YRYL, bring it

Here, I'll bring a good starter

Other urls found in this thread:



Dontcha know OP that you are supposed to have a bit to get the thread going





Fucking lost.

Please be satire

That's like the definition of a hate crime over here. Anyone got the judge's verdict or whatever the countries comparison is?

There needs to be a great cleansing already


It isn't a hate crime here because the victim is white.

Whites can't be victims of hate crimes unless they're fags.

>His name is Alexandra

And you fall us cucks. Top lel.


lost hard.

I'm not laughing, if anything I'm more upset at everything.


Lost after the first post...

It's You Rage You Lose, not You Laugh You Lose, looks like you just lost


I misread and am also a retard, my apologies


Give em the Buckner treatment



Lost. This is why I don't have a job.


fuck, they KNOW


At this point, is the watermark suppose to be ironic?


This is why racism will never go away. Niggers carry such deep hatred and will act on it so easily and quickly that it continually renews the hatred within white people.

>Niggers carry such deep hatred
So true, my goyim. So true. But we jews are going to let these goyimnigs kill you.

It's pretty obvious someone from Cred Forums wrote this.

Reading this makes me so glad we don't have any googles living here.

How do you Burgers even get by with neighbourhoods of these people?

Way to go dad but your son is with us now.
Isn't that right, T?

Avoiding them like the plague. Nobody goes into those neighborhoods except police and googles.

> firstname_lastname

looks like a bad shill op to me

Holy fuck that was well done

women and shtiskins besides pajeets don't actually code



We adapt, to be honest. However even the most liberal American is starting to get sick of this shit.

I am perfectly calm

Don't know what exactly would happen if said hate crime was brought to court, but it's NEVER covered by the MSM.
On the other hand, when a negro is shot by police/white man the MSM goes berserk, the headline is literally "white man kills black man"
clearly a hot topic where it would increase their ratings, but there's also a part of me that thinks they're inciting blacks to attack whites while doing the opposite for whites

The fact that they call it coding is what makes me rage. Anyone who says coding instead of programming probably doesn't even know how to use cmd.

>How do you Burgers even get by with neighbourhoods of these people?
why the hell would we live in the same neighborhoods as niggers? ever heard of white flight?

>likes to build clocks

women and negros would wish they could do anything technology related, I've got a handful of chicks and a pair of niggers in my college class and they can't do shit, niggers keep talking and trying to disturb the class and women are just plain bad and asking for a guys help every step of the way.
only ones that can do anything are the kikes, which is me, oy vey.


He is right, actually. He needs to be placed in a psyhiatric ward with no accsess to food.

>all that virtue signaling

Lol I can't tell if this is a brilliant troll, or a truly degenerate slag heap of a human being.




>human rights activist
More like animal's rights.



>I hurt his feelings when I told him that I didn't desire him
>I'm totally not a bitch, guys
>I started cheating on him because what he doesn't know won't hurt him

sexbots cant come fast enough


Is the black pill still available for purchase?



This is absolutely terrifying.


I found this today




Practically speaking, that's what it is. The white guys do all the work while the diversity hires just have to try not to fuck things up too much.



I love the triggered womyns.

I hate the face she is making predrink. Who the fuck drinks like that?

Please tell me this is a r/cuckold photoshop.

Please tell me this isn't real life

I have no fucking words




>I hate the face she is making predrink.
never noticed before


Her breasts look real to me.

That's just par for the course. Leftists always act like people who don't agree with them are evil based solely on the disagreement.


phew, thanks ! I was just about to regain my hope in humanity


dunno, I got it from here last month


White flight

>raughs in Finnish

Thats been a meme for awhile


This is more of an unflattering angle than anything. She probably looks great irl.

The wife got 100,000 of it in the end


but that girl is really skinny

Wait on top of ALL THE THINGS, is she in couple with her sister?

jesus women are spiteful insecure creatures... now I know where sjw' come from

Women try to push this shit so much

I wain a long distance with a 10/10 who was in love with me but she said she wanted to enjoy her life until she was thirty and then one day marry me and raise a family together. After a few years I told her to fuck off and enjoy being a used up lonely slut by age 30.

Thanks Cred Forums, you guys really helped me dodge a bullet there

Iron sulphide + hydrochloric acid = hydrogen sulphide
600 parts per million will kill you

>how to make black men and white men understand each other

hhehehe, silly redneck

Reminds me of the movie "The Hunt". I mean, my God, the amount of damage one lie can do.

Women simply have too much power in our society. Giving them the vote was the biggest mistake in all of humanity.

Fucking feeling it now.

>We need to maintain control of this sub
>Washington Post, NY Times, CNN, LA Times, Vox, Huffington Post, MSNBC, NBC...all have increased the attack on Trump
>the media is on our side
>People who plan to vote for Trump aren't simply deplorable and morally deficient people, but they represent a mortal danger to our country
>Trump is the first candidate that if I found out someone supported him, I would try everything to distance myself personally from that person and would view them as a lesser person

Who is CTR trying to convince with this? It just makes Hillary supporters look like bullies.
They're trying to make Trump supporters look bad, but is shaming and mocking them really the way to do that? Many Trump supporters are trolls who feed on liberal tears, and this makes Hillary supporters look comparable.

This is... fucking hell.

Layers and layers of apathy carefully constructed over the years render me simply incapable of getting worked up over this shit.

I don't mind

If shes not a whore, would marry and defend from shitskins till my death/10

His fault. He should have just cut ties outright and ignored her.

Any woman who shames you because you aren't buying her schtick isn't worth being with, if all she will do is denigrate, why bother with such trash?



>Not taking the lead pill

Cred Forumsentooman here.
>not programming
I rage everytime.


This isn't rage worthy, this is awesome. I love seeing women get what they deserve.


but programming is just a subset of coding

Dude. Just tie it's arm down and eat infront of it and the rage from not eating would make it drop weight faster than hillary shits herself.

Source on that comic?

That shit is redpilling af

Hail Hydra

Before & After joining slaaneshi cult.

Uncanny Avengers
Its one of the first five issues


It's no different from here. A girl that got sexually and verbally assualted by a google and when she got tired and said "stop it you fucking nigger" she was the one that got charged with hate crime

If you don't have a gun you can do this for under 50$

I hope his son mirders the entire family in their sleep

I don't get it, who doesn't want this, apart from virgins and hardcore religious fanatics?


what are you faggots talking about?

she looks fucking amazing in the picture

Women like this are literal cum rags, great for getting a load off because they are convenient but as soon as you're spent you get them as far away from your sight as possible. Classy woman for sure.

I'm not marrying a cumrag

She better have damn good reasons for any guy shes fucked

almost fucking got me

>damn good reason

Pleasure? Isn't that why we're all doing it?

These are always funny. My local developers meetup group are always shilling this shit and trying to force people into signing diversity pledges and whatnot.

Nobody ever cares about them and their women's classes typically get 4-5 in a city of 200,000.

What was his name again?

Who doesn't want what?
The first or second picture?

>these are real

To party a lot when you're at the peak of your physical and sexual ability, then settle down later in life.

Im just doing it to get experience for my future wife so that we can pleasure each other for family purposes every night.

Women should only sleep with men they were thinking about potentially marrying

Nobody is perfect but that doesn't mean my future wife shouldn't try to be a perfect virgin and I shouldn't try to be a 10/10 stud. We should both try to be the best we can be.

Cred Forums is quite a shithole baneposting nonstop since 2011

>I don't get it, who doesn't want this, apart from virgins and hardcore religious fanatics?
Well a lot of guys are never in the picture until in their late 20s when the women their age are past the wall.
They are suddenly an option for those women becuse they offer a stable relationship with a good income. The women spend her teens and early 20s fucking around and know want to settle down. But because of his new found status he could easily pick up chicks in early 20s, so there's no reason to go for women in late 20s and early 30s.

Alex Buckner I think. Elliot Rogers but with a smart mind for genetic extinction.

I'm done.

Well, at least it's an end to what must have been a miserable existence with parents like these.

But yeah, as I said, I[m done. Second post and god knows how much worse it gets.

I know enough about human biology to absolutely fucking guarantee that this woman has a perfectly healthy appearance.
>American standards

Angle is slightly unflattering tho

I actually saw that reddit post when it was first posted. I remember calling him a scumbag who should just go kill himself and actually got highly upvoted for it. Mods then banned me for hate speech. kek

>To party a lot when you're at the peak of your physical and sexual ability, then settle down later in life.
Yes, but why settle with an older women if your value as a man peaks around early 30s and a woman peaks early 20s


after reading the first few facebook posts i was completely expecting "lol she's carrying a bottle of water when she's next to the ocean"

He needs to be exterminated

How? How do these pics make you not hyperventilate with laughter?
Have you... have ANY OF YOU ever laughed at a stupid Cred Forumstard going an hero?
This is the same.
Civilisation is an hero

Well sure, why not try to get a younger woman, those are generally prefferable.

>food trolley
>in the weight loss ward

All those perfect buzzwords
Confirmed Cred Forumsack

>stop feeding fatties
>they die
>??? ???
>lose profit

That's one side of the post. Women don't have the luxury men do and party a lot and wait for the perfect man to marry him when they're old.
That and no one ants to marry a girl that had 50+ partners

fuck that got the gears grinding

because i have to share a planet with these people

I really hope nobody actually thought this was serious

If you want to do that, it's fine
It's not what I want and not what I'd want in a partner.
Party sluts should feel free to party and slut their hearts out, just as I'm free to not get involved with them.

>chad stevens
>dyel lanklet

I want off this shitty, depressing, failing, dark ride.


Well, I try not to look at a partnership as some economic calculation of value...

yes and you can't control them, so they will just put people who give them pleasure into power

the human race is doomed, the only thing you can do to remain sane is laugh at it


Well done, Danskebro

Is that Warchat?

This could all be solved if men beat their cheating wives senseless.

laughing in the face of my own demise eh? sounds fun


Not even a chocolate bar is free from this rage


Thats actually hilarious, not rage inducing.

Luxury of living in Eastern Europe I presume :^)

it's either that or getting so angry over it you try to kill yourself

remember, if you had complete control over everything your life would be amazing, but you don't. why should you worry about the actions of a bunch of stupid fuckwits?

Beats the shit out of depression

That's a nice, normal weight.

Depending on the circumstances that does qualify as a hate crime so I don't get what's so weird about it. Just because someone commits a crime towards you that doesn't mean that you now have the right to break the law. Two wrongs don't make it right.

Ironically, he was probably actually rape din prison. I have to say, if I was the son I'd never talk to either of them again. I'd move out and get as far away from those actually toxic people as possible.

Sanity is a prison. Unleash yourself.

yes, I am of starving, only ground Bosnians to eat and petrol to drink, pls send food, preferably Gromperekichelcher

Fake. Not saying shit like that doesn't happen, but the post is fake.

before and after what, ruskiebro?
Is this that brazillian marxist school?

When did
>Lol virgin, nobody cares what you think
Became an acceptable argument in politics

this is terrifyingly accurate

Everyone's reaction in this thread

I meant women still acting like women in Eastern Europe

Yes, desolace and poverty and girl girls

pls send food


That's why I'm becoming a tranny. I need money to live mayne

Chad is also a name, not just a MGTOW concept

Why are the majority of 'feminists' whales?

>I meant women still acting like women in Eastern Europe

ye the part where the step daughter decides to confess without any reason makes no sense

replace pitbull with refugee

Why do men let women treat them like this? I just don't get it. If you're a complete beta cuck, you deserve to get shit on.

>disability of being a male



severely underrated

Lack of positive male attention feeds into the thoughts that males are evil. And that belief of evil makes them reluctant or even openly hostile to trying to appeal to men. And that lack of trying to appeal makes them even more unappealing.

Its a self-feeding loop to cat-ladyhood. Still, some break out of it. I think the most jarring change was done by the "die cis scum" feminist who grew out of it and once she fixed herself up actually looked pretty nice.

My god, this cant be real.. please dont be real

Are you kidding me

I'm more pissed off at Shaun then anyone else

>this kills the "educated" meme

>likes Beyoncé


No, she isn't.

Holy fuck, good lol, thank you Jaari.

Welcome to the real world. Just read whatever gossip magazine and you will see it's mostly woman and faggots that judge how other looks. It's fucking bullshit that the feminist blames men when woman will do anything to make other woman feel like shit. "Don't ever try to understand woman. Woman understand woman and they hate each other" - Al Bundy

Thinking about it, this might work for fat fucks in reversed genders as well. But at least males who baloon into neethood dont get called heroes.



wrong pic meant this one

Brazilian Federal College.

It says it at the bottom.


can get 5 times the "pleasure" using a vibrator

"pleasure" its not a excuse

This can't be real. I refuse to accept a reality in which these people exist



How do these people legally get to keep their children?

Russia isn't shit because they're conservative. It's shit because it's full of Russians.

Don't know if this is true, can someone from Switzerland elaborate?


Well for me this concept is IMO degenerate? especially the attention of the media

When did this fad even started? I find it unecessary

that's a stretch, user

The woman who made the first post (Shelbastian Michaelis) is a troll. The name is an intended feminization of Sebastian Michaelis, an animu character.

The responses, however, are not trolls.

Fuck this kind of thread. It makes my blood boil.

It's not about the joke she made. It's actually pretty funny (albeit it was made by someone else [picture is signed by some page], she just posted this maymay), if the person aflicted with cancer would find this dark humour helpfull and heartwarming it would be cool. But it's not about the joke itself. It's about how she reacted.

When it became clear that this "Matt" don't appreciate the joke, normal, human thing to do would be to profoundly apologize, take it down immidiately, give a breif explanation that she just wanted to cheer him up and offer her sympathy. But this doesn't happen. What happen give us insight into her soul (or whatever you call her mind and mental state), we are shown that she has NO empathy for anyone else but her, everything revolves around her and she needs to be in center of attention. She is not able to sympathize with other person pain, because she doesn't even see him as a person, just an object in her world. Her explanation not only retarded (it completly misses the point) but also showing that she has to give herself special status.

Sorry for blog post, I try to improve my english.

If the last bit is the same guy. I'd be dumping massive loads repeatedly in her crab hole for revenge and make "dad" raise my son/brother. It's the only way.

the only way our country can be fixed is with the death of people like this.

I think this sort of behavior has always been in human communities, its just that it was previously surpressed and shunned. Women who acted as some act today were called spinsters and worse, and women were held to a certain standard.

Also in a lot of times, family units were more closely knit and grandmothers were extremely important in impacting to their granddaughters advices to avoid certain behaviours and traps that a modern woman cant even predict.

It was feminism that raged against these standards, and destroying them has let women regress to the level they are now.

Perhaps my english is not great, but aren't those antonyms?


I see it more the other way, coding is a subset of programming

when I hear "coding" it sounds like someone is doing some HTML-level shit rather than any programming, and not doing anything actually logical or structural. which is likely what those rainbow-haired le diverse people are doing.

and even when you say "programming" I'm a bit triggered because that sounds like you did some shitty online tutorial on it. there's always that one fag in a thread saying he's trying to "learn programming", maybe he posts his fizzbuzz implementation in every thread and his main focus is trying trying to refine it so he doesn't have to duplicate statements

So I'm guessing that dad gave her the most best dick. What a betacuck.

>son browses reddit regularly
>supposed to feel bad for him

So is feminist prevalent in your society

How's the solstice going on is there

I agree with the one poster though. She's got a nice body, but I just don't find it very feminine. She obviously put a lot of work into it, but I don't like muscles on women.


Holy shit, this guy is bananas. I think I know where it is too, I pass by a house with a bunch of these signs and a loon dancing out front while I'm a work.

>Words being criminal

Fuck this niggerfaggot earth.



I'm sure I've told this story before, but the baseball story in this post triggered me so I'll have post it again.

>Take my dad to a baseball game
>He is paralyzed, so buy us tickets in the good handicap section on the 3rd base line.
>Arrive at the park and go to our seats about 30 minutes before the game starts.
>Didn't know how to get to the handicap seats from the elevator so we asked an usher, he took the tickets and showed us right to our seats.
>The section is broken up into spaces with seats and spaces with cup-holders and such for people in wheelchairs.
>Huge landwhale in the seat next to the wheelchair space (my ticket seat and my dad's space).
>Ask if there was a mistake, usher says my ticket is for the seat she is in.
>She is IMMEDIATELY hostile and says that she can't fit in a normal seat so she is taking this one (I don't know if the seats in the handicap section are bigger for fat people, or for people with special disability section, but they are bigger).
>The usher kinda shrugs at me and asks if he can bring me out a folding chair to sit at end of the row so she can have a seat.
>This means I have to sit a few seats away from my dad if I accept this "bargain"
>I tell him no, that I'm here with my dad to watch the game and I paid for these for these seats, and that's where I'm sitting.
>Fat lady is screaming, usher tells her she has to move, has to go get security to get her to leave
>Fat lady, usher, and security guard all look at me with hate filled eyes as they walk away because I wanted the seats I paid for.

Fat people, not even once.

Good thing I wanted to be furious today

>A voluntary contribution is require

Makes me angrier than the Islamisation of the West DESU


His dad is a boss, how is this rage? I'd give him a high five and thank him for showing me how much of a whore my gf is

Kek that's why muslims are winning

the kike book raids of this group where fucking legendary

>changing the face of coding
>the most faceless antihuman job in the world needs a face change

Reminds me of that """""""programmer""""""" girl who always posts her codes and shit on Twitter. That's it, she posts pictures of her screen while she "accidentally" lets a glimpse of her coffee mug and her quirky le funny colors socks over the desk. Every. Day. That's it, she posts pictures of codes on a screen. The lenghts women will go for attention man...

No. It clearly says that they need £3 per pupil to cover the cost, but you do not have to pay.

KEK, thanks for brightening the shitty mood in this thread

>bringing up that movie

If you think that is bad, try living in the country the movie was made in.

It's 100% real, man

Are you sure about that?
I think there's something primal about the meatyness, warmth, breath and flow of muscles of a fellow human being that a fleshlight or a vibrator simply can't replace.
But that's the point, you can write code without completing a cohesive whole that would constitute a program.
If you're a DBA and do SQL all the time, you're coding in my opinion but you're sure as hell not programing, at leat not most of the time.

We have one of the biggest divorce rates in europe. But i blame it more on the hyper-westernization that happened after the collapse of soviets. Also the relatively low social status of the diasphora that skews polls.

But honestly, feminism is not really that retarded as its in some other places, since there are more historic roots for it here. Nothing really to rage about, so they lack any movement.

Still, solace is honestly quite beautiful this year. Surprisingly sunny and comfy as winter starts slowly creeping closer.

The Holy Quintz

Yea, if there's financial problems
If you don't want to pay for garbage, I think they'll require that you volunteer 3 pounds



No words for that OP

9gag is that way kiddo

What the fuck is that?

I don't believe it

God this resonates with me.

7 years ago I was in a long distance relationship with a girl. She tells me after we've been together for a year, that she has a bf, and that she wanted to introduce us, but for me not to say anything about it to him.

I was fucking pissed, but I really liked her, so I rolled with it a little. She introduces us, and then later tells me to compete with him for her.

I fucking broke and left her. She comes back months later saying she left him and wants me to come back, saying she didn't know what she'd lost when I left. Emotionally guilts me, and I almost give in. I told her I wanted to think about it. Go to bed. Wake up, realize I almost made the same mistake as before. Tell her sorry, I just don't think it'll work. Go on single for a few more months before I hook up with a friend who I dated for 3 more years, then married. 3 years strong, never regretted it. Really dodged a bullet.

Poor soldiers, hope they won the divorces, bet they didnt tho

You just got yourself a seat in my fph folder

I have no experiences with feminists myself here but the lgbt are rampant here basically but the the influence of the catholics here makes the society here do not accept
Divorce and abortion is still not allowed because of muh catholic teachings

Murder-suicide is underrated in the modern era.


It just hit me how fucking retarded this is. At this rate if Trump wins, Pepe is going to have a sidenote in historical textbooks about being a propaganda leading towards Trump's success with racist white people.
How can we trust any history with people writing it?

One post by this ID.

I haven't turned on the news yet today. What is with all the slide posts today?

I think thats why we have been spared of Soros-tier feminism so far. When we ran out of the soviet union we allowed abortion and all such jazz, so feminism never really had a good easy target to score its first victories against. And with that, didnt become a political or cultural force.

Not perfect, but i guess you have to see the silver lining from here and there.

>some people get away with this crime so we should just punish everybody that get accused of it

These people are a danger to society and should be purged.

Liberals make up words all the fucking time.

In a ldr with my fiancee. Been together 5 years and almost through college now. She's in her senior year now, and for the last 3 1/4 years we have Skyped every single night we've been apart, not a single day missed

yup, that did it. i'm a misogynist now.

>ruined son's life
>picked up his first prescription of suicide mass-murder pills

>Cred Forums is quite a shithole baneposting nonstop since 2011
for you

Even if this was true most men are weak as fuck and willing to let their wife cheat on them, men forgive too much, i would never EVER accept it


>koding with karly
>on fridays we code

Some OC...a diner in Texas has a picture of a naked man in the woman's restroom with a flap covering the junk. If a whore lift it up, a buzzer goes off in the restaurant so everyone can know that she's a slut. Almost all the highly-rated comments are whores complaining about how it's "shaming" and "wrong." Women: not even once



Glad to see people repost my images


sexbots can't come fast enough

>Calls the other girl a home wrecker
>Forgets she literally broke his furniture and wrecked his home

>This thread

Lost, thought I was numb to it all. Fucking lost hard

Shit like this is not even surprising at this point.

>How can we trust any history with people writing it?
we can't. it seems to be the case that history majors always come along to tell you that you can't trust history at all

This is wonderfully perfect

Forth Reich when?

I've been a programmer for 15 sumodd years and I've never run into someone so autistic to make a distinction between "coding" and "programming" -- much less to the extent where you actually DIVIDE the groups of people that use the two terms distinctly.

I mean... shit, dog, you're on another level. A bad level. A wannabe level. I'm guessing you still got 2 years to go before you have your bachelors.

Your english is pretty good.


Haha that kid is a true /r9k/. All rage, no follow through. A better man would've kept them in his basement for the better part of a year cutting things off them.



This is fucking disgusting I won't be a passive bystander while whores whore if I can do something about it

that can't be real

I take it you don't really get around the internet much and are more redditor-tier, you keep your head down and you do your programming. you're good at it but you're clueless about internet culture. you lack cultural awareness and you don't have the ability to make accurate assumptions about people by the words they use to refer to the same concepts. you most likely can't tell a normie post from a non-normie post without them explicitly bringing up normie subjects


Yes, Norwayproxy :) FUCK YOU DAD!!!

Even that's not good enough, I'll make sure their future boyfriends and husbands know and their families. I'll never stop for the rest of my life ruining their relationships. Forever

>ha ha ha
>don't you know me and my friends on reddit have LITERALLY come up with the difference between CODING and PROGRAMMING
>I mean, seriously, if you knew what you were DOING, you would be reading my PROFESSOR'S BLOG

I thought your post was copypasta at first. All it was missing was the fedora, slowclap, and stepping out of the shadows.

My school...fugg. At least engineers don't need those classes.


>dad seduces and fucks your gf
>"high five my man"

why are you so defensive


I'm sorry you can't take the truth

em-dashes reek of reddit

>all those fairly decent-looking girls/guys who just turned into absolute abominations
There must be something in the fucking water at universities everywhere.

When you learn to spell.

lmao underrated especially for an ai girlfriend

Shart in mart

This is YRYL not YLYL

You can, you just have use a little judgement. Read both sides' take on the matter - where they both agree is usually true

I did the same thing.

Oh look a you laugh you lose thread.

Why am I so angry?

Oh it's rage not raff.

What happened to my country now.


I had to lighten it up. I'm seething with anger at this whole thread.

>dodged a bullet


>things that never happened

Why do I go to these threads?
I just end up feeling like complete and utter shit.

Are these threads cuck threads in disguise? You actively seek out pain, misery and hopelessness.

Let's face it, in a country under Sharia law this wouldn't have happened.

Not even Muslim, by the way.


maybe to some extent.

what about when both sides agree the third guy is a faggot? what if side A has successfully convinced side B of small but difficult to disprove lie X, and side B concedes X so as to seem more amicable but disagrees on bigger lie Y, which is related to X? you might assume X is true but Y is dubious. also, the more sides you add, the less points of agreement you can find in common between all of them

it seems like wishful thinking to me to believe that you will be able to divine the truth just from consensus when these are just records written by people. there are definitely many lies that have been covered up by history


Looking at so many of these girlfriend related stories makes me realise how lucky I am. Do people change or did the boyfriends simply fail to see what was in front of them the entire time?

This is beautiful, thank you user, my wires were close to ingition.

>software engineering, on the other hand


Reddit truly is a hivemind website for normies

I don't understand how these pictures are real. How has the world become so hateful towards white?

It hurts.


that was pretty good


>I was fucking pissed, but I really liked her, so I rolled with it a little. She introduces us, and then later tells me to compete with him for her.



why is this rageworthy though? the paper doesnt claim that the reasoning makes the beating morally OK, only that race was cited as a reason.

Cred Forums truly is tumblr 2.0. you guys are all a bunch of fucking fairies, no wonder you're scared of niggers.
