"Ah need mah AR-15 so ah can over-trow the gubbmint!"

>"Ah need mah AR-15 so ah can over-trow the gubbmint!"

Do you gun nuts realize how insane you sound? It's time to stop the killings. It's time to implement common sense gun control, like the civilized world.

SAGE, Hidden, Raptored

SAGE, Hidden, Raptored

>It's time to implement common sense gun control
like in mexico right?
just look how well they are doing!

in that world niggers kill each other with machetes and steaknives

guns are what make us more civilized

>wants to end the violence
>by attempting to take guns from people

>an action that will cause gun violence to rise exponentially as gun owners shoot the people that try to take their guns




Nobody in their right mind want to overthrow the government.

Gun control only favors the ruling class.

It's ironic that the same people that want less government authority (anti-police) want more government authority on gun control.





If the US isn't the civilized world. Why are they trying to bring refus here?



>Muh common sense gun control

The second you try to take people's guns is the second you start a civil war in America,and the gun nuts would win that scenario,no contest.


>look mom I posted it again!


Saged & reported

Isn't here.


>this fucking horsey thread again
Reminder that Horsey is a cuck who thinks that testosterone is bad.


like an ar-15 can take down a fighter jet. LOL!!!!!!!!

I heard this is a herb thread
Anyone got some cilantro? I'll pay cash

Then why not move to a nation with more gun regulation?


Replace the caricature of a redneck with an image of our founding fathers

>implies that rifles of any type account for more than 400 homicides, justifiable or otherwise a year
Fuck off nigger

so the government is going to use jets in neighbourhoods filled with innocents?

t. slave

Sadly, america is too full of fat, gun-toting, racist, pickup truck driving white trash. I wish we could get rid of all of them. They are just a burden to progress.

This is now a how to build an AR thread.

Read and ask


>It's time to stop the killings.
Then why do you insist on banning a type of gun that accounts for ~2% of all homicides annually?

ha..so true.. and sad.

If any of you Americans are reading this, please, don't ban your weapons. We don't have weapons in Romania, and we really needed them during and after the 1989 revolution. Corrupt politicians pissed on us from 1989 until 2009, because we didn't have guns. We still don't have them.
The only reason USA isn't as corrupt of a country as eastern Europe and south America is is because of guns.
Don't be idiots, don't throw away such a good thing. Use the guns to fight criminals in power.





guns are not the problem in america it's fear and gang culture that is. Just look at Switzerland, they have guns but you never hear about school shootings from there

just move to sweden you piece of shit, more progress than you can handle.

bill of rights, not needs, sage faggots

The tree of liberty gotta be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants from time to time.

Basically my entire family (white liberals):

>every cop is an evil, racist thug
>only the police should be allowed to own guns

It feels bad having a family that doesn't think at all.

Really made me think