Why do you have to pass a drug test to get a job at McDonald's but not to be President?

Why do you have to pass a drug test to get a job at McDonald's but not to be President?

Holy shit, he has blood coming out of his eyes, blood coming out of his...whatever.

Because the president can't make a McMuffin.

Because no one cares

You do though, and you have annual physical and mental evaluation.

I highly doubt McDonald's spends the money to drug test.

You ought to be eligible for T/S clearance to be president, that's the big thing here. Would never happen though because so many Democrats would be disqualified from the shady shit they do.

>Bernie vacationed in the Soviet Union
>Obama sold cocaine
>Hillary already violated her clearance

Yeah, they'd be screwed.

Mcdonalds drug tests?

Insinuating cocaine usage was a huge deal when George W ran, and so was pot with Bill Clinton and Obama. All three were national news.

FOIA request them and see what happens.

Okay, will do

Makes sense.

>Dubya uses a working man's drug
>Obongo and Bimbo Dickens use degenerate nigger garbage shit drug

conservatives are so fucking delusional

Because McDonald's actually has standards.

Shit script, CTR. Time to update.

>Shit script, CTR. Time to update.

Shit economy, Slavscum. Time to upgrade.

But Hans, you are a Slav. :)

My grandpa saw to it.


>My grandpa saw to it.

Too bad he didn't see to getting an education and brushing his teeth.

He didn't need either of those things to dick your granny, tho. :^)

She was happy to do it for a loaf of bread.

Because at McDonald's you are a liability to the corporation. As president, you ARE the corporation

>She was happy to do it for a loaf of bread.

Which, to this day, is considered a rare delicacy in your country where everyone lives in abject, pitiful poverty.

He's so cute when he tries to act tough. :D

Most shitty fast food joints don't drug test, unless they really feel the fucking need to waste money like I've experienced with Dominos.


See ya in 10 years, Hans. I'll be there to make more little Slavs. :^)

>I'll be there to make more little Slavs. :^)

Your goat must be a very, very happy lady.

Better tell your mother to lube up, or I'm going in try. :^)

>I'm going in try. :^)

Yeah, I guess you performing sex comes pretty close to "try".

Said a Germcuck, whose birthrates are so low he has to import millions of third-worlders to compensate for the fact 70% of German "men" have severe erectile dysfunction. :*

yes - we definitely need someone tested for a shit ton of things

>the shithole of Serbia complaining about 3rd world countries


Hillary's legs give out beneath her in exactly the same way Trump's eyes don't bleed. Try harder OP!

>third-world Soviet shithole Goymany talking shit



Because a president can just bribe a doctor and get a prescription

because they want hillary to win

This isn't uncommon, once you get to a certain level, drug testing isn't done. I'm middle manangement, me and my employees are subject to pre hire drug testing, and drug testing if there is an accident that injures someone. My boss who is basically an officer of the company, and everyone above him are not tested, ever.

He Serbia, give me some recipes for Kebab removal. Thanks.

Don't stop, I like this Fritz and Borat exchange.

>recipes for Kebab removal
Removing kebab is pretty easy in theory, the trick is getting enough dudes to join you. If only the european people would unite, we can completely get rid of them within a couple of years.