So how old were you when you finally matured and grew out of your atheist-phase?

So how old were you when you finally matured and grew out of your atheist-phase?


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had a long way to walk

iv been catholic since baptism

Same 16 then jumped right into apatheism

Because seriously who fucking cares

Never went through it. Almost did, but that was just because since I was a child I knew most modern, normie Christians are cucks.


Stop posting pictures of yourself Styx. You're not even an atheist anymore.

30 something being atheist is bluepill as fuck

How old were you when you decided to get cucked by Jewish fairytales that promote white genocide?

I grew up atheist. My parents were atheist. Their parents were atheist.

I'm 26 and never even considered the possibility of converting. My grandmother who is 91 is still an atheist.

>falling for the religion meme

>tipical christian

bout -903 years ago

Ah, but my friend, it's the Protestant centers that are importing non-whites en masse these days


Pick one



dont worry my 'redpilled' christian friends, it was just 'embryos' that pregnated your gf


Typical*, retard
I'm an atheist too though.

Most forms of Satanism are atheistic. The ones that aren't generally agree that God is a cunt. Not in a dark and edgy way, but more an observational way based on the bible and the state of the world.

The dark and edgy shit crosses over with goths, but generally Satanists are the sort of people who know a really good brownie recipe and just like the symbols because they're cool and they make the crazies pull their hair out.

I never seized to be one. I just realized traditional values exist for various social reasons and if letting people have their comfy illusion about God and afterlife makes them follow these traditional values and guidelines then so be it.

19 for me

>muh religion
>no justification for why atheism is bad compared to Christendom other than memes

you are all so bluepilled that you cannot fathom being diligent individuals with a moral compass and a sense of generally being a good human being without a religious text that you have to constantly rely on religious texts and not yourselves.

atheist=/=neckbeard memes

well stated, finland

Perkele bro is right

21 (so right now). On my journey to faith at the moment.

Good point. I am still figuring out how cucked christianity is. Non white here btw.


My brain was finally fully developed and I wasn't a hormone-ridden fag.

How old were you when you realized Christianity started from a slut getting pregnant and lying to her family?


I never was an atheist, but I grew out of Christianity.

I've just had my ninth abortion, pray for me

By and large, super cucked. Join an oldschool Baptist or Pentecostal church. Theologically I disagree with Baptists, but the hardshell ones usually at least mean it. Methodists are pretty much dull Classical Pentecostals theologically.

Christianity started from a cult rising out of Jerusalem based on someone who may or may not have existed.

It came to Rome, gained prominence, and Constantine decided to use Christianity the way the Jews used the exodus. He united Rome under a single god, removing the power of the cults and unifying it under himself. And then Rome died.

Jesus is basically Sol Invictus, but also a dead Jew.

Luckily never entered that phase.

Also, his name wasn't Jesus. It was Jesua. Which translates to Joshua.


Smart retards.

>getting your morals from a few millenia old book
>putting a bunch of unnecessary restrictions on your life and making you feel guilty for things you shouldn't feel guilty for

No, fuck organized religion

Your Catholics are the reason you got obongo in twice.

Pls, the Papacy is antichrist


Don't historians mostly agree that jesus was a real person?

I was 18, and college made me religious...
Don't ask.

Now you have me wondering

How did that happen?

Yes, but the copycat theory is getting brought up again since a lot of people are using it as a way to "disprove" Christianity alltogether. If people ever mention the copycat theory (Jesus being a combination of different deities), I'd suggest you ignore them, since believing in such a thing involves an exclusion fallacy, and chop-logic. I have no idea who revived the arguement, but it becoming more commonly used.

without strong evidence one way or the other, the musings of scholars are meaningless.

16.. Although I had it easy because being atheist stopped being the contrarian thing to do. Me being the edgy faggot I am had to be different.


Just fuck my shit up senpai

I'm not sure, probably about the same time that Christians first effectively resisted the evil schemes of the eternal Skype, which is to say, never.

I took courses on a variety of sciences. I noticed that a lot of networks existed, and organisms seem to have some non-voluntary purposes that were observable. I stopped being a nihilist, and eventually studied a lot of religions, along with philosophical views, which resulted in my religious conversion.

This is a very basic summary of my conversion, I do not feel like typing for half an hour to explain everything. So I'll just leave it that.

14 or 15

I'm still an atheist. I'm just very pro-religion. I'm not very secular anymore, but I still can't bring myself to believe in God for sure, as much I've tried to. I live morally.

But I dropped the whole "imma worship Dawkins and Hitchens instead" phase when I was 17. I'm 21 now.

So have Christians just been manipulated in to thinking theism is a maturity right of passage now?

>how old were you when you realized that you didnt have enough IQ points to understand the basic concepts of evolution and the world, so you just regressed back to something you could understand


>I'm an adult, I still believe in kind of Santa !!! He will give me a woman, a lot of kids and save the white race!

I used to be a Muslim but I became an atheist because I thought Christianity was just like Islam except European, I did research and realized I was mostly wrong.

I was surrounded by atheists and agnostics when I grew up, but despite that I stuck to being religious. The normiefication of atheism is a good thing in my book because the youth who are still religious are probably more knowledgeable now. Deus Vult

typical christian

Had a disgusting Reddit phase which made me an atheist when I was like 13 , Reddit truly is the work of the devil

>I have no idea who revived the arguement
That Zeitgeist movie was the first ones, but then they got destroyed by facts. My guess is leftover idiots from that.


Interesting, thanks.

typical christian again


This is the only way to go. Anyone who either unquestionably believes or disbelieves in a 'god' should just stop and consider that humans are actually fucking stupid and that we have no fucking idea.

No, typical Papacy. You frogs should know. Protestants used to be based.

19 after I got my first full time job and learned that nobody cared about atheism or debating me.

Working with regular people and coming to terms with myself helped me become the man I am today.

Also lifting/shaving helped my self esteem.

>you cannot fathom being diligent individuals with a moral compass and a sense of generally being a good human being without a religious text that you have to constantly rely on
This part really confuses me. Why do religious people always bitch about Atheists all being amoral sociopaths when statistics disagree with those claims? Are most religious people just sociopaths who can't imagine being a decent human being without the threat of burning in hell for all eternity?

>What are salem witch burn

Most Satanists are really atheists and Satan is a meme. The rest think they worship Satan but really are not.

There is only one (((People))) who are true Satan worshipers. Not all of (((Them))) know this but most of them do.

I was never indoctrinated about God when I grew up. When I was 13 I started to look into the matter and realised that I was an atheist.

Disbelieving something isn't the same as believing it's wrong.
Theism ("A") and atheism ("not A") are a true dichotomy and every person falls into either one.


by the end of 18 i totally understood the importance of religion and its role in building and sustaining civilizations

You mean English Papists?

i like that atheist's videos about trump and the occult.

i do not like happy christian family youtube videos they are insufferable.

That pictures being a little generous with how the Christian's look,i guess who ever made that picture doesn't live in the south.

>I am naturally so immoral the only way I can correct myself is reading a 2000 year old book written by people who were more immoral.


i know im slow

17 Went to a catholic school.


>I Never seized to be one

Holy fuck atheists are retarded.


That guy does not appear to be an atheist. He's just angry at the church. Same as that Golden Compass book.

>17tg century America

I abandoned Christianity over leaving Atheism. I was a devout Christian then till i lost my faith and became an Atheist at 15 while still being an Atheist now at 19.

I left Christianity completely on the lack of evidence in support of it (over any other religion) and the God who's prime feature is not showing himself to his creation.

So if i find proof for a God i will accept it and change my ways (assuming the God ain't a cunt) but other then that i remain an Atheist.

There's little that we can know will wait for us other than the good Lord. The world is changing and everyones straying - and I refuse to simply accept 'flux' and 'chaos' as ways of life to cope.

So how old were you when you finally realized the Catholic Church literally created the Jew?

8 just seemed like a bunch of bullshit, still does.

Never, i think its because my parents were redpilled before the matrix even came out

The influx and normality of drugs and weed did not help. I see those are the main stay as to why people are becoming atheist.

When I visited the St. Peter's Basilica.

Studies have shown that those without religion have life expectancies seven years shorter than
the average churchgoer, are more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol, and be depressed or obese, and they are much less likely to marry or have children.

“Religious attendance is associated with U.S. adult mortality in a graded fashion: People who never attend exhibit 1.87 times the risk of death in the follow-up period compared with people who attend more than once a week.” Hummer R, Rogers R, Nam C, Ellison CG. “Religious involvement and U.S. adult mortality”: Population Research Center, University of Texas at Austin. 1999.

16-20 I was atheist. Started seeing cringe atheist videos and posts. Thank God I was never vocal about it. I absolutely would have embarrassed myself.

I'm still an atheist.

t. 28-lvl

Raised Atheist, but did go to buddhist temple because of my mom. Technically a buddhist for most of my adolescence.

Then just straight up atheist but not really a devout atheist - I jus tnever thought about it. Agnostic atheist I guess.

Then I started having a hunch that the Christians knew something. God and religion was something worth looking into. I'm in that process right now.

Also I totally despise people who hold evidence above everything. That's all good in a DEBATE, but try applying that to your own life and spirituality.

Looks like someone failed history class. The C of E is a cheap knockoff of Catholicism. If you want real Protestantism, look elsewhere

His inability to spell has nothing to with his faith,also most of the white trash degenerates that make up Alabama can't spell either.

30ish they seem to just hold on to a new narrative made by jew intellectuals

>Varg will never be your dad

Best way to be.

How do Buddhists explain the existence of the universe? I honestly never looked into it. I can't imagine they're very big fans of the cosmological argument.

Went agnostic at 17 now slowly going catholic at 20

not believing in G-d is less of a sin then worshiping an idol(jesus)

About 14/15. Was confirmed and decided I believed in God.

Still don't go to Church though, I feel it's unnecessary

Jesus is part of the holy trinity, Ahmed.

Meant chrisitan. Pardon my leaf


Don't ask me. Most of my time was spent playing badminton with the monks.

22 or so...It's true, there are no atheists in foxholes.

Realized it was stupid to pray to a deity that I didn't believe in after a rocket hit the CHU I was sleeping in...choice was stop praying or start believing...praying seemed like the best option.

>Not spelling ot right
>Skype detected

gotta get that +1 holy dmg

About 21. Went on a huge backpack across Europe. I live in North England so took a train to north Scotland started walking from there to south England, into Ireland and got the ferry to Spain then walked from there across Europe, ended up in Norway and got the ferry back to England. Took just over a year. Opened my eyes, was always into spiritual stuff anyway. I live next door to an Anglo-Saxon burial mound and standing stone circle from the Neolithic period so our town has lots of festivals there like May King/Queen, May Pole etc. Met lots of Polish, Lithuanian and Danish pagans who took me to sacred places and talked about their Gods. Lots of similarities that overlap the Germanic/Slavic/Baltic Gods and stories and myths. Seemed to resonate with me and my own world view anyway.

im 23 years old and have been an atheist as long as i remember

i remember thinking about how god probably wasnt real when i was about 4 or 5 years old

naturally i went through a turbofedora phase where i thought religion was the worst thing in the entire world and the only reason humans werent off colonising space and holding hands singing kumbaya

now ive actually reached the stage where i acknowledge religion is actually good for most human culture, especially christianity, as clearly it acted as a sort of cultural control against degeneracy for such a long time

im at the stage where i actually WANT to be a christian because think its a noble ideal and good for humanity, except i just cant get around the supernatural aspects of it due to not believing my entire life

paganism really is the only hope for Europe religion wise

yes because people are really gonna start sacrificing goats and drinking blood again

Grow up


Everyone but me gotta learn

kek, i get it, and thats funny as fuck, but im just pointing out it simply isnt gonna happen

Religion has convinced me there really is evil in this world. sociopaths are generally drawn to religion because they can use it as a means to feed their sickness.

Look at how Muslims behead and stone and enslave millions of people. Without religious armor, these people would be called psychopaths, instead they're labeled "extremists"

Or how pedophilia and incest and other occult practices occur in Christian nations. Look at what happened in jonestown, what happened to the brand davidians and heaven's gate people. Look at the mega churches that rake in millions of untaxed dollars and have their pastors living in mansions and flying on private jets.

Morality is the last thing religious people can say atheist lack.

If you believe in god you have no moral compass

Out of interest user, how did you afford all of that?

Around 14-16 I concluded that agnosticism was the best way to go, it's what I felt I truly believed.

Around 18 I found I believed in God or a God or Gods. I don't believe we're alone here on this planet and I believe there is a far higher being. I think it cares about us, but I'm not sure if it cares about what we do or what happens here. They are above science and comprehension, you could not logically conceive their appearance or abilities. The concepts of "omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience" or too simple to describe its capabilities and along with that it thinks in a different way from us too.

I believe we share only one thing in common, and that's our emotion. Maybe we were created by it to have emotions like it, maybe different beings attract to one and other due to similarities and emotion happened to be the similarity.

I doubt we'll ever go back. Too much is lost and most normies just don't care. We should bring the cultural and communal aspects more to the forefront though. I know English in big cities who have never heard of May Queen or dancing around the May Pole and these other things that have survived from when the English still worshiped Woden and Thunor. Traditions are everything and without them - Christian or Pagan we've fallen into decadence and degeneracy.

Kinda in the same boat as you. I respect Christianity to some extent, but as far as following religion myself, no.

Just because some of the moral teachings make sense doesn't make it anywhere correct in all respects.

I must say I'm super jelly of Christ fags though. At the end of the day they can simply say "Eh, god." And all is well in their world. Meanwhile I have to deal with crushing existentialism.

Mine lasted around two weeks but I think I might have just been really angry at God for not fulfilling Revelation 21:3-4 yet


Boy, have we got a deal for you...

The real redpill is being an atheist but understanding that christfags create an important buffer between western civilization and the muslim hordes.

Doesn't carving stuff like that into it kill the tree?

15 I think, I'm still an Atheist but not an... One of THOSE atheists

Worked all the way through uni since I was 16. I wanted to do it since then and thought I may as well do it right out of uni instead of taking time out of work. It wasn't too expensive anyway. I took camping equipment, and I've been going camping with my dad since I was a kid so It was pretty good stuff. I stayed in a few hotels when in cities of course but nothing too expensive. Cost me £1500 at the end of it all. I made sure I was in the North for summer months and south of Europe winter so avoided the heightened price for summer vacation around the med

I was never so immature that I had an atheist phase to begin with.

I'm slaughtering a cow I buy from my neighbor every year myself because it's cheaper and the meat lasts long, does that count?

Nah, rest of the tree is delivering water and nutrients higher in the tree. Seen a lot of these in England and Denmark especially. I've seen trees with large portions burnt away from fires yet are still alive.

wow, that graph really makes your synapse work.

also, long wall of text:

aniway, i was an atheist when i was 16, you know the typical edgy atheism with no foundation, just your typical "hate christian attitude" , but fortunately i've never shown it to other people and such, except for some little discourses but never like "DUHHH! but religion it's stupid, i'm more intelligent!!!"

at 19, i grew out of it, but i was... neutral, didn't hate atheism, but neither i believed in christianity.

it was only recently after seeing a lot of atheist bullshit and christianity hate from everyone, that i kind of moved to the opposite side.
i'm still not interested in religion, i just hate those people who hate on christianity just for the sake of looking intelligent.

"ehhh but if it wasn't for christianity and scientific persecution we would be already be in space"

too bad that church tried to preserve a lot of science and literature documents that if it wasn't for them they would be lost.

"but they did crusades to attack poor muslims!"
it wasn't attack, it was defense, also why don't you criticize also the muslims? oh yeah because they would behead you, while (modern) christians stay silent and take the hit.

"but christians are bigots!!!"
and what about muslims, for example?

"but pagans were tollerant!"
actually what you talk about are those faggy neo-pagans, real pagans were intollerant just like other religions, roman pagans killed christians for example.

but in this case it's a bit different, since in the case of romans, it was more like culture defense from christianity... a bit like what is happening now with muslims, with a big difference that first christians were only a few defensless apostoles, while muslims are like bombs entering Europe.

at 25, after my first Santiago Way. I really found my faith on it.

That's pretty awesome then. I have some trees in my garden and my granddad had those woodcarving knifes, maybe I'll make something if they haven't completely turned to rust.

>must say I'm super jelly of Christ fags though. At the end of the day they can simply say "Eh, god." And all is well in their world. Meanwhile I have to deal with crushing existentialism.

yeah i get this too. christfags can just deal with complete destruction of our people and culture by striving for a higher ideal in the afterlife.

what do you mean friend

>Morality is the last thing religious people can say atheist lack.

I'll never understand that argument. Morality doesn't necessarily require religion.

Pretty interdasting, thanks for sharing

43. Still atheist.

I was 20. It was a very slow process, but was probably hastened by our country's increasingly repulsive, decadent culture.

I dont have nothing about Christianity besides the anti science part of it, I dont go to church anymore because its boring.

Grew up atheist, started believing in God at age 17. That being said, I despise church and I recognize it as nothing but a ponzi scheme. I don't need to be throwing cash into a pastor's bank account to pledge my allegiance to God. Most Christians would consider me a fedora tipper for that reason.

Go for it man. As long as its stable it will live. Share if you decide to


I take it you prefer eating processed meat and drinking coke while worshipping the globalist moloch instead?

whats it like being a cuck?

Christianity is for poor people

>Catholic centers

No such thing. inb4 potatoniggers are white

>romanian talking about who is and who isnt white

>>Also, his name wasn't Jesus. It was Jesua. Which translates to Joshua.

This is nonsense. There is no "J" or "Y" sound in Arameic which he and his mother spoke. It would be like if an American had a name that started with a 'dutch g' ( ) you would not be able to write it and nobody around you would actually call you that.

I never went through that phase, OP

I went from Atheist to Agnostic after I realized I knew nothing. I believe in America, but my religious ideas are all mixed up. If there is a god, I hope he doesn't mind me focusing on America for now

I didn't go to get involved in stuff but to visit. I wanted to hike in the country side mostly. I spent most of the time in the forests and mountains.

funny how your little cringe comic claims Christianity requires you to think, learn, and question the world around you, yet when ask questions and think critically, you realize it's a primitive man-made tool originally used to keep the populace placated with their position in life.

you can replace jesus with atheism in the picture and the road with "fundamentalism" "slavery" "genocide" "ignorance" "and it would be a lot more accurate.

27 or 26. I'm not a Christcuck by any means but I still remember how angry I used to be back when I was a militant atheist. Now I'm more of a survivialist-minded Christian who has a few paganist beliefs as exhibited by how I praise Kek. I hate mainstream Christcucks & the soccermom moralfags are annoying

Abrahamic memes are so fucking gross.

At least it's amusing when you retards argue over which strain of your ridiculous mythology is worse.

You'll be fine.

I'm one foot in Atheism and the other in Christianity.

I wish God would destroy the modern day Gomorrah that is San Fran, so I can believe again.


I was raised Christian and rebelled at around 14 years old simply because I didn't want to go to Church anymore and justified it by saying Jesus never commanded to go to Church every Sunday and give the Pastor a piece of my allowance.

Nowadays, I'm a bit Agnostic. I still refuse to worship and go to church. However, I believe and incorporate many of the Christian values into my life. No sex before marriage, Don't fall into debt, etc. 23 years old and my military m8s say I'm too conservative and that I should have fun.

It does make me wonder if maybe our ancestors were right. If you look at any of America's "Patriotic" songs or poems, there is always God.

In god we trust
One nation under god
God bless america

I can't discern if it is Mass delusion or maybe the truth.


I'm happy. You?

I think morals without Jesus Christ (not religion) is the road to destruction.

>you are not christian therefore you worship satan

Just fucking kill yourself.

Mexican Intellectual here. There are no higher beings that control us and tell us hiw we should live our lives.

back to tumblr

>1 post by this ID

20 and never giving up

>typical atheist
>wears satanic necklace

How can you be an atheist and believe in satan in the same time...
The only fuckheads who are wrong in the religious debate are the ones who think that they know the answers.
Guess what, nobody fucking knows the answers. The universe could've been created by a gay transgender zebra for all I know, but what does it matter? Is my life suddenly gonna be different? Do cars suddenly work differently?

I used to be typical church hating atheist cuck, now I would describe myself as cultural catholic.

Around 18. Eating shrooms probably traumatized me into believing in spirituality. But there definitely is no god that cares about us here on the planet fucking Earth. christianity and islam are skype inventions as a means of divide and conquer.

Why? It's not like Jesus came up with anything new.

Styxehexenhammer666 on the left


I became a deist instead. Religion is for retards.

You got dumber as you 'matured'?

I never "entered" the atheist phase, my grandparents weren't religious, my parents by-and-large weren't religious and I was not raised religious so I never have been religious. I won't paint all Christians with a broad brush like you do atheists, but I will say that in my state the most devout Christians are also the niggest of nogs. One of the highest church attendance rates, also some of the worst poverty, worst schools, highest crime, and highest unemployment. Also close to Texas with pre-marital or pre-adult pregnancy and abortion.

For some reason Christianity has utterly failed as a moral code in my state, despite being one of the most Christian this shithole is also one of the most degenerate. The only good thing about it is the gun laws.

Because this nation is increasingly wicked as a result of taking Jesus and his teachings out of their lives. Of course, you don't have to live his way, but look at what society has become. I think it's because of this.

Bye. When will you be back?

You got me user! Im a #CuckForChrist now!

But they're pulling that whole helping the poor and forgiving transgressors shit off perfectly.


As far as 'redpill' goes, by definition, nothing is more redpill than realising that GOD DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST.

There is just no evidence, none at all.

You cannot expect people to take you seriously while you believe all this shit. Religion is every bit as immature as Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

It's all in your head, and you absolutely know it.

yes that is good.

I genuinely think that Christianity is pushed so much onto the right to poison the well, because if it wasn't for this one thing we could back up pretty much all of our positions.

>but look at what society has become. I think it's because of this.

Then how is it good?

when i was legally old enough to excavate the hermetic texts beneath the left foot of the sphinx

You have to be over 18 to post here

Can I have some of what you're smoking?

Wew lad


>There is just no evidence, none at all.
Being is philosophically necessary.

Because people can be good and forgive, but people are sinful naturally. to live truly righteously, or at least try to, the teachings of Jesus must be applied. Sin will never go away,but with the blood of Christ a person can be saved and battle the spiritual wickedness that is increasing. Sin is just going to happen in other ways because no one is perfect.

My parents had me in Sunday school every week growing up. I didnt go between age 18-25 now i go a few times a year when I need to reflect.

Church reminds me of my family that have passed its healthy to stay semi close with your parish

16, converted to Germanic paganism as every aryan man should


You don't need some kind of omniscient, omnipotent being in order to be philosophical, user. There is no 'human spark' - every little process in our coincidentally advanced monkey brains is mechanical, hence we get things like Deep Art and A.I.-written music.

Being self-aware is amazing, yes, but it doesn't make the supposed godhead figure anymore tangible.


Teen LARPagan, fuck off.

Is this the thread where people tip fedoras to each other? Alright then.

>You don't need some kind of omniscient, omnipotent being in order to be philosophical, user.
No, I'm saying that Being with a capital B is philosophically necessary for anything to exist.

>You don't need some kind of omniscient, omnipotent
You are assuming those are attributes of God.

40 and still don't have an imaginary friend.

*tips bucket helmet* M'LORD

agnostic masterrace reporting

The left's shit genetics left him with no alternative other than to paint over it and pretend his ugliness is on purpose.

I'm not even a Christian, but I'll take Christians over faggot pagans any day.

Nothing wrong with LARP, bud. But as for the paganism, eh.....

I don't think I have ever believed in a God, but I was raised with the Cristian values and the traditions I start liking more and more. Now I am 31 yo Oldham, I have my own kids, and although we don't go to church etc., but I we still (me & and waiting both) have decided to raise our two daughters as Cristians. Even if they grow up and decide that in secular Europe they can't and/or don't want to live as religious people, they'll still have these same traditions that have kept my, and I hope theirs too, family strong, and loving, and together. I have gr8 wife I would never leave, and I hope my kids would find some good, smart boys, and not some beta faggots I'd hate.. And that they'll also have such great, stable, old. fashion, and Happy families, one day.

Of course a Brit would side with something foreign over something native.

you didn't question the world around you, you just accepted what mainstream culture told you should be the result of your questioning the world. A person with an honest mind and will always comes to realise Christianity is the truth

Druidic poems and burial mounds aren't native to Britain.

Well at least you're still in Poland, don't you dare consider moving to the UK like the rest of your population

Your country hasn't been relevant in over a century, and even then, achieved nothing but collapse. Most of Cred Forums wants you to be German clay.

>this pic again

Any form of belief system that's organized into a cult is damaging. Atheism chief among them, alongside Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. The Abrahamic religions in their entirety are fucking retarded and need to be purged.

Hinduism and Sikhism and other type religions like Buddhism and Daoism are acceptable forms of worship. But the Abrahamic ones are fucking retarded.

I live in Bulgaria. If you spend 3 min here you will know first hand there is no god.

took some acid and realized how egotistical it was for me to claim there was no creator of the universe as if I knew.


This hurts to look at

>quick, let me hide loving everything exotic like a 12 year old girl by changing the topic!
Yeah, have a nice evening.

Never because I'm not a christcuck

>Hinduism and Sikhism and other type religions like Buddhism and Daoism are acceptable forms of worship
How do you see Christainity differing at its core from Buddhism or Daoism?

You seem to take exception to organised religion (and the church generally) which I agree with, but don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Following a religion period at any age is bluepill as fuck.

Both atheists and religios people alike believe in something that can not be proven or disproven.

Agnostics wait for the facts.

Man, I'm glad I escaped the UK trap. Halifax is not what it used to be. By 'eck.

How old were you when you finally became mature enough to believe in Santa Claus again?

Religion is simply ramblings about magic and miracles written by humans in an age where nothing made sense to us, and it has been forced into easily manipulative children's brains for generations.
It's scary how delusional people become simply because they were fed bullshit during their childhoods. There's no reason for religion to be around anymore.
Shouldn't it be obvious enough to religious people that it's all fake when there's so many religions? And that poor unintelligent people without access to information are more likely to be religious?
It's absolutely insane. Religion is the very definition of irrationality, the belief in magic and the supernatural. I'm glad it's dying out in my country.

>typical christian

there is no sky wizard. i hope hillary wins just to see you crossfags try and consolidate it with god's plan

You desire to know something of my Religion. It is the first time I have been questioned upon it: But I do not take your Curiosity amiss, and shall endeavour in a few Words to gratify it. Here is my Creed: I believe in one God, Creator of the Universe. That He governs it by his Providence. That he ought to be worshipped. That the most acceptable Service we can render to him, is doing Good to his other Children. That the Soul of Man is immortal, and will be treated with Justice in another Life respecting its Conduct in this. These I take to be the fundamental Principles of all sound Religion, and I regard them as you do, in whatever Sect I meet with them. As to Jesus of Nazareth, my Opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the System of Morals and his Religion as he left them to us, the best the World ever saw, or is likely to see; but I apprehend it has received various corrupting Changes, and I have with most of the present Dissenters in England, some Doubts as to his Divinity: tho' it is a Question I do not dogmatise upon, having never studied it, and think it needless to busy myself with it now, when I expect soon an Opportunity of knowing the Truth with less Trouble. I see no harm however in its being believed, if that Belief has the good Consequence as probably it has, of making his Doctrines more respected and better observed, especially as I do not perceive that the Supreme takes it amiss, by distinguishing the Believers, in his Government of the World, with any particular Marks of his Displeasure. I shall only add respecting myself, that having experienced the Goodness of that Being, in conducting me prosperously thro' a long Life, I have no doubt of its Continuance in the next, tho' without the smallest Conceit of meriting such Goodness.

>Has an imganary friend
>Calling others childish

Don't bluepilled christcucks realize it's not a coincidence that niggers are WAAAYYYY more religious than whites? It's for low iq chimps who can't handle hard truths like the inevitability of death, their is a reason why their are atheist European and Asian countries yet ALL African and middle eastern countries are extremely religious.

>explain other religions

When you live in Sweden and this is the typical attitude...

Fuck this I'm gonna become a jew..

>Religion is simply ramblings about magic and miracles written by humans in an age where nothing made sense to us
They are typically highly sophisicated and developed.

>it has been forced into easily manipulative children's brains for generations.
I agree with this. It should be the preserve of old men. As far as children are concerned, they should try to follow the advice of their elders but they are incapable of being religiously taught. No 18 year old can comprehend God.

>Shouldn't it be obvious enough to religious people that it's all fake when there's so many religions?
That's an argument for more religion, not less. The same argument applies to philosophy.

>poor unintelligent people without access to information are more likely to be religious?
They are more likely to be pious and to strictly abide by the moral law, not necessarily be religious.

yep, they fear death like some real bitches. that eternal life bullshit is one hell of a drug


I was a flat out edgelord from 14-16, long messy hair, pseudo-SJW and automatically hated anyone who was religious, gradually I became less and less of a militant atheist until 18, been a Christian for 2 years now, got a good haircut and swallowed the redpill.

>That's an argument for more religion, not less. The same argument applies to philosophy
Nice logic gap. Philosophy is theoretical. Religion asserts absolutes and requires belief. Philosophy does not assert itself and multiple philosophies can be held at one. You can only have one religion... the universe can't be created in to different ways dumb bitch.

NOTHING can be proven or disproven. We can only make assumptions with what we have. Atheists believe it's more likely God doesn't exist, religious people think it's the other way around. If you want to be the middle ground, then stay out of the topic. People who call themselves "agnostic" are faggots who don't care about the issue or don't want to offend anyone. I bet you identify as genderfluid, too.

I don't think I was ever truly an atheist. For a couple of years I thought I was, then I realized I was just an agnostic. I always believed there was something more than this life. Maybe not a God and heaven like in the Bible, but something else.

>That's an argument for more religion, not less. The same argument applies to philosophy.
All the religions invalidate each other, so if one is real, the incompatible ones have to be false. I've yet to see a rational argument to this.

It took me until about 23 I'm embarrassed to say

Wrong, math can be proven. Math is fact. Science requires physical evidence correlated through math. However, this only creates a theory, but many theories can explain things you can see for yourself.
>Religion is based on whatever its prophets were physically smoking at the time the pulled it out of their ass.

People will say that there's no God, but then believe we're in some type of simulation. Who knows what the truth really is. No one has the answers.

>NOTHING can be proven or disproven

You just proved you are a faggot.


>All the religions invalidate each other, so if one is real, the incompatible ones have to be false
that's not true at all. If it turns out there's a God, then all the monotheistic religions were correct, not just one of them. The other bits of the Religion just interpret who his messengers/prophets were and how you should live your life


I never got the hate boner that many atheist have for Christians. I've heard people say that it's because Christians force their beliefs on others, but I lived in the Bible Belt my whole life and that has never happened to me once, so I don't buy that. Why all the hate guys?

The truth enrages those who wish it to be false

Religiosity map


but its highly unlikely is consistent of the fairy tales some fuckwits wrote on clay before the advent of indoor plumbing. i could make up a better origin story.

>If it turns out there's a God, then all the monotheistic religions were correct, not just one of them.

So you're saying that Jews = Christians = Muslims = Sikhs = Pastafarians, really?

The large majority of scientists are atheists, do they need to grow up too?

IQ map (Purple is the best, blue second best, tan in the middle, red is the worst)

hmm, lotta niggers
>Cred Forums respond

Go study some religions other than your own, please.

I'm saying if it turns out there is an omnipotent God then all those people who said there's an omnipotent God were correct

hmmmm, would you look at that. uneducated fucks like to think sky wizards are real... seems to me they don't practice logic much.

false. Repeating this over and over again doesn't make it true

All philosophies have foundational tenets, e.g. the epistemological nature of knowledge, that are nessecsary for any further development. Relgious assertions and absolutes are rarely that, they often have a sound basis. Christianity specifcally addresses that by discarding things like circumcision for circumcision of the heart.

>All the religions invalidate each other, so if one is real, the incompatible ones have to be false.
I don't see how that's the case.

I have.

>then all those people who said there's an omnipotent God were correct

But most religions don't just say that "there's an omnipotent god", they attribute some qualities and stories to him and those contradict each other.

the more religions you study, the more likely someone is to abandon religion all together. you begin to see it's all just fabricated remnant of dead theocracies.
>i like pagan with a little side of Jesus


>People on Cred Forums actually use this argument

>sound basis
At least I had a good lol today.

>No sex before marriage

Literally not a part of Christianity.

Adultery =/= promiscuity. Promiscuity for women is an abomination, but not just because it's before marriage.

There's also literally nothing in the bible about cohabitation before marriage.

The other bits of the religion are how to live your life and who the prophets were, like I said. None of those will be validate/invalidated by an omnipotent God being true

The opposite is true. Every atheist I've ever met who became Religious, including myself, happened from studying history.


I was 15 when I read the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins and thought I /r/iamverysmart and /r/atheism.

I was 23 when I began to accept that there most likely was a god / grand architect of the universe / some creator.

I was 25 when I became an orthodox Christian.

You think math can be proven with a brain you don't even know how works in a universe you can't know is real. No matter how obvious and undeniable something appears to be, there's always a possibility that'd make it untrue. In the end, fact is only what seems likely. Personally, I don't feel like that really matters and I don't think anyone else should either. My point was that if agnostics are waiting for facts, they'd have to wait forever.

>implying saying most scientists are atheist isn't cherry picking

I'm more or less an atheist meaning that while I don't believe in a God and severely doubt there is one, I can't rule it out either. These days I just DGAF

You'll get it one day. God bless you, user.

21 - become a traditionalist catholic who attends Latin Mass. Pretty Fking sick of Francis kissing muslim feet though.

Aquinas makes Dawkins look like an infant. I really pity the young minds who read Dawkins and not histories greatest thinkers and start to believe they know the truth.

Ive shut up about being openly atheist but really how can anyone with deductive reasoning skills believe in a god. Id go to church to fit in but honestly its stupid as fuck

Is it? I mean my point at least wasn't all theists but those that state that religion is required for morality to exist are sociopaths. It isn't that people get their moral code from religion or even use their religion to justify their morals, but the idea that if they didn't have religion they would just go around raping and murdering. Simply put IMO there are four kinds of theists

>I get my moral code from my religion
The healthy theist

>I developed my own moral code and chose a religion that justifies my moral code
The pragmatic theist

>I believe in a religion but ignore its moral code in favour of what I want
The false theist

>I follow the moral code of my religion because if I didn't I would be punished
The sociopathic theist

I assume the first group makes up most religious people with the second following in second particularly among adult converts. However, people who seem to think that religion is required for morality genuinely confuse me as I don't see how they couldn't think through the process of
>Hurting people makes me feel bad
>I shouldn't hurt people
to assume that atheists could have their own moral code which is simply different from theirs but nonetheless has the same overall intentions (be nice, help people, don't be a dick). It is like they sat down and thought "if hell wasn't real I would totally have a rape dungeon to keep cute girls in" and assume that atheists think exactly like that but don't have the threat of hell to keep them in line.

THese thread always baffle me

DO people actually try and argue that religion isn't one of the bluest pill you can get ?

Are people actually prood to follow the precept of 2k+ years old jews?
Read fucking philosophy for your morals, like Marcus Aurelius Meditations , religion is stupidity

If these fucks want a government based on the Abrahamic god, they ought to take a trip to the middle east. Theocracy is really fucking working out over there. I'd take communism over theocracy any fucking day. I don't wanna be beheaded becasue I wore two different fabrics at the same time. (Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:9–11)
"I'm a Christian becasue I like how Jesus believed in Jewish laws!!!"
>Cred Forums cant handle the metal gymnastics for this one folks
>hate the goyim, but love a jew anyway

>None of those will be validate/invalidated by an omnipotent God being true

Never said that. But the FSM would invalidate the non-FSM religions. Allah would invalidate Christianity since according to Islam Jesus didn't die on the cross, which is the core tenant of the faith, etc.

Why does this have to be spelt out to you?

Posts like this baffle me.

Have you ever read ancient literature? Do you actually think anyone alive today is on the same level as the ancient philosophers of old? Some of histories greatest minds were religious, do you really think some of humanities greatest thinkers were so simple that fedora wearing neckbeards today out smart them?

Read fucking philosphy and realize some of these men were geniuses, and listen to their actual arguments, instead of saying theyre dumb because they're old

>Are people actually prood to follow the precept of 2k+ years old jews?
>Read fucking philosophy for your morals, like Marcus Aurelius Meditations
you don't even see the irony here do you

>Shows scientists who were all born long before we discovered the theory of evolution or the big bang

Do you have autism? No, seriously.

People like you, user, are why I want a type 3 civilization to cleanse humanity from existence. It wouldn't be a big fucking loss.

(you) haven't been paying attention. Name a better method of moralistic control of a society than Christianity.

>protip: you can't.

You don't _believe_ in the sky faeries, you _say_ you believe in the sky faeries.

>big bang theory was discovered by a catholic priest
>thinks evolution disproves religion

Are you from r/atheistm? no, seriously



ummm, the constitution and maybe local laws?
>Jewish law form 6000 years ago is sorta dated

I fucking cited Marcus Aurelius Meditations, a fucking fleuron of stoic philosophy you mongoloid mongrel. As he shows, appreciating nature, life, and recognising the transient nature of life, all good values. But it's not a fuckign religion. That's not asking a dead jew for favors. Are you so daft to not understand the difference? No wonders, really.

>Completely ignores the main point since he knows he can't refute it

Sounds pretty autistic to me, reread it faggot

>Cred Forums demonstrating it's legendary mental gymnastics
>user points out Cred Forums loving Jewsus
>user must be jew

Your main point was that the big bang theory, created by a priest, somehow proves religious people aren't scientific? Sounds pretty retarded to me m8

You bitched about people following 2k year old book for morality and then cited an older book as a source of morality. Congratulations on being retarded

for Cred Forums
>it is!

God doesn't exist.

different book, user
>one had a zombie jew
>one has logic

>see you faggots at the heat death

How do you acquire *less* knowledge with age?

>strawmaning this hard

>I don't wanna be beheaded becasue I wore two different fabrics at the same time. (Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:9–11)
>"I'm a Christian becasue I like how Jesus believed in Jewish laws!!!"
One of the central teachings of Christ is the new covenant (which has only 2 laws) and pointing out the hypocrisy of Jews following the Torah.

>That's not asking a dead jew for favors.
Christ specifically says not to ask him for favours, since God already knows what you need. You don't understand what prayer is.

There is a chance.
However, if the bark gets stripped a full 360 degrees around the whole tree, anywhere, there's a 100% chance the tree will die. Partially, it's iffy.

that's not a strawman, user
Jesus is reported in the bible to have come back from death
Jesus was a jew
zombies are reanimated people
Jewsus was zombie goyim

Holy shit you guys piss me off so much. God picked a tribe in the desert, the Jews, to be his chosen people. He put them through tribulations to strengthen them and gave them strict laws to weed out the unfaithful.

He did all this to prepare for the coming of Christ, so Jesus's first disciples would be ready to travel the world and preach the word of God.

Christ's coming nullified the original laws as the Jews had fulfilled their purpose. The priests and other influential Jews couldn't handle being told that they were no longer important, so they revolted and started a new religion based on the Talmud, some books they wrote with the help of Satan.

Ever hear the expression "the more you learn, the more you realize you know nothing?"

Read Kant and learn the difference between a priori and a posteriori knowledge. A priori knowledge contradicts with the belief that there is no god, and the denying a priori knowledge makes you an idiot

17 I was an edgy atheist for two years now whatever the fuck I am is like being agnostic and Catholic don't know how that works

Like 20 then I discovered kek

15. At first I was being ironically edgy. But then I saw my future if I did not stop and realized it was all a trick.


>that is a great idea for a sitcom
now tell me what you really think without trolling


hail satan
Christianity has been around for 0.0008% of human history.... why did the sky wizard choose now? was it part of its plan?

>I don't understand it, therefore it's not true

I'm impressed with the way you use your own stupidity as an argument

>You don't understand what prayer is.
I understand it fine, it's a waste of time.

Here's a better way to go
''You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.''

Meditations isn't shit tho. Large difference there. I won't go to hell for following another god or retarded.


>implying meditation isn't the poor man's prayer
call it what ever you want to make yourself feel better

>becasue there is no plan
>there is no god
>if anything we're just simulated and any sense of god is some faggot nerd who likes to watch theists kill each other over who's sky wizards has a bigger cock ring

>it's true because I say it's true

Name given by others to unnamed text he wrote for himself. Once again, christ cuck prove that they are more than willing to argue about shit they obviously don't know. Ignorance is bliss, lucky one

>I understand it fine, it's a waste of time.
>Here's a better way to go
>''You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.''
Why do you believe you definition of prayer conflicts with the Christian one?

but you're already going to hell for not pledging your allegiance to the Islamic State
>you'd think these theists would know what they're supposed to do for that heaven passport

I read meditations user, I know exactly what I'm talking about. Keep tipping that fedora though.
