Holy shit, Trump is fucked

Holy shit, Trump is fucked.

Good job.

$.10 has been deposited in your account

Hahahahaha fucking hell please tell me that's real

Also what phone is that? Looks cool. Is that URL bar adapting to the colour of the page? Or is it just coincidence that they're identical?

>fat people
>rising up

Pick one.


>She thinks her fat has ANYTHING on the 400lbs hacker


Wow... Fat people could really tip the scales this election


Nice chuckle

> fat people
> rise up

>Fat people rise up

If only they could

>Tell all fat people to vote for your candidate
Not all fat people place their entire identity around being fat. You'll get proud land whales and nothing more

>like feminist would vote for trump before

>implying fat people don't all support Trump

kek what a dumb bitch

Part of the reason they are fat in the first place is slovenliness. They will be too lazy to do this even if this article convinces them. It will get to election day and they will be stuck to the couch/reinforced bed eating pizza downing litres of coke and watching TV.

>fat people rise up

As if they don't understand that everyone voting for Trump is fighting the idea of normalizing all these undesirables and their woes.

I smirked

Nobody reads the Guardian.

Not even fat people

I use Chrome on android (shill, (tm), poorfag, blah blah blah thank you for posting)
It does that automatically for some sites.
It's probably coded into the page.

>fat blogger thinks LGBT and Muslims are natural teammates

What a dumb cunt.

>fat people
>rise up!


What bizarro world are these fatties living in?

fat people are too lazy to vote


fat people won't make it out the door to vote

This will surely be the nail in the coffin!

LMFAO get real. Fucking retard. You cannot stop this movement.

I love when members of "communities" act like they have some fucking army behind them

Not content with the entire world against him, Trump has now attacked fat people, the biggest demographic in America.

You are correct sir

Ah right, danke

Are you the nsa/csis?

to fight this put all polling place at the top of some stairs

>fat shaming women and hackers
Trump is DONE

Implying fat people could even make it to the voting station...

Fat women are 80% of the fat positive movement because they are mad their real estate value has gone down and Chad doesn't want to move in. Most fat men laugh off their fatness or already feel bad about it.

If they all jumped up and down at the same time they could probably swing the earth out of orbit as well

No, but I watched a few episodes of ncis. Is it the same?

That chest es no Bueno

The Islamic-feminist coalition is going to be unstoppable.

Batten down the hatches, hide the donuts.

>fat people

fuckin racist

But I'm fat and I'm voting for trump

Why do you think me being fat makes me hate trump

>implying that woman will actually mobilize significant amount of votes

fat ass.

/fatpeoplehate will decide the election? Wow, you really got me to think.

Yeah sorry

Are you 400 pounds?


>84 million of us are obese
>still cant find a wife

>fat people

Do you know cyber?

He's the 400 pound Russian hacker known as Cred Forums

Yeah, he's my friend in russia

I guess they're trying to tip the scales in Hillarys favor!


How does he feel knowing Trump gave him a shout out?

why these hot chicks not coming to me, instead of fat fuck here



>Voting for Clinton
Has she ever talked to a veteran before? Pretty much everyone I served with is voting Trump, and hates Clinton.

If he's Cred Forums, then who am I?

I don't know I can't speak russian

Fuck off carlos

>veterans are included with women, Muslims, LGBT, and fat people


I think she mean seesaw this election

>Colorado is the swing state

Nice try fatties

>fat people rise up
>getting up

I can. Cyka Blya, Cheeky Breeky, Rush B

Lost opportunity. Fat bitch should've said "Tip the scales" this election.

but donald trump is fat too

>veterans against trump

Woah, like, don't get ahead of yourself buddo, you're just a fucking leaf.

>fat people
>rising up
good one. we all know gravity always wins against them.

>fat people, rise up

>just a fucking leaf

>fucking leaf

Hasn't Trump been fat shamed for the entire election?

>a coalition of women, Muslims, veterans, LGBT people and fat people

one of these is not like the others (hint: it's the one that isn't coddled by the feds)

Oh my god. The fat demographic. Fuck this gay earth

>minorities out of her list
Fellows, they've given up on the black vote

>Lumping in veterans with these degenerates


Only a fat woman would call someone a 'whoopie cushion'

is she actually black? why is she so abnormally tan?

being a vet, I caught it right away

Fat person here #imwithher

Fat man here, voting Trump.

Fuck off aussfag

>fat people
>rising up

Pick one.

Got fucking dammnint, thats like all my spaghetti flying out of my mouth and all over my dog.

Veterans for Hillary?
Well - I guess we can thank her for her role in starting a half dozen or more of them - even though she did get paid (or the CF did) for starting them

>fucking leaf
Nice dubs tho

she forgot to mention poc in her call to arms. Did trump already secure the votes of asians, hispanics and african-americans?


What the fuck...?

This just goes to show that only the mentally ill and the schemers support Hillary.

t. fat guy working on losing weight

>We could swing this election
You could swing a cruise ship by leaning over the edge m8

I always figured the average hillary voter was a wide supremacist.

wide supremacist

>all fat people are liberals like me, and there's no way they wouldn't support me!

I would have been a little threatened if this bitch made sense. I mean, a third of the population is a lot of people.
Really makes you glad they all aren't with her, huh?

The author of the article fights fat-shaming

An artist made a statue of Trump fat-shaming him and implying he has a micro-penis.

Well they certainly have momentum on their side

If fat people rose up, they wouldn't be so fat anymore.

The day After the election, I can't even comprehend how they're going to take Trump's victory. With any luck, they'll consider suicide a better option than being tracked down like the treacherous globalists they are and have their necks meet the short end of our righteous rope.