Only in germany

>be german
>be forced to pay 17,50 Euro per month to see this
Thank you government and "Rundfunkrat" for this unbiased pinnacle of humor.

Other urls found in this thread:

There is a similar bullshit system with public service here, but you only have to pay if you "own a TV", so it's easy as fuck to dodge.

Den känslan när dom ringer på dörren och TVn är precis bakom dig och dom villa ha pengar med man ger inte

That's good to hear. As far as I know, there are people trying to avoid paying heretoo, but they get a lot of trouble as soon as anyone notice they aren't paying.

>more likes than dislikes

why has god cursed the German race?

1/3 of german youths have an immigration background, they are the ones watching these

Earth is controlled by a satanic power right now, all races are in danger. Jews are responsible for everything

Step 1: toss out your mind control box
Step 2: pay nothing to not own a mind control box
Step 3: live a better life without it

>1/3 of german youths have an immigration background

why has god cursed the German race

Det är bara att totalneka att man har en TV och (((Rånartjänst))) kan inte göra ett skit!

I have lived in my own apartment for 6 months and I haven't heard a single word from them.

It doesn't matter how many TVs there are or radios, you have to pay anyways, at least that's what I've heard and you'll get punished if you don't pay.

He hasn't. The devil just generally has greater numbers.

You probably shouldn't have tried to exterminate His chosen people.

Fast man kan ha en TV, det är bara om man har typ en kabel elr nått, vette fan. Men om något försöker tvinga mig stt betala för Zionist Media då jävlar..

I only use my totally nonexistant TV for gaming and watching Youtube. No regular Tel Avivision for me!

Did you expect anything else from the left? There's no way they can counter AfD's arguments and policies, which are really reasonable, so they have to resort to this.

Trips of truth!
Turn on the gas, pre-heat the ovens!

This is Germany now.

Detta. Man behöver ju inte koppla in vanliga kanaler nuförtiden. Det är bara att köra allt via internet och be (((SVT))) och judefyran att dra åt helvete!

>mind control box


>A allowing a box to control your mind in a first place.

Are you retarded?
Oh the flag why do I even asking...

He's maymaying you.

Most Germans with a migrational background are based as fuck. "Real" Germans are scared pussies 90% of the time.

i dont speak german and can someone please tell me what the fuck is that ugly bitching singing about?

Pretty sure the video is making fun of AFD, the Nationalism party. It's just keeping the Germans cucked.

The title is "The bitch from the AfD", it's a retarded song about Frauke Petry.

>paying taxes for government funded electric jew propaganda
Don't criticize it now, goyim, that might be interpreted as hate speech.

Nah, a lot of people hates the government run electric jew openly and they haven't done anything about it.

This is true, even the normalfags hates it.
My mother called SVT Commie propaganda

17,50 per month? Why you have to pay it?

Otherwise we can't enjoy great things like the related video, or stuff like "24 Milchkühe und kein Mann" where an old white lady falls in love with a black man.