Badass or dumbass?

redpill me on napoleon

Was him being a manlet really propaganda?

1,69m in the 18th century is far from small.

probably serving a higher power, like all leaders of war

>can't conquer country with 80+% of slaves
0/10, wouldn't support

pretty much stalin hundred years earlier, just more literate and less brutal jew puppet that wanted to achieve one world government by means of military intervention

He was a badass. Unfortunately he didn't know that it was not feasibly possible to conquer Russia.

Switzerland wouldn't be the same without him. I think he was a great force of good in this world.

Badass, until he invaded Russia and became a dumbass.

Then continued to be a dumbass after attempting the whole thing again.

He was pretty based. His attempted Continental System was a step towards autarky, away from the merchant-friendly free-trade that the Anglos pushed.

>Napoleon was a puppet for the international Jewry, that's why he was against free trade
An hero

one of the big five of military command

others being:

alp arslan

each one of the big five literally established the dominance of their parent nations for CENTURIES if not more.

Alp Arslan's ridiculous win at Manzikert established Seljuk Turk and then Ottoman Presence in Anatolia leading to 600 years of Empirehood.

Subutai is responsible for 70% of Mongol Empire's annexations for the first two generations.

Suvorov singlehandedly created the Russian great military power.

Hannibal utterly demolished Rome for 25 continuous years of campaigning through the Roman Empire without pause.

Napoleon is... well Napoleon the father of modern military doctrine.

Subutai, Alp Arslan and Suvorov are the only 3 generals in history who have never lost a battle and have fought more than 50 large battles.

Napoleon and Hannibal have lost a couple yes, but Hannibal's Cannae is a monolithic legend and the wet dream of the other four, while Napoleon shook a continent of alliances against him in their boots for more than ten continous years.

Bait and troll the french sure-- but never disrespect this manlet Italian """"French"""" mastermind.

History repeats itself

He liberated the jews.

Automatic dumbass

Learn more about Stalin and Napoleon. Napoleon was not brutal like him.

partly. part of it was that he to ride a giant ass white stallion and usually he would be at the head of his Imperial Guard, which you had to be at least six feet tall to join. so although he was slightly above average height for his time, he was on a giant horse in front of a bunch of relatively tall men. it made him look small by comparison, especially at the distances most of his enemies viewed him from across the battlefield. but his enemies did seize on this to make jokes at his expense.

learn to read till fucking end dumb nigger


Liberal opportunist.
Wasn't a manlet, but was a cuck.

Both. Great strategist, bad politic.
Giving the police to Fouché and foreign affairs to Tallereyran was a recipe for disater.

He was serving... the newly created central bank of France. Who could be behind this private cartel must be a coincidence.

He fucked up Spain forever for no good reason.

>this triggers the french

A brother three points.

Blucher? Not even mad, he was an idiot. As was Wellington, too bad the french army at this point was like the wehrmach in 44, 14 to 20 yo conscripts with no military experience. Even with this handicap, Napoleon got close to win the battle.

Ok but it's still not true.

What Napoleon did on and off the battlefield was critical to western society we know today

No leaf, it's Alexander I von Russland

Well, you shouldn't waste you manpower like you are Russia

Ha sorry, i guess i could search for it. You know he made a great impression in Paris during the occupation? He was a perfect francophile and gentleman. I think french actualy liked him, even with the fatty he brough with him to be their king.

YES....Literally a meme started by the fucking Anglos that persists TO THIS FUCKING DAY.

He was average European height at the time.

Yes, the view of Moscow burning didn't worth the great army and continantal empire. Sad.

You are right that he was used as a Puppet UNTIL he went EMPEROR mode. That is when the puppet masters decided to ditch Napoleon and went against him by siding with the Eternal Anglos.

Napoleon was FULLY Red-Pilled and understood the larger game at play.

Read up on his Italian Campaign or watch a video. You'll see how he was badass. Also Siege of Toulon as a bonus.

And of course the big three, Marengo, Austerlitz and Jena.

Austerlitz is such an aesthetic name.


He kickstarted a new age for the western world by his sheer willpower, the man was obviously a genius and out of this world but in the end he still had his flaws and just couldn't tip the balance of power enough to unite Europe.

It's amazing how societies stagnates for a long period of time until one individual came out of the lot and suddenly push them 10 steps forwards

Yep his famous victories. But I merely put a focus on those other ones because they showed his humility and willingness to be in the fray along with doing things that would be done by lower ranks. He got the nickname "the little corporal" and earned respect from his men from the Battle of Lodi after showing heroic qualities.

and then read up on his egypt and russia campaign and see how low he valued his own men and threw away all he had gained

Yes, he understood how Alexander became so successful in his military campaigns. Compare him to Wellington who absolutely despised that kind of attitude

I don't know much about his first battles (except Toulon). I see it was the bridge battle, i remember seeing it in a TV show a couple years ago. He charged on the bridge chokepoint and overuned the austrians on the opposite shore. Thats amazing.

Where does Napoleon keep is armies??? his sleevies!!

>mfw we will see major newspapers referencing "God Emperor Trump" within the year

And this time, there shall be no Waterloo.

fucking homo KEKS i swear murdering them and raping their corpses wouldnt be enough

Great military leader, halfway decent political leader, great political thinker.
Was kind of the Hitler of his time in that he United pretty much the entire relevant world against him, also suffers from the classic great man syndrome in that history consistently tries to paint him as the big bad evil man of Europe. Shot himself in the foot multiple times.
Overall an interesting character and well worth studying.

was ok till he got drunk off of his own success and fancied himself unbeatable. his escape was funnily enough orchestrated by his own foreign affairs minister in an attempt to frighten the aristocrat's at the time, so in the end he was nothing but a very successful useful idiot. just goes to show no one can escape this political game all social animals fall prey to.

Egypt was because he knew he couldn't win after the Battle of the Nile (can't take back everyone after this) and without reinforcements. Also the Directory back in France was screwing everything up and were unpopular and so he stepped in. Around the same time the 2nd Coalition started up. Russia because he thought with military victory in battle he would have them back in line with the Continental System. He miscalculated Russia against what advisors told him. Invasion was too big and supply lines were outrageous.

He is the reason European jews got so powerful.

Lost against us and the Brits.

Couldn't handle transcontinental bantz and guerrilla warfare, the manlet.


One hell of a menace and superior to Hitler in every way (stormfags triggered).

Blue pilled as fuck manlet. Freed the Jews. When will the ever learn

wtf are you talking about stinky russki? he mostly fought defensive wars

>Lost against us and the Brits.
Your king fled to Brazil bacalhau, you'd be a frog if it weren't for the bongs

He is a big guy.

Genius military mind

Friendly reminder that Napoleon declared only two wars: against Spain and against Russia. The other conflicts were always foreign (british) agression

One of the big masterminds the Mediterranean culture gave to world and history
On a par with Alexander and Ceasar


>rotschild paying shitload of money to defeat Napoleon
>he was actually a kike puppet guizes!

Badass. He spread the French Revolution in Europe, giving birth to the Contemporary Era.
He changed history like few did before him.

>Freed the Jews.
You mean the polish?

>Petain picture near the bin


No, he emancipated the Jews in Europe.

This. This one's always a big shocker to people when they think of him as a big baddy when he merely did amazingly against them all in a conflict he inherited.

Not all the jews were, bad, just the Hasidim


a) I did give credit to the brits, but they fought on 2 out of 3 invasions.
b) The QUEEN was clinically insane
c) Also, I'd be as much of a frog as the Spaniards are, really.

> posts terrible thread clearly against rules in sticky
> thread is still up
> actually funny threads get deleted outright

Robespierre did, because equal right.
Mostly thanks to another giant of this era, Nelson. I doubt Englang could beat Napolean on their own land. Who know but i doubt.

In 1808 Napoleon rolled back a number of reforms (under the so-called décret infâme of 17 March 1808), declaring all debts with Jews to be annulled, reduced or postponed. This caused so much financial loss that the Jewish community nearly collapsed. In an effort to promote assimilation, Jews were restricted in where they could live, unless they converted to Christianity.

funny how it seems that they were quite free in Britain too, going as far as financing their military actions and stuff
it's also amazing to see how you retards always forgot to mention his restrictive decree

>Napoleon ended these restrictions by 1811.

All frogs deserve loyalty to the King.

Napoleon was a corsican that usurped the throne and wages war agains't everyone because he was greedy.
He tried to outjew the jews but ended being jewed and spread the diseases that corrupted the european minds.

But I will give him a point, he brought order to a country that was in chaos because some retards decided to behead the King

Thats right, but the coalition was in respond to the occupation and plunder of Austrians territory (Flandre, northen Italy and Neiherland) by the girondins. Also consangueisous assholes wanted their obese inbred cousin back on throne.

who ?

>Not all the jews were, bad

France is named after the frank tribe wich mean free. Free mans owe loyalty to no one outside themself.

Well it's true

Idiot....prior to the French Revolution the French Royalty was agains the Regime. Indeed, they were an obstacle for several centuries until the fucking morons were Tricked / Jewed into beheading them. It all went downhill after that.

It went downhill after WW1 and the salugher of a whole generation of young mans, revolution was good for USA, it was good for France for the same reasons. Read about the french monarchy, for every great king they had to suffer two idiots, evils or plainly crazy monarch, and not even talking about the vassals. Seriously who want to be the private property of a tyran?