Lady Liberty

>"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

Cred Forums btfo

>a woman

Wasn't part of the original statue

>doesn't say illegally / unconditionally
>made by France (look at them now)
>it's just a fucking statue

>poem for the immigration policy of late 19th to early 20th century
>"this is now what our country is about forever"

>unironically quoting a poem written by a jew that was placed on a French statue

>inb4 1 post by this ID

>constitution/2nd amendment written in 18th century
>"this is now what our country is about forever"

yes, cause thats the law of the land

not a poem

Nowhere does it say "Send me your radical religious, that they might blow us up or remove our heads"

>guys look @ this faggot poem on this French statue, rly maeks u think
>LOL the constitution? It's just an outdated piece of paper it's like 300 years old xD

>Somebody slapped Jewish propaganda on a French idol to a false masonic goddess.

So what?

>Lady Liberty

The poem is about liberty, you faggot. Equality (and socialism) will get you poor, tired, ans homeless. Liberty will lift them up.


Back when the USA had no welfare system... People came for freedom and opportunity and that was more than enough...
You can have open borders or you can have public welfare, but you can't have both.

nah fuck that kike twat's extraneous poem

new version:

Our Lady welcomed all who to her came
To find in opportunity redress.
Her tired, her poor did by strength coalesce
As a nation, our Fathers' founded frame.
Reflecting on her bold and youthful claim
Which for an age allowed us to progress,
"It's vital we pause now and reassess.
There remain rules to play by in this game.
Your tired, your poor do not pull their own weight.
Your strong work to divide, bleed dry the state.
Your scoundrels you can expect to get back.
We'll not lose what we've built to what you lack."
Our Constitution reads clear by the light
Of Liberty's beacon, still shining bright.

That poem was added by the Jewess Emma Lazarus to a plaque on the statue over 50 years after it was erected, you dumb fuck.

The statue points directly toward NORTHERN EUROPE for a reason Paco...

15 years later I still cant get used to a NY view without WTS

this is embarrassing user. don't give up your day job.

She was talking to Europeans.

That shit was written by some kike nation wrecker. It should've been annotated to add:

>Oh, I forgot to mention, spend the next month or so on Ellis Island getting physically and mentally tested to determine your fitness in our society. If you don't make the cut, we'll send you right back to your shitty home country.

They're called poet laurates and not poet legislators for a reason, user.


"btfo" is that what the niggers are saying these days kids?
