What did they mean by this?


Other urls found in this thread:



No idea

Jews are funding hillary

This just makes me like Clinton more. Anti-semitism is disgusting.

>50% of donations to Clinton campaign come from Globalists.

ftfy OP

>state a logical fact
Candana u go now


It means that Jews are wealthy.

>make up less than 1% of the world population
>fund a presidential candidate for the most powerful nation on Earth 50%
>own 95% of media


Good goy!
Cowardice can't save you m8

It's not logic, it's racism

You're racist.

I repeated what the article said. Go back to dancing in the streets in your gaypride flags.

>Cowardice can't save you m8
>Implying pointing out the facts is cowardly.

Let me really fix that for you.
50% of donations to Clinton campaign come from bankers, the media and globalists.

Jews aren't a race. Just like Germans or Russians aren't a race.

And the article literally made zero connotations. It just stated a fact.

Jews are an ethnicity

Germans are an ethnicity

Russians are a nationality since there are different types (Slavs, Vangarians, Asians)

This, they can have their way with Hillary, she's bought and paid for by them, Trump is a wildcard, probably can't be bought and paid for. Of course they'll push for a Hillary win, they wouldn't be able to get away with half the scams and underhanded shit they pull if she doesn't win.

Russians are a nationality
Jews are a ethnicity
Canadians are fags

Well that makes sense over half of Obama pay for positions appointments are jews.

Pic related its what happens when you sell to a black guy instead of a jew.

pure coincidence

It means Hitler is literally Trump

Pretty sure the article stated jews and not globalists user. Nice trying to pain a different picture though.

Can I have a sauce for this article, I'm sick of niggers not posting sauce

>only 50%
fake and gay


South Africans are honorary Australians

Oy vey, enough wit da hate speech!

it means if they steal it or suspend the election we kill them all

sorry good ones play the name game and find jesus or go to your lil country paid for with our blood if you want to live.

odds are low on the latter SA will backstab you because commies from israel allied with them

google red/green alliance
then laugh at red
how fucking stupid can you be.

White ones anyway

>$0.05 has been deposited into your account

>You're racist
Look buddy, you are on the wrong website faggot. Just cause you think everything operates like your reddit safespace does not mean it does. Its okay though, you can still be my friend