The cure for trans people

I just thought of an easy way we can literally cure all transgender people: testosterone

transgenderism is caused by men not feeling masculine and feeling like they are actually a girl

well guess what they never can fucking be a girl so why do we prescribe them estrogen?

if we prescribed all trans guys 250mg of testosterone per week it would make them all feel like an alpha male and would cure the feelings of gender dysphoria 99% of these cases

in fact Im pretty sure all trans guys are low testosterone anyway, they cant fit in as a normal guy so they think its because they are actually a girl but never consider its simply because they are not masculine enough

thoughts Cred Forums?

>neet on Cred Forums solves what countless doctors and psychiatrists can't
Nice. Sage.

I remember reading somewhere that someone was trying to develop a drug that would help treat transgenderism as a mental illness, but he was bullied by sjw's and didn't receive the proper funding to finish his study due to being a white fucking male.

Nobody's tried this.

And you wouldn't get permission to even do the experiment now, because of the political climate.

this is the real cure faggot.

It goes a bit deeper than that but yes, basically transgenderism and homosexuality are results of dysfunctioning endocrine system

Giving test to fat fucks will just make em grow tits

There are a host of other medications and treatments you can use such as bipolar disorder drugs, and I'd list them all here but I don't have the copypasta on my phone.

Testosterone may prevent it but I'm not sure about reversal.

>the cure for transpeople

>Nobody's tried this.
Lol, do you really believe that, Sven?

You act like those same (((doctors))) and (((psychiatrists))) want to solve it

If transgenderism is caused by low test than why did Bruce Jenner go transgender?

Did he full 180 when he got off steroids?

>the cure for transpeople

There are body builders (who abuse/abused roids all the time), and ex special ops servicemen who are trannies. I don't think that testosterone is the issue, they are just crazy.

The 4 "cures" for transgenderism as they exist now

1. Antidepressants
2. Bipolar meds
3. Recreational drugs
4. A bullet to the head

Trans people are incredibly insecure, thats why they are adopting a new identity. Find the "cure" for insecurity and you will see way less sexually confused young adults.

I want to discuss this more with you guys though. How many of you people notice with trans men and gays that it almost always correlates to a small dick size or feminine body type? Srs question. I just always notice that trans men have tiny clit dicks and the gay men i know are either manlets or built like a large black woman

I feel like our standards for men have pushed people into thinking they would look better and be happier as a woman which is what drives them to this cause. Its sad really, that they feel this is the only option but i think they know this is true, but just like everything else in their lives they bury it deep down inside until they are more comfortable telling themselves a lie every day.

Death will take them just the same

Theyre all fucking crazy

I dont think any of them have dads either

>transgenderism among the bodybuilding community goes up 8000% overnight

>this thread again

no, that won't work, see a lot of trannies are just misfits hopping on a bandwagon, remove the cultural poison and that will cure them

A small fragment of that population has a legitimate mental issue that correlates with genetic factors; the solution has to be to remove this from the gene pool, and if we look back to tradition castrating them would be the best option. living as sexless monks would be their best option, NOT reproducing their failed genes, but you Protestant-cucks don't know shit other than "be fruitful and multiply"

Are you retarded lol?
You think that, because the common treatment is to give them cross sex hormones that they've never tried to give them same sex hormones?
Gender dysphoria is a neurological disease, before they put a trans person on cross sex hormones they already check their natural hormone levels to make sure they just don't need normal hormone therapy.
No, there are only 3 ways to "fix" a trans person. 1, let them transition and hope they're not too fucked up from other mental issues to just kill themselves anyway. 2. Death, simple enough. 3. A lobotomy from a very skilled surgeon.

The hormones makes trans womens genitals shrink because they don't get blood flow regularly.
If you think that all gay and trans people have the same body type it just shows that you don't spend much time looking at gay/trans people.
There are gay people in every type you could imagine, most look like normal straight guys, and you wouldn't know they were gay unless they told you.
And with trans people you have even more of a difference. Some pass really well and are small and girlish, and some are ogrish beasts that will never pass, and some are just too androgynous for you to really guess at. It just depends on the individual.

> unporked your pic

t. Chinese raws merchant

Nice try, Zhang.