Can someone explain to me the point of showing this to the media?

Can someone explain to me the point of showing this to the media?

I know it's a propaganda, but I'm not sure what they were hoping to gain here.

Other urls found in this thread:

"muh dusty kids you needs to bring in more muslim colonists"

the disconnect of photographers and their subjects maybe

give the nigga a tissue and a teddy bear fuq

The Bleeding Hearts

Thats it. They wanted those.

ad revenue

>Can someone explain to me the point of showing this to the media?

Muh feelings so people start shilling for a no-fly zone and stop the mad Assad forces from taking Aleppo back from peaceful islamists

A blatant image showing the suffering. Tracey Shelton showed this years ago now and no one cared. Aleppo right now is getting bad even by Syrian War standards so they're finally pushing it a little.

I'm going to use it as anti-Hillary propaganda soon. I had no idea what its original intention was.

pushing the globalist agenda


i pet goat 2

Why are none of his clothes torn?

If they're going to stage something, they need to do it better.

1) to goad us into supporting action against Assad
2) to persuade us to further open the borders to the third world

in turn this would lead to

3) Syria become another hell hole ravaged by islamic beheaders
4) set the west on the same course, destroying western european enlightenment values and society

but look at the pow little kiddi tho

Look at that kid and remember that it's partially Hillary Clinton's fault for destabilizing Iraq, Libya and Syria.

>acceptable casualties

>show sad picture of muh chilluns
>garner public support for a no-fly zone and opening the Aleppo cauldron

They want Assad and the Russians to fail their neutralization of the Aleppo pocket and the "moderate" rebels fighting from within.

It's just propaganda:

They think it's a tearjerker, and want to feel bad about your comfy life and accept more of their ilk to come here.

The problem is, I and a lot of other people care less and less with each bulletin and forced picture, to the point that I, personally wouldn't care if Assad used bullets or flamethrowers on military strongholds or orphanages.

feels entertainment
>they need laws separating news and entertainment
>news should be fucking boring as hell

To get attention from nitwits using Kikebook.

1) Muh protection of civilians. Assad let evil dictator* must be stopped. They are searching for pretext to launch bigger military operation to force regime change and install puppet government. However, Russian backing has made this a bit more difficult. Seeing as they are likely to be against such action. Furthermore they need the backing of the public opinion to go to war. The trust has been eroded after Iraq, so they need to win over the deplorables.

*legitimate and acknowledged government of syria

They basically want to shame and embarrass you into giving your country away because of your callous and selfish attitude. You did absolutely nothing to deserve the comfy life you are living.

awww... fuck having borders and shit. let them come in.

to manipulate european women

That picture was taken by a guy in ISIS. He wants your country to bring in sleeper agents.

Indeed. One dead kid and you can get them to open anything from borders to legs.

To drum up interest in kabuki theater.

the same photographer filmed FSA beheading a 12 year old not long after.

dont suprise me they went for this picture instead...

blatant propaganda.