The world ended in 1945


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in 1914

t. stormweenee

>I will never be able to fight in the Wehrmacht for Führer und Vaterland

feels bad man

you shouldn't have killed so many jews in your polish concentration camps, or else a lot of people today still would admire national-socialism

The world ended when Poland was founded, slavnigger snowmonkey

Say what you want about Hitler, but he did manage to kill a lot of Jews

>/our guy/ with kek


>we could have had a developed, industrialised first world Imperial Russia
>Instead we got the Soviet Union

>Polish nazi

Kill yourself you fucking disgrace

t. tyrone in okinawa



post pics of ur self lad

im honestly curious on how ppl like u look like desu also ppl on Cred Forums who call us ugly beady anglos

1918 and 1945 were the years where the white race did more damage to themselves than any horde of Muslims, Dindu's, and Spics could ever accomplish in a millennium.

well atleast they builded relatively cool metro

What do you mean?
I love Adolf Hitler and I wanna fight for the Aryan Race okay?

Finland would have been better off if instead of commieshits the Russians stayed white. Assuming of course, that we still had our independence.

hello cuck

>nazis were 100% for German superiority, lebensraum im osten, getting rid of slavs
>a Pole who is against nazis is a cuck

Annoying neo nazi fuck

Did you forget what Hitler did to your ancestors and countrymen?

I could see it. Jews were probably space invaders sent to destroy life on earth and steal it as thier own.

All the wierd diseases and illness they're born with obviously unearthly, the lack of empathy for others, thinking they're above all others, that They're superior beings, they've been trying to settle thier own Jew lands, wants world control, but to shit up the world and destroy it. Idk man


Like they were trying to get rid of the jews so they fed them for months so they survived and allies managed to rescue them from "death" camps?

it was just banter mate
he didnt mean it

What did he do? Take communists and jews in the camps? How were rapey Russians any better?

Take a look at my country. Barely any Slovenian died by the hands of nazis yet more than 20,000 were murdered by communists right after war and several thousand during the war too.

By our own commies who then gave our land to Italy and sucked Serbian cock.

>if you aren't a pathetic stormweenie neo nazi ur a cuck!!

Kill yourself


American education

Finland is not a part of Scandinavia.
Just what I'd expect of a burger.

Well yeah. They originally wanted to deport all the Jews, Madagascar as their prime target. That plan failed, so they kind of just got stuck in the camps. Some were killed, some started dying with typhus spreading and supplies being too valuable to give to enemies of the state. Then the war ended.

Hitler shouldn't have triggered the Anglo. The Anglo always wins, even when he loses.

Pretty much, we can still revive it though.

Calling the Nazis out on their deeds doesn't mean you support the communists, you know.


I feel bad for you, fenno-ugric brother

Good little sissy cuck. Suck that BBC whitey

I'm starting to genuinely believe that this was the case, that WW2 was the prophesied final battle between good and evil.

WW1 was the preamble, it could have been a simple protracted territorial conflict that ended amicably for all sides. We could have kept our empire, Russia wouldn't have fallen to the commies, Austria would still be a monarchy as would Germany. Things would have gone on as they were supposed to if it wasn't for dumfuck kike run American cunts running in and ruining everything like they always do.

If you look at things objectively, America and the U.S.S.R are the two main villains of the 20th century, have caused far more damage than any other country combined by far.

The U.S. dropped nukes on Japan and did fuck knows what to the worlds atmosphere. Not to mention the ridiculous nuclear testing that they carried out in the 50's and 60's. I don't even want to guess what the truth is behind what those cunts got up to.

This was mirrored by the Soviet Union who did the same thing in their own tundras.

So basically we've got two lying kike run nations 'testing' nukes in a dick swinging contest whilst never really revealing the true effect it was having on the world.

I've been told that 'the worlds gone crazy' since I was a child and I used to think it was hyperbole but recently, with the INSANITY of the modern world, I'm starting to believe that it was an accurate aphorism.

I'm overwhelmed sometimes by how far we've come from natural order and a good life sometimes. I think we are living in the death throes of humanity, I think a major event is coming soon and it will greatly reduce the human population. We will start again a, slightly further on than when we started and the cycle will continue until we get it right.

It's not normal for human beings to kill themselves for no reason and to live empty lives with no resistance. It's not normal for people to be bloated, retarded, mentally ill and confused.

neo nazism isn't gonna win

It's expired

There needs to be something new and better, something that hasn't had its name actively tarnished by jewry since 1945

Stop trying to meme NatSoc into existence just because the foundation is there and the imagery is cool

>that picture is real

No one really cares if your shit tier Scandinavian or not it's not something worth really talking about

The world ended in 1

Why are these Viking niggers always so soft and weak?

i fucking wish

Yes, and Russia still is under soviet occupation. 100 years of shit. Who will pay for it?
You are much more concerned over fictional 6 mln of kikes than 26 mln of russians who died during soviet occupation.

sorry to burst your bubble

What are you rambling on about? I'm concerned about Finland and Soviets have been nothing but bad news and worse deeds for this nation.

>posting that crude Jew photoshop

>this much damage control.

3 Reichs and you're out :^)

Neither side is or was good or evil. Both wars were just groups of people fighting others for their own benefit and for the sake of their own ideologies. Both sides fucked everything up for Europe and both sides are to blame for the situation we are in.

for some, like the invading armies, the raping party just got started in 1945, all those little Nazi tasties

I see good as representing tradition and evil as representing low minded progressiveness so in my mind there was a clear good/evil dichotomy.

I care about you Russia, even if it's somewhat in self interest.

I think it's a shame what Bolshevism brought to your country, I think Russians are pretty good people teebz

Arkadiusz pls


But neither war was about defending tradition. Both were waged for the sole benefit and profit of their own nations and peoples, leading to the degeneration of all of Western Europe's values and traditions. In just two wars, jingoism has utterly managed to undermine the entirety of Europe.

What deeds you kikemaster 2000? Holohoax never happend

>nazis tossed Jews into camps to starve and suffer epidemies including typhys
>none of them died

is there anything more pathetic than a pole idolizing Hitler and the third Reich?

I mean polish people are pretty dumb yeah but even they shouldn't be this dumb

Oh, I wasn't actually talking about the Holocoaster in that post. Just in general about Germans invading neighbouring countries and killing locals. The whole lebensraum im osten deal.

better be a little dumb than a cuck

>is there anything more pathetic
yes, shitting in your pants in Walmart

I always wonder where our societies would be today. Surely there always were assholes around but I don't think it would be such a rude and cold public as I notice nowadays. People would hold open doors, greet each other with a hearty "Grüß Gott" (Good day!) and they would know not to yell in their mobile phones on the bus. Kids certainly wouldn't sit next to each other fixed on their little monitors on school trips but be busy playing sheephead or singing folksongs.

Do you guys think that a renaissance of some form is possible? It's seems impossible when half the population is made up of foreigners.

>we can still revive it though
Not likely considering the swastika and nazism in general have become popular symbols for evil in this judaized culture.

t. smallweenie

Doesent really matter to me. I would be fine living under Germany in 20th century since we were Serbs bitch as soon as we broke "free".

At least under Germans we were getting something back and not just getting scammed and fucked over.

Even today we are not a free country.

OY VEEY 6 trillion poles were gassed by Hitlur
you pathetic goy

Hitler was so narcissistic that 71 years later people are still being narcissistic on his behalf.

1945 was the year in which we finally triumphed over the 'Master race' of Aryans.

Some master race they were!

And now we are reaping the benefits. Rest in PISS Germany.

>is there anything more pathetic than a pole idolizing Hitler and the third Reich?

Only a dumb american brainwashed by his kike-controlled media.

This is the real answer.

Alternatively, 1789.

>It's not normal for human beings to kill themselves for no reason and to live empty lives with no resistance. It's not normal for people to be bloated, retarded, mentally ill and confused.

You're right, you know.

We got to where we are by the cruel mistress of nature.

Retards, pin-heads ,cripples, tribe could carry that dead weight.

You dealt with the material world on its terms, or you fucking croaked.

Of all basic goddamn things, people are getting creative with their sexual identity. The one thing which actually propogates genes, male/female fucking, is mocked and questioned.


We deserve a massive culling. I really can't think of anyone who deserves much of a break either.

>And now we are reaping the benefits.
Yeah, like Pakis raping your sister and future daughters while your country as well as France and Germany become a European caliphate.

UK fought on the wrong side.

I'm moving to Israel after this place goes to shit mate.

>And now we are reaping the benefits.

The holohoax survivor pensions?

The world ended in 1865

Hello Ivan

You kikes did not defeat anyone and you are still butthurt over being forced to work in camps.

Interesting choice. I'm a Kraut and still considering where to go. Thought about some white region in the US for the low taxes. Can't bear seeing my Heimat destroyed any longer or even fund the shitskins by paying taxes there.
If there'll be civil war, I will fight there.

>I'm moving to Israel after this place goes to shit mate.

It˙s not Ivan. It˙s shekelberg Junior. Probably bald at 22 and with dysfunctional dick

You are a moron. He just implied that he was a jew. Also USA is the least safe place for whites to be.

They don't call Versailles the peace to end all peace for nothing. Not only did it end the Austrian and German empire but we have to keep the Ottomans in mind too. They were another great empire that is in many ways up to par with today's Turkey if not even preferable to it. The whole region suffered from its destruction.

Then you have the Japanese that don't get the equal racial recognition which turns them sour.

The reason the Chinese become communists? Versailles! Nobody bothered to deal with them and they saw the communism as it rose in Russia as the new way to go.

Guess who else turned to communism and to fight against the west after Paris? That little Ho Chi Minh nobody wanted to listen to.

The mutilation of Hungary and the abomination of Czechoslovakia after Wilson's promise that all nations would be able to rule themselves was a straight farce. It was tinderbox just like the Germans that had now been arbitrarily put into Poland and to top it all of they decided to make Danzig, completely cut off from the rest of Germany like East Prussia, officially German.

According to A. J. P. Taylor the idea for Danzig came from John Maynard Keynes himself. Can you believe this shit? This guy has been dooming whole civilizations for over a century now!

Israel is the last bastion of the white race. We must move there and carry the white nation into the future.

WW1 was the apocalypse.
We're living in limbo right now.

I speak the language, the taxes are low. There are federal states with basically no googles.
But I'm not sure yet, it's quite hard. Also Argentine is supposed to have some regions filled with non-self loathing Germans.


For me as a German Nationalist, we are at war since 1914 and never had peace... for 102 years now. The means of warfare just changed over time, more subvertive after WW2.

>in your polish concentration camps
kek. don't troll the butthurt belt when poland finally isn't shitposting anymore.

pic related, your local "anti nazi" antifa.
Who's the Untermensch now, leftist cuck?

Very nice, that's the kind of attitude I expect both from russians and putin!
Fuck commie scum

>no slavs
>no people with disabilities

>For me as a German Nationalist, we are at war since 1914 and never had peace... for 102 years now. The means of warfare just changed over time, more subvertive after WW2.

Pretty accurate. I wish I was born 100 years earlier and seen the 30's in Germany. vid related

I know it would've been worth it.

>Do you guys think that a renaissance of some form is possible? It's seems impossible when half the population is made up of foreigners.
That's why I support the NWO. They want to depopulate earth down to around 500million, keep humans in balance and harmony with nature, keep only the productive, intelligent, creative and ingenuitive around.

At this point, Africa has grown from ~800million in population to +1.1billion in 2015, a 37.5% growth in just 15 years. We need some crazy hybrid super-plagues that only the richest & smartest can get access to the antidote, then let nature run its course... Or we could just stop sending them so much free shit.

>Or we could just stop sending them so much free shit

anyway 500 million is stupid. large gene pool variations in a species is an evolutionary asset.

more people in more places makes it more likely humans survive some near extinction events which WILL happen eventually.

You got to be real careful. The much smarter choice would be places like Puerto Rico if you are looking for low taxes. The commonwealth nations are still ranking above the United States in The Human Freedom Index.

>Did you forget what Hitler did to your ancestors and countrymen?

>UK and US use Poland as bait to start a war
>We fight to protect Poland
>UK give Poland to the Communists occupiers in the percentages agreement from 1944
>Did you forget what Hitler did to your ancestors and countrymen?

It's like when you tell your cousin to start shit with a pack of Nazis claiming you'll have his back when in reality you have already paid off your Mongol neighbours to rape your cousin the moment he is beaten down while trying to beat the Nazi pack with the paid mongols after watching the massacre... and then blaming the Nazis for starting the shit.

whats wrong with today era? feel bad that couple of blacks stealing all white women? well its not like you cn do anything with that. its natural. they have larger penises which can provide more pleasure to them.

This sounds much better.

Every time people start talking about population control or environmental protection they're getting into a megalomaniac mood real quick. What the fuck should we care about how many people live in Africa? Just don't import them.
These guys who keep advocating for what is nowadays called social engineering aren't much better than the genocidal maniacs of the last century. Why can't people stop bothering others anymore?

I need some place where I can work as an engineer and pay low taxes. I really like investing and want to live from my dividends some sunny day.
One I have that kind of money, Puerto Rico or DomRep would of course be a good choice.

Here, have a video of Berlin before the "anti-fascists" destroyed it.

The world ended in 1914

For jews, it just started

Welcome as slave labour after your jewish politicians and kikes in the mass media subvert their countries into destroying themselves?

I know, user, I know

The White race, prior to the outbreak of WW2, had been in a steady decline since the French Revolution, which ushered in the kosher values of Liberty and equality. The whole purpose of starting the Great War was to acquire land in Palestine for the Zionist faction, and to topple the Tsar, and all of the remaining monarchs for the Marxist faction, which would pave the way for a one world goverment.

The fate of the White race was decided long before 1945. Hitler was nothing more than a rebel who led a slave revolt against his Jewish masters. Hitler was the first person in the history of mankind to nearly shatter the power of international Jewry, but he failed and his people paided the ultimate price.

The Jews are the masters of this globalized world, and are driving the White race to extinction.

I would have loved to see all the huge Nazi rallys and flags... but I also find this very impressive...... and very very sad at the same time:

nigger Germany literally conducted acts of war against us in World War I and Japan unironically bombed us in World War II. you can't fucking blame us you slimy kike

Tfw theres been two race wars and we lost both

>us civil war


Hitler considered your people slaves.

The funny thing is that one of my American coworkers just moved from Sweden (or one of the other northern countries) to Germany and he and his wife were surprised at what they thought were low prices until they got caught into the transitional hangup.

But one of the thing that bothers him the most is losing his American passport. They sure make it hard for people to get one but it's supposedly a lot of trouble to lose it too. I'm just pointing this out because once you move and you get the opportunities it's not unwise to stay mobile and an American citizenship is a huge burden nowadays when you intend to stay out of the United States.


Might makes right. Survival of the strongest. The weak shall inherit nothing.

Thats why I wish I was born 100 years earlier. Better fight for that than live in this golden but rotting cage.

Not everything is Berlin in that video. Theres also footage of Munich. Feldherrenhalle.

Dresden in the thirties. That channel is great btw.

>Tfw theres been two race wars and we lost both
>us civil war

US civil war was for economic reasons, free the niggers was just Union Propaganda to get more soldiers. And WW2 was Capitalism vs NatSoc/Fascism vs Communism. The real race war will be the next one, when in WW3 the European race will united and fight a bloody battle for their survival... probably within the next 20 years. The apocalypse is on its way and there is no way to stop it, just prepare accordingly.

>gruss gott

literally allahusnackbar


Yup. We know EU will implode at some point.
Also China's economy is too debt-riddled to have any chances of recovery.

And shit is going to hit the fan. Better have spare clothes to change to after the hit.

10 shekels have been deposited to your bank account.
>goy must not see the real picture

you have to respect that civilised Europe can greet people like this and it has nothing to do with your childfucker allahmuhhamad, cause its our culture

Jesus Christ.


you are slavshit polak untermensch

you would have been scoured and exterminated like flies if the nazis won

dont be all uppity with those subhuman genes now


The world ended when money started being more important than the people that produced it.

>some shitty video of prussian kids playing to inception soundtrack


you fucking revanchist germancucks are ridiculously pathetic, it hurts even laughing at you

Pedo priests killed Catholicism in the western world.

That isn't London you stupid nigger

>Entire world gangs up on one nation
>They almost win anyway

Who were the weak ones?

At least we're not Turkroaches. Ever been to that shitty palace in Istanbul? Every rifle, every watch, every painting, everything of significance in that fucking palace is either imported from Germany, France, UK or Russia because your useless breed of sand people can't do anything properly except praising a 1000 year old liar and sodomy.

Let that be the hour where we draw swords together, Hans


You do know that your heritage is too low on the scale of relevance that nobody can take your insults seriously? Why do you even bother posting on here? Literally everyone hates you, low IQ parasite.

Well, that changes everything.

>where we draw swords together homo right?

But yes, we will cleanse the brown horde from our continent.

nope, you yuropoors are fucked and stupid. you wouldn't even want it anyway. people hold open doors for each other and smile at stranger all the time in the usa. that's not enough for you stupid peasants though. it's always fake and inauthentic because mentally your government has fucked you so much that you can't fathom the concept of common decency. i pity you people, i truly do

You do realize that "Good day!" (Guten Tag!) is just another locally phrased version of a blessing with the same meaning?

pretty sure that's church road

also there's an 020 area code on that stand

Can you come over here and help us afterwards? It's getting niggerier by the day, but we still have a lot of untainted white blood. You'll have to hurry, of course. By 2100 we'll all be dead or blacked, and with us the white race.

nah there is too many good things happened in XIX century. there still was a culture, architecture, music, art. 1914 meant the end of everything

Is it wagner at the end?

>w-which symphony is that?

>pretty sure that's church road

Not anymore. It's Mosque Road now.

>Can you come over here and help us afterwards?

Well you might be fucked, because your country is full of guns and whites vs rest is nearly 50/50... that doesn't look too good. Your civil war would be won through mass starvation of relevant populated areas, not by direct warfare.... that would cost too many lifes. But yes, we will send supplies to nationalist propaganda to you guys.

I looked it up, it is indeed

>Tannhäuser, WWV 70, I: "Overture"

This pretty much sums it up. it's why I'm moving to Asia. I stopped being confused and mentally ill, and realized that Asians with their homogenous societies had their shit together, married a Nip, had nip kids and plan on immigrating and pretending to be nip myself. I hate this country. You guys America is dead. Get out. It's nothing like even I remember in the 80s. I feel sorry for young people who never lived during a time in America when people had even a semblance of respect for FUCKING WHITE MALES. I'm gone. Fuck this country.

Every year we celebrate armistice.

noun: armistice; plural noun: armistices
an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time;

Stop fighting for a certain time.

War never ends.

that's a cute charls

I wish Poland joined forces with Third Reich.


It's really 1945 but Versailles caused WWII.

Why 1945 alone? Did the rest of the war not count?

I don't see how. The common man in countries filled with Hispanics, blacks, and Arabs has never thrived. And that's about to be all of them but Asia, and the common man isn't any better there, save for maybe Japan.

"Nazi" is a Jewish term created in the USA. Real National Socialists will NEVER call themselves by that name.

Neo-Nazi are controlled opposition honeypots for disenfranchised youths. The senior leadership all work for the government. Same applies to ANTIFA and Black Bloc.

This is "art" in 2016 in the year of our lord.

We've now come full circle lads. We are now in the 1920's all over again.

>If there'll be civil war, I will fight there.
Incredible! Everywhere people are preparing for this. 'Hope this will be before my old days.

In 1812

now i'm confused. You guys are mental. Every political movement is a jewish creation, so what next?
You gonna create a party? Guess what? You'll be another jewish puppet.
So you create a second party? Guess what? Another jewish puppet.. And the list goes on.
What the fuck I'm supposed to do then?

leave vojvodina alone gulas nigger

actually in 2001

since there have not been any major war since a long time in Europe, we should be good for it.
Who said we were the forgotten child of history?

I'd rather keep skydiving and base jumping instead of killing people and get myself shot. Even on a good day, my K/D ratio is not that impressive (my record is 30 to 1 on BF3) on FPS... So IRL....

nevertheless, that is britain

and this is hell?

>Why can't people stop bothering others >anymore?
Because we live on the same planet?
If someone drop's a shit in Bamako you might smell it as well.

Convert to Judaism, just make sure you go full Orthodox or you'll always be seen as just a goy.

>Butthurt Euro-fag detected

1914 was the really the beginning of the end for Europe being the center of geopolitics.

Europe became the pissing ground between USA and USSR now it is the pissing ground between Neo-Russian Empire and USA.

>British-fag detected who longs for the return of the British Empire's glory days during Victorian-era.

1994 for us.


>implying there's literally anything worth saving in America.

All you have that is remotely valuable is your constitution and even that is just a poor imitation of European Liberalism. America is a cultural vacuum.

>he doesn't know that Hitler greatly admired Pilsudski and his beef with the Poles was primarily Poland being gigantic dicks

You white people need a Samson option, If you're gonna die take your enemies with you. But on a serious note as long as keep your genes pure you can always rebuild.

This. It was the suicide of a generation and of the western civilization.

Goebbels saw it coming. Pic related.

It did for America
After that everything changed
Sometimes you can't reverse back to how it was before.

she is staring into the future she built for herself.

Union soldiers fought to end slavery and for the union. If they saw what was happening today I'm sure a lot would change their minds about it.

Nah, USA was the forefront of the "Enlightenment" movement. It marked the beginning of the end of colonialism in the western hemisphere.

USA is full of natural resources and arable land protected by two vast oceans.

It was a foregone conclusion that USA would become a geopolitical juggernaut that it is today. USA "inherited" the British Empire after WWII.

Nah, most union soldiers fought to retain the USA. Most confederate soldiers fought for the state rights of their home states.

The casus belli for USA in the American Civil War was the secession of southern states.



>Did you forget what Hitler did to your ancestors and countrymen?

it was just a prank bro

it is you stupid nigger lover cuck



seriously, we should stop interfering and leave them to their own devices. they want to be free, independent countries? then do it yourself.

that one actually made me laugh


I would serve here as well,
holocaust didnt happen you brainwashed cucks


You wish for a major event because it would bring catharsis, and renewal. I think no such thing will happen. Technology in both virtual reality and genetics will transform most of us into an unrecognizable species. We are on the cusp of the Kali Yuga. Then darkness, for a very long time.



>muh dick
yeah fuck you guys I have a small dick but what does that matter. At least I don't worship hitler like you retards.

This is why me and many others are voting Hillary Clinton this election

thats why he fucked up the luftwaffe, got fat as a pig, stole art and gold from half of europe and insisted to wage silly operations to enrich his ego thus wasting tons of resources and undermining the German war effort?

Luigi, you're thinking of Goering, not Goebbels.


>being this new

You are too, and the people who agree with you.

>Superior European education

To be fair, that image is misleading, as it has a Luftwaffe helmet in it.

> Correct date is April 9th 1865.

youre not that far off....alot of old timers i know really think that jews are a satanic race.


The world ended in 410

This. Fuck it's depressing.

for the romans, it did. For the Anglo, it was only the beginning

World War 1 was the happening.

We are now living in 'The Road'

pewdiepie will lead the 4th reich

check digits

WW1 triggered 2. So really 1918

We're not dead yet


>was zum Teufel hast du gerade zu mir gesagt, was, die du kleine Schlampe