This is it. This is the last fucking straw. I always knew libshits were retarded...

This is it. This is the last fucking straw. I always knew libshits were retarded, but Jesus fucking Christ it's like the entire sjw movement is just a singularity of stupidity. Sucking in everyone who can't think for themselves or think critically for one goddamn second. How can the left be so infuriating what the FUCK

I'm just here to watch it all burn down

the fuck
kids love anyone that is nice to them, they're not concerned about their own welfare. they just care about who cares for them. they don't give a fuck about SJW bullshit.

But everyone that I see is a pregnant or recently birthed hipster crunchy anti vaxer retard.
They might believe this at first and if they only have one kid, it will suck but be culturally insignificant. Good Christian men marry and birth many sons and daughters.
If they have more than one - I've got 4 so far, they'll soon figure out that all of the trendy bullshit that they tried doesn't work and they will learn the error of their ways and parent like normal, non degenerates.

>Can't discipline your child
>Can't affectionately touch your child
>Can't play with your child

Matbe they'll declare that parents can't raise their children, and that it would be better for all of them to be put in a group schoolhome once they're toddlers so they can learn from a young age to tolerate everyone.

I saw this shit on my Facebook timeline and about 20 people liked it and shared it from 1 person in my friends list. They're the epitome of the mentally unstable tumblrinas and it's so fucking annoying. Who fucking cares if a kid's parents say "I'm going to tickle you"? Kids live for that shit, they love it! How did somebody manage to find a problem with any of this?!

it's like stranger danger m8, kids will willingly go with complete strangers if they're promised care and fun. they don't give a fuck about their own welfare, that comes after they hit 16 or so.

I'm actually not inherently opposed to this, but I'll admit that's because I come from a really fucked up family.

Hol up
Isn't showing positive affection to children -how they learn- to tell positive affection apart from molestation/abuse?

As in, if you don't show a child positive affection, they'll inevitably run into abuse/molestation somehow because they don't know any better?

I hope so, for the kids' sake

No sane judge or jury would even have a second thought if somebody claimed that somebody else was a bad parent because they made their children show manners

good way to raise some fucked up kids who can't handle physical contact with anybody

You're mistakenly assuming your "fucked up" family would abide by it

No, this, like most of the rules SJWs and liberals dream up, only serve to punish honest people with good intentions

>sit on Santa's lap
Burgers, which one of you thought it's a good idea to make your kids sit on a random dude's lap?

What the fuck are you on about

I'm posting on Cred Forums

Whoops, wrong post. I meant

Is their goal to create shut ins like themselves? SJWs I swear man I can't imagine what horrors they subjugate their kids to in order to not be "mainstream".

Yeah, you're right.

i'm saying kids are biologically designed to not care about who is giving them care as long as they receive it m8. they don't care who is feeding them, giving them shelter etc. this consent bullshit is meaningless and serves nothing.

when you say it's the last straw, do you really mean the opposite of that?

that you're going to do nothing and just whine about it on the internet like you always do?

just checking.

It's a German tradition, no?

Wrong. When I was a kid I refused to kiss my grandma because I felt uncomfortable doing it.

No I really fucking want to do something about the potential shithole this world will devolve into if we let this "social justice" movement keep growing. Something needs to be done.

Tbh I didn't like being kissed by my aunt or giving hugs.

Now I'm a kissless handholdless virgin with no friends.

>leave kids alone physically
>teach them to be trans

Wow you really are special and important, huh?

>it's bad for you to love your kids because it's their body their choice
>but it's ok for you to have a Jewish doctor mutilate your kid's dick when they're not even old enough to understand who they are

And now you're a perverted sperglord aren't you?

You know this is nothing about your parents forcing/not forcing you to kiss your Aunt, right?

What probably happened is you weren't held enough before you were three.

>le /popcorn xDDD
ok reddit thanks for that brilliant insight stop posting

I've literally never been there

Nah cunt I fucking hated having to kiss and hug people I didn't want to, then being insulted when I didn't kiss some as if I'm a horrible human being. Like when that aunty with horrendous breath would lick a handkerchief and wipe food off my face, leaving her putrid stench on me. All that shit, man.

It fucking sucked.

It really fucking sucked.

Then my dad finally stood up for me an told them all to fuck off and that I obviously hated it.

This. Not old enough to vote or drink, but old enough to mutilate and dismorph your body beyond repair.

What kind of monster would deprive a child of being tickled? Equal parts glee and terror manifest in uncontrollable squeals as an adult three times your size makes monkey faces and chases you around the house, finally catching you and holding your arm above your head while he twists his hard fingertip in between each rib, counting your ribs one at a time. Then he grabs your foot and tickles that, and pulls each one of your toes straight out until the knuckle pops.
All the while you're screaming NO and STOP IT, and then finally it's over and after you catch your breath you're tired so it's naptime. It'd be a cold childhood without that.

They're uncomfortable with physical affection being done to them because they were bottle-fed daycare kids whose parents didn't give them affection.
Now in adult life they see children, maybe their own children, dislike it and a picture like this seems right to them.

Or maybe I have assburgers. Mum was in her 30's when she had me. I just hate physical contact, even a playful slap on the back makes me stressed.

But what if you say is true then a whole lot of kids are going to be deficient, what with daycare replacing parenting and strollers being used a lot.

I'm in my thirties and I still get giddy when my friends dig into my ribs.

>For a kiss
That's just basic courtesy fucking hell. Unless you french kiss your relative everytime you see then that's the pretty same as handshaking them.
Jesus do SJWs really equate rape to hugging a child ?

Spotted the Dennis Ferguson


are you jimmies rustled that your niece doesn't have to give you a big hug even though you had to give one to your ugly old aunt when you were her age?

>Disciplining your child is child abuse
>Showing affection to your child is pedophilia
>Trying to teach your child manners or values is brainwashing

It will take less than twenty years for us to have a fucking generation full of self centered, emotionally unstable monsters who don't care about anything or anyone thinking they can do anything they want because they are untouchable.

We can see the results of earlier raising trends, future results will be much, much worse.

How bout circumcision then?

Hang on, is this pedo porn? Or have I just been on the internet so long that I think everything is porn

I'm 22 and all of my sisters are younger, so no. I never had a problem with hugging my aunt as a kid nor do I have a problem with it now.

>people antagonizing social relationships they don't even understand through image macros

What a time to be alive.

>a whole lot of kids are going to be deficient, what with daycare replacing parenting and strollers being used a lot.


I think those people are already here and are the ones that refuse to have children. They understand on some level that they failed to receive something and do not want to have kids for fear of abusing them.

just so you fags know, this is intentional.

they want to take away parents rights to parent their kids, homeschool them, everything.

they want kids raised by the state, so they are controlled by the state in later life.

and they're using the pedo agenda to push it.

here's examples of their propaganda

>label all homeschooling parents as perverts raping their kids
>label all fathers who smack their kids for doing something legit stupid perverts
>label all parents abusive for even just telling their kids off, or giving them values

they are literally trying to use social conditioning and fearmongering to associate good parenting with sick shit, in order to achieve their goal of obedient children to the state.

you fags need to take note of this post, because you'll start to see it everywhere when you take this redpill.

the lefties in government and academia want nothing more than their commie fantasy and they are actively working to achieve it.

you must fight.

sjws are evil

I'm not sold on hitting kids, desu. Family friend's parents never hit him and probably never yelled at him. He's a doctor now.

I got hit enough that I fear my father to this day. I'm a NEET and here talking to you.

Growing up all the kids that bullied me had abusive parents, as far as I can verify it.

Yes, you caught a mental disease. It's curable though. You have to start a family and have kids of your own that you'd die for.

This is all a ploy to destroy the family. The single most powerful human bond there is. People will die and kill for their family. They will settle and trasmit knowledge for them. I know several thugs and scum that became actually pretty good people once they got a child. They just wanted to love their family.
But if you break this, you turn people into single entities. Ready to be shipped off halfway across the world every 6 month to work for a multinational corporation.
They already did that to the mothers through feminism. Women were part of the family cell before the "emancipation".

i mean kids who are like 4 and run infront of traffic

they won't understand reason

at that point u give them a smack so they don't do it again

there's a big difference between that and some actually abusive cunt

liberals want to blur the lines and make both the same thing, when they're not.

could not agree more.

we must fight it before it becomes too late

we're at the tipping point now

>"""mainstream parenting"""

nice meme.

The first thing to do is to bring back love for the land herself. Technological advancement and political shift (visa and dual citizenship) have made it way too easy to move to another country. Think of the people wanting to go to Canada if their candidate doesn't win.
Because we're so disconnected from the land, the country you're born with just feels like you're renting it. At the first sing of trouble you'd be moving to another flat.
We need to glorify home ownership and a honest life in the country side. Urban life is trash and only disconnect us from the people we live with

it's not some random dude. it's fucking santa claus. i'm sorry he doesn't come to ukraine, but don't get shitty because you're jealous.

That's straight up bullshit as there are hundreds of studies done that show infants prefer the company of their mothers to strangers and infants placed in day care or who have extended periods of time away from their mothers have a higher likelihood of developing attachment disorders.

but there are studies which show that some affection from non-mothers is better than no affection at all from anyone

What the fuck why do the left sexualise everything

I understand man my dad hit me too

Shift that fire to the other side of the globe senpai