Global Warming

ITT: Cred Forums fixes global warming


>Anything else you can think of to fix climate change, regardless how extreme it is

Not welcome
>muh climate change isn't into real

If you want that thread then make one.

So Cred Forums. What have you go?

Other urls found in this thread:

Guess I'll start

>power generation

Globally agreed upon and militarily enforced switch to cleaner power generation. Start with the dirtiest power gen, close down and replace with cleaner (renewable, nuclear). Paid for out of international development fund set up specifically for this purpose. Aim is to have only cleanest (carbon neutral) gas and coal by 2050, the rest nuclear and renewable. The total elimination of dirty power gen means that there will be no requirement to limit individual's power consumption.

Also, welcome back.


Genocide the Chinese and climate change is over

Your full on globalist and satanists OP. You list is basicly a play list of all their core beliefs

Make solar panels accessible and affordable to the common people. I guess, with that, it would help a lot with global warming. Not sure how the economy will be affected with such change. Also make cars be run on renewable sources. With those two things, pollution will go down very fast.

Genocide all of Africa and China.


>climate change=sea level rise
Cities like:
>Los Angeles
>San Francisco
And many more will be gone, burn more coal and most of the cucks will be gone

Bump for justice

Genocide all humans, great apes too, just to be extra sure.


We bout to MAGA, with or without you stupid liberal fucks. And youre too pussy to do anything about it, we got the guns anyways. Lol. Hope you enjoyed your nigger president.

Prove beyond reasonable doubt that humans are the major cause for climate change on Earth.

Realistically though, the best thing we could do for the environment is exterminate shitskins.

how about do nothing since it's changing regardless of the "impact" human civilization has on it

I'm open to other solutions. Shoot.

daily reminder that if you don't believe in global cooling you're a climate denier


Post full link or page.

improve abysmal education standards in u.k. and u.s? that would reduce the number of zealots running amok with religious nonsense like "global warming"

Wipe out the population of China, India and Africa. Global warming solved.

Proposing genocide is great and all but who gets to decide who dies? What if your on the list of undesirables.? Aside from that the climate change/global warming/global cooling theme hasn't been proven 100% and there's no way to predict what will happen in the future. Already we've been told we should be 90% dead and eating each other by the first people pushing this. So what happens if a few billion people are murdered and then it changes nothing and they discover the Suns output is what is the main driving force behind climate?

Right from the horses mouth

I have a better idea
Global weather displacement


Well for starters it doesn't exist so I guess I fixed it.

the first steps would include shutting down china and india for good, but without some lab-grown super virus I don't see that happening

Sea Salt Climate Engineering!
> In such a situation, specially designed unmanned boats would plow the seas, spraying salt water into the air. The water would evaporate and leave behind sea-salt particles, which may be lifted into the clouds, increasing their albedo, or reflecting power.

This won't fix the root of the problem which is greenhouse gas emmissions, but will still cool down the earth a little bit and prevent most damage.

Sterilise the planet

Solves every problem, every time.


That may have a negitive effect. Water vapour holds a huge amount of heat. Think about boiling water in the stove and how hot the burner has to be and how long it runs to get the water
To evaporate. All the heat energy is transferred to the water to get
It to turn to gas. If we pound water vapour into the atmosphere it will be heated by the sun and hold the heat extremely well. Then get blown around the atmosphere.

I was half serious at best. However at this stage avoiding a runaway effect may require drastic action. I don't seriously think we're going to genocide Africa and Asia.

Immediate cutting of all funding for Solar power, excluding space use.

Radical increase in funding for Nuclear energy, fusion, and thorium reactors.

There is literally nothing wrong with self-preservation. Social Darwinism and Eugenics are both AnCap ideologies. In fact Satanism as a whole seems pretty compatible with AnCap.

That's good to hear. I'd suggest looking into the other greenhouse gasses that affect climate in depth. There are way more than just co2, but that's the big one everyone goes apeshit over. Some have 100's of times more heat holding effect than co2.

That's pretty neat. Ideas that will offset the effects til we get something permanent are really worth a look. The big fear re global warming is that we'll get to a tipping point where the increase in ocean temp leads to mass co2 release and the release of methane hydrates, also the melting permafrost. All of these are a function of temperature so if temperature can be stopped from increasing, despite co2 increase, this buys us some time.

It's unfixable. Incompetent and fundamentally retarded governments won't do shit. If they would, they would have a few decades ago when we had a chance.

All will be roastie and toastie, m'ghostie. Best case scenario is that civilization will cease to exist. Humans survive in miserable conditions for centuries. Worst case scenario humans go extinct.

Shit's going to be FUBAR nomatter what. It's fucking hilarious if you think about it: humanity killing itself due to its own stupidity.

Fortunately water vapour is also a function of temperature. It kinda self regulates in the atmosphere. A hotter atmosphere will hold more h2o which is what amplifies the greenhouse effect.

The self preservation is holding yourself up as the highest form and importance for satanists. Does anyone have the right to kill others for their self preservation? If you belive we need to kill others to save ourselves from climate change that not exactly in line with the non aggression principal

If those 500000 are white people I don't see the problem

True but methane reacts with other shit in the atmosphere to form co2 so it is comparatively short lived. Though large amounts of it will have a powerful effect.

I don't think it kills us all. But it will make life incredibly shitty for most of us.

t. Justin Trudeau

No, the boats don't heat the water and release water vapour, they just pump up the sea water as it is and then create artificial clouds which will then reflect light back into space. Have you ever noticed how it's slightly cooler when there's a lot of mist or cirrus clouds in the sky?

By the way, airplanes also contribute to cooling the earth a little bit by releasing water droplets, which then leads to more cloud formation.

I didn't say self preservation was AnCap. Just the other two. Self-preservation is human nature. The emphasis put on it in Satanism (destroy anyone who threatens your interests) is taking human nature to the extreme, to the point of egoism.

> Does anyone have the right to kill others for their self preservation?

This depends on the situation. If somebody seeks to kill or maim you then sure.

Social Darwinism is the beleif that there is genetic differences that will predestine certian people to be better and litterally deserve more/ rule over others. Survival of the fittest is great but again it doesn't give one an inherent right to lord over or enslave anyone. Do you feel the queen is a supirior human and has more of a right to rule you than you have to rule yourself?

As for eugenics, population control isn't exactly in line with the nap. No one has the right to sterilize others they see as undesirable. Again by what athority do they get to decide. In fact satanism is the absolute opposite of an cap.

How about a virus that only infects and kills those with specific genes (something like leprosy which can only infect 5% of the population)?

I'm pretty sure Bill Gates is working hard on this

Ya exactly. I think adding extra water isn't the best idea.

I think that a hierarchy is natural. Not an ideal system but natural. I don't want somebody wiping my arse but social cohesion and progress tends to rely on and ordered society, with people at the top.

Using force to defend against violence is all good

I realize that but the vapor will absorbe heat as its reflecting the sun. It could end up being a net negitive. Also that will take a huge amount of energy to create that much vapor.

The "warming" of the planet could just be a phase of the Earth. We know nothing about this shit, for all we know we could still be coming out of the ice age. Ice age's, volcanoes, earthquakes, meteors,hurricanes, dinosaurs. We control nothing, and if something is going to happen, it's going to happen. Who the fuck cares when it does. There is other shit to deal with. Current alternative fuels don't give nearly enough power anyway.

>No one has the right to sterilize others they see as undesirable

True but under anarchy this would happen anyway as those to dumb or unfit to make it entirely on their own merits would die anyway.

You misunderstood. Water vapour in the atmosphere is a function of temperature. When it gets to X parts per million it condenses into clouds which work different to the greenhouse effect. Increase the temperature and the atmosphere holds more water not as clouds but as water vapour which in turn exhibits a greenhouse effect. So the feedback loop here goes

Add heat
atmosphere holds more vapour h2o
this vapour h2o increases the greenhouse effect
this traps more heat
more water will he held in the atmosphere as h2o vapour

Water (as cloud) actually has a net cooling effect. As water vapour (present in the air you're breathing right now) it acts as a ghg and leads to net heating.

Some warming is natural but we are having an effect. Satellites allow us to monitor eh radiation coming from earth. We know roughly how much energy should be leaving earth as each type of EM radiation. One of the radiations of interest is Infra-red. The amount observed by satellites leaving the earth is lower than it should be. And we know that co2 absorbs IR. We also know that IR causes warming. This discrepancy between what is measured leaving earth and what it should be is the bit causing the warming.

Giant rocket to push Earth a few thousand miles further from the sun.

It's been that way for thousands of years so it's hard to imagine any other system. The whole "Anarchy"part of an cap mean self rule. People have been conditioned to think anarchy means chaos. If everyone actually was sovereign of themselves we wouldn't need much if any government. There are defiantly bright motivated people who others will follow for sure. Someone has to come up with a game plan. It's just giving a group of people(gov't) the exclusive "right" to use violence against others is morally wrong.

>eugenics ok
>genocide ok
>technology ok
>science ok
>communism fuck you and all your dead relatives
>eco-fascism the fuck is wrong with you

we wuz venusians n sheeeit

Some food for thought,

>10 Solutions for Climate Change

>Forego Fossil Fuels
>Infrastructure Upgrade
>Move Closer to Work
>Consume Less
>Be Efficient
>Eat Smart, Go Vegetarian?
>Stop Cutting Down Trees
>One Child
>Future Fuels
>Experiment Earth

The problem with most of these is they require people to take cuts to their standard of living. The only cut I see as unavoidable if we're serious is that large engined vehicles will likely need to be made more expensive.

If we don't want to kill half the world or force everyone (but our 'elected' elite) to live like cavemen then we need zero emission power and to focus on things that will bring down temperatures til we have good carbon scrubbing tech.

This is the kind of out of the box thinking I like. The current solar irradiance is about 1350w/m2.

Found this that is relevant to what you say.

Seems we could afford to adjust by millions of miles in either direction and still stay in the goldilocks zone.

I think there's more to the warming than just us for sure. 12000 years ago there was over 3000 ft of ice right where I live. There's been a large warming trend since the end of the ice age(no glaciers here). Again jumping to conclusions and proposing massive changes without understanding the situation fully could be a disaster. This is a graph from the Greenland ice cores showing temperatures in the past. The climate swings quite a bit naturally. proposing a huge governing body to control the world may be taking advantage of a natural trend and fuck us all over. The only times you see gov't give up power is when the people burn them to the ground. The amount of fearmongering that's directed towards everyone is disgusting. If there's one thing people are good at is adapting to change. If problems start to really become evident we can figure out solutions.

>There are defiantly bright motivated people who others will follow for sure

Now conceivably a bunch of these people are motivated by self-interest to form a clique. You've just swapped one group for another in terms of exclusive 'right' to use violence. Under anarchy, might would make right. Most anarchists seem to assume that people are fundamentally good. I'd say we're neutral at best. I think there are universal moral values but that some people are quite willing to ignore their morality to get ahead.

>12000 years ago there was over 3000 ft of ice right where I live.

This was a glacial period. The earth is constantly moving between glacial and interglacial periods. Glacial/interglacial periods are driven by this

The issue is that our activity may break this cycle. Between glacial/interglacial periods the variation in temperature is 6-8C. If we increased our temperature (via the greenhouse effect) by 6 degrees then the next 'glacial' period would be much more moderate, perhaps with zero glacial growth.

The thing with it is we would have to all be taught natural law aka the law of attraction and put it into practice. The world is fully in a satanic mindset right now so any free society would go for shit just as you say. The way people are isn't by accident, the people that run this world have finely tuned the whole culture and indoctrination of the youth to bring this about.

>implying global warming isn't a conspiracy made up by the Chinese to hurt US. manufacturing

top kek


I think also that anarchy would fall down when it came to global issues. Nations at least allow global coordination on big issues, even if the current system is kike riddled bullshit.

Spending the billions of dollars in environmental taxes collected around the world on environmental solutions instead of paying a bunch of liberal faggots to do the exact same study over and over again.
>The issue
Why the fuck would stopping our arable land from being encased in mile thick glaciers for thousands of years be an issue?

Retard logic right there.

Ya that could happen. Again all I am saying is this could be a natural cycle and the powers that be are taking huge advantage of it for political gains. Also, this just came to me. If we've been pounding co2 into the air since the industrial revolution 100+ years ago and the ppm have risen say 100ppm the earth can absorbe a huge amount of it and process it. That's with all the tree cutting and other natural plant life changes. The new hybred cars are very efficient and the regulations on industries that produce serious pollutants are very good now. The problem is developing country's not giving a shit about all of this. They pound out pollutants in the process of making cheap goods for western markets with no consideration for the environment.

>developing countries

All the manufacturing in developing countries is faggots who make our consumer goods who have moved their factories elsewhere for cheap labour and lax environmental oversight.

What really needs to be done is laws in place that require industries to follow local labour and environmental standards when manufacturing abroad in order to be able to legally sell their goods here.

But that's not going to happen. Because faggy liberals keep voting for politicians who care more about holding onto power than they do about the environment.

Sounds good. What would you build first?

>Why the fuck would stopping our arable land from being encased in mile thick glaciers for thousands of years be an issue?

Cause half the globe would be unhabitable. You think the refugee problem is bad now? image when they decide to move everyone out of Africa, or the hundreds of millions moving from south east asia when their homes sink. This sound fun to you?

You are literally a retard. Literally, retarded.

Completely and utterly retarded. Like seriously.


In a glacial period there's not enough arable land to sustain billions of people and all of the arable land will be along the most conflicted regions of the planet.

Another glacial period means the end of human civilization as we know it. Like literally; the long term survival of modern civilization depends upon preventing the next glacial period.

Preventing it doesn't have to mean completely melting the ice caps. It just means learning to control global climate, and to influence the planet's warming and cooling to our benefit.

Instead of it being out of control and retarded like it is now.

Jesus christ.

You think like a faggot retard piece of shit who should suicide.

Correction for the ignorant anglocuck*

Communism is a degeneracy of socialism and a bolshevist idea, thus jewish.



>Social cleaning
>Social selection
>Education to a simpler life
>NATIONAL SOCIALISM, since socialism without nationalism is an empty idea
>Fascism to Italy, and all the other unique and different types of National Socialism to each country
>Ecologic and substainable energy
>Meat available only throught restricted hunting and allowed just in case loss of resources for animals happen
>Smart and Rationalist Veganism encouraged
>Self production of food encouraged, energy vehicles allowed mainly for transport or any other essential work
>Walking and travelling by bycicles or energy public transport encouraged, exception may be done for just one or two energy vehicles for family, depending on the number

I just had another thought here. With the USA election upon us I think a factor no one has thought of is nationalism vs globalization. When the world is globalist all the barriers of trade are set up for the developing country's to produce all the cheap products western country's buy. This full on promotes markets that polite the shot out of the environment. If Hillary gets in she is all about this. Now trump is pushing to bring all the jobs back to the USA. If he gets elected and that happens then all the products will be produced under the epa's guidelines, being manufactured in the must enciromentally friendly methods avalible. This will also cut the developing country's emissions huge, no need for all that coal fired power plants and all the other terrible methods used over there. If we brought all the manufacturing jobs to first world country's we could control the pollution in a sense-ably manner and easily get on top of all the climate problems until the rest of the world gets their shot togeather

Before the industrial revolution the earth's co2 was almost at a point of equilibrium. That is the natural sinks (oceans, trees) dealt with the natural sources. The earth had some extra capacity too, with almost half of our contribution absorbed by the earths natural systems. But the other half of our emissions overwhelms the natural systems leading to accumulation in the atmosphere. The west are still higher emissions per capita than India or China so there is still something we can do. If we showed more commitment then they could likely be encouraged to do so too.

>They pound out pollutants in the process of making cheap goods for western markets with no consideration for the environment.

Yeah the fact that people are consumerist as hell is a large part of the issue too.

And yeah, Fascism was indeed Socialist but absolutely anti-communist/bolshevist.

Try again anglobuddy.

Kill everyone. Mass homicide.

>What really needs to be done is laws in place that require industries to follow local labour and environmental standards when manufacturing abroad in order to be able to legally sell their goods here.

This is a good idea desu.

I'd be up for mastering the globe. The issue is you can hardly call our current unpredictable warming controlled. If we could say for example that an atmospheric co2 of 380ppm would avert most of the glaciation without baking Africa then all good. But we can't yet. Besides, we don't have enough carbon based fossile fuels to burn forever. And co2 is natrually removed from the atmosphere after a couple hundred years. IMO the ability to scrub co2 quickly and predictably would be the best bet as it would allow us a degree of fine control over atmospheric concentrations.

Sorry spaghetti nigger. I used communism cause I wanted it clear that I mean authoritarian socialism, not some faggy nuleft fantasy. I stand corrected though. Real Communism is largely a fantasy dependent on us getting to star trek tier technology. So yeah. Substitute in socialism.

>Muh solar power lelele
fuck off you idiot, producing solar panels is not very ecological, they are usable for two decades at most and then go to shit. Also the sun delivers about 1300 Watts per square meter, please calculate how much space you need to power heavy industrial complexes and be amazed

A degree of internationalism is required for the nations to act in unity. Globalism is neoliberal bullshit that gives not a fuck about anything else in it's quest for profit.

Now I don;t see realistically how Trump could bring back the jerbs. At best he could stop more of them leaving. But the ones that are gone won;t come back until the cost of production is cheaper in the US than it is in China. At least as long as we live under the current neo-liberal paradigm.

USA, this idiot country where they anually burn all their palmoil fields and China, africas pollution is a joke

I still dont get how exterminating africa will have any effect on the climate change. Exterminate China and maybe USA

>Also the sun delivers about 1300 Watts per square meter

And the best solar panels will only make about 50% of that into usable energy. However solar is good for powering say a home. On sunny days they new systems can power homes and have some left to sell back to the grid. So yeah, they could under the fight circumstances provide power for large installations. But you'd never want to rely on this shit as your backbone. Nuclear fills that role. Loads and loads of nuclear.

Say hello to frozen methane ice in continental shelfs, a few more degrees and we will have a fucking huge problem

You know those torches you wind up to power?
Get a big building with the wind up mechanisms to produce electricity.

Asians okay too or no?

Yes for me, I would like an Asian wife!