Conservative news paper: death threats after endorsing Hillary Clinton for president

>The Arizona Republic's editorial writers are receiving death threats after endorsing Hillary Clinton for president

>The Republic is a conservative paper and had never backed a Democrat in its 126-year history

Trumpfags are crazy...

wonder how much hillary paid

not as much as Trump paid for those boob jobs

less than what trump pays melania

U kno it, mah nigga

>death threats

voting for hilldawg is literally treason, they deserved it. news organizations endorsing a candidate is degenerate af, no company should ever do this


What percentage of claimed death threats lead to an actually attack, much less death? One in a hundred thousand? One in ten million? Any?

Hell I get death threats all the time just for shitposting in Trump Gens. You guys seriously dumb enough to think this isn't real?

>Trump supporters get ostracized and threatened
>Clinton controls the news
>News says Clinton supporters get ostracized and threatened

Liberal tactics 101 is to accuse the enemy of your crimes. Never, ever forget this.

this is the reason for the laughable claim that Trump is sick and hillary is not sick

yeah but when hillary issues a death threat- she fucking means it

She doesn't issue death threats. People just end up dead without anything traceable back to her.

Obviously a false flag. Trump supporters are known for their calm and peaceful demeanor.

"Always accuse your victim (or your adversary) of what you yourself are doing." - Lenin

THIS x1000

All these newspapers are owned by the same fucking scumbags. The same company that owns the Republic owns USA Today and that """newspaper""" came out against Trump today. Journalists and reporters are just corporate whores who get their marching orders and follow them.

>not holding steering wheel
>spare hand draped out of window
>punched hole in windscreen to fire gun

Zombie Reagan doesn't need to steer.

>not supporting the retard candidate is literally treason
Underage b&.

Marxists, they are cultural Marxists.

Classic liberalism is what made the USA great and the values of the enlightenment will again.

God willing