Do you guys seriously believe in trickle down economy?

Do you guys seriously believe in trickle down economy?

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>muh trickle-down
This term is essentially the "cultural marxism" of the left wing.

Have you ever gotten a job from someone with no money?

>There is no "trickle down" economics as defined by economists; the term is almost exclusively used by critics of policies with other established names.

Rich people have to eat too, will employ people (through means of consensual exchange) to feed them.
Replace eat/feed with any service and bam you have trickle down economics.


When will people realize that the left and right wing are two side of the same coin??

Yes I do Kraut.

i don't have a job i collect welfare

trickle down economics is bullshit

The idea of providing more for the top % and that a far greater amount then put in will "trickle down" has largely been disproven.
HOWEVER, the inverse is not necessarily false, that the top % can safely be deprived of resources with zero consequences for the rest of us.
This is what Trump wants to prevent by incentivizing businesses to stay in the US.

depends on the circumstances. I don't believe in government, if that is the alternative.

Do you seriously believe in spamming shitty bait threads?

>Evil Republicans believe in trickle-down economics because their friends and donors keep all the money!
>We good Democrats want taxes raised on everyone, except Jewish billionaire investment bankers who curiously have most of the wealth in the country and support our political party at a 90/10 margin. When we say "the rich" we really mean white middle-class working families, not billionaire Jews. What, are you an anti-Semitic racist?

>it's another middle ground faggot episode


I'm saving this one.

>Do you guys seriously believe in trickle down economy?

Yes. I live off of welfare (SNAP) and other governments benefits.

White people make money, and that shit trickles down to me my nigga.

it really baffles me how americans go against their own best interest, demanding tax cuts for the super rich


I a CPA, I prepare tax returns for hundreds of wealthy people.

Lowering the tax rate for the wealthy doesnt create a single job.
Not one.
Demand drives jobs.
You want more demand? Cut taxes on the middle class who spend their paychecks on services and bullshit.
The middle class doesnt save, they spend. The wealthy save their money. So if decrease their taxes, they will invest more, not hire more.

And everyone with any amount of money knows all of this.


Do you know anything about economics OP?

>Not having a flat tax rate

Gas yourself Hans.

I believe it could work but only in a perfect setting. In theory in sounds great but with Govt. regulation and crony capitalism, it is flawed and doom to fail, just like how in theory Communism should work but due to Human nature, it ends up as a disaster.

I know right? Its like, why did german people go against their own cultural interests by inviting a bunch of refugee's to live with them?

If you dont want to fuck your white women anymore let a REAL AMERICAN NIGGA have a crack at em.

Do you mean a flat amount or a flat percentage?


>I a CPA, I prepare tax returns for hundreds of wealthy people.

>Lowering the tax rate for the wealthy doesnt create a single job.
>Not one.
>Demand drives jobs.
>You want more demand? Cut taxes on the middle class who spend their paychecks on services and bullshit.
>The middle class doesnt save, they spend. The wealthy save their money. So if decrease their taxes, they will invest more, not hire more.

>And everyone with any amount of money knows all of this.

Retarded liar spotted. You definitely don't work for hundreds of wealthy people and you're definitely not a CPA. Now shut the fuck up because you don't know what you're talking about.

>the rich will put back in guize watch
>literally thousands of 10%ers revealed to be shuffling their money through offshore holding businesses to avoid federal income taxes, causing trillions of tax dollars to be withheld from the government

Really makes you think.

Percentage of course.

I believe in TRICKLE UP POVERTY that is communism/socialism/liberalism. They want to punish people who are successful, taking away the rewards, tax them into the middle class then the middle class become the rich, then they get taxed into poverty/poor. That's the end goal. Until we all no longer have incentive to work and we're all facing mass starvation. Prove me wrong.

>The middle class doesnt save, they spend

nigga what


I'd support that. Few things suck more than getting a raise only to find out it barely puts you into the next tax bracket, thereby making you take home less money.

It's about as fair as is feasible and doesn't dissuade people from advancement.

turn the op picture upside down for how it really works.

the rich need the poor and the poor need the rich.
this was written by Rabelais 500 years ago and it has not changed.

I would just keep the money desu

>I would just keep the no money

Go to bed, Norway. You're drunk.

It's a leftist made meme that just assumes that money is just handed out to the rich who are then supposed to distribute it through spending. What it purposely ignores is that the point of the economics behind the actual economics is that the rich are simply allowed to keep more of THEIR OWN MONEY which they are then more likely to invest and create growth. Growth is ultimately what benefits lower classes, but leftist just assume that they can take money (out of a smaller economy) from the rich and spend it on "the public" which usually means it gets wasted and distributed unproductively.

When actually tested against real data, lowering taxes to rich people quite often results in higher tax returns and faster growth.

I certainly am. Been licensed for 12 years. Member of the AICPA and my state association as well.

wow, my frontal cortex went berserk

You know what cracka? If you dont start given me somma dat woo WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

imma laugh when a nigger makes you shit yaself. HERD?


Yes taxing the rich will send them to the poor house.

Legitimate question do you find it difficult to function in your day to day life considering how much of a retard you are?

Once you realise that "Trickle Down Economics" does not exist, has never existed and will never exist, and that leftists have invented this strawman for themselves which they pretend is real and proceed to valiantly argue against, you really start to see what a shell game the left has been running for decades.

Arguing for lower taxes is no more Trickle Down Economics than arguing for higher taxes is Parasite Economics.

nigger sit down and shut up.
Black lives dont matter. Not since slavery ended and you stopped being needed to pick crops. Niggers are an albatross around the neck of the great south.

>the point of the economics behind the actual economics
Fuck my editing.

If you knew the first thing about economics, you'd know that the only way to grow wealth is to expand operations and reinvest in your business, thus creating jobs and increasing demand for workers. Even the most ignorant leftist should know what happens when demand increases; cost increases. In this case, wages.


>go against their own best interest

You need to get banned, proxyfagging spammer.

>Lowering the tax rate for the wealthy doesnt create a single job.

The corporate tax rate in the US is 35%. Trump wants to lower it to 15%. That + adding a tariff to goods imported into the US from US conpanies will incentivise US companies to move back to the US as it will be cheaper for them to operate, hence jobs would have been created in the US by lowering taxes for the wealthy.

You seem upset. Did a nigga fuck your woman?

I bet she loved it cumskin.

Yes, most of us have.

Just like they talk about how food stamp money is putting money back into the economy, poor people make up the vast majority of the population and their constant expenditures is what keeps most of our economy moving and is what create jobs for most people.

Rich people buying caviar is a pretty small percentage of our economy compared to the number of poor people buying cheap chicken breast from Stop & Shop or whatever.

People below a certain income spend almost all of that income on a very regular and frequent basis. As you go past that point more goes into savings and investments. Investments are handy, no doubt, but they don't keep the economy flowing like constant purchases do.

Jesus christ when will people understand?

Cause places like France thought about a 90% tax rate for the rich. Do some math how do they stay rich and not become the middle class? And when a larger percentage of those rich decide to leave this country? Who else becomes the "rich"? The upper middle class become the "rich", then they get the same high taxes..then they become poorer and poorer.

Use your fucking brains you retard. Legitimate question, ever leave your moms basement when she doesn't bring you your chicken tendies?

>millions of dirt poor sister fucking rednecks who live on $20k a year are voting for Trump so his ten year old baron can get $10 billion as an inheritance instead of $6 billion
can't make this shit up

Any money a company gets out of tax cuts, it's going to invest all that money back into the company. They won't give a fuck about workers, and they won't "create jobs" when they could use the tax cut to buy machines.

There is a happy medium between taxing the rich too little and taxing them too much. The wealthy are enjoying artificially low tax rates since the second Bush Administration.

We should have returned to the Clinton tax rates, but Obama made the Bush tax cuts permanent. He did this as an olive branch to Republicans thinking they would go along with him on his signature pieces of legislation, but they laughed in his face instead.

We need to return to the Clinton tax rates, we need to eliminate itemized deductions.

I also believe that we need to eliminate the estate tax, and eliminate the step up in basis when inheriting property. You inherit property = you inherit the basis. No tax until sold.

It works, but not in the way you and we think.

Basically it improves your life from an absolute standpoint, but not from a relative standpoint.

Goods that were unaffordable by the poor (big ass TV's etc.) are now affordable, this is trickle down economics working, but the poor are still poor and in fact the gap between poor and rich is increasing as a consequence.

Trickle down economy works exactly like THEY want it to.

Fact : Centrist are more intelligent than hard leftist and hard right weenies.

I dont believe in removing the bottle and leaving all empty glasses yes.

A) Nothing you just said is relavent to my comment.

B) it's been proven time and time again that wealthy people save their money rather than spending it. Middle class people spend their money, and invest.

Most small businesses are organized as LLCs or S-Corps which pass all earnings through to the owners. The businesses organized as C-Corps which pay the corporate tax rates will pay those savings out to owners as dividends.

There is absolutely no reason to support tax cuts for the rich unless you are rich.

are you triggered?
has somebody with a different opinion breached your safe space?

(((Bernie))) wanted to raise taxes on all the rich people you disingenuous cuck

Trickle down economics would require that there be enough resources to go around

and that those on top would be willing to let at least a little bit "trickle down" rather then keeping absolutely everything to themselves

Does it work? What do you think...

>if my boss can legally pay me less he will pay me more


I believe that all taxes are paid by the end consumer. If Exxon's taxes goes up their prices go up. The "rich" owners/ corporations get money from me when I buy something. These multiple under the surface level taxes affects everyone. If a tax is raised on a business then it is raised on me if I buy from them. Our corporate tax code is one of the highest in the world. It stifles growth.


Trickle-down economy is a leftist strawmeme. The only people that promote the fantasy that you can have a fair meritocratic society but no one has to be at the bottom are from your camp. Meanwhile, the average life quality of the poor keeps improving thanks to capitalism.

No, the whole "white people benefited from slavery" thing is absurd.

Trumped Up Trickle Down Economics.
We gonna get rich bitch.
TRUMP 2016
Make America Great Again!

>Rich people only buy caviar guise

You fucking moron.

Rich people buy homes, they buy cars, they have personal assistants who do stuff for them. Just because you don't see ferraris at the mcdonalds drive thru doesn't mean they don't eat mcdonalds.

>Magic Johnson at Michael Jackson's funeral told the story about when he was invited to Michael Jackson's house for dinner. Chef made Magic a fancy dinner while Michael Jackson feasted on a bucket of fried chicken.

Do you think Michael Jackson drove to KFC and bought himself a bucket of chicken? Fuck no he got his assistants and care takers to do that. He has people do take his laundry to get done. Who worked at his neverland ranch? Who were the lawyers he paid to defend him? Who manufactured the cars he gets driven in? Who makes the clothes he wears? Who built the mansions he lived in?

>millionaires lay around naked in their suburban homes eating nothing but caviar guise

I really remember how good the qualify of life the poor had back when capitalism was untamed: The Gilded Age

I'm jealous of the 18 hour work days and 20¢ a week wages.

>le literally everyone can be a millionaire's assistant meme

But you had more family time back then because you got to work next to your son 7 days a week who started working around age 7 or so.

Good times!

>I'm jealous of the 18 hour work days and 20¢ a week wages.

Even if I accept this at face value for the sake of argument, what does it have to do with what I said? What do you think follows from it?

NO it is much better when the wealthy hoard all their money, and pay 250,000$ to hear hillary cough for a half hour.

>Have you ever gotten a job from someone with no money?
Well played user.

We need to have a wage cap for big bosses. Say 20x the median salary in the company. This is the best solution to all problems. Free market is great in theory but as reality shows the Jews corrupt it to the core. If they want a bigger pay check then they have to give their employees higher salarys. I'm not anti American dream or anything but when you have huge buisness owners and their bank accounts are just raking in 0s whilst they under pay their employees who then have to be subsidised by the tax payer there is a problem. I just want it to be fair, plenty of company's pay good wages and produce better quality products due to that. People are now being paid less whilst earning more for their company's than ever before but still pol will defend the Jewish rigged game.

If the only job you saw from that one story is millionaire's assistant, there is no help for retards like you.

Oh please, you're fixating on stupid hyperbolic shit.

Rich people employ a lot of people, I'm not saying otherwise. The fact is though, at least in America, there are not enough rich people who need to employ enough people to cover it.

1000 years ago it was fine, as the local Baron needed 100 peasants toiling away to keep himself and them functioning. The ratio worked then.

However the ratio has been shrinking ever since.

If you drop a rich guy's taxes by 10% he doesn't buy 10% more stuff or hire 10% more people, he already has everything he wants so it just goes to savings. If you cut a poor man's taxes by 10% it probably all goes right back into the economy through purchases.

>Tax the wealthy
>Government buys $17 juice to drink during their $17,000 limousine ride
>The rest of money gets tubed straight to hood niggers
>Bypasses every other class along the way

It's great if you sell crack or Jamba Juice otherwise trickle down works if you actually let it.

>18 hours a day
Never happened

>20c a week
What is purchasing power, faggot?

If untamed capitalism was so bad why did the rural exodus take place? Oh that's right! It lead to a higher standard of living you faggot


>If you drop a rich guy's taxes by 10% he doesn't buy 10% more stuff or hire 10% more people, he already has everything he wants so it just goes to savings.

No, you knuckle-dragging retard, he invests it back into other things. If he was complacent with his wealth he wouldn't have successful companies to begin with.

You are absolutely right.

>wants to kill all people with

What do you think rich people do with their money? Pile it in swimming pools and Scrooge McDuck that shit?

No, they spend it. They invest it. They hire people to do shit they don't want to do.

I'm not against taxing the rich, but I am against over-taxing the rich. If rich people have incentive to invest money elsewhere, hire people in other countries, and look for tax havens, then we lose the economic benefit of their greed. If, on the other hand, we don't tax them at all, then we get nothing. The point is to tax rich people fairly, and by fairly we unfortunately have to mean we tax them a competitive market price, because we are essentially bidding on them keeping their money in our country. We don't have to be the cheapest country for the rich to make money, but we have to provide good reasons to not move resources elsewhere.

So you're essentially useless?

God damnit, leaf. You actually fell for it... Now it's going to devolve into a "debate" about historical anecdotes of dubious accuracy when the crux of the matter is that literally nothing follows from what he said.

I believe in Trickle down social programmes

>capitalism increases the life of the poor
>point out the time in history when capitalism was at its peak, when the poor suffered the most

>>how is the relavent Xdd????

>assistant, care taker, dry cleaner, chef, rancher are all well paying jobs goy

>Never happened
All I needed to read.

Hah, I guess you think you had a job given to you buy someone who didn't have money. Son, you just got BTFO wow, here come all my (You)s.

>It lead to a higher standard of living you faggot
the gilded age is dotted with constant strikes and riots until working conditions were improved in the 30s thanks to roosevelt

>he already has everything he wants so it just goes to savings.

this is what i deem the scrooge mcduck theory of economics as held by the left. they seem to think above a certain point, the rich just stick all their wealth in coins in a vault so they can swim around in it.

when people "save" their money, it gets re-invested. it doesn't just sit in a vault somewhere.

>No, they spend it. They invest it. They hire people to do shit they don't want to do.
More like they store it into offshore accounts.

>point out the time in history when capitalism was at its peak, when the poor suffered the most
>the poor suffered the most
Good luck proving that one. In any case, this is in no way an argument against the fact that the cheap consumer goods available to the poor, which make their life easier and more comfortable than ever, are a result of capitalism.

I think the real problem is that people seem to think it's either one or the other: either we're back in the 19th century, or we're the USSR.

We can learn the lesson of labor unions and still be pro-capitalism. What is important is to strike a fine balance. Employers want quality work from their employees, and they want employees who are satisfied enough to keep working and focus on their work while they're at their job. That means a modern employer is concerned with providing a certain quality of life, or the employees will strike or go elsewhere (in a healthy economy, that is). We can be sympathetic to the conditions of the working class while still understanding that it is important to provide incentives for capital to remain in our country. We can hobble the capitalist class if we want, but in 10 years the workers will feel the ramifications.

>>When actually tested against real data

For what purpose?

Also, the off-shore accounts is exactly the point I am making. If you 1.) allow offshore banking, and 2.) give incentive to prefer it to banking normally in the country of origin, you start fraying the fabric of a capitalist economy. If you give the rich reason to prefer keeping liquid cash overseas to local investments, you've done fucked up, in one way or another.

More like they invest it into a fake holding company offshore to avoid income taxes.

You really are a Jew, because you haven't learned any American history. The entire reason we learn about the gilded age is because it's a shining example of what happens when the Rich Capitalists get to control everything. Sure the (tiny) middle class got goods for cheap, but the poor had to work arduous hours for little to nothing. The entire reason America has an 8 hour work day is because of companies forcing their workers to work for 18 hours a day.

No he's right. It goes straight to an offshore tax haven and stagnates the economy

Again, this is in no way an argument against the fact that the cheap consumer goods available to the poor, which make their life easier and more comfortable than ever, are a result of capitalism.

>The entire reason America has an 8 hour work day blah blah

No, the entire reason America has an 8 hour work day is because capitalism makes it possible. Without it, your 8 hour work day couldn't buy you anything for purely technical reasons.

>if my boss could legally make me work more hours without overtime, he would make me work less


>if my boss can't make me work 18 hours a day, it's not capitalism anymore

Are you genuinely retarded or just pretending? Again, this is in no way an argument against the fact that the cheap consumer goods available to the poor, which make their life easier and more comfortable than ever, are a result of capitalism.

If I earned 20¢ a week, it's not like I could buy the refrigerators I made in the factory.

>offshore tax havens
Since you're both Americans, did you know that offshore money isn't tax exempt in the US and that concealing offshore income is a crime? Sure, we both know people do it, but not as many as you'd think. A bigger problem is investments in labor-exploiting foreign companies. We certainly should tighten up prosecution of illegal offshore banking and close our own loopholes, but mostly we need to create incentives for businesses and investors to keep their money in the US to begin with. If we provide a marketplace that has competitive value, money won't go elsewhere, and it certainly won't stagnate, unused in some "offshore holding company" or "offshore tax haven."

Nice living conditions you dumb kike
>it's the against law so people don't break it


people riot at every chance they get. no not just niggers.

Check'd, but I literally just said we both know people DO break it, and advocate we prosecute. Thanks for reading. :^)

>if the people who control the means of production have been made to abide by some minimum standards by any means, then the means of production is no longer privately owned and no longer operates for profit so it's no longer capitalism, and the plenty of cheap goods produced are no longer a result of capitalism

You literally are a retard.

See: You're both literal subhumans. I'm just mindblown.

Trickle down assumes rich people are going to spend a significant amount of their money.

They don't. They store trillions of it off shore so it never comes back, automatically taking TONS of wealth out of society. Tons of wealth out of circulation in the middle class.

This forces the fed to print money, which forces tons more issue. They don't pay taxes on the trillions the store off shore, causing even more issues.

So no, it doesn't work.

Really makes you think

Wealthy people save their money by investing, they don't just have a bank account with a billion dollars in it

Fucking distributarians.
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Stop calling it trickle down, it's supply side economics.

>HAHA guys when will you realize your stupid parties are just two sides of the same coin which doesn't really make sense as a metaphor because that implies they're polar opposites but I don't have to explain that to an idiot who actually has personal beliefs and convictions like yourself