Trumped up trickle down economics

>Trumped up trickle down economics
What the fuck did she mean by this?

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some metaphor for her frustration with leaky diapers. depends have to step up their game and release stronger models that can support her hefty shits

>thinking trickle down economy helps ordinary people

You couldn't use one of the other 50 debate threads?

guys i dont know if you know math but tickle down economics does not work.
20-80 rule applied here and that means the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer

Trump's plan isn't even "trickle down economics."

His tax cuts go across all income brackets and focusing on bringing back the manufacturing base brings back wealth producing jobs that provide from the bottom up.

A fucking brutal attempt at a forced meme. I physically cringed.
Yeah, let's raise taxes on the rich, it's not like they already dodge taxes by operating out of foreign countries and hiding money in overseas accounts, there's no way they'll leave the country, r-right g-guys?

Pokemon GO to the polls

>a percentage-based tax cut gives the wealthy, who already pay the most taxes by far, a larger cut than it does to people who pay little to no taxes

No shit. But yeah, it was a pretty cringey moment for her. You could tell she was so proud of herself when she came out with that line.

she meant this

>What the fuck did she mean by this?
A meaningless retweetable phrase

She spent $30,000 to have someone write that for her.

You're being ironic, right?

>not understanding how tax is a percent
>not understanding how rich the rich can be

Please tell me you're being ironic.

thank god I took stats 101 and can identify obviously biased scaling

This, she was so sure it was going to work too because all the girls in the office laughed when she practiced it.

uh what
you do know that shows that everyone gets a tax cut

the 95-99 percent can't get a tax cut of 200,000 if they don't even fucking make 200,000

The bitch is trying to coin a phrase that sticks such as Lyin' Ted or Crooked Hillary.

Funny thing is. Rich ppl tend to actually pay their taxes when the rate is lower than the loss from hiding it and tax rev from them goes up.

Really what do you think the wealthy do, take that money and shove it up their ass? Do you actually think that money disappears you fucking mongoloid?
>Muh Cayman Islands
No, it goes back into the economy AS LONG AS it's an economy that treats them well. Companies expanding and investing creates jobs better than Joe would with an extra $200 this month

And I think Secretary Clinton and myself would agree very much, when you look at what ISIS is doing with the internet, they're beating us at our own game. ISIS. So we have to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is a, it is a huge problem. I have a son.

He's 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers, it's unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe it's hardly doable. But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing, but that's true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester and certainly cyber is one of them.

>>Trumped up trickle down economicsWhat the fuck did she mean by this?
His plans are more harmful than trickle down economics.

You're a retard.

It look good if you're a billionaire.

Wow you're right, instead we should raise taxes, because when you tax people the money goes to the government and then they redistribute it.

Oh, but wait, that isn't what happens at all. What actually happens is that the US budget is provided at the start of the fiscal year by the Federal Reserve in the form of a LOAN. Your tax dollars actually go to paying off the INTEREST on that fucking loan.

But wait, who is the loan from? Oh no, could it be, A BUNCH OF JEWISH BILLIONAIRE BANKERS?

Newsflash retard, taxing the 1% to help the poor doesn't work when you actually just give all the money to the .0001%.

I want to imagine how fucking stupid you must look to the bankers. Every tax dollar ends up in their pockets. You hate them. You say "we'll show you!" so you RAISE taxes. You give them more money. They laugh and count it in front of them. "WE'LL GET YOU THIS TIME!" you screech, and raise taxes again.

Never-ending cycle of leftist stupidity.

she was trying to meme it into existence.

shame on her.

no kek for you, clinton

>implying this means anything

If I pay $10k in tax now, but the Trump plan knocks it down to $8k it's equivalent to a person going from $1m to $800k. Even though the dollar amount is drastically different it's still the same percentage.

I just don't see the point in demanding higher taxes on income. The result is usually just suppression of class mobility while those already holding large amounts of capital avoid the new tax completely, since most of their income is based on capital investments. It would be more effective to tax liquid capital to prevent huge sums of money stagnating instead of being invested but that's just creating an artificial spending bubble which drives up asset prices, making it harder for those without assets/capital to accumulate assets/capital. (See: negative interest rates)

>"Trickle-down economics", also referred to as "trickle-down theory", is a populist political term used to characterize economic policies as favoring the wealthy or privileged.
Learn to Google.

What did Clinton say about cyber warfare? I honsetly don't even remember because her voice put me to sleep.

shes throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks

it hasnt been sticking

thinking I gives a fuck about ordinary people

Trump's plan isn't even trickle down, lower and middle class get higher percent tax cuts than the rich, and the business tax is too high especially when you consider socialist shit holes in europe have a lower business tax.

She was just bursting at the seams to get out that prethought line her helpers came up with

So forced and pathetic

Why dont I get millions in savings?

>you dont have savings
>you gave all your money to bernie

The truth hurts.

The stupid cunt thinks shutting down Bill Clintoon's NAFTA and bringing the jobs back is trickle-down.

She means that her stupid husbands revamped community reinvestment act flooded the market with sub prime loans that ended up fucking us so bad.

Trickle down economics actually is proven bullshit. He's good on trade and shit on taxes.

>skype flag
>shilling against trickle down

Like pottery

This. Clinton is trying to equate Trump's populist plan with Reagan and Bush Jr's neocon trickle-down economics. The problem is that her plan is closer to the Gipper's than is Trump's plan.

>Really what do you think the wealthy do, take that money and shove it up their ass?
yes. Panama papers showed it to us

And yet Obama still managed to massively increase the denbts


>Well, I think cyber security, cyber warfare will be one of the biggest challenges facing the next president, because clearly we're facing at this point two different kinds of adversaries. There are the independent hacking groups that do it mostly for commercial reasons to try to steal information that they can use to make money.

>But increasingly, we are seeing cyber attacks coming from states, organs of states. The most recent and troubling of these has been Russia. There's no doubt now that Russia has used cyber attacks against all kinds of organizations in our country, and I am deeply concerned about this. I know Donald's very praiseworthy of Vladimir Putin, but Putin is playing a reallytough, long game here. And one of the things he's done is to let loose cyber attackers to hack into government files, to hack into personal files, hack into the Democratic National Committee. And we recently have learned that, you know, that this is one of their preferred methods of trying to wreak havoc and collect information. We need to make it very clear -- whether it's Russia, China, Iran or anybody else -- the United States has much greater capacity. And we are not going to sit idly by and permit state actors to go after our information, our private-sector information or our public-sector information.

>And we're going to have to make it clear that we don't want to use the kinds of tools that we have. We don't want to engage in a different kind of warfare. But we will defend the citizens of this country.

>And the Russians need to understand that. I think they've been treating it as almost a probing, how far would we go, how much would we do. And that's why I was so -- I was so shocked when Donald publicly invited Putin to hack into Americans. That is just unacceptable.

I can't post the last 2 sentences because I've reached the character limit.

Trickle down economics works and leads to better jobs and wages for workers.

He inherited the largest crysis in the western world for the past century. What were you really expecting him to do?

Where does this chart show the hit that (((they))) will take with his tax plan?

>Trickle-down economics", also referred to as "trickle-down theory", is apopulistpolitical term used to characterize economic policies as favoring the wealthy or privileged. There is no "trickle down" economics as defined by economists; the term is almost exclusively used by critics of policies with other established names.[3]It is usually associated with criticism of laissez-faire capitalism in general and more specifically supply-side economics.

Literally a Leftist buzzword.

Reagan never once mentioned it in any of his speeches.

"trickle down" was a favourite buzzword for Democrats, created by Democrats, to demonize supply side economics from some stupid book back in the '80s. Republicans were stupid enough to take the bait and try to defend it on their terms and it stuck. Hilldawg lives in the past and still likes to use this buzzword. It really doesn't mean anything except to stoke class envy.

What the fuck did you just fucking reportabout me, you little Trump supporter? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the DNC, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret assassinations of those who oppose me, and I have over 3000 deleted emails. I am trained in warfare against gorillas (specifically Harambe)and I’m the top candidate amongst my senpai, the hip young voters. You are nothing to me but just another whistleblower. I will shoot you twice in the back of the head with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of government agents and Chinese ambassadors across the Clinton Foundation and your IP is beingtraced right now so you better Pokemon Go to the polls, maggot. The polls that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call Donald’s campaign. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can have men anywhere, anytime, and I can have you killed in over seven hundred ways, and that’s without making it look like an accident. Notonly am I extensively trained in deleting emails, but I haveaccess to the entire arsenal of the Saudi military and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what Benghazi rage your little“clever” article was about to bring upon you, maybe you would have listened to me. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you silly goose. I will have seizures all over you and you will be severely annoyed.You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

yeah, Dims came up with it and said it more than an SJW says "racist".

China doesn't have trickle down economics. It has subsidized state capitalism, like america in the 40s-pre reagan

it's the best system for economic growth

How many manhours were involved in making that awful soundbite? How many nu-males and women were in a room trying to frantically come up with something that'll stick, but failed?

Iy looks bad if you have such a poor understanding of percentages that you don't know what the little symbol with the two circles with a line between them means.

>mexican peso

It's a play on words based on a popular modern economic theory.
I thought all the kids disappeared when school went back. :^[

I'd prefer a government that left me the fuck alone. If you rely on them to give you something they can take it away. It creates dependency and I liken dependency to slavery.

I'm pretty sure he is legit retarded just like most people who can't understand percentages.

Barely anyone knows this.

>trickle down Economics
>modern economic theory.

Apparently not.

It is trickle down, because increased business leads to better wages. The problem is that instead of the wealth trickling down on Americans, it's trickling down on the Chinese. that's what happens when consumers and workers are not the same people.

I'm a trump supporter and I dont give a shit about what hillary said.
I also am a math prodigy and I looked into "trickle down economics" and I proved to my whole class that it doesn't work.
I don't give a shit about your politics im coming with math facts you retards

No it doesn't help ordinary people. It helps hard working people who depend on skill, merit, and good ol' american entrepreneurship to move them into higher income brackets. Go collect your autism bux, gook.

Again, there's no such thing. Reagan didn't employ it, it was propaganda created by Democrats.

>Still using "trickle down" even after multiple sources ITT saying it's a buzzword

>maple education

Do you really think that any economic policy change takes effect in a few minutes? How thick is that moose dick in your ear? What does CTR pay you in? Chink semen? Where will your new cuck shed be located now that the old one burned down? Why haven't you killed yourself yet? Have you stopped jerking your micro dick to r34 of chairman Mao? How do you expect to pay for your wife's seven sons since she manages to be so furtile for j'tyroniqus but never gave you a white child? Who did you talk to for this job? When will you learn that you're here forever and that you may as well defect from the "right side of history"?

>find out next time on faggot lead shill

Poor dumbass saves $5000 in taxes when he makes $25k a year then complains that someone who makes $10,000,000 a year saved $500,000, but doesn't understand that he saved 20% while the rich person only saved 5%


Are you really so uneducated you don't understand what she meant?

She's saying Trump will disproportional benefit the wealthy and continue to let the peasants quality of life go down.

Reaganomics is not popular with moderate voters and she's making the (valid) connection.

You know USA is running on a deficit? where will USA get the money to cover this tax breaks?

Well whatever you want to call it, it's still being sabotaged right now, because the money goes from consumers to businesses to workers, who are not the same as consumers. That's a dead-end street. The way it's supposed to work is that money goes from consumers to businesses to workers, who are also consumers, and the cycle continues.

So when Hillary talks about Trumped-up trickle-down, what he's really talking about is bringing the trickle back from China and putting it back on the American worker, where it needs to be for a functioning economy.

The way things are going now, we end up with pic related.

Poor people deserve to be poor. People from the 80's had incredibly good upwards income mobility, all thanks to Reagans "trickle down economics". The problem is only the hard-working people who deserved it were able to reap the benefits of the Reagan tax cuts. Trickle down economics doesn't work. What does work is making so that people can actually kepp and save there money year after year and use it later to make more money, instead of putting up walls where you make a whole bunch of money one year and then the next you're basically fucked because all that money was pulled away from underneath you.

Reaganomics is another buzzword.
He lowered taxes like JFK, that is all.

If Trump was going to benefit the rich they wouldn't all be supporting Hilldawg, especially the filthy rich globalists with idle wealth.

>What the fuck did she mean by this?

It's Hillary's way of saying her intention is to give us trickle up poverty if she becomes president.

It's an ignoratio elenchi.

Trickle down doesn't work, that much is true. But the catch that the Democratic establishment doesn't want people to figure out is that over-taxing the rich doesn't work either.

People don't get rich through government handouts. Handouts mostly go away once you are earning over 40k/yr anyways. Taxing the rich simply helps the poor eat with foodstamps and whatnot, but in return they stay poor because of low market incentive and jobs being shipped overseas thanks to globalization.

Government socialism just makes everyone equally poor, and the super rich just leave the country. The REAL way to make people rich, is to de-rig the system. And that's something plebs don't want to hear, because a de-rigged system still requires people to work for the money.

There is no way to make everyone rich. You can only make a playing field as even as possible. if the government wants to make people have more opportunities to get rich they need to fix corruption, get rid of lobbyist money, etc. Clinton will not do this.

Blaming the bad economy on "Trickle down" is basically smoke and mirrors. The bad economy is due to black money being used to buy congress. Hillary is appealing to retards who don't understanding this.

Maybe not bailout huge corporations and then not require them to pay back the money they owe in order to ensure the American people aren't forced to spend their own money propping up assholes who fucked up but think they should be allowed to keep their mansions and jets?

Like we used to before the IRS... tariffs

What said, plus trips don't lie unlike (((math prodigies)))

>he doesn't think an idea from under a hundred years ago is "modern"
If I put a dubstep soundtrack on it and call it "kaawaaii!" will that make it better?


>Maybe not bailout huge corporations
You do know that would bring major consequences?

But i do agree with you. I am against the bailouts

>trickle down economics
>implying Obama's $4-Trillion in bailout money wasn't trickle-down economics

Why are libtards such lying hypocrites?

she's a liar, who cares?

This. In a leveled playing field you are only rich if you deserve to be rich. And to those who will say "but what about people who just depend on daddy's money, they don't deserve to be rich?" You're wrong. Just because they didn't earn there money doesn't mean they don't deserve to be rich,they still deserve it because they were able to stop themselves from blowing all there money on retarded shit, and most of the time are able to make more money thanks to good merit, and skillful use of the money god provided them.

I prefer 'Crony Capitalism' and Keynesian Theory
definitely not a free market

They said the same thing essentially that cyber warfare is important.

Hillary blames the DNC hacks on Putin for political reasons, although this claim is unsubstantiated.

She also notes that we have "tools" we don't want to use without specifying what they are or what she would actually do. Donald's policy as he mentioned in the debate is to disable internet access to geographically sensitive areas, which is technically feasible, a good way to fuck ISIS's communication, and even easy.

damn, I prefer a free market
what Obozo has us under isn't free
usually don't correct typos but that looks fucked

How can you be this dumb?! Have you ever heard of diminishing marginal utility?

Dedicated shill to make two posts.

Not the user you replied to but
>Do you really think that any economic policy change takes effect in a few minutes?

Well he has a source and you dont, so yeah. Also that wasnt a few minutes, we are looking at the entire time you have been alive in that graph

Kek, these are the same people who came up with the "Love trumps hate" slogan.

Typical, contrived Reddit witticisms, that have no charm or impact on anybody, but the pretentious fucks who invented them.

>The results of the analysis suggest that changes over the past 65 years in the top marginal tax rate and the top capital gains tax rate do not appear correlated with economic growth. The reduction in the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment, and productivity growth.
The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie.

>However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top of the income distribution. As measured by IRS data, the share of income accruing to the top 0.1% of U.S. families increased from 4.2% in 1945 to 12.3% by 2007 before falling to 9.2% due to the 2007-2009 recession. At the same time, the average tax tax rate paid by the top 0.1% fell from over 50% in 1945 to about 25% in 2009. Tax policy could have a relation to how the economic pie is sliced—lower top tax rates may be associated with greater income disparities.

Hedge fund 'gamblers' get filthy rich, like Soros, betting against the economy (us) so they'll always make out like bandits. Meanwhile all the businesses that opened around here in the '80s and '90s are boarded up with a growing number of homeless doing drugs outside. And Hill and O get away, unchallenged by their MSM, with claiming the economy is better and that Hill will make it super great. Give me a break.

I don't have a source to hand that states x amount of years is required for y policy to change z in the economy. The minutes comment was an exaggeration for effect. The point is the laws put into effect under Reagan, improved the economy under clinton, who took credit for it. Clinton passed laws that hurt the economy in the long run, as did bush however Obama has managed to not only make thr things done by bush looks like a quarter in a thousand gallon swimming pool.

She means her meme department needs to be fired if it's the best they could come up with.

That was kind of cringy.

Your excerpt doesn't really mention anything about tax dodging. Given that the reason for the rate dropping from 50 to 25% they should account for that. Becuase what has happened every year since 1945 has not been that taxes have received cuts, rather tax law has become more complicated with loopholes written in for/by ultra rich .0001% people who have droves of tax lawyers getting them loop holes who everyone who can afford a tax lawyer tries to utilize.

Why are you in every thread and always at the beginning?

Man I would love to kill you.

It means her brain stopped working in the 1990s and only has arguments from when Ace of Base was on the radio.



Her internal chipset got hangups from Trump drinking that waterglass nearby; technological mishap rendering a nonsensical phrase

>implying taxing the rich so the govt. can pay Lockheed-Martin for a few more F-35's is going to help anyone

The govt isn't helping anyone but themselves and their "donors." Long ago politicians learned the truth that the poor will always out breed and outnumber the rich, thus the push from our Republic towards our current democracy of the loudest. The poor are being used so the govt. can vote themselves greater access to the people's money, nothing will change, but taking even more money from the people who currently pay the largest (by far) share of the USA's tax revenue will certainly allow more pockets to be lined.

>bush cutting taxes
What is the dotcom bubble?