The Answer Is Fascism

Cred Forums as a thought experiment, I've been thinking of ways to solve the racial issues of the day, especially in the United States which all the riots happening and rampant crime. Anyway here is what I think we should do, let me know what you all think.

1. Create the Fascist state, remove democracy.

2. The government is responsible for the citizens of the nation. Any government official or institution that acts to divide citizens based on race shall be punished.

3. No matter the background or ethnicity of the citizen, the citizen is a member of the nation first and only.

4. Multiculturalism must be abolished in favour of a single national core culture in which all citizens belong. Multiculturalism brings division, conflict and animosity between people and weakens the nation.

5. Only the language of the nation shall be spoken both in public and private.

6. The only religion to be professed is the religion of the nation by majority.

7. Law & Order, crime must become extinct. Crimes shall be punished ruthlessly

8. Those who break the unity of the citizenry shall be punished ruthlessly

9. Deportation of all 1st-2nd generation immigrants who are criminals

10. Death sentence for serial criminals

11. Only those immigrants deemed to benefit the nation, speak and write our language fluently, educated and have renounced their foreign culture may become citizens.

12. New immigrants who disobey our laws or commit any crime no matter how small shall be deported

What happens if the fascit leader turns out to be a lgbtq tranny and they rule to have all white males ass fucked by aids nigger. There are more weridos then the hard working white guys fascism is scary if the wrong party gets in

Fascism - a small ruling elite with a bunch of welfare goyim.... sound familiar?

>1. Create the Fascist state, remove democracy.

done already, its worse than before. I'd rather have democracy back.

>being like north korea would fix everything right guys?

In such a nation, traditional and family values would be how people live their lives, including state officials. Also, read rule 2.

Sounds incredibly open to abuse

Corrupt democracy got us here in the first place. It serves no ones interest besides the international financial elite.

More or less than today?

>Create Fascist State, remove democracy
I don't like democratic republics at all, but I prefer it to Fascism. It isn't that Fascism is evil or bad, but it is easily abused by the people that dictate morality and I just don't like extreme collectivism.

how so? All power is concentrated in the hand of very few. The corporatist elites haven't the merest interest in democracy.

There is a possibility for abuse, that's why the leader of the nation must be held accountable. If he is not doing the job responsibility or effectively he must be replaced by someone who can. If that leader refuses to step down as he is legally required, that would be breaking the law and he would be arrested.

For now they do. Surely you don't need to be reminded that all of our democratically elected representatives only represent their financial special interests? They are all bought out and never serve the will of the citizenry. That's why ratings are so low for democratic leaders.

>Cred Forums
>hasn't watched V

OP's a faggot.

>A fascist state is literally obligated to censor its enemies and use force if necessary
It is hard to hold someone accountable when accountability is based on their own definition. What process would you even use to have an autocrat step down? Violent revolution? Maybe a coup, but you really only have to keep the military happy to prevent this. Besides there isn't a good succession plan, what happens when the dictator for life drops dead?


Are you fucking retarded?

so basically what we have now except capitalists get to kill whoever they want WITHIN a country instead of ONLY starting foreign wars based on lies

>give more power to the people in charge
Wow this is a great idea if you enjoy the state throwing you in prison when you mildly disagree with them.

voting in a "representative democracy" with parliamentary rather than popular sovereignty is a futile thing, it doesn't change anything - that's why we are allowed to do it.
Exactly that's why I say we rather should have democracy, open debates and votes, everybody involved is personally responsible,
this will end 90% of the bullshit going on quickly. The current order is closer to fascism than democracy, in short:
we have a fusion of state/government power and interests and economical/corporate power.
we have two sets of laws, private and public, this goes against the democratic principle of everybody is equal under the same law.
centralization of powers, power concentration on some few, no independent opinion formation.
Indoctrination, coercion to follow a specific ideology or face punishment. (hate crimes...)
Private banks are creditors of the state, people have no sovereignty over the budget and spending = tyranny.

“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” James Madison

If this is you, Stumphead, get the fucking out of your sad little box you call life.

You fucking suck. Someone real could have been republican nominee.

You like a jew snake. Cant even bite properly.

Money burns nigga, betta watch your ass dressing like you economic.

Fuck you thinking.

Watch your ass, heaven's real bitch nigga

> remove democracy

Kill yourself

I'm not sure how the process would work. I don't have all the answers. I'm just speculating and trying to figure things out without simply deporting all non-whites. But most of us live in democratic nations and it seems that due to this way of societal organization, is where we are today, so what are the alternatives to fix it? I'm all ears.

Maybe if the leader is not doing the job effectively or is abusing his power, there can be a council the overrules his power or an election within the government takes place, however unless the leader stands by the laws made by a sort of general assembly before a leader was appointed by such a government organ, such a leader would simply overrule all government functions and that's very risky.

I suppose there must be a successor and there could be two options for that.

1. The people in a general election decide on the leader. When that leader dies or is unable to carry out his duties, the process starts again.


2. A general assembly elects the leader from within the government.

The current people in charge are traitors of the nation and the people. They should be treated as such. I also think some form of dialogue with the people is necessary but revolutionaries, Marxists and they like, watch out.

In an ideal democracy however, what is stopping the people electing a party/government that ultimately would do nothing but destroy nation, enable terrorism, is genocidal against the majority of the citizenry, etc? What systems of control can be put into place to make sure that an ideal democracy works? What if we manage to have something really great, but another party gets elected and destroys everything that's beautiful in life?

I think what we have today is pure totalitarianism, that's what we're headed for anyway. Fascism has principle, what we're headed for is power for powers sake.

I don't think we'd really mind if (((they))) just stopped all the degeneracy bullshit for once.

Clerical fascist here, i agree with you leaf

Okay that's all the time I have. Godspeed all.

If people vote for that, they have it coming anyway. In a democray people voting for issue x are personally reponsible for x, they can't say the government did it. If they vote for open borders, they personally get taxed with all the costs of housing, medcare, crime prevention etc. There won't be a deficit spending or a general, mandatory income tax.
The personal wallet is the best prevention of bad things, the current system of unlimited debts in Fiat currency is the main reason for our problems.
Why having parties anyway? Parties is what we have now, having 51% takers and 49% makers voting on a tax increase for makers to pay to the takers is no democracy. This sham only works in the current parliamentary system, it would not work in a popular sovereign system, where no money can be borrowed from privates to fund public welfare schemes.
Fascism is totalitarian too, what you say is like if only the state were powerful and good, all problems like crime and illegal immigration will be solved, I say let those who make decisions personally pay for it.

"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have. The course of history shows us that as a government grows, liberty decreases."
Gerald Ford