"Tax the Rich!

"Tax the Rich!

Run them out of our Country!"

>What is wealth disparity

It'll work, guys, I swear! You just need to tax them 20 trillion dollars and we're all good again!

Hillary wants a white America that's disabled, obese and uneducated

Vote Hillary and she'll make the US a giant ghetto!

Trump = Trickle Down Economics

Aint Americans taxed based on their citizenship?

If she had it her way the rich would be killed.

A sacrifice in the name of the greater good.

On one hand, I don't want to push talent out of the country. On the other, what have the rich ever done for us?

Ive played chess, and you know what ive learned.

Stay away from the Right and the Left.

A knight on the Rim is Dim.

"trickle down economics" is a red herring

it was a poor description of what happens when you incentivize the wealthy to spend their money.

and i don't mean people like George Soros.

You can give all the niggers in the US a pass on paying taxes, you will see almost no difference in the National economy and the local economy.

>If we tax rich people, they'll stay and pay the taxes instead of taking their money and moving to another country that offers something better!

t. Koch brothers

>implying this is even an issue that the government should solve

Ok real talk guys.

I am from Michigan. You know the state of the Motor City Detroit.

I am the Son of a GM employee who was the son of a GM employee.

I am the firstborn of the firstborn.

My grandfather was a Marine who served in the Pacific and went to Nagasaki after we dropped the Bomb. He then worked for General Motors.

When I came of Age there was no job for me at General Motors. The company was already shutting down here and moving over to China.

Who has my job ?

Some guy in China.

lolbertarian detected

>what is a non-issue

The age of manufacturing is over. Learn a skill that's competitive in today's economy.

Sup michigan Cred Forumsro? Clinton twp here
My grandfather worked at the power train factory, my dad worked for gm for years before moving to magna cuz gm was about to take a shit

Better start learning CAD

wew that ID

could you say that in normie

The worst outcomes are almost always the result of good intentions regarding public policy.

Politicians need to know that the number one rule in applying economics to politics is primum non nocere

Having the government take more money from the rich won't necessarily help anyone. The government is incredibly inefficient to the point that it can destroy wealth easier than it can create wealth. Her tax plan wouldn't make poor people wealthier, it'll make wealthy people poorer. Sure, income inequality will go down, but our economy won't grow

Obviously I had to change my life, I became a Chef basically out of selfishness.

I certainly was not going to join the Military.

My fiance is a chef at a super nice restaurant. I think they are getting a Michelin star soon (they opened kind of recently)

Anyway, how do you like it?

>being equal is more important than being successful
>let's chase down all of the successful people so we can all be equal failures

They are directly causing it in the first place by interfering with the economy and making outsourcing/insourcing easy, signing free trade agreements willy nilly, and being in bed with business.

>rich people continuing to make more money by telling us how terrible rich people are

I'm tired of these walking memes ruining the planet. GAS THE GOOGLES, RACEWAR NOW

I fully agree to you, but then you also must oppose Hitler.

> Rich in our country are currently storing 5 trillion dollars of what used to be American money and putting them in dark banks to just sit
> 5 trillion dollars that used to be circulating in our economy has been taking out
>average salary is about 40,000
>5 trillion dollars of american money being put back into circulation would save this country
>rich people like trump who make 624 million a year don't even pay federal tax

it's quite obvious retard nigger

>cut taxes across the board
>'surely that extra money will benefit middle and working class Americans'

>people will believe her lies

She says that but she's supported by them, she spoke about the economic crisis and some of the key people that created it were in the Obama administration. She's a lying piece of shit and Trump lost many chances to attack her bullshit.

>people think "rich" means millionaires
>not the multi-billionaires paying far less than 15% in taxes

Just fucking kill yourselves. Why THE FUCK do you care if some uber wealthy guy you'll never meet has $60b rather than $50b? WHY?


The aqueducts?

Oh I am incredibly anti-Hitler. He fucking ruined not only Germany, but most of Europe.

He wanted to save the German economy, but all he did was create a war bubble built with credit that Germany didn't have. People were working, but they were getting paid with promises that they'd be rich once the war was won. He literally created an economic necessity of war.
Not to mention the Germans were so inefficient that even when they did acquire capital through military conquest, it wasn't utilized in production, so they literally needed to win the entire continent in order to avoid an economic depression even worse than before.

He took a shitty economy, and turned it into a shitty economy with millions of deaths. That is not a good leader.

Probably because they're using that extra money to cut deals with politicians or hide it in some off-shore bank account.

>It's your money spend it how you like it
>It's our money spend it how you're told.

You're a fucking idiot.

Niggers don't pay taxes when they use EBT for food and buy weed and black market firearms with cash.

>Doesn't know the difference between income tax and capital gains tax
Let me guess, you think these billionaires make most of their money through income, right? Their wealth is mostly liquid?

Harrison Township Cred Forumsro, here

I agree! Hitler was terrible for Europe! Thank goodness the US and USSR intervened to put a stop to the Nazi's dastardly anti-Semitic plans!

>The age of manufacturing is over
No it isn't, products still need to be manufactured just like always. What happened is that the career politicians fucked over our industry with regulations to the point where all of the opportunities we once had have now been relocated overseas.

If someone hacks into your bank account and burns through all of your savings, "the age of currency" isn't over, you just got fucking robbed.

isn't she part of the 1%? why would I trust her?

>except us, your overlords

I could but I might spoil my Meme Magic.


A Knight on the Side I will not Abide.

Oh great, another fucking distributionist. The only place that money is going to get distributed is with Hillary, her minions, and her bosses.

I'm not talking about the Holocaust you retard, I'm talking about his economic policy. People like you worship him because of his ideology but if you dig into the numbers you'll realize that he fucked up big time.
Bush is considered a bad president for starting 2 wars on a credit card. Hitler started a world war on a NONEXISTENT credit card.

The Weimar republic was showing every sign of recovery even after the treaty of Versailles, and then Hitler took advantage of a fucking fire to seize power and pass the enabling act.

Holocaust aside, he ruined any chance Germany had for a recovery.

>5 trillion dollars of fiat money pumped into the economy all at once will fix everything.

yes yes! The best part was when whites fought each other. like on this board sometimes

Hitler's policy hurt German people just as much as it hurt their enemies, if not more so.
If it weren't for him, Germany would've remained a sovereign nation throughout the 20th century and the EU would be completely unnecessary. Israel wouldn't be a state and there would be far fewer tensions in the middle East.

Instead of being a Manufacturing Craftsman I became a Culinary Craftsman.

My only other choice was to become a craftsman of death.

We should honestly seize and redistribute their wealth before they can hide it overseas.

>The Weimar republic was showing every sign of recovery
>Weimar republic
the same republic where millifenigs were like toilet paper
nice historical revisionism you got there faggot

What was so wrong about his economic policy? It seemed to be working out until the UK, US, and USSR came to the (((coincidential))) rescue of the European Jewish population.

If everything was going well under Weimer, then why did Nazism change anything?

>Holocaust aside

>Trump is the obnoxious 70 year old real life version of Richie Rich

The monetary base has increased more than 3 fold. Those trillions sitting in the banks weren't taken out of the economy. They were out there from the feds checkbook. The velocity of money has remained fairly consistent despite quantitative easing because interest rates are so low.
If people started spending all of that money that was created just to sit in the banks would end up with hyperinflation
That's why everyone is so worried about rising interest rates. Small rises could lead to a big problem. And as I mentioned in Primum non nocere

>Germany would've remained a sovereign nation throughout the 20th century
Forever indebted to France, the UK, the US, and Russia, which is was anyway after WW2 thanks to (((them))).

The intent for the establishment of the State of Israel was illustrated in the Balfour Declaration of 1918 after the partition of the Ottoman territories.

>cut taxes across the board
>government revenue drops like a stone
>wonder why the deficit and national debt are so high
>bitch and moan when Democrats come into power to clean up your mess

Republican logic.

No tax, no revenue. Simple as that.

By the way, my grandmother grew up in Nazi Germany. As a little girl, she saw old ladies carrying baskets full of worthless paper money to bakeries to buy a few loaves of bread. Hitler changed that. He turned Germany from a nation of perpetual paupers into the most fearsome war machine this world had since faced (before the Jews threw their weight behind the US, that is).

Not an argument.

I heard something like that before

He invested in public infrastructure while at the same time restricting foreign capital inflow because he didn't want his Reich to be built with Jewish money.
Unfortunately, Germany had very little resources and absolutely no credit with his policies. What little capital they did have was invested towards infrastructure and military production. Everyone was working, but nobody knew their paychecks were worthless. All Germany had to show for all of their massive growth was new roads and a massive stockpile of military equipment. You can't eat bullets and tanks can't sustain an economy, so what choice did Hitler have other than to invade? He really wanted the Balkans, since they had the oil fields that German production required. Unfortunately for him again, Germans were very inefficient. They preferred quality over quantity, so there was a lot of waste. They made really good shit, but they couldn't make enough of it to keep up with what was necessary of Hitler's war machine.

Hypothetically, if Hitler had conquered the Allies, it could be speculated that he could restructure production based on the logistics of his newfound Lebensraum, however every example of his policy suggests the opposite would happen.
He'd need to win the war to avoid another economic crash.

It's called a boom and bust cycle. the booms are just as dangerous as the busts

Are you unfit or what.

>Raise taxes
>Corporations leave or keep money offshore
>Give to middle class
>raise minimum wage
>Make trade deals for big corporations
>can't afford materials because outsource
>Have to cut labor costs, outsource labor

It's like complain there are too many major league teams, so you develop minor league teams to play in the Olympics you're advocating for.

You people are Africa tier autists. the rich will never flee America because in any other country they would be jailed for their business practices

>He took them from poor people to people with jobs
Yeah but then he took them from people with jobs to people being bombed.

And then they became poor people who were bombed and now they no longer have control of a sovereign government.

But sure, he definitely made Germany so much better. You do know there is a reason he lost the war, and it's not because of his ideology on jews


>Hitler started a world war

Opinion: Discarded.

The treaty of Versailles was aggressive, but the economies of other central European countries affected by the treaty were improving as well without the need of Hitler's fascist policies. That is, until he invaded.

Besides, there are easier ways of renegotiating the terms of a treaty without starting the largest war in human history

>What do smart money

Why post a pic that doesn't even have correct engrish?

>but nobody knew their paychecks were worthless
You mean like with all fiat currencies? Our money is only worth as much as the ammo we can buy with it.

>All Germany had to show for all of their massive growth was new roads and a massive stockpile of military equipment.
And a booming agriculture sector. How do you think they were able to feed a massive conscripted invasion force for six years.

>Unfortunately for him again, Germans were very inefficient. They preferred quality over quantity, so there was a lot of waste.
Which is why the Germans are known the world over for efficiency, right? And what about toward the end of the war? Did they care so much about quality then? No. They only ever cared about winning for their familes and their nation.

Read up on NatSoc economic policy sometime. I'm sure it will expand your wrinkled Jewish mind.

Sometimes things are not what they seem.


>but nobody knew their paychecks were worthless
You mean like with all fiat currencies? Our money is only worth as much as the ammo we can buy with it.

>All Germany had to show for all of their massive growth was new roads and a massive stockpile of military equipment.
And a booming agriculture sector. How do you think they were able to feed a massive conscripted invasion force for six years.

>Unfortunately for him again, Germans were very inefficient. They preferred quality over quantity, so there was a lot of waste.
Which is why the Germans are known the world over for efficiency, right? And what about toward the end of the war? Did they care so much about quality then? No. They only ever cared about winning for their familes and their nation.

>He'd need to win the war to avoid another economic crash.
Just like the US needed to win to survive its "boom and bust cycle," and like the UK needed to win to survive at all.

The Jews are just as dangerous as any economic theory because they control economies.

See He needed war. He might have had his reasons for who to invade and when, and it's not like all of their enemies were innocent, but he created a war machine long before anyone declared war. You don't build the kind of war bubble that he did without expecting to start a war, let alone simply participate

Being bombed wasn't Hitler's choice. That was Adelaide's and later Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin's.

And yes, he lost the war because of Jews. That what the whole idea, Schlomo. Don't try to distract from that.

Vote Trump to end the planet in nuclear holocaust
See what I did? The same stupid bullshit you did. Kill yourself

>That's the number one rule in health care...

He wanted only Lebensraum for his people. All of Europe united in their own national identities, working together to bring civilization and order with their allies around the world.

And what war was there before the UK declared it in the name of the falsehood that is Poland? None. All the Germanic states welcomed unification under the Reich with open arms, but when the Poles detested, then the British got involved, then the Americans, then their old friends the "Russians".

Hitler never declared war, only reclaimation.

>Our money is only worth as much as the ammo we can buy with it
No, our money is worth as much of anything we can buy with it. In Nazi Germany, there wasn't enough to buy. They literally didn't want help, but they didn't have enough resources

>And a booming agriculture sector
Nazi agricultural was some of the most inefficient agriculture in recorded history. Why do you think they stressed the importance of Lebensraum?

They're known for quality, not efficiency.
If we both have to make a car, and I make 10 cars with the amount of time and not much more resources as it takes you to build one, who was more efficient?
Sure your car runs way better than any of my 10, but if we each had 10 people who needed cars you'd be considered inefficient.

Hitler notoriously hated assembly lines and thought mass production was a joke.

At the peak of the war, Nazi Germany's military had just over 16 motor vehicles for every 1000 German citizens. Within a couple years, the US increased their arsenal to over 200 motor vehicles for every 1000 US citizens.

Like I said, there's a reason he lost the war

and why is the budget so high in the first place? obviously programs would be cut if taxes are cut too, that's the whole point, retard

I'd like to see proofs of your various claims.

It's the number one rule in a lot of things.
Economic policy
Health care
Cooking salmon

It's a very applicable statement

Nutrition is very important to me, and the elements that our body are made of come from the food that we eat.

My hobbies are Alchemy and Gardening and I am also a Solider at heart.

I try the strongest version of myself I can be.

>Cooking salmon

Fully Jewish

They require access to an academic library. I can give you citations but it's not something you can find on Google right away.

Hitler literally had plans to invade the Balkans in 1938, an entire year before he invaded Poland. Like I said, it is well known that he recognized Germany didn't have enough resources to sustain it's economy after such a rapid rate of growth

>Not being /fit/


>Just let him invade and take your resources guys! He doesn't want your help through trade though, he wants to take it for himself.
>But it's not his fault he won't accept any of the help he needs!
The German people were good people who died for a madman with terrible economic policy. You don't care about the German people, you just hate the Jews. You just want to be edgy

thank you Brother Khan.

>Anyway, how do you like it?

Its satisfying and there are benefits like waitresses and hostesses ect.

I don't have a stake in this but if you have the names of some books regarding this subject that you trust I'd be interested

SUUUREEEE she will raise taxes for the 1% rich and not for the entire white middle class.


>>Be Hillary
>>Be 1%'er
>>Take millions in donations from Banks and Wall Street
>>Talk lots of shit about "Fair share"
>>Tax the fuck out of the middle class to pay for gibbs.
Did I miss anything?