WTF how is this even possible, what are the animal rights organizations doing about this?

WTF how is this even possible, what are the animal rights organizations doing about this?

Other urls found in this thread: dog meat recipes







fucking gipsy subhuman scum!


What's wrong with that? Romania gets rid of dangerous animals, gets money, and hungry Chinese get food

Nice get.

RIP doggos

China is in for a meal


Literally everyone profits.

>10 posts in the thread
>9 posts by this ID

Somebody is mad.


Et tu, Mario?

This is terrible. What if they were cats?

Problem? At least China will eat them instead of gassing them and wasting the meat

All of you are idiots, that's not a real article, look at all the typos tardo OP left.

Get cancer, you fucking gook.

I wish we'd sent all our dogs to your shithole so they'd eat your children and women,cretin.

why do romanians hate stray dogs so much ?
i thought they were part of you culture

Wish more shelters did that.

Over here they throw them in a landfill. what a waste.

9000 dogs die a day
Faggot moron


>Stray dogs
Sounds great, Romania isn't the kind of country with an economy to support a large stray dog population by giving them goverment or private issued shelter
It would've still be cool
they're called STRAY for a fucking reason

Disgusting subhuman shitskin gypsies.

You all need to die.

>Smecleea Papacioc

lmao that's a fake article

China doesn't just rat dogs.

They torture them for fun.

All Chinese people must be killed.

If I had a way to nuke China, I would.

If I could press a button and kill every single Chinese man, woman, and child, I would.

kill yourself PETA
Don't you have some fucking blood to throw at people?

probably bullshit

msm has a persistent campaign going against China in case you haven't noticed

Get crucified you shitskin refugee.


doggo no :(

>fake article
taci fmm it's from fox you faggot

Send them a screen shot via email. I'm pretty sure they don't browse threads here.

OP confirmed gipsy LUL

lmao kys PETA nig
go fuck your Pitbull

I hope a pitbull kills your mother.


>mfw I see a filthy mainlander with terrible manners


It's either die from hunger and disease in an almost bankrupt animal shelter in a poor country or being used as food in another.

te-am facut sa cauti prostule

Jesus Christ Sean, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

>you right now


I would be okay if this if it wasent for the fact that chinese kanine cooking involves FUCKING TORTURE. Chinese people are smart but they have the worst moral compas of any ethnicity. The literally do not feel remorse or empathy. Chinese people are like honey badgers. They just dont give a shit.

Ti-ai pierdut timpu fraiere

Thank you based Chyna.

trebuie sa recunosti ca n-a fost o idee rea
>implying ca aveam altceva mai bun de facut

Great solution DESU.

Maybe it will also force Romanians in that city to get their shit together.

Cu placere, maine cu ce tara vrei sa fac articol?

Frumos thread , cioroiule. Ce faci in Austria, cauti lebede ca bunica-tu ala sifiliticu?

Mersi coae.
Nu am mai prins de mult o lebada, au devenit foarte fricoase sa stii dog meat recipes

article is obviously fake. you fucknuts are as gullible as ever

romania has a massive problem with stray dogs tho. but i think they trap and neuter them rather than keep them in shelters because people protested against them being culled. the neutered ones are marked (clips in their ears etc)

when i visited bucharest i was walking around the city and a dog came and walked by my side just like it was my pet. i know it probably just wanted food but humans and dogs go way back and it felt like we were buddies for a while.

however i have also seen stories about people being attacked by the strays and getting eaten a bit so maybe it was just waiting for the right moment to take a bite out of me

would try dog mouth/10

>stray dogs


who gives a fuck, stray dogs literally attack people, bring diseases and are dirty as fuck


A 4 year old was eaten alive by a pack of stray dogs a few years ago.

PETAfags will defend this
>dey wuz gud dawgs

Don't believe the article saying the dogs were privately owned, the media shills spread this lie everywhere

>privately owned dogs

>stray dogs

my pastry munching friend, you're a special one aren't you

vasili, nu mai suntem in 2009. Opreste-te.

I tried dog before, can say it's all that great, the meat was a bit tough and felt dry like white meat on poultry.
I would have much perfered beef or pork cooked the same way

Dude you sound like a fuckin vegan
just because dogs are cute and the white master race doesnt eat them that doesnt mean its any better than butchering cattle or piggies for your bigmac
this is why pol is such shit
anything that does not push your agenda fourward is evil leftist bluepilled trash
Its the fucking same as the sjw tranny bs only the other side of the fence

"Privately owned" refers to stray dogs that are regularly fed by old pieces of shit who refuse to die

Kill yourself vermin. Hope your whole family is skinned alive and burned. Daca te-as prinde te-as omora pe loc futu-ti gatu matii de vierme, nu e de ajuns cacatul in care suntem, mai de faci si tu de ras, tu-ti mortii matii de copil scapat in cap. Arzi in rasa matii cu trollingul tau de 2 bani. Si asa avem o reputatie proasta pe aici, vii si tu ca un dobitoc in plus.



Futu-ti dumnezeii ma-tii de jeg uscat, ia uite unde era ROMANUL justitiar de pe Cred Forums, da-i drumu la wc-ul din curte ca iti iese pe nas.
nu exista nici un NE, cred ca ai uitat unde esti.
pun pariu ca esti moderator pe softpedia

>"7642 stray dogs, wich is over 2600..."
>"wich is over"

acelasi pederast

Imi pare rau Mihai dar nu

Ma pis pe existenta ta. Singurul lucru de care te poti lua a fost literalmente o litera gresita. VIERME NENOROCIT. Ce justiciar spurcatu-le? Sunt pe un imageboard politic pentru a discuta politica nu pentru a-mi vedea thread-urile bune duse pe ultima pagina din cauza unui copil retardat ca tine cu prea mult timp liber. Crezi ca esti amuzant? Ca obtii puncte virtuale? Pentru ce mortii matii ai postat asta? Sa-ti faci de ras tara si mai mult? Sa intrii in gratia strainilor virtuali? Sa dai un slide?

Ce rol ai aici? Ai prea mult timp liber? Du-te in pula mea la munca, invata, du-te la sala, uita-te la un film, fa in mortii matii ceva productiv. Sau creaza un thread demn de locul asta. Crezi ca-s justiciar cu tine? Pe toti cei din specia ta ii detest. Mars in plm de aici!

Da-l dracu ca m-a enervat. Nu imi intra ungurii aia pe sub piele, nici macar britanicii dar cand vad jeguri de genul, ma apuca nervii.

Oh shit, o cratima pusa prost. Nu uita sa ma corectezi!

>Sunt pe un imageboard politic pentru a discuta politica

esti pe imageboard-u gresit

It is ironic that you call us subhumans regarding this subject, when in fact we were too mercy and allowed them to breed these numbers


savage fucking cunts innit
an Gypos would sell their kids to be eaten if asked lel

Go back to Turkey, Ahmad.

Nothing wrong with this. Atleast china will put them to good use.

so many EDGY LORDs HERE!

an the best is most are pupper /kitty owners!
I hope you get Cancer of the bollocks
an as you die that pet still loves you Mongo

Grow up you are not a 12yo old edgy kid any more mongo ffs


>pentru a discuta politica nu pentru a-mi vedea thread-urile bune duse pe ultima pagina
>thread-urile bune
Ptiu da-ti-as foc de autist.
Ce threaduri bune faci tu ma prapaditule, auzi la el 'creaza un thread demn de locul asta'.

Asta am facut porcare, da-i drumu mai repede de aici ca te-ai ratacit.

Si in nici un caz nu imi dai tu ordine ce sa fac cu timpul meu, in schimb eu iti ordon sa treci la culcare ca maine esti schimbu 1 pe raion la Kaufland.

>if you don't want disease-ridden vermin running around attacking people you must be a mudslime

Makes sense, burger.

get a room an ass fuck you faggots ok
we discussing Big brave Heros killing pets for food ok
when chinkos got noodles
TOP Kek Hahaha

>gypos regularly do this

When are we going to nuke this shithole?

Forgot pic

Post more

That's called meat tenderizing m8.
Also, checked


It's their culture to eat dogs, don't be RACISSSSSSS

thread reported to SRI. The russian(moldovan/austrian or wherever he moves) poster is a known paid shill

Hai ca m-ai facut sa rad Tudorele



WOW ..
Lottery brought next week hahahaaha

sunt 2 variante
1. esti rusul platit sa posteze cacat
2. esti retardat mintal
nu am vrut sa te jignesc asa ca am ales 1

3. am foarte mult timp la dispozitie
Io nu va inteleg ce pula mea cautati aici, sper ca nu ai impresia ca faci politica sau ca e cumva datoria TA ca roman sa ne lustruiesti "imaginea" in fata unor anonimi a caror principala ocupatie e cacatpostatul.

Calmeaza-te coaie.

si tu de ce simti nevoia sa patezi "imaginea" cu niste lucruri care nu sunt adevarate sau exagerate la maxim? Ai timp de pierdut si ai zis sa iti justifici decizia lasa sa pleci din tara? Eu sunt calm, tu pari a duce retardarea la maxim fara nici un motiv. Sau ai alt motiv...vezi 1

calmati-va ca oricum va iau in pwla pe amandoi

>Confirmed for never going to Bucharest
the doggos there are not like the doggos in the west. There are literally packs of them that roam the street and attack anyone that goes near them.
The only good doggo was the one that lived outside my grandpas apartment because hed attack any gypsy that was trying to steal shit.

Guess we have a nuclear weapon for some good reasons.

Also, China is having problem dealing with its own stray dogs. This article has to be fake... Eating dog meat in China isn't popular at all...

>ai zis sa iti justifici decizia lasa sa pleci din tara?
Decizia lasa? Care tara prietene?
Tara care in scoala mi-a oferit o "educatie pe banda", fara a ma invata practic nimic?
Tara cu salariu minim pe economie net de 925RON?

Ma pis pe ea de tara! Nici macar nu sunt nervos, doar iti spun sincer ca ma pis pe ea.

Patriotismul asta e asa de overrated ca mi se face mila. Suntem patrioti pe stomacul gol ca asa e frumos, iar altii delapideaza statul de zeci de milioane de euro si fac cativa ani de puscarie.

Multumesc dar nu imi trebuie, prefer sa muncesc cinstit pe un salariu decent si sa imi fie respectata munca, ma doare-n pula ca tie iti place sa muncesti sclav pe trei eugenii si o cola.

In alta ordine de idei, care e treaba cu acel rus, ce anume shilluia pe aici?

io sunt calm, numai un idiot s-ar enerva la ce se posteaza pe o tabla anonima de imagini

stiai bine ca mananaci cacat cu ce postezi si ai facut-o ca sa obtii o reactie. Ai obtinut-o pentru si esti multumit de tine acum ca ai cu cine sa vorbesti. Bravo, cauti reactii "pe o tabla anonima de imagini"

Plus, patriotismul nu e pentru guvern, daca tu asta intelegi, inapoi in rusia

Exact, am cautat reactie, am obtinut-o si m-am amuzat de idioti cu tzepusa-n cur, asa ca tine

Totusi cred ca suferi de ceva tulburari psihice, nu sunt rus, daca esti dragut spune-mi si mie ce am pierdut, ce anume cacatposta respectivul pe aici?