Why is it that the democrat party's main constituents are:

Why is it that the democrat party's main constituents are:
>blacks (violent and low IQ: data)
>college aged millennials with low to no income
>various other welfare recipients
>cunty, single women approaching their 30s
>beta, low testosterone nu males
>gays, trasngenders, and various other individuals with perversions
>corporate banks
>poor nonwhite immigrants

While republicans/conservatives main constituents are:
>white people with jobs
>wealthy business owners
>women in happy relationships
>rednecks and hicks (this is probably split between the 2, a lot of them are democrats too)
>wealthy, successful, legal immigrants and their children

What is it about conservatism that attracts successful, wealthy, values-oriented people and the democrat party attracts the gutter slime?

The democratic party only appeals to the weak minded because they are all about manipulation.

If you can see through their lies, there is no way you would be a democrat.

You need very low social intelligence to become a democrat, because that's how they take advantage.

None of your observations are correct. Some of them are straight out contradictory.

The former is just a coalition of losers who want to take stuff from the latter. That's all there is to it.

>t. future poor, nonwhite immigrant

Feel free to start arguing any time.

Liberals: We care about everyone, so we want to make life better for everyone
Conservatives: People are only obligated to care about themselves

They both seem to make a bit of sense


Democrats: Fucking retards
Republicans: Fucking retards

Vote Green you mongs

>pic reads "economics"
>tfw you are a probably an economic liberal
Why are burgers so fucking thick?

I used to be liberal and I don't think I changed, but for some reason everyone left me behind in their rush to embrace multiculturalism, speech codes, degeneracy, and SJW bullshit.

Don't worry, they'll realise their mistake and come back crawling and begging.

>Liberals: We care about everyone, so we want to make life better for everyone WITH OTHER PEOPLE MONEY
Conservatives: People are only obligated to care about themselves

FTFY retard

The more nonsense the make up on the spot, the more condescending they can act to people who don't know what their made up nonsense means.

Do YOU know what transformative justice is? No? FUCKING WHITE MALE!

>mfw Google Chrome doesn't know what transformative means

This is a good way to put it.

Democrats = slave morality

Republicans = master morality

As Nietzsche put so well, the democratic movement in the west is designed to enslave the masters to the slaves.

consider not being retarded for a second
consider actually understanding economics
consider not wanting to pretend rich and powerful by following memes of people who take advantage of your stupidity
consider getting off this site and getting a job you enormous waste of life, air, and natural resources

It's very simple, leftists ideology is based on self destructive, illogical and irrational doctrine meant to destroy cultures, races and countries. Stripping away the human identity and nature,replacing it with Marxist, collectivist subversion.
There's a quote by Sun Tzu that effectively goes "Better to underestimate yourself and overestimate the enemy and be surprised with the outcome, than the other way around". Using the scientific method and basic logic, the 'right' in this country and others, assumes it can use rational, non-violent methods to achieve its logical and rational goals. Would it make sense for a logical, rational and 'fair' person to use violent means to achieve their goals at the drop of a hat? - No,of course not. And yet this is where we find the left currently. The left will always side with blacks when they riot because they are using irrational, self destructive violent means to achieve irrational and destructive goals. The left will even side with the meteor worshiping death cult when one of its believers kills 50 in a gay nightclub, essentially the ultimate leftists conundrum, two 'minorities' in flux, directly negating leftist 'logic' and undermining core leftist beliefs. The reaction in turn was to blame guns of course and bury it. Not to mention the executioners father, smiling, and front row center behind the traitorous snake at one of her rallies.
Bottom line:
>The 'right' are using rational, non-violent means to power because they believe in a call to good natured, rational people.
>The left is irrational, illogical and self destructive, hence why they always need a new host and gravitate towards the worst of human instinct.

You first

One group need the State to provide them a living, the other do not.

Shocker. Dem voters aren't idiots, they are hypocrites voting in their own best economic short term interests despite pretending to be egalitarian.

but that's not true at all; most republicucks live in the southern states which are literal cesspools, and most predominantly republicuck communities/towns are majority white bible belt shitholes with poverty rates through the roof. meanwhile, blue strongholds tend to house most of the country's most important cities, largest/most profitable companies, most educated/highest paid professionals, etc.

why would GE for example plop its global HQ down in the "socialist hellhole" that is boston?

>The left will always side with blacks when they riot because they are using irrational, self destructive violent means to achieve irrational and destructive goals
I'm left-wing and no I don't support BLM rioting
>The left will even side with the meteor worshiping death cult when one of its believers kills 50 in a gay nightclub
I'm left-wing and no I don't support radical Islam

They aren't.

Not an argument.

Not really m8. The Dem base is the poorest of the poor. Don't let the "I have a degree therefore I am clever and rich" bullshit fool you. Plenty of those degrees aren't worth the paper they are printed on.

Protip: not everyone votes. Cities are getting worse by the year, and the rural areas are turning out to be the most free areas of the nation.

do you understand the definition of any of the words you just wrote?

did you ride on the short bus in school or are you still going to high school even though you're older than 18?


Democrats are objectively poorer than Republicans.

The sad truth about the Democratic party is that it is really the welfare party.

>la times screenshot
>data not relevant to the argument

I know you want to participate and pretend to be smart and an adult, but stop talking about shit you know nothing about. maybe read a book not written by retards.

You think people not on welfare would vote to have their money taken away and given to poor people?

Showing so well that Democrats are allergic to facts.

If I won the lottery I'd buy a house and then spend 60% of what's left on charitable donations.

Rich people do actually care about poor people.

Until you factor in corporate welfare.

you have to understand the concept of systems. that not investing a portion of your earnings to help others is ultimately a detriment to you.

do you think I like paying taxes, no. Do I understand that I live in a society co-inhabited by others, yes.

People get trapped in the two party dialogue and unknowingly get trapped fighting the big man when its really the poor and the rich ganging up on the middle class.

Shit is dizzying.

That's 90% bullshit and everyone knows it.

what facts you fucking retard. that was a poll.

god you're fucking retarded. just stop.

Aren't you just the humanitarian that everyone needs. People always say they'd never get an abortion either. Well until they get pregnant anyway.

It's ok, just keep ignoring the facts and they might go away. Or maybe they won't.

except for all those rich people who lost millions on charitable donations

Giving welfare to illegal immigrants and single, black mothers in the ghetto is supposed to help me? How does that help me besides providing me with less money to waste on material goods or being put towards a mortgage?

Look at the common divider among the majority of those groups.

Do you believe in self-reliance and personal responsibility, or do you believe in dependency and blaming poor decisions on extenuating circumstances and a lack of agency?

Was it in the Clinton Foundation?

Interesting. But I consider myself a conservative and have no problem blaming big government for slowing the economy and drying up jobs that I might be able to take.

>why would GE for example plop its global HQ down in the "socialist hellhole" that is boston?
That's easy, they got massive federal grants and probably tax breaks to settle in a stimulus area ie a shithole.

It's all about self interest in the end. The Right want to protect their earnings from the private sector and the Left want to protect their earnings from the public sector. Very few people will ever vote against their own short term economic interest bar the extremely rich or the extremely deluded.

The difference is the Right doesn't invent an ideology of guilt cloaked in self-righteousness to conceal their self interest.

Egalitarian my arse. The self-labelling Left would vote Republican overnight if they promised to double welfare buxx and followed through.

This says nothing ill of human nature, either. There's no shame in voting for yourself. Here in the UK I'm considered a "far right" racist neo nazi for voting UKIP proudly, but the reality is I want the borders closed to secure jobs in the public sector, and UKIP represent the best vote for the NHS on top. By American standards I'd be Obama's bitch for advocating universal healthcare at the point of delivery.

The point is my vote is self-interested, 100%. As are the dolescum muslim invaders block voting Labour for all the free shit and importing 17 family members from pakistan. Our motivation for voting is identical when stripped of detail: it's what's best for us in the next five years.

Don't listen to the shills, I agree with you.

Looks like someone read The Devil's Pleasure Palace and actually understood it


talking in sweeping generalities about "the left" is pretty hilarious coming from children posting on an imageboard made for weebs.

that being said, poverty and general state insolvency is prevalent in red states, and not so much in blue states. this is irrefutable fact. no amount of underage, pseudointellectual faggotry is going to change that.

but by all means, stay in your "rural" containment zones. no one in the civilized world will miss you. enjoy your meth and AIDS!

red states are filled with immigrants and blacks on welfare who don't vote. Is this your first time posting this?

Might I also add that even the low income Republicans, like working class Republicans that for so long have also been democrats too, are also genuinely harder working people.

So many blue collar Republicans, even if they're not exactly intellectuals, they live by values that they can work hard and provide for themselves and their families without Uncle Sams help.

The reason people are Conservatives is because they stick to their values. Smart or dumb, they care about carving their futures and a strong society based off respect, morals, and effort.

I'd take the realistic, hardworking blue collar republicans over the indebted, idealistic, quasi-intelligent college-age liberals nowadays. It's a matter of common sense vs. overly optimistic, brainwashed thought process.

None of this is argument against what he stated it's just your emotional opinion about conservatives

In all seriousness conservatives need to do a better job teaching thier kids about capitalism. First movers advantage applies and when socialist indoctrinate the youth, it become very difficult to break them from the idea that socialism is actually really bad. Socialism is a democrat platform and is easy to understand (low IQ) capitalism a conservative platform and is a bit harder to understand but makes much more sense. People with jobs get this, welfare queens don't

>>blacks (violent and low IQ: data)
don't believe in themselves/no self respect, been told gubment has to do it for them
>>college aged millennials with low to no income
fashionable to be liberal
>>various other welfare recipients
don't believe in themselves/no self respect, been told gubment has to do it for them
>>cunty, single women approaching their 30s
fashionable, no self respect
>>beta, low testosterone nu males
fashionable, no self respect
>>gays, trasngenders, and various other individuals with perversions
have realized they can use the gubment to force people to accept their views
exploit all the previous ills for monetary gain
>>corporate banks
exploit all the previous ills for monetary gain/jews
>>poor nonwhite immigrants
smart to take advantage of generosity of people who have never experienced their hardships
>While republicans/conservatives main constituents are:
>>white people with jobs
raised with ethics, critical thought, moral hoighty toightiness
>>wealthy business owners
taxes, regulations make turning profit difficult
>>women in happy relationships

>>rednecks and hicks (this is probably split between the 2, a lot of them are democrats too)
fashionable to be a 'self sufficient workin' man
>>wealthy, successful, legal immigrants and their children
not retarded

Red states are literally filled with poor people who don't vote but get welfare.

The hardworking whites of these states are confronted by the reality of the welfare state every day. That's why these states are red.

>rednecks and hicks
>that's a good thing

Brexit showed 48% of the country was willing to risk that sort of demographic replacement if it meant securing EU funded employment for themselves in the short term. The horror at discovering how very many people were in effect hooked on globalism was only soothed by the 52% of voters who were furiously voting to protect their homegrown income.

Of course, scratch the surface of "EU funding" and you discover that we got £1 in funding for every £3 in EU taxes and fees, but even with this very obvious fact people didn't want to risk a wobble in their employment, however abstract and - in the end - non-forthcomming. Turns out those fancy EU plaques in the canteen were pretty much the extent of the "investment".

The "Keep the shitskins out" meme is very limited indeed within the UK. "stop importing people when we have such a high unemployment rate" is not the same thing at all.

Of course, wasting my life away on Cred Forums has indeed taught me that it's in everyone's best interests to keep the shitskins out, but that wasn't as important to voters on the day as the expectation of opening up the job market with Brexit, especially in public sector easy as piss jobs.

UKIP are as much alt-left as they are alt-right. Where do you think we magicked up 17million votes from on the day, especially against a backdrop of "ur a nazi if you let Nigel tell you how to vote" levels of propaganda? The people who used to vote Labour or Lib Dem ie public sector workers. Many of whom doubtless lied through their teeth the next working day about which way they'd voted.

When you come up with an alternative to taxes feel free to let us all know. Nobody likes paying taxes myself included and I'm a staunch liberal. However, I understand why they're necessary for modern society, and those who are already affluent should bear most of the burden. If you don't fund the government you would just be paying taxes to a king. At least you kind of get a say in what the government does.

Just graduated uni and a bloke in my graduating class said "can't wait to spend another 5 years here doing psychology now, I know labor are completely bullshit on everything but they pay me money"

Czech yourself before you wreck yourself, proxyshill. Democratic parties don't work, and if you consider a pisspot like modern day Germany or France to be a success, then you should move out of drug-infested Prague and start living the migrant's life in Germany or France. Monarchies and Republics are what allowed modern civilizations to exist and thrive, in fact, western societies wouldn't exist without monarchies and republics.