Is Alien vs. Predator a redpilled franchise?

Is Alien vs. Predator a redpilled franchise?

It's basically R-type vs. K-type, and there's no doubt that the preds are rendered far more sympathetically than the xenos.

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Yes, people in general have an intuitive sense that K is good and r is bad. No one really like "leftists", even communists like Che and Stalin tend to get rid of r-selected scum once the revolution is over.

But the world is heading towards r society. 20% of men getting 80% of women. Divorces and no fathers and thus less parental care. Earlier sex and pregnancies. More bastard children.

The days of monogamy and K selection for humans is over when most men can't find a partner.

Strange. I found a hot red-pilled waifu no problem.

But then again I'm successful and in shape...

Nope, few men being selected to pass their genes should actually intensify selection.
It's just exactly what it's selecting that's the problem.

>it's a Cred Forums mis-uses ecological concepts and applies them to sociology thread

>it's a Cred Forums has a good discussion and a leaf barges in and ruins everything thread

How old are you? Most American women are just disgusting. Glad you got lucky but your anecdote doesn't change the reality of it

>Nope, few men being selected to pass their genes should actually intensify selection.
Idk it's not good for society when only 20% of men get that chance with a lot more decent guys unable to to succeed.

>It's just exactly what it's selecting that's the problem.
This I agree with

>20% of men getting 80% of women
That's K selection though. In a K-type society, women are more selective over who they allow to impregnate them. It's only natural that a minority of men would get the majority of women.

>it's a "well-established laws of biology magically don't apply to humans" post

I'm early 30's, my wife was born in Russia but she's an American citizen, got her undergrad and masters in the US, etc. Shes a few years younger.

My success had something to do with not having a defeatist "the world's against me so I can't do it *sniff sniff*" attitude.

Also, again, being in shape. So many American men are as unattractive or worse than the women they think they deserve. Literally takes 30-40 minutes every other day to be at semi-beast level, and only slightly more to be full beast; the former is enough to get literally any woman white woman if you're white, confident, and well spoken.

True but K selection animals are more monogamous. This means it's not possible for 20% of males to have 80% it has to be equal otherwise it's polygyny.

>tfw /fit/ but shy as fuck and drop spaghetti in front of hot girls

Oh so your wife isn't American there you go. I mean she's an American citizen but wasn't born here. That's what I mean when I say American women are not up to par with other women.

Anyway congrats man looks like I'm going to have to search elsewhere for a descent female which I don't mind because I know foreign women are better. And getting into physical shape is a lifelong process.

I was shy too. Still got a hottie because traditional women actually like shy guys.

Although in dull disclosure I had been drinking when we met which helped with the courage. Part of it is knowing yourself. If you're shy, have a couple drinks if it helps.

Also, shyness usually comes from high expectations (at least I know it did for me). If my goal is something like "find a wife" then obviously every encounter takes on an uber-significant impossible-to-live-up-to meaning. If, on the other hand, every encounter is just "interact with a fellow person searching for the same thing I am in the game of life" then it becomes a more playful, casual thing. Paradoxically this casual approach is more likely to lead to a good relationship, which is the only thing that can lead to a good waifu.

For me, a couple drinks helped to put it things perspective. A crutch? Sure, but all's fair in love and war, user.

Yes, I wasn't looking for a "foreign" woman, though. I was just looking for an attractive, traditional one. She could have been born on Jupiter I wouldn't have cared.

I acknowledge the difficulty with American women, but my current wife wasn't fully red-pilled when we met. I fully red-pilled her myself.

As a man, in a long term relationship, you're going to be the leader. There is no way around it - that psychology is millions of years in the making. As the leader, you can easily influence your wife to think the way you do if you a firm and articulate.

It's harder to find a woman who is traditional, and I would not expect to be able to make a woman who isn't to be so. With that said, they do exist in Orthodox and Traditional Catholic (TradCat) churches, among other places. But I would just advise to meet as many women as possible (even in bars/clubs) and if you find one who is traditional and attractive flirt it up, rinse and repeat.

On a final note: Many traditional women will dress comparatively slutty to go to bars because they are extremely pressured by friends to do so. What matters is how she was raised, not how she presents herself for a couple hours at a club. She will always revert to her upbringing, given enough time. It is in fact what she secretly wants to do.

>As a man, in a long term relationship, you're going to be the leader. There is no way around it - that psychology is millions of years in the making. As the leader, you can easily influence your wife to think the way you do if you a firm and articulate.
Mhm, most women are born followers. Men are forthright and stubborn, women are compromising and accommodating. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but I've realized that the more I fight it, the less happy I am.

Don't herd animals tend to favor a harem-type arrangement though? Usually there are more cows than bulls, and more chickens than roosters... though, animals on a farm aren't exactly living under natural selection.

You're a cock m8

this is really good thank you for sharing