Why didn't we try to meme this guy in office again?


>Pro-life, wants to overturn Roe v Wade
>Pro-gun, believes no one should touch the 2nd amendment
>anti-obamacare, compares it to slavery
>anti-PC, stop the "PC police" from infringing on our free speech
>stop illegal immigrants, secure our border
>for the free market, stop other countries from ripping us off
>confront Russia and China by showing strength and rebuild our military
>gay marriage is a choice, not a right
>anti-degeneracy, promotion of christian virtues but allowing freedom of religion as well
>skilled orator, would tear hillary's asshole up harder than Obama did in 2008
>automatically gets the black vote, leads to rise of black republicanism and return to conservative ideals of personal responsibility and hard work.


>is black

why didn't we support this man when he needed us the most?

Other urls found in this thread:


dude.... i did

He's a negr

I tried to. But was met with so many "controlled opposition" shit it was unbelievable..

Well, welcome to any Republican Cred Forums doesn't like

>he's sleepy

Fixed it for you.

He was better than Trump to be honest, but everybody preferred Trump because of his charisma.

roe v wade

The government can not force women to be mothers.

You're not going to raise taxes to pay for adoption.

You ruin lives and give zero shits about it.

No one wants another black president. It isn't progressive anymore.



It's too late. Trump's finished. You should've chosen Cruz.

if only he weren't
>le sleepy doctor man

It's harder to meme an event that's low energy to begin with.

Sleepy Ben has no business being president.

He was basically white as far as policies went.
it's a damn shame.

You stopped short on the cons list...


>Thinks the pyramids were grain silos
>Looks ready to fall asleep at any given moment
>Doesn't actually understand government that well
>Doesn't have much of a policy or a platform kinda like *someone else* running for president

I'm writing in for Rand.

Before Trumpfags accuse me of helping Shillary, if someone put a gun to my wife's head and forced me to vote for one of them, I would have voted for Hillary over Trump because she would help Republicans expand their majority in the House and Senate.

*And all of that is assuming that letting the gunman shoot me instead isn't an option. You're welcome for that favor I did you by not voting for her, Trumpfags.

Dr. Ben Carson was my fucking dude. He would've rekt Hillary in the debates in such a cool, calculated, and clinical way.

>muh grain siloes

The guy is a tragically serious version of the character Hannibal Burress plays

The devout evangelical angle would be a turn off to most moderates in the general desu. Also he said a lot of things that could be easily misconstrued as religious close mindedness.

That said he would be 100 times better than either of the fucks we have right now.

he'll have a high position in the cabinet, I can feel it (I hope it's secretary of state, just to spite killary

this. Hillary relies on her opponent getting angry.
sleepy doctor man can't actually get mad, it's too tiresome.

>Gets nominated
>announces trump as his VP choice
>low energy and high energy combine

Carson/Trump could have been a reality faggots

Been seeing this same MSPaint edit being posted by this same """""""Japanese""""""" VPN shill in multiple threads.

Do you think we're like 14-year-olds from 9gag or something? Who would fall for this?

You keep shilling this same picture you small dick faggot

I would have agreed with glorious Nippon up until the moment that guy said he's endorsing Trump. For 2 months, that little spic fooled me into thinking he had balls of steel.

Trump would not be a VP.

He would have fucking tanked hard, when you faggots go
>Muh Paul
>Muh Cruz

youre forgetting that all they have is muh religion

This. Pence is based and all, but Trump/Benny was the dream team.

The Dream Doctor never works in the light

I was 100% behind the guy but 80 million people wouldn't have tuned in to watch Hillary make faces at him.

why not? everyone knows the VP doesn't have to do anything. Trump would have LOVED to be VP

he was the only one of the 17 that was actually dumber than trump
I would have loved to watch that retard debate Hilary

We didn't make Trump successful, he just played his own cards right, and we've played the fan-boy. Trump had the money to self-fund, and and name recognition to reach the populace.




pick one you low level shill

>No real authority
>Time better spent on family and business

VP is practically a politicians retirement position.


Trump doesn't need the cash.

Yeah we fucking tried, I love the man

>hillary smiles awkwardly
>Lester asks ben question
>Ben is asleep
>hillary cracks "joke"
>Ben snores
>Lester cuts of ben's snoring 30 times
>Ben wins polls.

Trump literally retweeted a Pepe.

Calm down, bitch.


>You're welcome for that favor I did you by not voting for her, Trumpfags.
oh, pleaze, pleaze miter isn't de anythin I can done do to convince you? pleaze?
your mother is dead.

Not enough meme potential
I like the guy, but 2016 wouldn't have nearly been this fun without Trump

I tried, but Trump attracted all the memelords, and it is very hard to fight against an army of memes

He lacks the charisma and economic experience that Trump has. He's smart and a nice guy, I hope he gets a position from Trump, but he's not as good as President Trump.

Fuck off newfaggot

This is just proof that the most charismatic candidate wins

>confront Russia and China by showing strength and rebuild our military

This is the last thing Trumpkins want though.

>you ruin lives
>says person who dismembers babies

>pyramids are grain silos

I can get behind this.

It's not a matter of "falling" for anything

This board is unbrowsable for anyone new. That's the point. We're being isolated and slid. Not that it matters to us, but they think we're controlled now.

Take the fight to twitter...


Can someone please dox your googlefaggot ass? I'd love to spam it in shill threads with all of the other CTR dox shit

based ben believes in flat earth and you know it


I wanted to like him but he came off as so autistic and clueless during the debates. He had Rand's charisma with none of his knowledge of domestic and foreign policy.

Joke's on you. Trump's daughter is Jewish, and you're voting for him because you think you're dealing a blow to the heebs.