New poll from today

New poll from today.

Drumpf is reaching record lows among intelligent voters but is still doing well among the genetically inferior, low-IQ, evolutionary dead-end, subhuman waste of society.

Although the intellectually-challenged human garbage that make up the vast majority of his supporter base seemed to have enjoyed his pathetic performance in yesterday's debate, today marks the undeniable point in the election where there will be no more rational individuals supporting the Republican candidate and where the electorate will be entirely divided between highly evolved, highly aesthetic, highly intelligent and educated, productive, genetically superior future humans on Hillary's side and smelly, shitty, deplorable, shameful, unpleasant, nasty, barely human, unadapted, unevolved filth supporting Drumpf.

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I'm a recent college grad and it's my opinion that 70% of college programs fail to make its student more intelligent in almost any way.

College does however make people more liberal.


Why are liberals so dysgenic?

Fuck off leaf

For a liberal you have some pretty far-right views.

It's funny cause it's true

> but is still doing well among the genetically inferior, low-IQ, evolutionary dead-end, subhuman waste of society.

Not pulling any punches there Canada, eh?

High energy post.

It's not really in the republicans interest to invest in education..... They'll basically be creating people who won't vote for them.

Average liberal right here.
>Calls conservatives subhuman

Your image (nor the study) make no mention of IQ, let alone all the buzzwords you tossed in'

as someone with a college degree (Economics/Math double major) college is a nothing more than a real life meme. I'm glad I went, but it was certainly unnecessary. it becomes even more unnecessary if you indebt yourself (or your parents) so that you can go

I work in construction management. it is infinitely more satisfying than any desk jobs I've worked. literally watching something be constructed as a direct result of your actions brings me pleasure that very few things can


>see, I'm using your memes! I'm totally not a shill

>highly aesthetic

>call Trump voters genetically inferior, low-IQ, evolutionary dead-end, subhuman waste of society

>Wonder why nobody takes HillShills seriously

And then there's the fact that he used "highly evolved" unironically.

Wew, what intelligent Hillary supporters. I'm now With Her.

I didn't think I used any meemees, roodypoo.

Enjoy your 0.5 euro, or whatever they fucking use for currency in your Islamic proxy state

>0.5 shekels have been deposited in your account

Have you even been to college?

Left-wingism is a plague.

Trump's path to victory is closed. Period.

Still? You are still here? You've been in almost every thread since the fucking debate. Do you even sleep?

I don't have a colege dagree. Plz splain what this means

Thanks for your great cyber efforts, really thanks you're great isnt he great really The Donald has donated 20 rubles into the vetted fund of your choice.

No. 0.0000005BTC has been deposited in YOUR account, nimble America employee.

hows hillary doing with "genetically inferior, low-iq subhumans"

you know who i'm talking about ;0

"America is a classless society"

Yeah. Okay son, whatever you say.

Love your Old Man.


So Trump won the nigger vote? Nice...

I would love to do that, but here, let me get you a Donald Trump explaining that for you.


>still in college
>tfw I'll instantly prefer clinton once I graduate

Canadians are smart. They can figure a way to make anything about how much they love faggots. That's resourceful.

Lol debate literally did nothing to the numbers

This only proves how worthless a degree is. If you look at by income like you'll see that the actually successful people vote Trump.

You don't care about people. Stop pretending that you do.
>bill clinton literally stole Haiti's oil for the clintons
>clinton foundation stole the aid money
>clinton foundation controls Haiti's politics
>calls out for black America to wake up against the democrats
>UN spread Cholera in Haiti
>entire Haiti aid effort was a giant globalist scam
>ancap tent city literally has better living conditions than foreign aid funded cities
>entire economy destroyed by foreign governments
>various organizations waste resources on pointless commie shit
>Former Haitian president during the Bill Clinton admit names the Clintons
>clintons tried to bribe and intimidate him
>clinton Foundation stole 98% of donations meant for Haiti
>calls for Trump to publicly demand Clinton Foundation audit of Haiti Earthquake donations

C's get degrees.


Thanks for Correcting The Record pako. 2 shekels have been deposited to your account.

>going to college makes you intelligent
>most stories about college kids are about them doing stupid things

what a nice and constructive discussion going on in this thread, too bad OP is a faggot
Sage goes in a l l f i e l d s

Oh look another horrible thread by a fellow Canadian.

Please range ban us for the good of the site.

>replacement level on a graph about word comprehension


You do understand that college grad includes all those retards doing

>Gender Studies
>Social Justice
>Gay and lesbian studies

Basically around 50% of courses these days could be passed by a retarded gibbon if they parrot their professors bullshit and don't ask questions


Oh my God it's so fucking poetic. America gives no fucks about education and the consequence is Feral adolescence in the cities and morons in the heartlands and the CHERRY ON THE FUCKING CAKE IS THEY ELECT AN IDIOT AS PRESIDENT!

oh shit man, this stuff is writing itself.

College kids intelligent.


You mad nigger?





It's also worth noting that most fact-checking websites have denied most of the funds towards Haiti being overhead. Vice did a good job at really uncovering the reality of he crisis -- in the fact that the only investment that these donors have are in favor for the PR and that almost -no victims at all- benefitted from the billion-dollar fundraiser.

cool so all the welfare queen sheboons and millenial SJW cucks without jobs support hillary for the gibs, while the middle class full of hard working people support trump

its almost like the middle class and top class are tired of paying for the fucking low class