Cred Forums broke me

Does anybody else live with constant anxiety/depression?

I started my self improvement journey 6 years ago and honestly it has made a mess of me for some reason.
I used to be a non stop gamer, watched alot of porn too.
I wasn't necassarily happy but my emotions were fairly level. I would get pleasure from eating food, or doing well on my game. I got a dopamine rush from building a new computer, or listening to a good song. I had love for females, despite being quite hopeless with them.

I eventually decided to give up the neet lifestyle and instead pursued fitness, career, women etc.

Now I earn decent money, am fit and good looking and can get a girl here and there. I can go to a party without sperging out.

But for some reason my mental state has deteriorated terribly. I no longer feel anything towards girls. I dont get 'crushes' anymore, or super horny being around them. I dont get excitment from anything. I can go a full day without feeling hungry. When I eat I dont get pleasure, I just consume as much food as I can before I get full, because I know my body needs calories.
Some nights I cant sleep at all, other days I just want to lay in bed all day.
I react to alcohol differently now. I can drink heaps and I will get slightly more sociable, but never truly drunk having an awesome time like when I was a teenager. The anxiety is constantly present, keeping me aware of myself.

I find no joy in social relationships anymore, I used to be a awkward neet but at least I had genuine friends, the kind you laugh with and genuinely are happy to see you. I dont have those anymore, I never get past acquaintence with anyone because they sense my social disconnect.

I dont know why the fuck I am like this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cred Forums spoiled ww2 documentaries for me, now I get sad when the Nazis are BTFO

that makes you a stormcuck

hitler was a pawn of the anglos

You probably don't get enough sunlight since you live in Finland.

Also it sounds like you just grew up and became an adult. Try some nostalgic or maybe even new things to do as hobbies, like sitting out in the snow naked or some shit. Have fun.

That's not Cred Forumss fault. That's probably clinical depression.

Seek help. Take it from someone that has had the diagnose for over 6 years now. It's a ride that you'll want to get off as soon as you can. I wish I did.

What kind of help? No meds pls

Therapy, mostly. Some people here will say it's a meme, but the rate of success is very dependant on how much you want to get better and how well you "click" with your therapist. I went to 3 or 4 therapists until I found one that had good synergy with me.

I wouldn't completely rule out meds either. Depending on how serious your depression is (and that's assuming you actually have it), it might be something to consider. My case is pretty serious so meds are pretty much the only things keeping me from killing myself and able to wake up every morning to a reality that I hate.

That sounds like actual depression man. It sucks.

I haven't felt positive emotions in over a decade, and no negative emotions in about 3 years.

You sound like me.
What makes it worse that I have always been very vocal with my political and moral believes. Which doesn't improve my status in Commie-Germany.

Therapy is a meme, but it does in fact help. If you have a friend or relative, see if they can help you find a therapist.
Also, maybe you have a vitamin deficiency?

I've been in constant depression since I failed my studies. Now I just live with no aim, I drift endlessly with absolutely no goal in life.

I'm currently pursuing a nursing degree, the shittiest job made for fuck ups like me.

To add to that, go see a real doctor and get a check up. When was the last time you had a physical user?

About 1,5 years ago. Everything was fine.

Did you ever take any sort of antidepressant?

This is the natural process of being redpilled.

You can either get to working to destroy jewish influence, or you can suffer in silence.



Yeah I would say this is not a bad place to start. I felt very bad being on Cred Forums for a while and met some people and I don't feel like a wreck anymore. I still lost some sociability and that irks me but I'm working on it.

I felt the same man, then i started using drugs. The drugs havent negatively effected my life. Ive been able to live normally and keep up with society, but I know if I quit the withdrawals are going to fuck me up. Dont go the drug route

>1. get a GF
>2. drink all the time
>3. inevitably die in Jewish wars
feels good man

>your peers and yourself are told being unabashedly hedonistic is fun and great, being traditional and conservative is crazy and unhip
>you're weird if you're not out having sex with strangers and partying every weekend, in fact, you're a failure if you don't
>the women you could start a family with are taught to "let loose", " have fun", "experiment ", all things that coincidentally make pair bonding more difficult and , on a base , instinctive level, make you far less attracted to them

If you remain NOT depressed in this world, you're disordered. To be demoralized in this sick culture is a sign you're, in fact, healthy

seems to be really common on this forum

Wow this exactly how I feel. Saved

>I dont know why the fuck I am like this.

You are just getting older.

Welcome to fight club.

>the women you could start a family with are taught to "let loose", " have fun", "experiment ", all things that coincidentally make pair bonding more difficult and , on a base , instinctive level, make you far less attracted to them

This is so true, every single woman I look at I am disgusted by. Even if I know nothing about them, in my mind I'll say "She's probably a slut" or something like that. If I do get to know them, they're fucking terrible people and so blissfully ignorant about everything

bro its like... our great war is a spiritual war. our great depression is .... our lives

Therapy is for idiots, not for complex minds.

He already analyzed himself, all a psychologist does is keep you paying his bills.

I feel exactly like you Finnanon. Do not be scared of it, let it happen.

You will make your way, enjoy your superiority over the bluepilled losers out there. Use that advantage. Make money of it or whatnot.

Improve yourself, learn skills, learn to like yourself and you wont ever feel alone. Everything that happens additionally is just a bonus.

You worded it very well.

you need to exercise. you are stuck in a malaise because you never do any cardio. cardio is important for hormone balance. it is a natural antidote against the depression you are describing.

ill bet your heartrate is never elevated except when you are masturbating right?


The thing lacking in your life is some deeper fulfillment.

It is normal in life that many things we do just get more boring with time. You can only play that game for so long before you move to something else. Earning money means less the more you've earned. Etc. etc.

You need something deeper to pursue in life that gives you growing satisfaction and fulfillment the more you do it. For me that is Meditation (As well as other Internal Martial Arts).

I suggest it because it's worked for me, and I think is the core concern in your life. Vitamin D isn't a bad idea either. And/ Or just try to sunbathe when you can for however long you can.

Hasn't it be shown that excessive stimulation through electronics (i.e. video games, computer use, etc) can rewire the brain over time and fuck up the reward pathway? I used to use alot of cocaine and other stimulants and after I quit I had many of the issues you say you have.I know its a crazy connection to make, but Ive seen video game addiction in real life and it just about mirrors what my drug addiction was. It provides an ignorance to the real world that is quite comforting.

>our great war is a spiritual war

Did you read this somewhere? This is very profound

The Great War of our generation will be fought not on the battlefields but in our minds, not over the existence of nations but over the question of existence.

Because you don't laugh enough.

You take everything too seriously, and analyze too much.

Take a step back more often.

>Did you read this somewhere?

Fight Club quote.

Holy fuck are you me?

I have a degree, a great paying job, a decent condo in Toronto, and im only 22. I worked my ass off to get here but I can't even leave my apartment without being absolutely disgusted by the state of the world. I do a lot politically but it just seems so futile and everything is getting worse.

Top it off with the fact i lack the constitution for suicide and my suffering is complete.

its the realization of the triviality of things that makes them less enjoyable ive found

If the only thing necessary to cure depression was "analyzing yourself", then the disease wouldn't exist. Being aware that you have issues and having some sort of knowledge of why you have them doesn't mean the person knows how to fix that, and that's what therapists do. They help you look for solutions while at the same time helping you understand what prompted you to feel like shit in the first place, as well as giving the patient other angles for them to self-analyze.

You are disgusting

The "depression" he has exists because he framed the problems we have in a different way than the mainstream narrative does.

"Curing" this would mean that his psychologist needs to get political and try to bluepill him again.

That would create even more disorder since he KNOWS that certain untold truths and that would force him to lie to himself.

He should work on chaning the status quo of the world.

Wow. Holy shit. Are you me bro?
How old are you? How tall? White I assume?

Don't listen to this dipshit.
My cure was church. Jesus man. No jokes.

Anyone have the full size of this, with the Earth being destroyed?

It's one of the most cliche quotes from one of the edgiest movies of all time you underage twat.


Its not our problem that you can't handle the truth cuck.

If you want back then tuck your tail between your frail legs and get the fuck of this board.

You soft a fuck Norwegian faggot.

Depression is more about chemical imbalances than a different perception of reality. The latter can help, yes, but for the most part is the body shutting down and giving up on the will to live for whatever reason, and the job of a therapist is to find that reason and find ways to work around them. I don't know how far have you actually been with therapists, but out of these 4 or 5 that I've been thru in the last 6 years, none of them "got political" unless I explicitly brought politics into the discussion, at which point both the therapist and myself were aware that we were entering grounds of deeply personal and subjective opinions and neither their thoughts nor mine should be taken at face value (hell, the majority of the redpills I took in the last couple of years came from my therapist). Wether the patient will take their therapist's opinion as their on is completely up to the him and no self-respecting psychologist will try to "brainwash" the patient into thinking otherwise (and if they do and it ends up working, then it's more of a sign of the patient not being very smart than anything else).

Technically the cure to depression is finding the will to live. If you managed to find that going to the church, then congrats I guess.

I was depressed before Cred Forums.

But seriously, Finlandbro, you need some help. What you have is severe depression, even by Finnish standards. All I can say that hasn't already been recommended as help is DO NOT kill yourself. Keep going just for the possibility of being able to make a difference at some point--I don't even mean the 'salvation of the white race,' I mean helping a single other person or even an injured animal. We need as many people as possible who recognize the problems in this world, especially now.

I got used to it. Didn't want to take MKULTRA pills to treat it.

I just live day to day desu. I have been pretty disassociated for the past two years.

You are spiritually and esoterically connected to the fate of the West. We are at one of the worst moments in our history, on the edge of disaster. Your race, your nation and everything you have come to love may be destroyed before your eyes. Thusly your depression and demoralization is natural- yet you must not cave in the face of it. Continue to do whatever is necessary to prepare while building relationships with those of similar mindset.

That all requires you take social risks and stop living a double life, hiding the redpill. Carry it as a intrinsic matter of your character.

You are too focused on the world and not focused enough on appreciating what you've accomplished while striving to be even better.

It is ultimately futile, but enjoy the journey a bit more, rather than being solely focused on the destination.

I think it is growing up. You don't feel intense emotions like you did before. This is normal. As an adult you're supposed to work steadily towards the goal, not get excited or fall in love every week. The liberal idea of being a healthy person is remaining a child forever, but we know this is false. Being an adult entails suffering and boredom. It's your goal now to find how to be an adult without it dehumanizing you. Just because you learn to work with the world doesn't mean you have to be owned by the world.

Seeking help in the therapeutic world, I think the solution they'd give is to regress and be childlike, accept helplessness and stop being so serious. That may work temporarily but it's a regression, a step backwards. To be adult men we have to accept the loss of the innocence and enthusiasm of childhood but learn to replace it with something else, stoicism.

im in college n i feel like this, what is wrong with me

>Seeking help in the therapeutic world, I think the solution they'd give is to regress and be childlike

The current solution du jour, is to drug you so you don't feel anything, while accepting the decline.

Guy pours his heart out.
Shitposts incoming...

>Cred Forums spoiled ww2 documentaries for me, now I get sad when the Nazis are BTFO
>that makes you a stormcuck! hitler was a pawn of the anglos!
>Anyone have the full size of this, with the Earth being destroyed?

>You probably don't get enough sunlight since you live in Finland. It sounds like you just grew up and became an adult. Try some nostalgic or maybe even new things to do as hobbies, like sitting out in the snow naked or some shit. Have fun.


Jesus Christ Cred Forums!

Well said. OP almost certainly has clinical depression, though. That's beyond demoralization and into 'God is dead, fuck life' territory.

Not really surprising. The red pill has some side effects, all memes aside.

>Depression is more about chemical imbalances
>chemical imbalances

Fuck your Jew science. You might aswell give him an SSRI or tell him to kill himself. He's depressed because the Jews destroyed the world and we are just sitting here shitposting while we wait for the climax of ww3 and I don't even see a catalyst in sight to speed up doomsday.

>Go on Zerohedge while you pray for the end of the world
>See how the jews have printed money into oblivion and full out weimar currency collapse is inevitable
>hope shtf soon
>See happening threads and get a stiffy
>nothing happens
>you are still here and no amount of fentanyl can make you feel okay again
>your family has crumbled into nothingness because of Jews
>Your parents divorced and remarried and divorced again
>you were cursed with foresight and came to the conclusion that their is no hope

A lot of brilliant people started off in low level jobs or didn't do well at first in education. Philip Glass worked as a taxi driver in NYC in the 70s by day and worked on his really fulfilling work at night. Charles Ives was an insurance salesman (also wrote the first book on insurance sales) as a "day job" and spent the rest of his working hours composing. And those are just musical examples because I'm a music nerd.

Sounds like a severe mental disease that wasn't even helped or misaligned with what seems an improvement in lifestyle. Or you're lying.

A fucking thumbnail.

>the sadness and hopelessness that you're feeling isn't actually sadness and hopelessness, but just an invetion of the jews

Did they invent suicide too?

Einstein had a therapist. It's not a sign of low intelligence. Anyone could benefit from getting out of their own head and into someone else's view for a bit.

It's possible to hold dissenting views with most of society while maintaining your mental health.

blaming "chemical imbalances" is just retarded. He's depressed because he played his card right and he's still not content with life because he knows whats really going on and how bad things are. You can play god with your (((SELECTIVE SEROTONIN REUPTAKE INHIBITORS))) which are the equivalent of just raping his mind to the point of no return.

What for?

you're getting old my man; death is the invetible

You're an adult now.

It's strange, isn't it? We'd forgotten what they were like entirely. The white world hasn't seen too many adults in the last 40 years. People call it "depression" but it's just you living in the real world and knowing what your circumstances really are.

You can put on the lamb's wool but you cannot be one. Come home NEETman.

Take my advice, Listen to the Common Filth channel. He really will help you self-improve.

Curfew violation. The prior charges before the curfew was a petty theft I got for taking collateral from some kid who owed me money and he snitched. Not a nigger, or a violent criminal.

And when exactly did I say that being discontent with life isn't a sign of depression/chemical imbalance or an aggravator thereof? These things are not mutually exclusive and if anything are actually heavily correlated.

I feel literally the same way Fin bro, just going through the motions. The only enjoyment I get is riding my motorcycle to and from class/work.

Called growing up m8. Welcome to hell I'm 27 and it goes downhill

You know I never thought it was real before but now I'm certain of it. Some people are just genetically predisposed to misery.

Listen to me. You have a privilege that perhaps one in every thousand people has. One in every ten thousand. One in every hundred thousand.

You are a Cred Forumsack. You penetrated the memes. You broke through the miasma of shitposting. You made it here, and now you're one of us. You alone of probably every person you've ever met in person can listen to Adolph Hitler speak, and understand what he meant. You alone can hear everyone talking about how everything is shit and they just want to be happy, and know WHY they are miserable. You can see the game being played. You can see the virtue signalling and the banal self-affirmation of every regular human interaction.

And given all of this, you feel DEPRESSED? Were you born without a sense of humor? I suppose you are Finnish so that is a distinct possibility but friendo, I haven't stopped laughing since I got here. It isn't depressing, it's funny as balls. There isn't a single thing anywhere in the world that isn't hilarious to me now. There is no escape. Not for us, not for them, not for me, not for you, NOBODY gets out of this alive and in the end, the only one who wins is the one who laughs.

It will all burn. Everything that they plan, everything that they scheme is predicated on a lie: The lie that the world can be perfected. The lie that peace can ever exist. The lie that wishes are horses, the lie that a pig has wings, and the lie that progress and virtue and hope can ever create such things.

And that when all of this is accomplished,
And the brave new world begins,
When all men are paid for existing,
And no man must pay for his sins,
Then as surely as water will wet us,
As surely as fire will burn...

>With the red pill... my peace of mind... is gone forever.

Damn you Cred Forums, I hate, yet love you.

It's about milestones, user.

You earned the degree, gained confidence from sex, improved your body, landed a proud career, and earned an acceptable amount of money. All of these are things people stress over as if they're so hard to accomplish, because for some reason they are in this day and age. So you've completed the checklist of "success".

But what now? The next real checklist items are kids and marriage but you know those are steps backwards. The only other checklist item is retirement and that's not years away, it's decades away if society even lasts that long and disease/misfortune doesn't cut you off in advance. You need to make your own goals, something unconventional that you can work towards. Build a company, start a political party, start a local sports league to get the town kids active, build shacks as a hobby and work your way up to bigger projects, anything you can do to give yourself a proud and reachable goal in the next 2-3 years with hard work.

You're goal-oriented and have no goals left, your success is empty because it's gotten you nowhere. I am the same.


Knowledge is power, unless you are restrained by forces outside your control from acting upon that knowledge. At which point, knowledge equals sorrow and despair who's depths are only limited by our retarded desire to improve ourselves and gain more knowledge that we, once more, can not act upon.

Knowing full well the relentless cycle of what awaits we continue to dig deeper into depression. Ignorance is the blissful rope that hangs above our heads to help us climb out, the blue pill to freedom. Yet with all our knowledge, we look at that rope, we see its strands, its frayed fibres and know that if we grasp upon it to heave ourselves upwards, it will snap and will sgall fall ever further to find ourselves again at the bottom, but this time more damaged than before.

A part of me wishes I was bluepilled again and blissfully ignorant to the world and it's problems so I could have an extremely narrow world view and experience being a Chad.

I can agree alot with OP.

>I dont get excitment from anything
>I find no joy in social relationships anymore

I dropped out from school pretty much about a year ago. Ever since my life have been going downhill.
I no longer have energy for anything at all. That's one of the reasons i rarely go to grocery store to get some food.
I would love to start exercising again, but i simply don't have energy for it.
I'm no longer interested in anything.I even have savings for a car and i haven't got one because i don't care enough to get one, even though i know it would make my life easier.

My friends are pretty much giving up on asking me anywhere since i always answer ''i'm too tired, maybe tomorrow.'' etc.
My social anxiety doesn't make this situation any easier, since it really doesn't help socialising when i've been inside for a week.

I was pretty normal guy with some lack of sleep sometimes. I had a lot of friends and i enjoyed school and people alot. I was pretty much a normie, with some introvert characteristics.

I can't put my emotions and feelings to words, it's too hard since i don't understand them either.

I'm not sad, i rarely feel anything anymore. Maybe i have gotten numb to this?

I stopped going to my therapist around a month ago since it didn't help. He promised to call me back end of the month. Maybe i should ask another therapist. I don't know, do i even care anymore?

Sorry for the confusing message, probably first time i tried to share these ''feelings'', especially in english.

Life is empty.

I used to drink a lot, fap a lot, drink tons of soda, the typical young degenerate lifestyle.

I cut all of that out. Been extremely healthy for 4 or 5 years now. No alcohol, no candy, no soda, no coffee. I work out every day. Cook all my own food.

And yep. It really makes you realize how empty everything is.

People get drunk to make themselves feel. People get addicted to food in order to make themselves feel.

All these people are trying desperately to feel something, anything, but it's all a mirage.

The universe is empty and so are our lives.

Basically the only thing you can do is have kids and then use their amazement and wonder at the world as a bandaid to try and remember that you were once that excited, hopeful, and optimistic yourself.

Course, first you have to find a girl who's wife material which doesn't seem fucking likely in this day and age.

Give yourself a break from Cred Forums, all the hate, even justified will get to you at some point

my brain is starting to insert (((parentheses))) when I see a name that's even remotely Jewish.

I'm a litte worried about it, but I think I'll be fine

Life gets worse over time...

You are in Finland, land of high suicide rates and depression in 1st world, western world.

You sound bipolar.

Microdose lsd. (1plsd) find female best friend, date, be brutally honest and allow her the same favor.
Make a project, not just a study.
Understand a lot of cliches about love are actually true. It btfos depression, it solves your personal fears and you need to build it... not just wait for it to appear.

Pekka I dropped out of school and was neet for several years

It was basically hell. Under no circumstances are you to let your apathy and anxiety box you in. NEVER. Stay in school, graduate college with a stem degree. Or do a trade school in something that's valuable.

These feelings are a symptom, not a disorder. Social anxiety is normal, public speaking is #1 fear.

DO NOT fall for the meme, don't tell yourself "I have anxiety/depression", because its a placebo,. Your symptoms are only as bad as you believe them to be. Just pretend you are not feeling anxious or empty and go about your day

I know this sounds fucking dumb BUT PLEASE BELIEVE ME
Just humor me and take me at my word

Why do I say this?
Therapists themselves will tell you " fake it till you male it" attitude is the most effective method for managing depression, and exposure therapy is the most effective therapy for anxiety

This means FIGHTING

you are the only one in this world who can help yourself, suomibro

No one is going to swoop in and save the day. You have to do it, bro. You.

Life becomes happier when you have a station in life When you have a gf, have friends, have peers, have social connections (which are made, not given)

Don't say "oh I'm too shy to talk to this person" etc


it's called being an adult.
this happens to everyone.
only cure is finding a submissive qt to fall in love with and dedicate your life to making a family with her.

also having good friends you can have meaningful conversations with helps a lot

You are describing classic symptoms of depression.

it could also be vitamin d deficiency if you don't get much sun
you sound depressed.
no shame in seeing a psychiatrist
or maybe try religion.

This actually gives me some hope, thanks you Murican.

The start will be the hardest part, i know it.¨
Thank you

Despite the good, sincere advice people in this thread gave, you should really see a professional. I hope you get well.

I didn't fail my studies but I spent 5 years getting a degree that didn't do me good. I'm in the same boat as you, pursuing a nursing degree because my grades are plain bad. I don't think nursing is a shitty job, man. Just think of it as starting over. Don't be so hard on yourself.

That feeling after a party, after everyone leaves and you walk among empty cups and half eaten pizzas... That feeling you get then hours ago it was so alive and now it's so calm and silent.
It feels like that all the time.

It happens, you adapt. Learn to meditate, it works wonders

Hey well i'm a shitposter o Cred Forums but i for one think youre a great guy finbro, don't give up and please don't hurt yourself. The world is fucked so just try and love as many people as you possibly can and do your best for them and not yourself. you'll find what youre looking for.

>That feeling after a party, after everyone leaves and you walk among empty cups and half eaten pizzas

I'm not sure if i understand.

Do you mean that when you hosted a party and nobody cleans their shit and then the party ends and your end up with a messy apartment?

If so then i with that. At least back in the days when i hosted parties....

If so then i can identify with that*

Same shit here. Used too be a big looser with no hopes for the future. Then I got an education as an engineer and a good job. Anyway I am more unhappy than ever. I used to think I would feel better and I dont. Life sucks

I react to alcohol differently now

do you drink daily? I feel the same as you when I do. The Don proves it's not age to me

Obviously it comes down to chemicals, to something material. But the idea that observations cannot influence the material as much as the material influences the observations is absurd. If observations and perception could not influence the material - in this case "chemicals" - then no pleasure or sadness whatsoever could be induced from the world around us in our minds.

The only rational conclusion is that perceptions and observations interact with hormones and chemicals, and both have an effect on each other. In the OPs case, he may be in the situation of depression where his brain has all but shut down. Brains scans of the depressed reveal a brain struggling to come alive at all.

The first thing to realize is that depression is classified as an auto-immune disorder. That is, inflammation co-occurs so often with depression that many doctors believe they are one in the same.

The first thing to do would be to wake the brain up and reduce inflammation. There are a few ways to do this:

1) Exercise
2) Omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oil and krill oil
3) Avoiding processed foods

After a certain age, these things must become apart of your daily life.

After the brain is awakened from the low levels of activity caused by the depression and inflammation, the most important thing to do is to begin meditating, several times a day. Meditation allows you to above all become more aware of your mental state, and to gain more control over your own thoughts and behaviors throughout the day.

Classifying your thoughts and behaviors is the difference between merely listening to music and being able to list the chord progressions. We often "listen" to ourselves, but without a handle to assign our thoughts and behaviors, we often cannot build an accurate model of who we are.

Meditation allows you to categorize your different selves. From here, you can better tie together causes and effects, between what you experience and what that causes you to feel.


> Before Cred Forums
Self-loathing 400lb hacker gommunist
> After Cred Forums
Topkek'ing fit neoreactionary

It has only been a good influence, although I think the radiative strength of my powerlevel makes normies uneasy even when I hide it.

I am 19 and nothing feels right at all. Before you guys call me a basement dweller or something. I do my best to be sociable and have some fun, but everything has become so stale and boring at the moment. The people I talk to at work are constantly on social media like instagram and snapchat. If there was a major event on the news they only know the garbage like the attack on Nice or Paris, and post those gay ass filters over their profile pics. When I go to the break room they watch Ellen.

When I talk to that girl at work who studied IT and business she doesnt even know shit about computers. Now in my breaks I just browse Cred Forums and smoke cigarettes.

My group of friends are just like a big meme circlejerk there is no one interesting around and people watch stupid sitcoms pursue useless crap and drink on the weekends to forget how much of a boring life we all have.

Even us, here on Cred Forums the only reason I am here is to read news that doesnt make it international and occasionally look for some cheap laughs. I want to pursue something but I dont know what.

Kys faggot

I'm In all honestly I know it sounds gay but you need to find a ride or die chick to actually love

I find myself in a similar situation, where I passed from living an imitation of normie life to complete disastrous shit that fucked my life. Long story short, I have no more friends and quit relationship with 90% of my relatives.
But only after all that I started to come to Cred Forums regularly. My only relief is nihilism, and scanning the news for happenings and possible WWIII gives me hope for EVERYTHING eventually going down the shitter together with my life and future.

>Philip Glass

how wonderful to see someone else enjoying the work of this genius

i got introduced to him through The Illusionist

and later i started listening to some of his other stuff

Just stop being depressed. Problem solved.

>always had trust issues
>start browsing Cred Forums
>refugee thing starts going into overdrive
>start bachelors program at college
fast forward to now
>trust issues just as bad
>extremely paranoid about the very real possibility of liberals calling refugee floods to my state
>still in the bachelors program (great grades, still on the right track)
>doctor just recently diagnosed me as having panic attacks

Pol taught me the joys pf shitposting again

stop trying to be someone you're not, immerse yourself in your hobbies as much as you can or something like that. I'm sure you can find a nice autistic finnish wife to put up with your spergness

i dont get crushes on girls either
i didnt really care much for my ex, but after being with her for a longer period of time i started to like her more and more
though i recently had to break up with her because i want to go live the american dream and i didnt want to waste her time

just find a suitable mate for your offspring and learn to love her.

Welcome, user.

Panic attacks aren't a real thing, only people who want attention say they have panic attacks. If you are depressed or some shit take my advise and stop being depressed...just stop. Depression is self imposed, it's nothing more than a myth developed by Jews.

1.You just got older and with age the level of dopamine and serotonin in the brain decreases.
2. You work for a shitty job probably and feel that you did not realize your full potential.

If i live in Vinland ive become NEETing and concentrate on creative work at home.


but that's probably because I've been a NEET for 5 years

Might need some drugs to get dat dopamine going again

Who is this?

but I'm not. I had been having lots on anxiety over the past year or so and it had been manifesting into physical symptoms. The other doctor's shit didn't help, but this anti-anxiety shit (no, not anti-depressants) they put me on has helped immensely with very minor side effects. You have no idea how ashamed I am of being diagnosed with a made up tumblr-tier condition.

It's from a book. No need to be such a rude boy.

At least you realize it's tumblr-tier. All I can offer you is this pretty funny meme I have.

We are the pointless generation
God is dead, every single "intellectual" tried their hardest to disprove everything we belived in the past, everything that kept us going and now there is nothing left
And i legit belive that there is too much people now, their is so much in fact that i feel so useless, everything i do someone could do it, and a lot better
This internationnal competition plus the pointlessness of everything just fucked me up
I have absolutetly no will to live

Check if you´re malnourished. Take magnesium, zink, fish oil, vitamin d etc. for a few weeks and see if your emotional state improves.

If it doesn´t try therapy.

Going to church just makes me want to kill myself. Don't suggest that to a person who is not some Jesus memer

same user

its even worse...there is so many people like you here talking right now who could be best mates for life due to similar understanding of the world yet we will all mostly never meet


The lack of sunlight post is not a meme. Vitamin D deficiency is an actual problem in the Nordic countries, and can lead to depression.

You should also get involved with religion, preferably tradional christianity.

But doesn't Trump give you all hope now?

Thanks fellow burger, made me kek

Doc is prob going to recommend I see a therapist so I can explore my demons or some shit and maybe then I'll be free from this tumblr shit. College has free licensed "counselors" so I guess some recently licensed hack is going to attempt some kind of liberal mind control psychobabble on me.

I've never been particularly interested in religion. I understand why some people like it, and that's fine, but I just don't really feel the need to believe in a higher power. At most I would be a casual churchgoer.

I know exactly what you mean...

>create yourself around an image of what others told you is the right kind of life
>go for an imitation instead of the actual thing

I can see why you guys are all tangled up, the man in the mirror etc.

That's what weed is for.

Life is boring as fuck without weed at adult age.
alcohol is a shit drug.
Smoke weed trust me.

>being a degenerate

Me too with WW2 stuff. I was really enjoying this book on various historical military leaders and their leadership styles. The last leader covered was Hitler. I recognize several attempts to paint him as insane and read something about his plan to "takeover Britain."
It didn't sit well with me because he was the only leader written about like that.
>do a tiny bit of digging
>publishing company owned by a jew
Why even try to read history books anymore? Fucking EVERYTHING is pushing the jew narrative.

You sound exactly lile me.

Your unplugged from the rat race and have no joy and fulfillment in life, now that all the petty shit thato filled your time and mind is gone. Everyone else is hunky dorey, slaving away to buy bullshit they don't need or win over girls who will shit on them later.

Here are things that hashe helped me a ton:
Stop judging you success to others' opinion.
Before every meal, think about things in your life that you are genuinely grateful for.
Learn to become best friends with Failure and Embarasent, and pursue your calling.

Tomorrow Im taking my motorcycle safety course, as I've always wanted to try bikes, but always found ano excuse not to. I kinda realized a lot of my fear was fear of embarassement if/when I fuck up in front of everyone. I just remind myself that embarassement is actually not that bad and is actually good way to learn. Mistakes don't define you, how you respond to them does.

I was more depressed before. Cred Forums taught me that I wasn't alone, and that my worldview wasn't crazy.

Keep blazing the herb while Ahmed seeds your women. Sweden needs more pacifist males to make the process even easier.

Weed can really fuck up some peoples minds.

Hurdrudruhreu ''IT'S THE SAFEST DRUG YOU FGT''

It doesn't mean it's harmless.

Are dopamine and serotonin deficiency a real issue or just a meme? Can it be at the base of "lifelong" depression?
I felt shit most of my life, I have been diagnosed depression at 18 years old.
Is there a way to determine if those deficiencies are real and are there messing with my brain?

If you find solution, let me know.

185cm. 25 years old. "White".

I will try vitamins and ZMA. Let's see what happens.

Not possible. SSRIs are shit. If you're really desperate to try anything I'd highly suggest looking into CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy).

this is great advise, especially
>Stop judging you success to others' opinion.
there is always someone who has it better, it's best to only concentrate on yourself.

My advice is to start some kind of regular workout, it should be something you like and you should do it regularly, it doesn't really matter what you do either, I can recommend a combination of running and weight lifting for a healthy and natty physique, running is especially great, because it's a nice hobby that basically costs nothing and it will improve your health and overall fitness, if you stick with it. I actually wanted to do this for a long time, but I always put it aside and made excuses, because, I was lazy and like I was afraid of failing or embarrassing myself in some way, after I really did start working out regularly and did it for a few months I got a bit angry at myself for not starting it earlier, also you should look into eating healthy stuff you make yourself, cooking is another great hobby and eating healthy is very important.

ayy lmao

>Not possible

So it's my life that is shitty. I went to therapy when diagnosed the first major episode of depression. I struggled and apparently made it through, but eventually more misfortunes happened to me and basically wiped out all the efforts I made in the meantime to improve my life and build a future for myself, so unless I win the lottery or something similar I doubt that going back to therapy can delete the damages that occured to my life.
I felt sad and depressed before all of this happened, it just made everything 1000 times worst and I gave all hope for the future.

Watch some charles manson, no joke cured me, doctor diagnosed and eberything

it's weird, my life sucks but I am used to it. I don't have any friends, have two shittty jobs, live in a shithole. but none of it really bothers me. I get by.

meanwhile my aunt is broke and divorced, has popped out two kids though. she can;t take care of them and won't work. so my grandma pays for literally all of her shit. but then my grandma has no money for herself. so I have to give money to my grandma, because without it she would go hungry.

and my younger brother. he's getting by, but he's depressed as fuck. I can tell. I try to help him, but there's only so much I can do. I spend 8 hours each way bussing so I can spend the weekend with him, because It's good for him. I don't want him to turn out like me, but seeing as I turned out how I did, am not a very good role model.

I don't suffer from anxiety though, nor depression. reason being I know tomorrow will be just as shitty as yesterday. kinda comfy, when you think about it

Is society right about us? Are we all just depressed racist people want the world to return to how it was decades ago?

You sound like you're on ADHD meds or drink coffee constantly

Wow yeah you have it so hard

Let me know when being asked a simple question makes your mind shut down and you cant do 3rd grade math like me despite having done everything you said to expose myself to the world and your fears you fucking piece of shit whiney faggot

>I have constant anxiety

>i get laid

Fuck you ive spent almost the entire last fucking 3 years in a cold sweat and im never even fucking around any people anymore because small talk makes me want to fucking pull my hair out and scream

God damn

ayy lmao

I don't expect to go back to the past but I do want a mentality change among people.

I see nothing wrong with pursuing wealth. The fact with niggers and sandniggers is that they are not pursuing it by themselves, but taking advantage of white countries' centuries old efforts at building said wealth for their own people.
Inb4 muh evil colonialism exploiting 3rd worlders.


Reality is depressing, the red pill is a bitter pill to swallow and there's no going back.

However it does sound like you're depressed which is something you can deal with via therapy and the right therapist.

Do you have any tips on meditation methods?

Not the gabeligook version of meditation, but the one that helps your concentration and helps you get a peaceful state of mind?

As someone with OCD i've often thought about meditation, but I'm not quite sure how it works.

>it's weird, my life sucks but I am used to it

This me

not insulting you, but dumb people really are happier than smarter people.

Life must be so much more easier, the less shit that runs around in your head.

Cred Forums I'm a semi smart but not super smart white guy who wants money to raise and take care of a family. Loving in southern california. What kinda job should I get, redpill my ass

Bad suggestion
Try biking. You won't be replacing your joints after 10 km.

>Cred Forums broke me
The World broke you
Welcome to adulthood


Cred Forums was my cure because i thought i was the only one who saw things for what they are
i was never into right-wing politics before i came here because i thought it's all old farts and normie Nazis

you are depressed. even worse if you are depressed because of your conformist lifestyle

Bitch ass nigga.
How do you survive Cred Forums? We visually assault newfags (and actual fags) like you with insult.

I'll redpill your ass. Meet me in the Bay district.

I used to feel properly worthless and a few things happened.

>learned how to dose redpills through discussion / debate without revealing too much of my power level
>started winning debates and converting sheep

This bolstered my confidence immensely.
What really made a difference though is this:

>stopped using certain plastics
>stopped eating processed foods

I drink out of either glass or food-grade stainless steel now. No more plastic bottles, even if that means quitting the cola jew.

This has changed me for the better.

So how are you going to get away with it this time, Mr. Hyde?

just sit on on the ground of a quiet room with closed eyes and concentrate on your breathing and nothing else

Losing all hope seems like freedom really.

At these days I just goes on for day while feeling garbage and even lowest than low.

It's not that difficult to meditate actually, all you need to do is find a comfortable position to sit in and focus on your breathing.
At least that's what I focus on, because it's constant and soothing.
Don't let anything distract you, not even your own thoughts. By this I mean that you mustn't focus on any thoughts that pop up in your mind.
It's okay for the thoughts to pop up, in fact that's the whole point of the exercise, to let your thoughts flow freely from your subconsciousness and not letting you consciousness interfere with this free flow.
It can be difficult to obtain the free flow in the beginning, especially because it's so hard not to focus when you thoughts truly begin to flow, but that's when the magic happens.
Do this half an hour, to an hour a day and you'll notice, probably just after your first session, that you are much more relaxed.

>tfw loosing weight
>tfw thinking about going back to church again
>was a depressed neet at age 26
>took redpill
>the propaganda died
>now I'm back in school getting top grades in my classes
>well informed in politics now
>got a comfy job that pays above min wage
>some girl has taken interest in me
>have much more to talk about then ever before
>get a long with older people because I have a lot in common with them
>turning Bernie supporters into trump supporters in school using persuasion and JDF tactics "I was a bern supporter now here's why I'm going for trump"
>made friends
>surpass nihilism
>don't give a fuck,gotta get mine
>gotten laid
>eating healthy and not falling for the fast food jew
>no porn for weeks
>more energy
Best thing to happen to me senpai.

Feels bad breh, with you on some things though.
>Cant/barely sleep, zombie mode a lot
>Don't feel shit for women, distain a lot of the time
>Not a lot makes me happy anymore, except rare rushes of happiness when I'm shooting
>Rarely hungry, just eat for calorie count because I saw it in a game once and thats what my brain does to make it "fun"
>Drinking just makes me quiet and reserved, amphetamines make me sleepy and depressed
Good times, FinAnon, good to know I'm not alone

>I started my self improvement journey 6 years ago and honestly it has made a mess of me for some reason.

2016 - 6 = 2010

We started our self improvement journey in the same year. In was really shocked and my view on the world changed extremely. I realized i was pretty much brainwashed.

I thought / believed that we live in a real demoracy
I thought / believed that USA and Israel are really "cool" and awesome countrys because they kill "evil" terrorists.
I thought / believed i will have kids, a nice family and die as an old men

My world view was shaken and i felt terrible the first weeks i found out about stuff. I was angry, sad, depressed, lost my hope, very pessimistic

Dont start with weed it will make it more terrible im trying to get rid off it i smoked constantly over 2 years ever day 2-4 joints

youre not alone - set self goals and improve yourself

united yourself with like-minded

Talk. Professional here. Talk to people, share your ideas, changes. Write your anxiety out, turn it into a goal.

Pol is the ultimate pleasure/pain experience. All other media fails to achieve its satisfying taste becasue it actually expands your memeplex. Your natural abilities to connect themes together.

You must also learn reasoning, logic and authenticity in any way possible. If you are religious, you will find that at the end of every single rabbit hole is not just the jews. But the importance of good faith in god.

I thought the whole "the true redpill is christianity" was a meme. but it is as true as it gets. Its the only lasting hope here.

My gf is going through exactly what you described because i have been red pilling her constantly and she told me literally the one thing that shines brightly in her life is her love of god. For me it is the same.

I am still a competent man, but it is as though i am recovering from the damage my brain was put through with the blue pill.

God bless user, keep the fight strong

This isn't really true though.
You just need to find a way to disconnect from the negative thoughts in your head.
Acknowledge that they're there and then either turn them into something positive (not always a possibility) or just move on.
Having control over your thoughts has got nothing to do with low intelligence my Danefriend.

Although that doesn't negate what you're saying, cause not all intelligent people know how to control their thoughts and usually dumb people are just happier than smart people, possibly also because they don't see all the shit that's going on in the world.

LOL the fucking header

It's just called growing up. You expect "things" to entertain you and for the world to make sense, but that reasoning is for kids and sooner or later it stops working.

>no porn for weeks

Would you say that's the cause?

i had a gf who was a therapist. she said therapy is a meme. they don't really give a shit and finding the right professional is really hard. if you stumble upon an asshole it can fuck you up even more. you seem burnout for me. probably a lot of dissapointment and stress. it's better if you have a relative or a friend you can be honest with over a drink. get a pet, start hiking, ride a bike. be around nature as much as possible. it helps our stressed psyche, because it's a time capsule for who we are and how we should live. just like sitting around a fire eases the burden.

Life is an endless struggle don't fall for the tharpy and all that girly stuff... Emrace it and try to enjoy it as hard as you can...if not just kill yourself m888

This is why I stay in this cesspool. It makes me laugh and be depressed at the same time.

>At least I had genuine friends, the kind you laugh with and genuinely are happy to see you
user.... why did you have to remind me.. ;-;

Maybe. I have been off it and feel great. The kikes control the porn industry and the rule of thumb is if the jews want you to do it, it's bad for you.


Text book clinical depression, I suffer myself and it's pretty much defined a majority of my life from 19-25 (now). Regular exercise has been shown to be as/more effective as antidepressants. This combined with mindfulness meditation, or just some practice at being present in the moment will help you greatly.

I would suggest reading The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle. It's not religious whatsoever and it's not pushing any spirituality hand waving nonsense. Mindfulness meditation has been clinically tested and has shown to have significant increases in activity in regions of the brain associated with happiness in RMI's.

If you're in Finland i'd recommend taking Vitamin D , you can get a years worth for around a tenner.

Oh Look, another broken normie.
Toss him away and carry on.

If you can't recognise that we are ahead and that there is a God walking amongst us right now, you are retarded. After watching the debate I thought that everything was over, Trump was horrible. But then I saw the polls and Trump was ahead in almost all of them... and that's after he made a complete fool of himself. In the next debates he will do better, so just imagine the outcome...

Our meme magic has worked and Kek has secured Trump's ascent to the top of america.

Depression and severe social anxiety here.
The meds don't so anything but give me side effects, and therapy is a fucking nightmare with my anxiety.

I kind of want to just walk way out in the woods somewhere so no one can find my body.

St. John's Wart is a herbal supplement with SSRI properties that can be taken if your rightfully uneasy about going on antidepressants.

>Does anybody else live with constant anxiety/depression?
I was depressed for a while due to pressure from work, and homesickness for a certain rocky mountain state.
But now I've come out the other side with 0 fucks given and a great outlook on life.
Once I stopped caring so much about my work, my ability to work improved, and my general happiness returned to where it was when I started college.

Weed makes me feel worse. Like most drugs it has a peak, then a downward narrow depression.

This. Weed makes me paranoid as fuck.
I hotboxed with some people once and by the end I was convinced I was secretly a serial killer.
Never again.

Fasting, in almost every culture, was important. Whether be from food or abstaining from an act.

It is still an essential practice. Do a media fast. An Internet fast. Take a break (just like in muscle building), to repare and optimize this "work", you have aggressively done to your mind, thoughts, and emotions.

A strong mediation practice and conscience fasting (or recovery and reflection), is more important than ever.

You have challenged your ego, your limits on open minded pure free thinking.
How is any of this complete, or worth the "effort", if you do not also strengthen your spirit. Your "empty mind". Allow the mind and spirit, your ego and soul to build/rebuild with the silence and freedom from all the "noise" that fights for your thoughts.

It's like those times we all take a vacation for a few day, a weekend, a week or so. Take a break from work. Or toxic social friendships.
That feeling you when go camping for a week with no social media, no electronics, purposely cutting out news, politics, drama.
And your mind becomes so clear. Things that seemed important seem meaningless.
Of course that is the divine power of experiencing Nature. But ALSO, the Iron Will in taking control what you allow to occupy your thoughts and emotions.

>obligatory 'are you me?'

I've been like this for a while now, off and on. The current episode has been going on for about a year and a half, but it feels like it's finally getting a bit better. I can actually form coherent thoughts again that go beyond my day to day cognitive needs. Maybe I'll finally finish my masters thesis this month, I've only gone over the deadline by a year.

I recognize the lack of emotion. I'm just dull. Sure, I can laugh at a joke, it's not like I lost my sense of humor, but I'm neither really happy nor sad most of the time. Just feel flat. Although I often think about suicide (every day), I'm not suicidal. I know the option is there, but it's more of a joke in my mind by now. It would fuck up the lives of my closest family and it kills me (LOL) to think about that. I guess I haven't really reached rock bottom. That's good.

Like you, I sleep badly if I don't get inebriated enough or get enough exercise. Getting drunk just isn't as much fun anymore as it used to be. I just get sleepy and the euphoria never hits. The numbing effect is still there though, and that's what I need to keep the nagging anxiety at bay, the constant sense of impending doom I get on bad days. Some days I'm literally scared to leave my house, my heart pounding in my chest at the thought of running into someone I know and having to have a friendly conversation. Other days I feel absolutely fantastic and overly confident, unstoppable, it can go either way and at a moment's notice. It fucking sucks.

>I dont know why the fuck I am like this.
Yeah me neither bro. I guess I was always like this. I was a sad kid too.

I hope you get better.

Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when civilisation falls into an open sewer and dies.

>Does anybody else live with constant anxiety/depression?

No, you're literally the only one.

>I dont know why the fuck I am like this.

Because you're Finnish.

here ya go polbro

I dont feel any feelings anymore except for the occasional extreme excitement when i almost wreck my motorcycle. And even that is quickly whisked and tucked away

>pride in Finland and our meme status

Judging by the specific, German hating, Finn-style shitposting, can totally believe every Finn on Cred Forums feels this way.

Give your life to Jesus and start a family. It's the only answer.

Just get emotional every now and then, no homo

well fucking said burger
>possible WWIII soon
just bring it on

I'm the same way except Cred Forums didn't break me, my best friend committing suicide in front of me with a 30/06 at 20 did, and alcohol affects me differently now. I used to drink an 8th of Old Crow about 3-4 times a week and could hold my composure after polishing off a bottle and became extremely sociable. Now women can out drink me easily.

Pro tip: into xanax, Valium or klonopin, takes the weight of the world off your shoulders when high anxiety hits.


>my best friend committing suicide in front of me with a 30/06 at 20 did
christ, I hope it's getting better for you

I am the same.

I feel like a mercenary looking for a war.
