symbol.