Do you think anything would change for LGBT folks under a Trump presidency?

Do you think anything would change for LGBT folks under a Trump presidency?

Will he tow the party line and attempt to overturn gay marriage? Allow discrimination in the workplace etc?

Will he work towards further protections for lgbt rights?

Or, will he simply leave things the way they are?

One of my friends on FB wrote a fucking dissertation today on how harmful Trump will be for him as a gay man(massive surprise I know). But it made my noodle start scratchin. Would he be so adamant against the idea of a Cruz presidency? Clearly Cruz would be worse for LGBT rights no? If your main concern in politics is lgbt rights, shouldn't you be relieved that Trump had the GOP nomination?

They'll be safer from terrorists.

He will do absolutely nothing. If anything he may allow people to not serve on the basis of religion and other non-disclosed reasons. But nothing, most likely.

>lgbt rights
why do liberals use the term "right" so loosely? what is a "right"? the only reasonable definition I can think if is something which is clearly to the benefit of both the holder of the right and (more importantly) the community to assume it is allowed. do lgbt "rights" really warrant that definition?

Gays and lesbians will continue to have a superior set of rights, just like always.

To a liberal, rights are defined as anything that liberals want. Want a free cell phone? It's a right. Want to have 20 kids, although you don't have a job? Popping out 20 kids for other people is a right. Want to stop conservatives from saying things you don't like? Call it "hate speech", then claim to have a right to live free from hate speech.

i guess you could use the term "protections" as well

thank you. me and homos will get along better if they start using the term "protections" instead and just frankly admit they are lobbying for their own concerns.

He will keep the people who hang gays from cranes and toss the from the top of buildings out of this country. Think what happened in Olando, wouldn't have happened if tyeyverrentbgerr to begin with.

I think he wants the government to get out of marriage altogether but this needs verification

Gay Trump voter here. Biggest thing hes promosing is keeping mudslimes/Islam out of the US. Secondly, I dont care about gay marriage and think its a net negative for gays overall. I agree with Milo on the subject: gays have no biological significance and marriage is supposed to be an agreement between men and women so they can raise their kids and turnout normal. Gays have their place in culture, pushing the boundaries of whats deemed acceptable. Before gay marriage domesticated the gays, we had a free pass to do anything sexually; stumble out of a night club at 5 am? Well thats just how it is and we couldnt be judged for it. As far as businesses denying business, good. Nobody has the right to another individual's labor. If a bakery doesnt want to bake a cake for some cat piss dykes, go ahead.

Didn't Trump make a point once that he's favorable to gay marriage?
I think it was something about him being friends with Elton John and attending his wedding.

Either way, I agree with overall.

Party line? Anything could happen, hopefully just guarantee freedom of association.

you cant overturn supreme court decisions mate. gays have all the rights as straight folks, the gay rights movement has completed its mission of marriage legalization; there are no more rights to get.

>no MAGA bf ;_;

Thats fine, and I believe it is true. But the majority of people have already forgotten about Orlando. Potential lgbt-concerned voters need more to go off of. Also its a very rare thing to be concerned about.

Yeah but getting more pro-lgbt voters on the Trump train would be a good thing. I'm trying to think of any more possible ways to do this

They'll find something to bitch about. I wish they wouldn't and would just turn Republican en masse but I think that's just a dream.

"lgbt rights" are in theory an attempt to promote equal law treatment to a certain group of citiziens. Where did you find that definition of law? By that logic, rights for elder people should be discarded, as they offer no return to the society. Gays, theorically being able to work and promote capital through taxes, promote a return to society, but still I don't think your definition of law is correct.



Do gays have superior rights in the US? Wich ones?

He hasn't "towed the line" since he became a candidate. They didn't want him nominated because he isn't a typical republican.

My guess is he doesn't give a single fuck about LGBT one way or the other. He has bigger fish to fry.

Access to Affirmative Action Privileges for once

>Will he work towards further protections for lgbt rights?
Why do they need yet more privileges?

This. No Muslims = no Islamic gay-slaughter.

I thought it would be clear by now that Trump doesn't give one god damn shit about the dispute between fags and fag haters and at worst for the fags he thinks it's a state issue.

I think having as many kids as you want should aways be a right, after all reproduction is a bodily function, and the government cannot intervene in individual liberties inherent ro human nature. What do you think they could do? Force abortions?
On the other side, hate speech was never a crime in the US, and this is one of the reasons this board exists despite people here having controversial oppinions. Spontaneous "sensorship" or repression in social occasions is natural because of the widespread mainstream political views shared by most people that are opposite to yours.

First, the right to censorship. You are not permitted to say anything they don't like. Second, which is related to the first, we must indulge their delusions. Third, we must pretend that they don't commit a grossly disproportional amount of crime, and not have the sexuality of most mass killers mentioned (Dahmer, Gacy, Wayne Williams, nightclub shooter, etc. - all gay). There are tons more, so deeply engrained into our culture that brainwashed cucks don't notice it any more.

What kind of Affirmative Action Privileges? Do they get money or anything?

Delete this!

Trump already made his personal opinion about LGBTQ pretty clear. They can do what they want as long as they are functioning American citizens.

The caveat here is that Trump is unwilling to enforce his personal opinion on the entire country. Thus, he prefers to leave it to the states to decide.






>Do you think anything would change for LGBT folks under a Trump presidency?
They won't get killed by fucking muslims

Is everybody friends with Elton John? I think even Putin only had nice things to say about the guy.

Trump has, from the beginning, and far longer than Hillary, supported gay people. It's ridiculous that people think he's like the new Hitler. He shares only one thing with Hitler, he is nationalist.

> tfw no bf to hate on libtards with

Noo Yawk Vayooz, as Lyin' Ted accused him of having?

As long as you pay for them. If you want to use the biological argument - what right does the government have to force me to pay for someone ELSE to propagate his genetics? Nature decrees that each creature must spread HIS OR HER OWN genes, not subsidize the reproduction of others. No forced abortions. Just allow people to suffer the consequences of their own actions. There is a reason that we consider you to be filthy, ignorant spics. It is that is what you are. Have as many shitskin kids that you can't afford o feed, then starve together. I believe in liberty. Do what you want, but pay for it yourself. I can't believe that a low IQ, uncivilized beast like you would even DARE to attempt to argue with me.

>You are not permitted to say anything they don't like.
I think you might be confusing social unacceptability with institutional advantages. Hate speech laws do exist in some countries, like Germany and Brazil, wich prohibit public nazi propaganda. These laws do not exist in the US, on the other hand.
Although these informations are not known by the mainstream, you are free to acknowledge the sexuality of mass murderers, these informations being avaliable in a lot of uncensored sources.

You've been watching too much Milo, methinks. Stumbling out of a nightclub at 5am with a 3rd world country's worth of new diseases in your veins isn't exactly productive to society. Defending gays as being some protected class of hedonists makes me only want to fight against them. This is coming from another gay man.

I honestly don't see the non-religious debate that gays shouldn't be allowed to marry. Only the most delusional (sheltered?) individuals could possibly think that the institution of "straight" marriage is being used for the rearing of children when the divorce rates are 50+%.

Let the gays marry. Marriage is quite irrelevant in the scope of modern society, and it's not because of the gays.

Yeah, I think that's pretty clear at this point. Obviously left wing gays are going to try to scare up votes as best they can by asserting that Trump will force them all back into the closet, but that has more to do with them being left wing than gay. Frankly I think Trump has been softer on this issue throughout his life than Clinton, who only just had her revelation about gay rights and marriage equality when it became politically advantageous. He's been neutral at worst.

He won't take anything away or give them freebies. That's why they don't vote for him, because dems pander to them and give them stupid shit.

Tbqhfam Trump is focused on the economy and jobs. Social issues he is leaving to the states. I would say that some federal rights *may* be jeopardized (tho not the loss of existing benefits.) I honestly think its still a better deal for the potential boost in the economy, special rights are not as important compared to a livelihood and there's nothing to indicate he is against anyone's civil rights. Beware under Hillary bc she will make social issues a big presentation while tanking the middle class for the benefit of the elite 1%ers
>30 YEARS!
All she's got is campaign promises, no workable solutions. BEWARE

Trump may suck for gay men, but he's the best choice for lesbians bar none.

>I can't believe that a low IQ, uncivilized beast like you would even DARE to attempt to argue with me
Edgy. Delet this.

I think in saying you have to "pay" for people to have kids you are referring to social affirmative actions offered to those below the poverty line. In that case, I could argue this is an indirect investment in security and creation of jobs on the market. If you had studied Thomas Maltus in high school you would know higher vegetative populational growth is a consequence of low income and marginalisation, wich can be reversed by affirmative actions thus stabilizing the market and at the same time reversing the original problem. Ignoring ptoblems is not a way to solve them, you need to invest money to get a return, kiddo.

>Trump may suck for gay men
Ooh BB pls

Isn't Trump going to gas all of them?



Delet this.

There is no tenable "threat" to gay rights. There are only policies that advance the agendas of some lgbt groups and those that don't. No one's rights are being questioned, and any mention of "threats" to said rights or people, following certain policies or presidential candidates, is over-inflated nonsense.

The only real risk is that your friend might be a little more upset for a couple weeks under Trump than if Hillary were to win. He should probably stop being such a faggot.

I think people will be able to discriminate and shun faggots again as they always used to back when USA was 90% white and protestant.

Trump said something about "LGBTQ" at the convention, and got applauded, and then said he was glad he could say that at a Republican convention. I don't think he's going to do anything bad for gays.

I have never had the impression that Trump cares that much about gay issues one way or the other, tbqh. He'll help the gays the same way he'll help the rest of the country, by securing borders, keeping terrorists out, and strengthening the economy.

So far he seems willing to tow the party line on gay marriage but I don't really think he'll go out of his way to get rid of it. There's really not much any President could do about it at this point anyway. The ruling on gay marriage bans as I understand it would have to be either overturned by the court itself or else congress would have to pass an amendment bypassing it somehow. He'll make his appointments to the Supreme Court who may or may not work to overturn the ruling, and if something came through Congress I doubt he'd veto it.

>He'll help the gays the same way he'll help the rest

B-b-b-but that's homophobic! Gays need special rights! It's not fair if everyone else gets to be happy too!

You all should be hoping for the overturn of gay marriage if you ever want to be treated like decent human beings.
>muh marriage has a social acceptance, so we should force them to change the legal definition to try to force them to accept our degeneracy
It doesn't fork like that, idiots.
Should've agreed to go with a different term for the same rights, as was offered.

>further protections
Like what? You already have the best of both worlds.
You people count as a minority and a protected species(hue hue) by default, what the fuck comes after that, tanned european status?

>the majority of people have already forgotten about Orlando
>once more for this faggot
What will "further protections" offer more than basic human rights?
The people who kill you fags won't abide by the 2267th amendment "can't kill teh gays" anymore than they will the "don't kill somebody" laws

I'll be happy to consider your opinions about
>protected status
>change for lgb etc

>gay marriage
personally it offends me
Trump has not spoken about it negatively iirc

>friend on kikeTorah
>Made you think
Good, don't stop thinking

We live in a broadly post-Christian world and have had our cultural values turned completely upside-down over the past half century. None of your autistic shitposting can change that, and you've got your head in the fucking clouds if you think it's even possible that people might start haranguing gays in the streets without facing opposition.

This is why you're not having kids BUT your population is growing somehow.
Fucking enjoy and appreciate your own destruction.

Trump really doesn't appear to give a shit about LGBT crap and at the very most probably just pretended to for the republican primaries. His VP pick is a Christian nut though. He said he doesn't give a shit what bathrooms trans people use and Caitlyn Jenner tried to call his bluff and he allowed him to use the ladies room in his building. I'd be willing to say that LGBT rights are low as fuck on the list of relevance to Trump but it's not like there's anything really worth fighting for imo. If there's shit like churches not wanting to marry gays he'll probably fight on behalf of the churches. Biggest pro for gays is honestly this

As a half faggot myself I think the only reason to hate Trump as a LGBT person is because "letrumpisevilbigotsexistracistilamaphobemaymay"

I am pretty sure you are a faggot yourself and couldn't care less about what society truly needs.
And people call your kind 'altruistic'.
Fuck off.

Trump has no history of discriminating against gays. Your gay friend is an uneducated idiot who thinks all republicans hate him.

Trump has a much longer history of supporting LGBT rights than Hillary, who only started doing it when it got popular like Obama did.

>Do you think anything would change for LGBT folks under a Trump presidency?
>Will he tow the party line
>Will he work towards further protections for lgbt rights?
>>Or, will he simply leave things the way they are?

his program is literally make it a state decision.

go back to America and get off the army base
there are no intrinsic rights to anyone
I.e. there is no right for anyone to exist or not be killed by me

as a gay guy....

Fucking fuck you fucking cunts.

edgy yet true

I hope it gets changed and people start shunning socially and economically faggots again

it's not edgy it's just true
there are no intrinsic rights
there is no intrinsic law that prevents me from killing anyone

>there are no intrinsic rights to anyone

>t. eternal Anglo

i mean whoa
i knew the brits were cucked with surveillance and no respect for other humans but i never saw it this directly before.

Why would that make you happy?

stop being a faggot
there is no intrinsic right that you have that would forbid me from killing you

You prefer when being plowed by your boyfriend is taboo huh?

yes there is
every sentient being has the right to live.


even animals accept this

and this is the reason society can function.

The statuos quo will be maintained, which is to say:

Homosexuals will continue to have more rights.

Heterosexuals will continue to be oppressed.

And people on this board will continue to post sarcastic greentext replies to me as if what I said isn't factually what has happened to western civilization over the course of the last 2-3 decades.

>every sentient being has the right to live.
prove it
it's just a myth you made up

your country does not recognize natural rights and that is sad

but the most powerful country in the world by far, recognizes natural rights, therefore they exist

that actually sounds hot....

i changed my mind!
let's outlaw gayness
and make the punishment for it be
public... flogging....
... naked preferably....
oh yeah ... and bound and strapped into... ngh.... some b̶o̶n̶d̶a̶g̶e̶ ̶g̶e̶a̶r̶ pillory

they don't exist except where they can be enforced
that's not intrinsic or natural

Faggotry being accepted in a society means that that society is about to collapse, as proven by History. Look at UK's population not growing while not dropping in numbers because of islamic immigration, they are going to murder you all unless faggotry and non-family values are viewed as completely alien.
I believe the problem lies in the non-oppression of homosexuals, things like that will have great impact in your society.

Everyone is for trump. The silent majority. The shills have the loudest mouths

How so?

>One of my friends on FB
>for him as a gay man
kys mental case

Millions of people that would kill them on sight in their own countries wouldn't be imported.
Any gay person voting for hillary has abandoned any pretense of self preservation

every animal and every human agrees

and since definitions are convention
and the convention is that it is intrinsic
i guess the definition of intrinsic right is this, that everyone thinks it's true (except a tiny minority like you)

>Faggotry being accepted in a society means that that society is about to collapse, as proven by History.
greeks had gay stuff for centuries you know.
also corelation=/=causation you massive faggot.

>they are going to murder you all unless faggotry and non-family values are viewed as completely alien.
wait are you suggesting we bow to the demands of the muslims?

>non-oppression of homosexuals, things like that will have great impact in your society.

but a bit too obvious
no sane person would ever say that the "lack of oppression is a problem"
They'd find a different way to phrase it.

>None of your autistic shitposting can change that, and you've got your head in the fucking clouds if you think it's even possible that people might start haranguing gays in the streets without facing opposition.

Is this satire? Everyone hates faggots outside of liberal cucks, don't confuse tolerance with acceptance you queer cunt. Faggots are an extreme minority that are completely irrelevant, the only reason fags have an inflated sense of importance is because the left used you to get the degeneracy ball rolling making you think your an important part of society when in fact you are a mentally ill pieces of garbage that have been used and discarded but somehow still think people care about you.

Anyone that is capable of thinking for themselves knows that no other group of people have helped contribute more to the degeneration of our society than homo's. Do the world a favor and KYS


Toe you fucking faggot.

And, speaking of faggots like you, Trump is on the record many many many many times as being pro-fag and fag marriage. That issue seems to be dead.

The fuck are you on about? They can get married now, just like you. A special privelege is one you could not obtain.

You can get married to a man, no one's stopping you.

pretty sure he was being ironic, fampai.

Autists have trouble reading social situations, it's fine.

Americans are not commoners like you britcucks, we have rights.

>Will he tow the party line and attempt to overturn gay marriage? Allow discrimination in the workplace etc?

you should suffer the consequences of being different just like fat people,bald people,people with long nose, people with bad teeth,people with no hands etc.
stop seeking for favors like a fucking nigger

> Only the most delusional (sheltered?) individuals could possibly think that the institution of "straight" marriage is being used for the rearing of children
>divorce rates are 50+%
the irony


I think they should be able to have a civil union, but marriage should remain a religious thing.

If your religion is OK with it, then sure.

>more protection for mentally damaged faggots

What more do you want?

>The president, the executive branch, should pretend to be part of the senate and house of representatives, and write laws!
God fucking damn it fuck this country. I mean, I get he has the right to veto or whatever the fuck but seriously this fucking erosion of the system of checks and balances pisses me off to no end.

Why would anything change?

Give civil unions the same tax benefits and legal rights that marriages are afforded, and this never would have been a thing to begin with.

...The state is marrying them.

The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is different from being married.

So it is a civil union. Religion isn't involved.

Apologies, poorly stayed, I meant the union should have those benefits.

Marriage should stay religious(or return there)

>Give civil unions the same tax benefits and legal rights that marriages are afforded
No. Fuck off you stupid faggots.

You know why there is a tax benefit for married people? Because married people have kids you stupid fuck.

So what you're saying is "Let's incentivize spreading aids and other diseases"

>You know why there is a tax benefit for married people? Because married people have kids you stupid fuck.

No they don't.

They also divorce at a higher rate than marriages are created.

Yep, my stance is intractable in terms of implementation given they way things are currently done.

Me and my boyfriend would feel safer under a Trump presidency. Clinton would up our refugee intake by 500% bringing in hordes of Muslims that would throw us off buildings. We have to keep our support a secret though being gay latinos.

According to liberals he'll be re-instituting slavery, so you'll get that big black bull who is into S&M that you always wanted.

>No they don't.
Theoretically anyway, you know when the country's moral standard weren't being eroded and we didn't have faggots demanded to be treated special because of their fetishes. That also addresses your concern of divorce rate.

For now they do. We're about to have a cultural shift, bigly

I hope they will become less fucking annoying. Congrats, you can get married and adopt sex slaves. Now fuck off.

Marriage has been in turmoil in this country since the early 70s.

It's not like these issues just sprouted over night or were created by the homosex.

I don't really care either way tbqh, I just enjoy how asspained people get by the name of a union alone. That it shouldn't be desecrated by the dirty faggots, when straightfags ruined it themselves decades earlier.

Ah homos, the first bump in the slippery slope to the end of a society
>this is just history repeating itself
thought theyd be happy with legally adopting sex toys

Unfortunately not. Remember that next President will replace Scalia, who was against gay marriage.
Plus, what do you prefer, "God hates fags"-sign guys or Orlando-shooter ones?

As a gay male I think that gay marriage shouldn't be allowed. Marriage has always been a religious thing. If anything civil unions should just get the same benefits as marriages.

>It's not like these issues just sprouted over night or were created by the homosex.
No but homosexuality is part of a larger degradation of society.

Go ahead and be gay all you want in your private time, but gays don't need anything beyond that.

I think it'll stay the same and I'd be quite happy with that. Even if we do lose the right to marry it's still a lot better than getting our heads chopped off or being lit on fire.

I honestly don't see why any gays would feel threatened by Trump. At least in regards to gay stuff, anyways. If anything he'll help us by preventing hundreds of thousands of Islamic freaks from entering the country. Those are the people who not only want to take away our rights but also think we deserve death and are happy to serve justice as they see fit themselves.

Gay4Trump here.

Why don't you tell me what Hillary will do?

Yeah, femmy queens ruin literally everything.

>marriage has always been a religious thing.

Do you even history, fagbro?

nice meme

>I honestly don't see why any gays would feel threatened by Trump.
The whole thing is when he went off talking about how we need to protect the LGBT community, it really ticked me off. I'm firmly against gay marriage and homosexuality is definitely not a "normal and healthy" lifestyle though.

That being said I'm not a single issue voter, and frankly there is more important shit to worry about that Trump will be the man to fix.

Why any fag would be scared of Trump is beyond me, since he probably ticked off a lot of his supporters who don't support faggotry. They're still amercians and they don't deserve to get blown up because somebody wants to feel altruistic in the government by letting in muslims.

>civil unions should just get the same benefits as marriages
>be no future benefit to society but demand benefits and incentives that those who are receive


>Yeah, femmy queens ruin literally everything.
What does this even mean?

The LGBTBBQXXLJIDFAYYLMAO community is still too small to care about and they listen to the wrong people.
If trump wins, fags will either kill themselves or leave the country and suicide by turban bandit.
They are the least important minority in the country, people only tolerate then because it's "correct" to do so.
When the pendulum swings back we will deal with them accordingly

Am college age white male fag. No one really uses it besides the weird mentally damaged ones from my experience.

Flamboyant faggots ruin things for us "regular" homos who blend in. The silent majority. If all gays were faggots then "coming out" wouldn't be a thing, right?

Anyway, they ruin PR constantly.

They're the only reason you're relevant, faggots are fucking hated
>silent majority
The demographic that hates you?

>Do you think anything would change for LGBT folks under a Trump presidency?

Safer from banning mudslimes

>Will he tow the party line and attempt to overturn gay marriage?

No, Donald said Supreme Court made a decision. That's it. He accepts it.

>Allow discrimination in the workplace etc?

Donald may try stopping them. Unlike Crooked one, who never initiate doing about it.

>Will he work towards further protections for lgbt rights?

Nah, I think there are no problem with gays unless you talk about tranny. Too bad. Suck it up.

>Or, will he simply leave things the way they are?

Probably. Still better than crooked one cuz she will bring more mudslimes, which threats gays' space seriously.

Nobody has a right to censorship in the USA except the government, and personally I don't think anybody should have that privilege except in times of emergency.
There's no mandate to "indulge" their "delusions" either. Where did you get that idea? You can't commit someone to a mental hospital for being gay, bisexual, etc, and that's the way it should be.
As for the third point, not only are you totally wrong about some enforced mandate silencing anyone who points out a queer person committing a crime, but you're completely ignoring the many, many, many serial killers who weren't queer.
See: Pedro Lopez (the "Monster of the Andes," killed and raped at least 80 and possibly over 300 women/girls"), Ted Bundy (raped, killed, and raped again 36 or so women), Daniel Camargo (possibly 150 girls raped and killed), Yang Xinhai, Andrei Chikatilo, Gary Ridgway, Serhiy Tkach, Gennady Mikhasevich, Vasili Komarov, the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs (made the 3guys1hammer video), Aleksander Spesivtsev, Carl Watts, Rodney Alcala, Nikolai Dzhumagaliev, Richard "Iceman" Kuklinski, Harold Shipman, Hu Wanlin, Miyuki Ishikawa, Charles Kullen, David Parker Ray, and finally, Erzsebet Bathory, the Hungarian "blood countess" who may have killed over 600 women and girls in torture chambers in her castle.

It's not just about that.
Changing the legal definition forces people who object to the practice of gay marriage on religious grounds to have to either quit their service job or to participate in the activity. It means churches who refuse to acknowledge gay marriage could be sued. It means a whole lot of things that are unconstitutional.
But the stupid fucks supporting gay marriage don't give a shit about constitutionality.

>Nobody has a right to censorship in the USA except the government

The flag says America but the post says traitor.

Pretty much this.

nothing is going to happen to any of them and no one is taking shit away. they got what they wanted now they should just shut the fuck up and be a citizen. if they want to continue to cry and complain because we stopped paying attention to them like we do everyone else then i say we should take their faggot marriage away just to see them throw a fit

this transgendered garbage i will never tolerate

I agree desu not all gays are faggots, just as not all blacks are niggers.

Straights can be faggots and whites can be niggers too.

In most of Brazil and even some parts of the West, queer people are still harassed a lot.

Nothing, I'm pretty certain Trump has no problem with gays.

>hahaha le cuck meme le XDDD

>muh AIDS
The main issue of AIDS isn't necessarily queer people. It's things like high prison population in shitty conditions, male prostitution, and prevalence of ridiculous misconceptions about sexual health.

Not an argument.

Trump is very pro-lbqtasdfa
He even spoke out against North Carolina on their 'men must use the men's room and women must use the women's room' law.
Clinton and Obama aren't really pro-lgqt, they just act it for political gain (look at their history on the matter). Trump is genuinely a faggot lover.

I think we can move past "gay" rights. The libs are now trying to push transexuals (literally a mental disorder) on everyone. Trump will stop the slippery slope

Are you daft?
Trump condemned North Carolina for its common sense on the matter. He openly states that people like Bruce Jenner should use whatever bathroom they like.

I can't believe you havn't been FPBP'ed yet

He did it because the liberal ideas of transfags are already pushed into the average public, if he said something against trans shit, we'd have the MSM all over his shit

Thats bullshit though. He's pissed of the left and MSM so much that they are saying he's worse than Hitler. If he didn't like trannies he would've said so.

Apparently you don't know that the Supreme Court can over turn older Supreme Court decisions

No, I'm pretty aware.

I'm also away about the Separation of Powers.

Let it go... because many big issues are out there, we need to focus on them instead of this silly shit. .

Then I'm sure you know that the new supreme court justices under Trump would be hyper-conservative evangelists like Pence, and that a revocation of gay marriage is a possibility within a conservative majority supreme court.

That's why I believe your post is disingenuous. :)

I am pretty gay, so it is not 'silly shit' to me.

>Then I'm sure you know that the new supreme court justices under Trump would be hyper-conservative evangelists like Pence

>and that a revocation of gay marriage is a possibility within a conservative majority supreme court.
ultra false. What sort of faggot are you?

>That's why I believe your post is disingenuous. :)
Okay, well have fun trying to bring a case about gays in front of the Supreme Court again, fagtron.

>it is not 'silly shit' to me.

Too bad. You are the vocal minority, not the silent majority.

Most would be sick of hearing this shit again. If you feel that gay marriage somehow bothering you, just ignore it.