To the actual racial supremacists on Cred Forums:

To the actual racial supremacists on Cred Forums:

How do you reconcile your views with the existence of the great empires of the Ancient Near East and Egypt?

What do you have to say about the inventors of written language and literature, the practitioners of high algebra, the architects of enormous ziggurats and ingenious canals, and the warriors and the statesmen of great cities which had risen and fallen and subsumed each other all in turn dozens of times while the Italians were still waving shell shakers on the beaches of the Mediterannean?

For those of you who really believe in white supremacy, what are your feelings on Babylon, Akkad, Hatti, and Egypt, etc.

For those of you who aren't, ancient civs general. Talk about cool pre-Roman shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm not talking about Africans you fag, this is about ancient Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Palestine, etc.

My feelings on Haiti? It was a successful French colony until the nigger slaves revolted. They even wore the Frenchman's wig and style of dress after they revolted.

>To the actual racial supremacists on Cred Forums
so you're addressing the Jew, ok...
>How do you reconcile your views with the existence of the great empires of the Ancient Near East and Egypt?
Lurk moar, you're an idiot with normie strawmen conceptions of your opponents.



The cream rises to the top.

not a response


>How do you reconcile your views with the existence of the great empires of the Ancient Near East and Egypt?

They were good and then became utter shit when Islam made them dirty up the gene pool with repeated inbreeding.

wtf how? I am asking for people who self-identify as racist to comment on a topic. I even said if you're not racist, just talk about cool shit. Don't be so defensive you cuck.

Honestly, I think that racial supremacists are a minority as far as open racists are concerned. Far more racists would prefer just separation and letting each race have their own states.

>For those of you who really believe in white supremacy
There is no "white supremacy", that's a Jewish propaganda term for white nationalism, which has nothing to do with supremacy. All races have advantages and disadvantages; supremacy is relative to time and place and genetics. Europeans, however, have objectively more accomplishments in certain realms in the last few thousand years than anyone else. It doesn't mean we're "supreme", it just means we're winning in some ways. We're also losing in many other ways, and we talk about it constantly. The Jewish question and white genocide are most notably ways in which whites are not "supreme".
>wtf how? I am asking for people who self-identify as racist
you confuse numerous terms, and have strawman conceptions, as I explained above. You really need to research the background of what we believe before even knowing whether the questions you ask are valid. Otherwise, you're just projecting your own biases and misinformation, and we can have a legitimate dialogue when that's the case. Here, do some homework.

Those were caucasian civilizations (racially mediterrenean). I am Germanic myself but i believe med societies were superior and the reason Nordic societies did so well is because we adapted to med/western civ. Which is greek/roman in origin. And the greeks/romans took influence from egypt, persia, etc which were not that raciallt different. They certainly werent arabs. I consider mediterreneans white btw.

>Don't be so defensive
I'm not defensive, I'm tired of constantly having to speak in baby talk and introductory lessons to newfags

those places were indo-european before the the great jewish revolts; arabo-islamic conquests; and mongol invasions

This. Other races dont bother me as long as they and their actions dont interfere with my day, once it does they gotta go. Blacks and arabs have established themselves as destructive and dangerous. Its not about skin color, its about behavior.

Africa for the Africans
Asia for the Asians
Europe for everybody

I dont know leaf poster, how can I reconcile wanting a white homeland with some things that some people did in the past?

Proof on these claims? Because there were hundreds of ethnic and unrelated linguistic groups in the region and dozens from all geographical directions came to power at some point. How can you prove that the Kassites, Hurrians, Hittites, Canaanites, Sumerians, Babylonians, Akkadians, Assyrians, Elamites, etc. etc. etc. were "all" caucasian?

Pretty based picture coming from a leaf. Ishtar Gate was sick

So Caucasian countries...


My version of white supremacy is inclusive of northern Mideast countries like Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Iran.

The only reason there are troubles in the Mid East (to the extent they are at now) is due to Arabs and Jews who are Semitic and thus excluded from the white race

>Iraq, where Babylon, the center of the Ancient Near East was located
>in the Causasus
nice geography American man

I've always wanted to learn more about the Han Dynasty and the ancient Indians.

There's a great deal of evidence that the ancient civilizations were at the very least racially diverse, consisting of a great many Germanic peoples, Celts, Baltics, etc. as well as the semitic peoples you mentioned. The Kalash people having Germanic genetic heritage from contact with Alexander's armies being the greatest example of the ancient world having been indo-European.

etc and so on and so forth

1400 years of muslim rape and incest has ruined their once mighty genetic pool.



Look to your left. Now look to your right. Everything that constitutes modernity, everything that was created by industrial manufacturing, the medicine and hygiene that give you an 80 year life expectancy, all of that was created by white people alone. Modern concepts of morality and justice- democracy, individual freedom, human rights- were also invented by white people. Some of the great rudimentary technologies were developed by non-Europeans, but this doesn't disprove the general trend, which is that the overwhelming preponderance of what constitutes modern society has its origins in Europe.



You're either a complete retard or this is bait


Middle-Easterns used to be influential and on-par with Mediterranean European civilizations until Islam fucked them up by encouraging inbreeding and general dysgenics all around.

>what is islam

Assyrians still exist senpai, as well as dozens of other ethno-religious minorities in mesopotamia

>using Caucasian to mean white
I guess Somalis are white now.



upper Nile Egyptians were not blacks

Thanks, this is interedasting. Modern history books play up the multiculturalism of the time, which purposefully ignoring questions of ethnicity and downplaying racial tensions of which there HAD to be. For example, in Middle Kingdom, Assyria, outsiders were likely castrated to avoid their in-breeding with the locals and there were strict punishments for people found socializing with women without a palace attendant around. That kind of thing must have been based on ethnic distrust.

Do you understand how much publication fees are? Thousands of dollars. You wouldn't believe the amount of collaborations for public health in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia that are contributing to that map.

We worship a frog god from the ancient egyptian ogdoad.
Also the babylonians made a grave mistake keeping the jews as slaves instead of genociding them and nipping the problem in the bud. Now the world is paying the price.

>implying publication fees do not scale for the parts of the world publishers operate in
>implying western journals are the only places to publish
They aren't publishing because they aren't researching, not because it's too expensive

If you were a Frenchman or maybe mulatto. For the black slaves it was a fucking nightmare.

I use supremacy in the subjective sense. Whites cannot live as slaves anymore than blacks can live as masters. Each person has their own natural abilities and should be happy with that. Of course I believe my culture is the best, because to me it is the best. As an analogy: even though I don't live in the biggest house on the street, and even though there is room for improvement that I am working on, I like my home the most.

The "problem" with supremacy is that it means that there is some kind of standard, and is therefore exclusionary. To use the previous example: liberals may think it is cruel for me to fumigate my house for unwelcome pests. pic related

Somalis have a lot of African admixture and share very little with Mediterranean peoples. However people from the Mideast (Iran, Lebanon, Syria, etc) have a lot more in common in common with med peoples as far as DNA goes.

>Whites cannot live as slaves
and we were enslaved for twice as long by Ottomans and Barbary pirates than Europeans enslaved Africans. We were slaves to the Romans before that. The word "Slave" originates with the same word for "Slav" -- these were where Ottomans slavers raided for white slaves.

Many of those peoples predated the Indo-Europeans.

Those other continents are already largely globalized or in the process of globalizing.

Northern Turkey was always a hinterland. Name one important northern Anatolian city before the mid second millennium. You can't do it!

Romans werent pale with light hair and eyes

pic related

but not ethnically so you cunting liar
if they were getting large amounts of white immigrants theyd be slowly improving wouldnt they

I'm Assyrian. A lot of Assyrians do exist but not a lot of people know that. We're not Arabs, and we're not Muslim.


>Romans werent pale
Roman peasants rarely were, except in the Etruscan north and Sardinia. The ruling class often had Celtiberian or Germanic features, see Except Caesar, who was black.

It's not that we hate their race, we hate this Muslim bullshit that fucked it all up.

Better than being a google in Africa.

I'm pretty sure a lot of intellectuals from Africa have fled elsewhere.


Ancient civilizations were not diverse.
Do you think Egyptians brought in africans and gave them rights equal to Egyptians?

Also there was no welfare then, fight, work or beg. No handouts. Diversity isnt compatible with a welfare state.

I dont dislike every black, mexican, but i take large swaths and lump them together based on their behaviors.

I think the only other race besides Caucasian that is worth a damn are asians. They have family values, the teach their children values, and losing face is a good civility barrier. Of course moslem asians are worhtless because you've added islam.

All moslems are human trash, moderate or not. Not all people from the middle east are moslems.

But noone in history brought incompatible people in to their society and gave them equal rights, its was suicide

What do you mean?

kek watch this racial supremacist.

That does tend to be a problem, but it has no bearing on the fact that the continent of Africa had 1st world infrasctructure and was doing cutting edge research up until the 1980s. Following independence movements and black rule, they've collapsed into pre-industrial circumstances. Nothing is stopping them except their genetics.

If you're not Sargon then nevermind.

>not diverse

Do you self-identify as white? How do you feel about Europe and "white genocide"?

I don't get what you're saying... I'm Assyrian. What does Sargon of Akkad have to do with this?

Egypt are caucasians.
East asians on average are superior to Europeans but lack a competitive culture. Being mustard race is not the point. You may not have the best family, but it's YOUR family

I self identify as MENA (brown). Germany needs to send all the immigrants back. Munich is so fucked up. I want to go back and visit again but there are so many Muslims.

I'm not referring to that cuck.
Nevermind then.

Islam did a brain drain on the middle east.

lol okay then

Truly the pinnacle of civilization in the Middle East. The Sumerians are amazing, all of the things they discovered and invented, absolutely incredible.

These people likely had little resemblance to the disgusting shit stains occupying the area today. They're an extinct group of people that no longer have any analogues in the modern era. The closest thing genetically, to the Sumerians, I believe, are the Iranians, but it's not spot on.

Humans aren't candy shitlord

nice comprehension baboon

No you bumblefuck, he said HATTI.

I knew a tranny named Candy that worked at the gas station by my apartment

American education folks.

Tiberius: he was strong and solidly built but his face was "disfigured" by Liver spots.He suffered from Astraphobia(he was very afraid of thunders)

Caligula:Caligula was tall,thin and very pale.His face sported preminent eye sockets.
He suffered from baldness since a young age,despite the fact that was described as an hairy person.
Due to this things,it is said that Caligula created two news capital offences: one was to looking down on him,the other was to nominate his name and the animal goat in the same sentence.

Claudius:he was tall and well proportioned;unfortunately for him,Claudius heavily suffered from stuttering,he drooled repeatedly during spechees and was affected by numerous nervous twitchings.(historians say he suffered from poliomyelitis,encephalitis,multiple sclerosis or cerebral palsy).

Nero:the last Emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty was stocky and with a prominent belly.Nero's eyes were of a light-blue hue and he sported blonde hair(during his trip to Greece he let his hair grow until they reached his back).

Otho:average height and build.The particular thing is that Otho had his whole body shaved and used a special unguent on a daily basis in order to prevent the growing of a beard.

Vespasian:not particularly tall or slender;the Emperor was considered a pretty vulgar person(his language was labelled off-color)

Trajan:according to Cassio Dio, he was pretty tall and had a respectable posture,despite his hair turned gray prematurely.

Lucius Verus:he was considered an handsome person:tall,jovial and with a prominent forehead.The Emperor used to sport a beard like the "barbarians" and spread his blonde hair with gold dust.He also proved to be a good orator.

Physical appearance of Roman Emperors from documented sources. You're also the same guy who was posting this shit the other day, I'm sure of it.

>Ancient Near East

Look how great they are now. Boy they sure are a prolific advanced people. When they're not beheading people who believe in the same imaginary skywizard but follow somewhat different doctrines anyway.

>and Egypt?

Why are you even bringing up Egypt? Egypt is the perfect example of why niggers should be enslaved. Just look what the Egyptians managed to do before the Nubians came in and ruined everything?

If you havent had a functional civilization in over 1000 years, you should be gassed. They had a head start and look at them.

Augustus was tall and handsome with particularly good teeth, though he was prone to poor health all his life. Late in life he got cold very easily, and took to wearing 'barbarian' style trousers around the house.

Vitellius was handsome in his youth and tended to blush easily. Later in life he became famous for his expert knowledge of culinary matters, but overindulgence in food and wines made him grotesquely overweight. He was likely Rome's fattest emperor.

Hadrian was of fairly slight stature and slender, with a handsome face and bright eyes. His beard and long, curly hair would be the 'fashion' for emperors for the next century. Antoninus Pius, his successor, had very similar physical traits.

Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius wore his dark, curly hair and beard long like his predecessors. He had a very sober demeanor and personality, and was an avid reader.

Commodus took after his father except that he was blond and appears to have been more powerfully built. He liked to eat large portions of meat, and was famous for his love of hunting and gladiatorial combats.

Pertinax seems to have worn the typical long hair and beard of his century. He was a short and stocky man.

Caracalla kept his beard trimmed shorter than his predecessors but wore his curly black hair fairly long; he seems to have had Syrian or Arab features like his mother. During his campaigns in Germania he wore a blond wig and Celtic clothing.

Little is known of the youthful Elagabalus' features except that he appears to have been the first emperor in exactly a century to neglect growing a beard.

Severus Alexander
Like Caracalla Alexander wore a neatly-trimmed goatee, but his hair was shorter.

If they had such a major advantage over us, how did we overcome them? Shouldn't they be further ahead?

Assyrians are closer to Sumerians than Iranians.

Stop oppressing me with your humor cis scum

Empires have always fallen. Why do you think we're having these problems now in our countries?

>cis scum
stop misgendering me, I'm a meme-sexual demi-kek

If Germany tried to deport all the muslims who are in the country know, it's about 7 million muslims, I'd say realistically, it would immediately lead to violence close to a civil war. And the leftist establishment doesn't desire it anyway.

I'd rather believe Merkel would send 7 million ethnic Germans to jail for racism than deport 7 million Germans. I am dead serious.

Arabs, Jews, and Islam + Judaism.

Christianity is actually not very Semitic. It has more Indo-European influences from Zoroastrianism. It also has some touches of Assyrian and Egyptian influences.

That's sad. RIP modern Germany.

Empires are surpassed.

Adoption studies prove that intelligence is inherited. That doesn't mean though that the high IQ person is always super successful, especially if the other guy has a headstart on him (like the Middle East with their big population density).

I once heard there are more people of German descent in the US than there are in Germany. In a sense, that makes us kind of a genetic "noah's arc" for the German genome. I wish we hadn't fought on opposite sides in the last war. The world would be completely different today. Too many tragedies to ponder.

Most modern Assyrians follow the ACOE church which I believe is more toward Orthodox Christianity. I think Coptic Egyptians are similar, so you're definitely correct in your claim that there are influences from those two groups.

>African intellectuals

>Adoption studies prove that intelligence is inherited.

White supremacy in terms this literal never existed. Adolf Hitler of all people had no qualm about recognizing relative superiority among nonwhites using standard civilizational achievements. You need to learn about Jewish tribalist supremacism and in particular the Haman ritual straw man.

It's possible. The German diaspora worldwide is much larger than the Germans in Germany. Not sure, if we combined Deutschland, Austria and the Germanics in Switzerland.

A dream would be to make Germany the homeland of all Germans of the world. Like Israel is to Jews. But today it is just the home to all kebab in the world and leftist cancer, ruled by a Polish communist and her corrupt cronies...

Oh my god stfu with this meme. There are plenty of high IQ people from all over the fucking world.
IQ doesn't measure the entire scope of intelligence and a part of IQ development is highly dependant on nurture.

Why is it always a German with posts like these on Cred Forums...? Why?

Ancient near east before Islam

Egypt and North Africa before islam

Literally anywhere before islam

Theyve got cultural cancer from islam and racial blood poisoning from the arab expansion

North Africa and the Near- and Middle-East were taken over by a new ethnic group in the last 1000 years. The area directly around the Mediterranean resembled the Assyrians and the Greeks. Ancient Egyptians were extremely pale and got darker as they mixed, accompanied by total failure of their civilization. Plenty of North Africa and the Near East was still this way until the Muslim conquests after Muhammad died.

In the last 200 years there have been more genocides in the region than I can count perpetrated by Arabians against Persians, Yazidis, Kurds, etc. ISIS actually cites "crushing their bloodlines" as a reason for sexual slavery and genocide. Unsurprisingly the Jews are still trying to punish their centuries-old enemies.

You can't judge a past civilization by the people who live in their region today, especially if you don't know enough history to know how they got there. Once upon a time there was a whole range of races geographically separating Europe from Africa and Arabia. They have been largely mixed away or massacred under Islam.

I do respect the progenitors of written language, algebra, and early architecture. They weren't "white" in the sense of Western Europeans but they were something akin to Southern Europeans and modern Assyrians. As the weather warmed up and Christianity hit its stride, the same level of civilization reached all of Europe. It's not like early Europeans were somehow dumber than these civilizations, the same genes in me now were around 2000 years ago, it just needed some time and favorable weather.

What I really feel about all of this is a great sadness. I can't help thinking how these once-proud races were successfully erased from history both in their ethnicity and their accomplishments. I feel like something must be done to preserve these cousins of ours, but it's far too late now and we can only mourn them. There's a reason I feel so strongly that we must be proud of our race. We could be next.

Here's an autosomal DNA plots of Middle Easterns

Autosomal DNA is the best marker for race, not haplogroups.

I don't really give a shit about racial supremacy. I give a shit about identity. White people have a right to exist in their own countries , and be the dominant force behind those countries. White people not wanting their cultures destroyed does not make them any sort of supremacist.

Assyrians and Armenians have a very similar genetic makeup.

You have your shitskin denial, I have my evidence.

Iranians didn't really mix with Arabs. Check autosomal DNA plots.

We did mix with North Caucasoids a lot during the Safavid Empire. Ismail I brought hordes of them in to repopulate after Mongolian genocides.

Mixing with Arabs was rare.

Autosomal DNA is better than haplogroups and I can explain why.

Give me a good example of a great assyrian person?
>inb4 Sarkeesian
and that trash woman who somehow is famous and married to that google and their tranny father

>e ruling class often had Celtiberian or Germanic features


Funny how arabs truely destroyed the middle east.

look at the evidence with your fucking eyes man.
When you stupid fools think you can swap out a white man for a brown man with no impact on how our society is run youre literally condeming yourself and your family to a future very similar to what you see in oxfam adverts.

Why do you all want this so much? Why would you rather destroy your countries than admit youre fucking wrong

Light features are a result of ambient temperature. I think only a few genes select for depigmentation. Azeris tend to be lighter than most Iranians, but they are still the same race given their autosomal DNA. Pic is of Azeri children.

who are you referring to lol the kardashians? they're armenian you idiot.

A lot of Iranians are light. Race isn't skin-deep though, since only a few genes select for depigmentation.

Yes. Armenian. You said they were very similar.

They had bigger population and better environment to develop.


All of these people are mr bean. what a time to be alive

They are similar but not the same, man you are slow.

Being a white supremacist doesn't mean you can't give other races props we just believe we are the most superior and believe we have the right to a culture

You are really annoying.

Nice job there faggot why you ignoring the only post with an answer ?

>romans were niggers

you learn something new everyday. Thanks dominicuck

Herensohn, you need to get off the internet for the night.

The race that survives the most ice ages wins. Game is still going

It's an ongoing process. People don't miscegenate as a rule, not just with Arabs. A lot of these extant races share territory with Arabs though and have no real control over their fate. There's more ways to mix than genetics, especially when we're talking about groups.

I suppose the lesson here is that there's more than one way to commit genocide.

I said I don't like haplogroups, and you give me a haplogroup comparison chart.

Only autosomal DNA matters.

Haplogroups just give you ideas on migration of different groups of people (e.g., mtDNA for maternal migration and yDNA for paternal migration), but autosomal DNA gives you a better idea of current race since it's inherited from all of our great grandparents.

Paternal haplogroup doesn't actually mean much though. Can only be reliable up to your great grandfather or something. This is because the Y chromosome mutates easily. The maternal haplogroup literally does go all the way back, but it is still a worse marker of race compared to autosomal DNA.

Yes, you really are fucking annoying. And you are the Hurensohn.

>To the actual racial supremacists on Cred Forums:

there are no racial supremacists here. Cred Forums is a board of tolerance and peace.

ahhh okay, i didn't know that.

this the racism on Cred Forums is just a meme

The physiognomy of Arabs doesn't resemble Persians at all.

Shia Islam also has a lot of Zoroastrian and Greek influences:

Look at the lack of civilization when we compare europe to the middle east thousands of years ago!

Dont look at the lack of civilization in africa compared to literally anywhere else, either thousands of years ago or today as proof of iq!

Have you seen Assyrians or Persians in real life? They have white skin and are genetically very close to Europeans.

Fucking leafs.

The Zoroastrian epic Shahnameh is also still revered. It also helped preserve the language. Middle Persian is not that different from New Persian.

Those places where places that white Europeans from what is now Ukrain/Russia migrated and settled thousands of years ago. They were constantly raided by Arabs, Niggers, Indians, and Eastern Russians until after the Roman Empire they migrated to Europe. They are a different race than Arabs/Meditteraneans/Irish/Vikings and are responsible for civil society wherever they migrated to. They are called Aryans (and yeah, they come from modern Iran. Look it up).

A lot of Assyrians live in the Chicago, Detroit, LA, and San Diego areas. It's not uncommon to find them. And yes, our skin is very light. A lot of white people have darker skin than I do.

I bet you think modern Italians and Greeks are the same people as their ancient predecessors.

Mohamed literally cucked them all.

Yes, they are to a large extent. They just never had much Yamnaya like Northern Europeans.

Mohamed the child rapist never cucked Assyrians.

Different times, It's simple, really. There were other great races before the whites. But it doesn't make sense to be an Akkadian supremacist in 2016, more than it does to be a white supremacist when talking about 3000 BC.

as opposed to now?

go away Milo

They were all caucasian.

Eh.. All the people you mentioned had 'civil societies' way before the barbarians moved in.

>How do you reconcile...

You miss the point entirely.

Who the fuck cares about pre anitquity.

This is now and we need to secure a future for the 12% of the white population.


I know, I'm full blooded Assyrian from Chicago. Every Assyrian in my family and that I have met has light skin, it's just when they get exposed to sunlight they turn brown instead of red. I even have green eyes, but it's uncommon.

Only 'dark' Assyrians I've met have been mixed.

Get rid of the muzzies. The whole reason my family came to the west was to is get away from those fuckers.

Oh. And they are Caucasian (come from the Caucus Mountain Region).

And no, these are the ones that began farming in the Fertile Crescent and Black Sea area 10,000 years ago. They were Caucasian. Sargon of Akkad was white. You ever see a nigger or Arab with a non scruffy long braided beard?

me too man!

Same. My mom has green eyes but I got brown eyes from my 1/2 Assyrian 1/2 Armenian dad. Habibi Chicago is gay AF, aren't the abeed there crazy?

Another Persian

Where are those amazing black civilizations now? The kangz and queens are shooting each other over shoes and weaves. How did they devolve?

Inb4 whites did it!

All of them are a bit nutty. When they are minorities they are fine generally. But when they get big enough groups they get uppity.

if only iran was a secular country

>How can you prove that the Kassites, Hurrians, Hittites, Canaanites, Sumerians, Babylonians, Akkadians, Assyrians, Elamites, etc. etc. etc. were "all" caucasian?
Hello Cucknadian, Archaeologist here. All of those ancient peoples are Caucasian.

Kassites: While the Kassites aren't Semitic or Indo -European language wise they did have leaders who were. "several Kassite leaders bore Indo-European names, and they might have had an Indo-European elite similar to the Mitanni, who ruled over the Hurro-Urartian-speaking Hurrians of Asia Minor." But if this doesn't appease you then let's take a look at the Geographical location of the Kassites in comparison to the other peoples of the region. Mainly we want to look at the Semitic peoples like the Israelites and Canaanites. (To the west.) And to the North and partially east the Aryans/Indo-Europeans. There isn't even a possibility that the Kassites were African/Negroid (especially considering the Egyptians, Ethiopians and Eritreans are and were caucasian (semitic).

Over such long expanses of times, the genetic stock is almost certainly gone or at least highly diluted.

Imagine for a moment, if in 2 thousand years germany is a race of some sort of shitskin-german hybrid. Then they claimed that their ancestors created great civilizations. Its ridiculous. This has happened so many times in history it would blow your mind. It happened in middle east, dark semitic shits migrated from the south and sullied the genepool of that area for good. Iran held out for a LONG time but after the muslim invaisons they were mongrelized too. Modern assyrians are at best some ancient assyrian-semitie hybrid, about as similar to real assyrians as a mulatto is to a germanic aryan.

Yeah man, it's pretty bad in Detroit too, but we can carry guns in Detroit, Chicago... not so much.

blame our governments for that one

It's okay, you didn't mean to.


All this hysteria over a fucking leaf. Move on.

Arabs are Semites who are Caucasian you sperglord.

Caucasian > Semite, Aryan, Hamite

At least we're still relevant unlike you Assyrians. Go back to worshiping Marduk, heathen. Or do you need us to fight off the t*rks again because you're so weak?

We're all still secretly Zoroastrians, hence why we kept Piruz Nahavandi's tomb much to the disdain of the Arabs. He was number one kebab remover, and the Shia still revere him.

We're just pretending to be Muslims to troll the Arabs for our game of dominance.

And you're not one to preach of being secular, Assyrian. Look at how insane Ashurbanipal was. None of your kings were as great as either of our Achaemenid and Sassanian kings -- we stayed relevant while you fell into obscurity.

We had the honor of kicking Rome's ass while you just fell into obscurity, weakling.

You'd be surprised at how many modern Assyrians aren't mixed with semite filth.

i dont mean that in a blame whitey way

i mean that in a 'fucking zogcunts propping up and funding islamic fuckery to ours and everyone elses detriment' kind of way.

Zahramar, khafe. Borro goh bekhor.

You never had a king as great as Khosrow I, which many Iranians are named after.

You Assyrians have become irrelevant.

Literally the whole world hates you. Muslim filth.

Go Kūruš GO

We have their skeletons and even DNA samples. Have you been living on Mars for the past few decades?

>racial supremacy
That's just the thing, the superiority of a race rises and falls with the ages. The Arabs and such had their time, then the Romans, then Europe, then America. Notice that when a race/group's time passes, they regress or fall into decline. You look at Europe. They have declined. The Arabs have declined - and they cannot stop killing each other.

>racial supremacists
That's me fucked then.

I'm Anglo Indian. We are something of what the Briish Empire left.
It's a complicated identity. I have never been to India.
I feel English. My identity is English.
Pic is an Anglo Indian. She is a a a top politician here.

Which parent is white, your mother or father?


is this real life?

damn, nice quads

Pssst OP

The problem with "racial supremacists" is your understanding of them. Most people hold the belief that, white supremacists for instance, are like Jews, who only care about their own people and think they should run the world. When most, at least in my experience, hold more Hitler like views that a nation built by one race should have the ability to house it's own race, look out for it's own races well being first in their own nation, and be free from foreign influence. No one claims that other races wouldn't be able to reach the level whites are at left to their own devices, but all imperial evidence points to the fact that some races do not mesh well with western civilization, and even more evidence points to multi-culturalism is terrible for civilization

So, you're talking about caucasian countries that got overrun by arab savages and inbred till anglo countries like Britain more closely resemble the DNA of these great civilizations than the scum that currently live there?

Doesn't matter, we have Russia on our side. We can take on the whole world, just like the Safavid Empire did. We aren't pussies.

We kicked the asses of the Ottomans numerous times while you Assyrians can't even handle our Kurdish brothers, lol.

They're Caucasians. What's your question faggot?

Yazidis are endogamous and never mixed with Arabs. They are the best proxy of ancient Iranians.

The vast majority of Iranians still relate them to close on autosomal DNA plots. We aren't Arab rapebabies.

We are stronger and smarter than any Middle Eastern nation of this day and age. We shall reclaim the Land of Turan, North Caucasus, and expand our empire once more.

And this time, all share worship Ohrmazd.

Russia isn't shit. Gtfo of the USA you traitorous bastard. Your mom sucks at making gormasabzee. Good-night.


Okay, that's just Iran though, There are still Syria, Greece, Italy, Egypt, and many others. Iran is the exception, not the rule.

This nigger doesn't even know about ab gusht

Submit to the true God Ohrmazd, or you shall suffer scaphism, pagan. I shall smash your idols of Marduk and expand my empire to all lands.

Please go on and learn to follow the true path of light.

I meant your false god Ashur***

Ohrmazd > Ashur

>after the Roman Empire they migrated to Europe
> They are a different race than Arabs/Meditteraneans/Irish/Vikings
>and are responsible for civil society wherever they migrated to

Jesus Christ fucking pick up a book some time

Sorry, I just like LARPing sometimes.

No ill feelings, Assyrian dude.

spoken like a true Arab

If Iran and Persians are so great, then why are they Muslim?


>OP doesn't know about China's white mummies.

OP the great middle eastern civilizations were glorious dark featured Caucasians.

That being said. I have a lot of
respect for Asians and native South Americans. Wagon Burgers, KANGS and Abbos are failures.

Arabs are stupid. Kartir Hangirpe was more ruthless than Muhammad and was able to preserve Zoroastrian beliefs.

I love Kartir.

Khosrow I was also badass and removed a bunch of socialist scum called Mazdakites. Mazadak the Younger was considered the first socialist of all time, but we made a beautiful garden of feet by burying them alive. We are so based that we were the first ones to kick the asses of socialists. I bet Pinochet would get horny from just reading this.

I want to burn Mecca to the ground and hear all of the women and children scream. I want to watch Mecca burn and then destroy that despicable black stone of void. Indeed, I am a sick man, a very sick man.

I have stared into the abyss for so long that I have become it, and now I envision the future of removing kebab. I want to see every Gulf Arab in flames, I want the Frashokereti to cleanse this world and all defilement to vanish.

And what is defilement? Arabs and Jews... which you are no different from!

Deus vult! Down with Islam! May all heathens burn.

reclaim North Caucasus?

>China's white mummies.

I have a pet theory that the Shang dynasty took many of its cultural cues from their Saka neighbors, who lived in Xinjiang, in Gansu, and in Western Mongolia at the time.

where are they now?

all great empires have crumbled at the feet of the white man

African racists = Nationalists
Jewish racists = Nationalists
Asian racists = Nationalists

White racists = Supremacists
Where did this lie come from? The answer, is it inherently bigoted, the truth? As in... Jews?

Iranshahr expanded to North Caucasia.

Castle Naryn -Kala in Dagestan, Russia. The castle was built by the Sassanids ( Kavadh I and Khosrow I Anushiruwan) in the 6th century BC

Your country will be ours in due times. Submit to Ohrmazd.

>great empires of the Ancient Near East and Egypt
They might have been good in the past, but compare that to the Roman empire, which had clean running water and hot baths
Anywhere there are people, a power vacuum will have to be filled. It just so happens that brown people filled the vacuum where only brown people lived

do you even haplogroup, idiot?

Romans were a bunch of bitches, just like you.

Shapur I made Valerian grovel at his feet.

You shall all submit Ohrmazd in due time.

Sassanian Zoroastrian styled theocracy is best for the world.

>His country protects a language from extiction?

Autosomal DNA is a better marker for race than haplogroups.

>Shapur I
>agent of the skypes

but romans werent pale nor didnt have light features

do you realize how stupid you sound saying all that?

you sound so jeoulous

>which had clean running water and hot baths
other kingdoms problably had it too but we dont know thanks to arabs

>Your country will be ours in due times. Submit to Ohrmazd.
Don't forget, you call my country land of the wolves for a reason.

Haplogroup J originated in Georgia, we are the definition of Caucasian.

First blond European individual has been found at Neolithic Hungary (NE7), he did not have Indo European input.

It's not completely out there for some Romans to have blonde hair and non-brown eyes.

>How do you reconcile your views with the existence of the great empires of the Ancient Near East and Egypt?

They're gone we're not?


Well all the Egyptian rulers that people seem to care about were actually from a Macedonian dynasty that took rule after Alexander The Great died and ended out separating his land among multiple generals. The family that ended out ruling it though naturalized and were deemed saviors of The Egyptians because before The Macedonians came along to free them Egypt had been conquered by Persia, then rebelled, then were reconquered sometime later and treated like shit for their revolts.

Either way, race doesn't seem to be the actual decider of civilization. It's more just how peaceful can you get and how early can you settle down and become an agrarian society instead of a nomadic one. The Zulu might have been getting close to this at some point, but England let some bat shit crazy guy run South Africa after they lifted it from The Dutch.

One African State that actually did good was a small country named Benin. What happened is that when Portugal swung down to Africa's West Coast and started giving guns to local tribes to get them to enslave each other, Benin took the guns and just sat there warding off other tribes that tried to enslave them and sold lots of spices to Europe. Benin remained independent until The French took it over in The African Colonial Rush, but they got their independence back in The 60's. They're still a pretty prosperous African Nation because of their history, and it shows races really have the ability to be good to each other, but most refuse to so people are going to take the piss out of them until they straighten up.

>How do you reconcile your views with the existence of the great empires of the Ancient Near East and Egypt?
because their societies were great? i'm not about to say their societies weren't great because they were, it just so happens that whitey has consistently made the best societies.
then they embraced islam and threw it all away.
also there's a few retards ITT who think that the people living in these countries now aren't the direct descendants of the once great societies inhabitants, that's laughable.

The Moomins are the obvious apex of society I see.

Nordic Internet Defense Force here

The early Mesopotamian civilisations were not semitic, they were actually much closer to Europeans.

When are you guys going to start organizing militia groups to take back your homelands? There are a lot of Christians from all denominations itching to go on a crusade. I bet you could do donation drives to all sorts of churches, too, get some real funding.

Images pls


Zoroastrianism is cool.

Come on, at least your women weren't sluts when the Catholic Church had power over Europe. They're pretty based.

are armenians white? there are a lot of them where i live and i think they all consider themselves white.

Iranian here

I don't buy into this historical revisionist bullshit that Iranians are "white"

Genetic tests everywhere from Iran to Italy show that haplogroup J2 is the most common in the Mediterranean and parts of the middle east, which is associated with the spread of agriculture from Mesopotamia to Europe and the rest of the Middle East.

Iranians are mostly descended from these J2 farmers, the gradual Iranianization of Iran took place when the Iranian Tribes invaded from Central Asia and established their rule over the natives. They brought their language, culture, and religion with them, but they were still a minority and did not genetically replace the existing population.

For proof of this, google image search "Tajik". Tajiks are Iranians from Central Asia who usually have a lighter skin tone, sometimes even have blue eyes. Tajiks are definitely white, as they are descended from the Iranian nomads, but Persians are not white.

t. Persian

>How do you reconcile your views with the existence of the great empires of the Ancient Near East and Egypt?

They might have gotten a head start but they didn't finish the race.

>Persians are not white.
Not white but still Aryan (probably) and definitely Caucasian

Haplogroups don't mean shit. Look here:

I explain why autosomal DNA is the best marker for race.

Check the autosomal DNA plots of Iranians I gave:

We relate more closely to North Caucasians like Circassians and Ossetians than they do to Europeans.

We're "White" in the Transcaucasia sense, not Europeans. We're in an intermediary position between North Caucasoids and Mesopotamians (like Assyrians) on autosomal DNA plots.

Also check here:
We're not mixed much either.

Farmers are G, J are hunter gatherers , it's a relative haplogroup to I.


t. arab

you guys are so wrong on many things

many ignorant people in this thread

>How do you reconcile your views with the existence of the great empires of the Ancient Near East and Egypt?

It makes me very proud.

>For those of you who really believe in white supremacy, what are your feelings on Babylon, Akkad, Hatti, and Egypt, etc.

You're welcome.

Iranians do not cluster anywhere near Arabs on autosomal DNA plots.

do people actually believe in this meme or are you trolling me?

funny how the bottom feeders on this site think they are supreme

the middle east was generally a toss-up between europeans and iranians for centuries before the arabs decided to stop killing eachother, organize, and leave their shitty peninsula

By your logic, everyone in the middle east was either ethnically Persian or Roman or Greek until about 700AD, because when a civilization conquers another region, they immediately kill all the men and rape all the women.

If you read up to this point and haven't realized yet that I'm making fun of you, then I'll spell it out for you clearly right now.

You're an idiot.

You mean Cred Forums, Cred Forums, Cred Forums and Cred Forums?

yet here you are.

You can talk about how great non-European ancient civilizations are all day, but that's not an argument for multiculturalism.

And if you think the underlying values of Cred Forums are white supremacism, then you're probably one of the college freshmen who came here to correct the record after seeing someone mention the board on buzzfeed.

Go be a faggot somewhere else.

Well, first off, Tajiks are not Europid either. They are descendents of Soghdians and do not really cluster closely with the Europeans on autosomal DNA plots at all.

There weren't any natives in Iran, except for the Elamites in the Southwest which Iranians didn't mix with much.

Actually, I think the Indo-Iranians were genetically more North Caucasians rather than like Yamnaya people. This is because the Ossetians are descendants of the Ossetians and they tend to be North Caucasians.

>Ossetians are descendants of the Ossetians
Ossetians are descendents of the Indo-Iranian Alan people***

There you go. Sorry for typo.

where can I read more about this autosomal DNA

Check here:

every empire falls
we're witnessing the current empires fall right at this moment
>not an empire
>not an empire

He is very scared. This is why 8pol is so much better than this shitty place. They ban outright retards like OP because he contributes nothing.

fuck ishtar, fuck the pergamon, you stupid leaf fagit worthless piece of shit

> Indo-Iranians were genetically more North Caucasians rather than like Yamnaya people
Indo-Aryans were closer to Mordvins and Russians, they migrated from corded ware

I don't think you can claim Iran was mostly uninhabited (except for Khuzestan) until the Iranian migrations. That just doesn't make sense to me.

And where did these Elamites go after they were conquered? They couldn't have just disappeared. They're likely the carriers of the J2 haplogroup I was talking about earlier, and they gradually adopted Iranian customs.

lol you're still on this thread? I went and played csgo and ate and all that shit, I come back, and you're still on here. Habibi you need to do something other than Cred Forums.

Google search: Nineveh Plains Protection Unit.

Only recently did we start getting US backing.

Samartians included many tribes though...

Autosomal DNA is more important. We probably did mix with Mesoptamians like Assyrians or similar people, but in general, we are in an intermediary position between Mesoptamians and North Caucasus people on autosomal DNA plots.

Elamites were a small group of people. They became irrelevant because we conquered them and we most likely didn't mix with them.

The point is, we don't have Levantine or Gulf Arab nigger in us. This is a good thing. It is a blessing.

If you actually read ancient literature you will notice that they all, from the bible to the illiad to through all the intermediate works, describe the peoples of the region as White.

It's why it all went to shit. They intermarried with their conquered nigger slaves fromt he south.

I never quantified bottom feeders, yet your miopia conflated my statement with the entire board.

>For those of you who really believe in white supremacy, what are your feelings on Babylon, Akkad, Hatti, and Egypt, etc.

My guess is these people are arabs and north africans, who actually have pretty light skin and half decent IQ levels, are they not?

And it looks like europeans had a civilization roughly just as advanced, they just werent savage and dumb enough to enslave an entire other race to build huge pointless monuments that make everyone remember them

Samartians were later and Aryan rape babies, not aryans themselves, andronovo was an aryan culture and they were closest to modern Mordvins.


Have to fix spelling, haha.

>successful african countries
>not Ethiopia


Dude, what are you talking about, what zoroastrism culture?
I'm talking about race, Aryan is an indo-Aryan word, invented by those people genetically closer to Russians that later raped Iranians. Aryan term existed before Iran or zoroastrim was a thing.

If you accept the premises of that metaphor, then everything that that metaphor implies must be true...

If you already agree with this guy's position, you may be under the illusion that some thought is occurring. But there's no thinking going on--you're only being encouraged to continue believing what you already believe.

I think that the Iranians are a noble people who have merely lost their way.

Egyptians are honorary Aryans you fuck, r-right guys?

Read Spengler. He provides an interesting answer to this question (I don't necessarily think that it's true, but it's still interesting).

Dad is white.


so... beautiful

No but we want you to prosper in peace in your own lands.

lmao still true thousands of years later. nords are the dumb blondes of hte world

>Ancient Near East
Worked great in violent eras
Worked great with slavery

Neither of them work in a civilized society. Just because I dislike their people doesn't mean I'm going to kill or enslave them, and that's how their most "successful" societies functioned. Some, like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, still function that same way today.