Canada's "best friend"

Canada's "best friend"
>invaded us in 1776 and 1812
>did not make and effort to stop the Fenians (Irish-American terrorists) from raiding Canada in 1866-1871
>purchase alaska and refuse to accept the stipulated boundary, and used old Russian maps to claim more land
>sits out of 1st world war, opting to supply UK with armaments until they drain them of all American assets
>join war in 1917 to steal the show despite doing relatively little
>12 years later, in 1930, after fighting side-by-side with Canadians and the British, Americans draft Joint Plan Red. A plan to take Canada by force.
>pass it off as an "exercise in strategy" when the plan is declassified in 1974, before which is was one of America's most closely guarded military secrets
>Sits out of world war 2 until japs attack; steal the show again
>with a flick of a pen NAFTA is signed and Americans have finally conquered Canada
>post 9/11 garbage now

When will Cred Forums finally take the redpill and realize America needs to be destroyed?


shut up and let us buy oil from you






Not just friends, but "family"

>U.S. ambassador to Canada, Paul Cellucci tugging on Canada's heart-strings to make us go into Iraq
>"We would be there for Canada, part of our family, and that is why so many in the US are disappointed and upset that Canada is not fully supporting us now."


Is Canada the Red Haired Wife's Son?

Australians, not mongoloid whites?

Australians, not mongoloids?

who cares about your hat of a country

>refuse to treat their citizens
>get thousands of fat fucks coming north for medical procedures
1812 needs to happen again tbqh

You could be asked the same

The US won both world wars.

Shit-tier Canadian shit post

The US hardly did anything in WW1

Shut your god damned maplehole and sit the fuck back down.

>Muh 1776 Québec!
Beaten by British troops and the retarded decision to march through Maine fall and winter. There were a lot of citizens that wanted liberation from Britain

>b-but muh 1812
Again, this was just the British using your region as a cocksleeve

>Muh Yukon access
Britain threw you under the bus in order to make buddybuddy with the USA. Not the first or last time you'd be completely disregarded on the global stage

>da brave Canadian soldiers in WWI/II
Both wars were won and, not in small part to cheatcode-level supplies nonstop from the USA. We positioned ourselves to be the premier world power after the wars. Are you upset that Britain cucked you again and sent your boys into the meat grinder?

>Joint Plan Red, shitty aggressive Americans!
That's due diligence for a modern Army. Never walk into a war uninformed. I'm sure we have a plan for invading every single country, and a dossier on every man in this room.

>NAFTA and 9/11
Yeah, you got us there. Hand over your lumber and oil, though. Now.

>invaded us in 1776 and 1812
Canada wasn't independent and sovereign until the 1860s

>give shit away and let anyone in
>surprised people abuse it

I think we're at the stage where we can all point fingers at each other with accusations of perfidy and jewellry, and each think our country, or the other anglo countries are too far gone.

History shows that you need complete homogenity to avoid the corrosive viper in the bosom of quislings and fifth columnists.

Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. Where's the anglo's last stand? Blightly? Some yet undemarked rump between america and canada? Tasmania? The moon?

I'm just shitballing here a bit, I've just had a very strong cocktail, but I know I amongst friends.

you're just proving my point.

US is not friend or family.

Canadians on Cred Forums need to stop sucking US cock and begging for annexation. Economically, and culturally we have been annexed, but so long as the border remains we still have a chance of taking back our country and uncucking ourselves from the US and UK.

>Is run by muslim loving fag enabler
>looks back to the past because its slightly more bearable to think about

top kek