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Good morning Barron!


It's like he lacks the self-awareness to realize that this is going to hurt him.



Congratulations! You paid yourself.

This board is missing a lot of characters.

CTR is up early I see

dude shut up

He actually did it

I'm just observing the polls m80. Everything's CTR these days, but that's just reality.

i would play with those boobies

What kind of chess are we witnessing??

The polls all show Trump is winning

You fuckwits. This will hurt him. He needed to let the story die or correct the record. This just makes him look like he is picking on the weak and creating conspiracies.

>Trump wants to deport this perfect pair of knockers

wtf I'm a #HillShill now

no hes right this is pretty stupid

doubt it changes anything serious but its pretty stupid

No it's not. That beaner dyke went after him and called him all kinda of shit and DON doesn't back down for anyone, especially an annoying cunt like that

>check out her sextape

Donald you mad man

Fuck I just beat my meat too. Time for round two...

>I'm just observing the polls
then youre retarded

I would give her my citizenship if you know what i mean...

... i thought this was a nice, moral christian board

It's like you guys care more about the memes than Trump actually becoming president. You should think in the long-term, because the memery could be over in 40 days.

Why does Trump know about her sex tape? :^)

>Just observing the polls

You need to go full Congo on your eye doctor tbqh

I know. I can't believe that guy spilled his seed like Onan.

Not kosher

Video isn't her

Trump's already the President, also wtf do you care waffle faggot?

I've never seen this "pepe" before, it doesn't look like an user-drawn pepe, it looks like a badly done jewjob.
>yeah lets draw a hood atached to his head with the KKK HIV positive sign on it and make him white, they goyim will totally believe it
At least use authentic pepes.

You're just putting your head in the sand at this point by ignoring all the other ones. You're like a liberal who only takes the reuters polls seriously.

What did she mean by this?

presidents come and go but the memes are here to stay

Double D

most of the pepes they're using are shitty oc

master 8d chess move

now media will continue talking about this instead of russia/cuba thing

>there are people who actually masturbate to this degenerate shit
Lovey-dovey vanilla sex doujins are God's choice of masturbation material. It's in the Bible. Deus Vult.

>all polls show drumpf losing
>this one doesnt so according to drumpfniggers all other polls are wrong except this one

That's not her. Angel dark is a Slav

t. Deutschebanker

Haev fun when your economy collapses lad

What sex tape? Post it I wanna see

(Not the Angel dark vid)

>You should think in the long-term

You're acting like we have any control over this.

We couldn't stop Trump even if we wanted to.

Are you Deutsche Bank's chief economists?

If so, shouldn't you be sending your family away to a country without extradition laws and then jumping out of a window?


Dear Kek,

Thank you for making 2016 so awesome.


Trump truly is the master of Paralympic chess.


Well that was disappointing.

Guess I'm going to have to find something else to fap to

KEK is here

He's talking about video of her from a Spanish reality show where she fucked some tv host. She was engaged at the time and her fiancé called off the wedding when he saw the show

How many threads do you need huge posts pointing out flawed methodology? Youre being a willfuly ignorant moron, thinking everyone else is.

Ah, alright then, fair enough.

Don't be surprised come election day.

I wouldn't if the US wasn't a global superpower, because you're all a bunch of fatties and retards frankly.

Wow CTR isn't even trying hard anymore. SAD!!!!! Pathetic.

It's Friday.

The news cycle isn't going to ne able to make this a major story because of the weekend.

CTR you must not have gotten today's letter that we all got telling us that we should ignore this as our fearless leader has fucked up royally by supporting this woman, Stop bringing attention to it and stop trying to spin. Our orders were to shift gears and act like this woman never existed in hopes that it doesn't help our enemy Trump from succeeding as it is seemingly going to do if it keeps getting press.

You know we're trying sweetheart and we're going to correct your record so hard you'll be trying to get the gag out of your mouth with your toes while I fuck your little man pussy.

yeh I dunno what he doing

Austistically defending himself on Twitter after fucking up by doing the same thing at the debate

He can't help himself, his ego prevents him from 1) sounding positive 2) attacking Hillary

Its almost as if Trump has got here by running an almost completely unprecedented campaign, he is getting the monster vote. You'll be surprised, not me, dumb non-country boy.

>Trump voters actually believe this

OOOhh fuck did this idiot really just publicly tell everyone to go look at a sex tape on twitter???? THIS is supposed to be our president?

Jesus, im starting to genuinely believe he's autistic or some shit. Nobody is this dumb on purpose.

The reality is even more horrible.

>fuck your little man pussy
>little man pussy
>man pussy