If your father worked 500 unpaid hours before he died

Wouldn't you hire someone to chase after the company to collect that money owed to you?

Why does pol laugh at slave raparations, when slavery was literally unpaid work. Reparations are not welfare. They are wages OWED to the families of men who broke their backs for unpaid work.That money has been earned through hard work.

Other urls found in this thread:



Slaves had no contractual expectation of pay. My Dad does. Nice try though.


Depends if he signed some sort of contract or made an agreement that he'd be paid.



Slavery was legal. Deal with it.


Thought provoking argument? Refute me idiot. Slaves worked. They are owed money, either through calculated minimum wage earnings or lawsuits

My dad DOES have 500 hours of unpaid work. Salaried exempt is a bitch.

the law is not retroactive kiddo
did you think if berntard got in and raised the minimum wage you should be retroactively paid all the money you didn't earn?
if he made college free do you think everyone with a degree should get their full tuition back????

So why is it the states duty to step in?

I'd pay reparations to the slaves. Can you find any for me?

Becuase the state legalised slavery idiot

They weren't employees, they were slaves. My father wasn't a slave, he was an employee.

There is a difference. My father was owed the money as part of a contract in this scenario, while slaves weren't even citizens at the time.

no because im not a fucking jew and/or nigger

id fucking rage on my old man if anything

For a few generations of indentured servatude, the negroid has earned every succeeding generation of his kin both citizenship and life in one of the greatest countries in the world.

>Slaves worked. They are owed money

I'll admit I'm willing to write every former slave from before the emancipation proclamation a cheque for $500,000.

Big flaw in your argument is the company/slaveowners haven't existed for a good century or so.

I don't owe anyone shit.

>Free trip away from Africa and the tribes that enslaved you
>Clothes, food, housing
>welfare, white guilt, destruction of property, insane crime statistics

>not payment
They deserve to be wiped from this earth

slave raperations punish people who had nothing to do with the wealth taken from the slaves for their labor. And then gives money to people who have never had their wealth taken away because they are descendants of said lost wage laborers.

They aren't owed anything. Why the fuck would you pay a slave? Makes no sense desu leaf.

A debt with none of the creditors or debtors living.

whats obama supposed to do, have one half of himself pay the other half?

And the slave contracts were by citizens.

Or should the government also pay former slave owners for the cost of emancipating their property?

Debt is transferrable. If your ancestors had slaves, that debt is yours. Sorry but life isnt fair under capitalism. We just playing by your rules

Would it be fair to force that companies great great grandson thousands of dollars when he has almost no money himself and did nothing himself wrong?

Please respond OP, Im legitimately curious

>Debt is transferrable
Since when?

Imagine that the company that owes the debt is now long gone, dissolved in the same conflict that gave your daddy a better job.

Slavery is not a job. Its not supposed to be remunerated and Im pretty sure the no one signed any contract regarding any payment to slaves.

If I pay reperations it is going in the caskets of the slaves. Fuck these Gibme Monkeys.

How would you calculate how much they were to be paid? Pretty sure it's hard to know if you had ancestors who were slaves (which ones), never mind how long and hard they worked, etc.

You burned down our white house, you filthy leaf. You owe every American reparations for your loyalist antics. Fucking scum.

I'm convinced 500 years from now, psychotic racist blacks will still be murdering whites in disproportionate numbers as "revenge" for slavery.

and where does it end ? every race on the planet has had members enslaved at one time or another should every historical injustice be compensated via financial restitution ?

This among others listed

Well if we are playing by the rules then slaves werent supposed to be paid jack shit so theres no debt involved

I just did the dishes. Gibs now pls.

He's retarded.

You have one choice:
a) staying in America and getting no reparations
b) receiving reparations but being forced to get your ass back to Africa

What do you choose?

We'll pay reparations when the arabs do.

I didn't enslave anyone and nobody in my family line was ever a slave owner. I don't owe anybody goddamn anything besides common human decency.

Leaf is right for once.

>Wouldn't you hire someone to chase after the company to collect that money owed to you?
It wouldn't be owed to me, salary isn't paid out generationally.

how the fuck are you going to determine who's owed what, and who has to pay? The vast majority of my genetics got here after 1905.

Anyway it doesnt matter. The day they force reparations is the day I go on a killing spree. Fuck this country i'm done.

Descendants of the rich people maybe should pay, most whites didn't own slaves and don't own anyone anything. but either way they were slaves, not workers, they shouldn't be payed, paying anybody anything is beta cuck behavior, dominating people makes you master race.

And debt is a legal concept. You might have a point if slaves had a contract or some other legal requirement they be paid, which they didn't.

Except it's not owed to you, it's owed to the estate of the deceased. That deceased person was generations before the people alive now. You were not the beneficiary of the estate, now fuck off.

No, no I wouldn't.

That would have been between him and his employeer.

The government didn't enslave anyone. Private citizens of varying nations participated in legal human trafficking which was, over time, deemed illegal and the practice ceased. You want reparations, feel free to go sue your family's old slave master, best of luck.

I don't think you know how slavery works.

It's UNPAID forced labor. There is no "Well, we are just withholding your due wages" bullshit. Unless you can find a ledger from that time period that talks about paying slaves their "fair share", you can kindly fuck off back to your syrup farm, fag.

american institutions have been bending over back wards to afro americans for 50 years already. and whats happened, they've gotten worse.

Imagine it.

>The supreme court rules debt is transferred unto the your progeny.
>Therefore all blacks deserve reparations.
>Riots all over the country as they celebrate.
>Cheque arrives in the mail.
>Turns out the last three generations bail jumping, tax avoidance and poor financial planning has come to bite them in the ass.


I would only agree to reparations if all niggers descended from slaves fucked off to some other country

>>The supreme court rules debt is transferred unto your progeny.

I'm a contractor. I'm own somewhere between $10-20K by clients who may never pay. What I can do is sue. What I can't do is expect the taxpayers to pay me on behalf of a deadbeat client.

Because every group of people on earth has owned slaves at one time. Americans didn't start slavery, they ended. Maybe niggers should sue rival tribes in Africa for their gibs

Fucking leafs cant even shitpost properly.


>If my father rapes your family, steals their home and enslaves their children I should be able to live in that home and enjoy the wealth because it was in the past and I personally did nothing to hurt your family (aside from enjoying the benefits of crime committed by family members)

weird that people genuinely believe this shit

>Egyptians were black
>Egyptians enslaved Jews
>Over 4,000 years of interest for Reparations

Yeah i would for my father but for my great great grandfather who I never met? No. Because unlike niggers I don't base my entire identity on my biggest failure

>Wouldn't you hire someone to chase after the company to collect that money owed to you?

Absolutely I would, and so would you. The real question is, would you sue the children of the company's owner?

If slave owners were around today, by all means, sue them, jail them, whatever. The thing is, they aren't. I'm not guilty for what other people did and I shouldn't have to pay for it.

because its incalculable you fucking liberal retard

go ahead and calculate the reparations owed to one african american individual of your choice

show your working

They don't owe the money to me; they owed it to my father.

I did not earn it. My father should have sued while he was still alive.

The fact that we fought and killed our own people to set them free and even bought and paid for Liberia, a country just for them, is reparations enough.

>Why does pol laugh at slave raparations, when slavery was literally unpaid work
Because they want ALL white people to pay them money, not the descendants of the actual slavers. Also, I don't think theres any actual way for them to prove they are related to former slaves anyway. The destruction of the black family unit kinda fucked any chance they had of getting reparations. Thank the democrats for that lol

>They are wages OWED to the families of men who broke their backs for unpaid work.
Will black people be happy then for the ancestors of the land owners take their fair cut in rent and or board? Black people lived on the landowners land and raised crops/animals on them to use and eat. Shouldn't the land owners be reimbursed for that cost?
>t. Good for the goose, good for the gander.

Also - there is a reason why the concept of statute of limitations exists. Otherwise I could quite rightly claim compensation from the British government for the cruel and unusual treatment my ancestors were dealt hundreds of years ago.

What if the company went out of business? Then what of your shitty analogy?


>Otherwise I could quite rightly claim compensation from the British government for the cruel and unusual treatment my ancestors were dealt hundreds of years ago.

Wouldn't that just be you getting a reduction to your sentence?

Ww1 was in 1914 slavery ended in 1869

There is nothinh insane of payinh the unpaid salaries of workers.

>slavery was literally unpaid work

slaves are not employees

they are livestock



The only legitimate reparation would be a trip back to Africa in exchange for their passport.

Then how much is owed to the slaves? Also, like that user said, how much are the slave owners owed for room and board as well as food?

Either you are for slavery or you advocate for payment of unpaid work.

>debt is transferable

So you are a retard? Where is your wrangler while you are shitposting?

Except they weren't workers. They never expected to be paid.

>Egypt should solely hold the (((honor))) of financing Israel
Where would the pyramids be user?

Hes probably talking about irish ancestry and how the brits fucked the celt for 400 years.

Because that's a private matter between dead slaves and dead slave owners. Nobody here were slaves and nobody were slave owners. The government doesn't owe anyone shit for slave reparations because the government didn't own slaves

Not going to lie. Hibernian faggots deserved it for the first 100 years. Kind of got taken too far.

50k chrck for full unpaid worker descendants every year, the amount of ancestors who werent paid take an = % of the 50k amount.

This is less than holocaust reparations.

I'll pay any black person who proves their slave lineage.

Not many can, seeing as how, all memes aside, they just don't know their dads. Let alone great great grand parents.

And the very few who can actually go back that far are going to quickly find out that their great great nanny was bred by massa.

So we're supposed to pay reparations to what is ironically, very likely, the last living relative of America's slave owners?

Will niggers ever stop nigging?


They worked thus were workers.

Don't forget to take out the welfare theyve already used though. Also, how are they going to prove they are descended from slaves when they don't even know who their fathers or grandfathers are?

And they fuck your mother but it doesn't make them your father.

>owed money

how well has giving niggers free money worked out so far?

My ancestors didn't have slaves, so even if that's how debt worked I wouldn't have to pay a single penny. In point of fact, only an incredibly minute percent of all Americans had slaves, including free blacks.

>Wouldn't you hire someone to chase after the company to collect that money owed to you?
No, because I'm not a kike.

Their payment is getting to stay here and not be slaves anymore.

Although we are all slaves in the end.

Then they should sue native africans since its their ancestors who originally enslaved them and sold them to americans

Still waiting for the fucken' boat to come and pick me up....

So at which arbitrary point will YOU place the statute of limitations?

>There is nothing insane in paying the unpaid salaries of workers.
That suggests 2 willing parties entering into a contractual agreement. That's not quite what slavery is.

>tfw black people end up owing slave owners families for unpaid room and board....

You are slave because you want slaves.

also it wouldn't be your father, it would be your great great great great grandfather, by this logic i should be able to sue the queen of england for fucking over my scottish ancestors


uh... what?


>tfw black people end up owing slave owners families for unpaid room and board.

Most would be the illegitimate descendants of slave owners as well.

And eastern Europeans and people of eastern European descent in the US could sue Turkey and misc other arab nations for slavery as well.

If you subtract off the cost of living, sure. Farm work generally doesn't pay that much to begin with, so the actual margin that they would have made would be miniscule. Not to mention of course, they wouldn't even be in the country to begin with.

Fuck, can I sue people for my Serf ancestors?

They workef, very profitable, pay.

If you think about it, from the dawn of history, everyone could sue everyone.

Why not just cut the middle man and say "problem solved" right now?

>wages owed
I don't think you realize how slavery works....

Anyway; let's follow your reasoning for arguments sake.
Let's deduct the trip across the ocean; your living quarters; everything you ever consumed; your spouse (because that's basically property that's given/leased-out to you). Education fees (Had to civilize you didn't we?)
And finally; you'd have to pay me back for buying you. (And how much is your freedom worth anyway? Money wise?)

Lets just call it even.

>implying my father would work a single unpaid hour at his job

Yes, if blacks can sue for reparations, I do not see why you couldn't. This is honestly a lawyers wet dream.

But thats why this will never happen, it will set a dangerous precedent and we'll spend the next 100 years suing people for shit their ancestors did.

>very profitable
For a small minority of the population, sure. For the rest, it was disastrous since slavery made it harder for people to get jobs. Not to mention the whole civil war was extremely costly. There's a reason the south was far worse off economically than the north for a very long time after the civil war.

Does this mean I can sue the US for agent orange? And for that matter the French, Japs and the Chinese?

Because we are talking about niggers. They don't realize exactly how fucked they could be because of stupid shit like this.


And Europeans could be sued for all the slavery during the roman era and then blacks would be sued for slavery during Egypt and Portugal by japan and everybody suing jews in crimea and then everybody suing mongols for their slavery. Everybody had slaves.

All of what you said has 0 price inbsocialist atates such as your own education was prices free housing was of little cost but it couñd be deducted not of current prices but of true prices, the fod is of little cost.

Maybe if it was your father, but not your great great great grandfather, there's basically a statute of limitations on this kind of shit. Also, a lot of these people wouldn't even be able to prove that they come from a slave. Not to mention, this only accounts for blacks. What about all the other atrocities in history? Doing this could open up similar lawsuits against literally every group in history.


If they were paid they wouldn't be slaves?
>leafs are THIS stupid

Highly underrated post

Cause the people who actually did the slave owning have been gone for over a hundred years... If you can find a company that used slaves still in existence, go ahead and sue them... the rest of us owe you nothing...

My father worked far, far more hours than that for the government. Income tax took 30% of his wages for 40 years.

At least slaves are housed and fed.

Thinking of this. Does this mean the US government can sue Native American tribes for attacking it's citizens and siding with the British?


DO YOU KNOW THAT I PAY ABOUT 80% TAXES; NOT COUNTING ALL THE BULLSHIT TAXES (Like imaginary rent on my house or rainwater that fall on my roof.)

Also; it's about 200K for a small apartment here.


> a fucking leaf
Not a thought provoking argument, a shitpost. People have already explained to you why your 'argument' doesn't work. Let's just start with the most simple, the slaves didn't sign a contract or expect payment. Under the law at the time slavery was legal, plus it's been 150 years since the last legal slave was freed.

>Why does pol laugh at slave raparations
Because I don't want to give my money to niggers, silly. Who cares if they're owed it, I'm not giving them shit.

Still waiting on reparations from when Eve fucked over Adam in the beginning of time.

Not even acknowledging this op, but the fuck is with the party hats

1. Because the company ceased to exist long
2. Because reparations are welfare.
3. They are not owed to them in any way, and did nothing to deserve it. They want handouts for being born with black privilege.

Normally I'd agree with you to rustle jimmies, but there isn't really any actual evidence that the jews were in Egypt, or that they built the pyramids. The bible isn't really a reliable source.

It costs money to feed, shelter and put clothes on them slaves. They're basically paying for their stay.

>The bible
How about the Torah you anti Semite?

Incorrevt, it was of no bearing on profits.

>Happy 13th Birthday Cred Forums!
Literally at the top of the board and thread.

I blame Sanford & Son for instilling this fucking huckster "get rich quick" culture into blacks

And you know this how?

Hey mother fucker

It's been over a century that time has passed

Plus none of you dumb mother fuckers were slaves you Bitch about nothing go fucking kill yourself we don't need toss many dumb fucks roaming around unless we plan to start harvesting human flesh for consumption

Profit records, just because prices ate artifically inflated by demand does not mean anything, housing could cost a couple dollars.

Except reparations are like asking an employee at a completely different company to pay you for your dad's unpaid work just because both companies have employees with red shirts. Most white people had nothing to do with slavery and many of us came after it ended.

Quit trying to get niggers all bent into a tizzy, OP!

Alternatively - if they're not happy living in the land of the free post slavery, with no reparations, they could always return to the lands of their forefathers.....

My father maybe. Nor my ancestors from over 200 years ago whose names I don't even know.

Let me ask that again. Do you think or do you know that the profits from buying slaves and maintaining them had no bearing on the profits of the slave owners?

>mr. smith hires mr. henry to do his labor
>mr. henry never paid
>mr. smith dies
>mr. smith II dies
>mr. smith III dies
>mr jones comes to America
>mr. smith IV dies
>mr. jones II dies
>mr.smith V taxed for 50% of reparations to mr. henry v
>mr. jones III taxed for 50% of reparations to mr henry v

May the now freed slaves could pay back the US government for their expenses in freeing them.
Like the cost of the civil war....and so on

Civil warvwas of north v south not slaves

Are you saying one side didn't lose slavery after the other won?

no one in my family ever owned slaves, welfare actually is reparations, and the large majority of whites ancestors never owned slaves either

I would have no expectations of money from someone else's labor. Besides, your father was not a slave in the first place.

Too late now.
Most of the people descended from slave owners ended up getting fucked by their own families or Jews.
If we're talking about being fair then reparations should just go to the poor.

No; He isn't. Even God only goes back to the third generation when dealing out punishment.

But slaves aren't owed wages. They're property.

I am strongly in favor of slavery. What now?

And when an Ox pulls a cart it's working. It doesn't make him a worker.
You're trying to play with semantics like a common SJW.
When I pull my dick; I'm exerting effort; thus I'm working; thus I'm a worker; thus someone should pay me.

Clinically retarded or very drunk.

There is a thing as "lost profits" they could have rented those shacks out; thus they "lost" profit. =^)

>housing could cost a couple dollars.
The one who provides the houses gets to decide what the rent is tho.
Again; you're an idiot.

Totally missing the point.


AND YES I'M STILL MAD ABOUT HIS "E-every thing is FREE in your socialist paradise".

Same source, still not accurate. The torah is a subset of the bible. Regardless, it's basically mythology, not a historical record (and also doesn't reference things that are externally corroborated in regards to the jews in Egypt).

How about the families of slaves pay the families of slave owners for lost earnings due to having to find employees after emancipation.

Was a joke about antisemitism accusations materoo.

Plus the fact that many modern blacks relations to slaves are as strenuous as the Jews having built the pyramids.

It became about slavery once the south seceded (Lincoln used that for publicity). Ironically, Lincoln wasn't even an abolitionist, he was a free soiler (wanted any new states admitted to the union to be free states where slavery is illegal, but didn't want to do anything about slavery where it was currently legal). Honestly, if the south wasn't so fucking stupid and seceded when Lincoln won the presidency, slavery would have persisted another 20+ years (though it was on its way out with industrialization).

How many generations does this rabbit hole go back? Some of my ancestors were were serfs. Can I collect on that?

Even if I'm a lazy fuck myself?

Sounds a little too convenient.

Riding on someone else's back.

and you're making this argument because you conveniently wont have to pay as a Canadian. It's really none of your business, and you're just promoting the grievance industry, because you want to hurt my country presumably out of political spite. Litmus test: Do you think socialism can cure societal ills? (bet ya do)

Fair enough, I figured it was 50/50, so I'd respond seriously and no harm no foul, though you do make a good point about their bullshit

I'd like to be compensated for my contributions indefinitely and directly.

Building stacks of reputation and credibility with skills and experience which would be bartered in an escrow.

No worries.

His end goal is socialism...what a surprise.

>owed to you?

it's not owed to me, it's owed to my father, who would be dead

do dead slaves have wills?

Jesus Christ, I think that reply killed him.

Gibs me more food stamps. We wuz kangs an sheeit.


My ancestors didn't own slaves, because one side was extremely poor up until the last 4 generations, and the other side came here in the 1880's.

Why should my taxes go towards paying for something I have nothing to do with?

What about the black slave owners? There were quite a decent amount of free black farmers in the south who owned black slaves, should they pay reparations as well?

Furthering that, wouldn't they have to pay inheritance tax for god knows how many generations? Seeing as primitive forms of the law date back to the 18th century.

Can we hold the governments of the world accountable for the tax money they have stolen from us our whole lives? It's not voluntary, just try not paying and see what will happen at some point if you do. Also, what makes it right for the USA gov't to steal from their people now to pay for something stolen long ago by people long dead. Every person alive who has used money has had their wealth skimmed off by gov't, I want that back. Fucking theifs

the Normans and Vikings raped my ancestors.

i'll take a cheque in the mail thanks.

>t's not owed to me, it's owed to my father

Well, there you go, fool. Why do I owe you something? Did I enslave your daddy?


My ancestors were northerners.

Nope, citizens pay the taxes which pay the welfare -> citizens pay owed monies for slave labour.

But cool circlejerk you guys have going on here, fun to see how the cogs tick on the inside.

1.find a slave that's owed money
2.find the employer that slave worked for
3.determine the hours that slave worked
4.determine the amount owed
5.deduct housing
6.deduct medical care
7.deduct food & beverage
8.now go sue the employer

And Romans, Picts, Hibernian and Saxons.

Not mentioning the Dutch and Gauls.

I want Hadrian to pay up for the fucking wall and pwning my naked blue painted ancestors who swung oversized swords

It's a leaf they don't die, they just turn more yellow and accumulate.

holy fuck you're right

Googles deserve nothing except shame, blame, chains, and flames.

>Posting a smug face on a stance that will never see fruition or reparations
Enjoy your victory and I think that you are Very Clever and that Vegemite is totally a real food

No, no, naw! You all is white! Yo skin color. You owes muh daddy because you is white!

White debils be owin' me.

Vegemite is a damn treasure though.

Yeah, but wouldn't they get an inflation adjusted amount of money? Never underestimate compounding interest.

Who is supposed to pay who what, and why?

At the height of slavery, slave owners consisted of 1.3% of the entire population.

The fucking hilarious thing is that blacks have more slave owner blood in them than the average white on the street.

It's logistically impossible. How do you determine which people were related to slaves and which people were related to slaves owners? I don't want to pay for that shit cause no one in my family owned slaves in the America's. It's just impossible to determine where the money should go

Makes less sense than evicting or punishing the entire black race for the crimes their individuals commit against whites on a daily basis

Who said it would earn interest?

Wasn't aware they'd have to adjust for anything besides inflation as nothing was loaned.

You is white?! You is owin' my ass! Pay up, mutha-fucka white boi!

The minimum wage is going up where I live. Does that mean every company that paid minimum wage now owes current and former workers additional money to make their previous wages equal to the current minimum?

Find me a slave, then find his master. Ask the master to pay him his wages.

Oh wait, they're both dead. Their children are dead. Their grandchildren are dead. Over half the whites fought a war to end slavery. We already give them welfare. No one in my family owned a slave. Some of my ancestors were even Irish slaves. Why should i pay restitutions for something i was never a part of and my ancestors were never a part of, and were even victims of? Where are my reparations? Oh wait I dont want them because I take responsibility for myself and don't dwell on shit from almost 200 years ago and demand handouts.

Fuck off and kill yourself you fucking maplenigger.

former slave childrens are already paid not to work


wyte boiz dis not never has did been count. MAH NIG.

Italy constantly invaded my country for centuries, as did France. Gibs me DAT

>Why does pol laugh at slave raparations, when slavery was literally unpaid work.
Because all of the people that were responsible for it and those that suffered under it are a hundred years dead.
The son isn't responsible for the sins of the father.

Shut up. You is white skin color. You owe me an' my daddy, honkey!

Not rayciss, do. Not rayciss.


Great great grandson of a slave here. No one owes me anything. The best reparation is fixing a political system intent on continued reliance on government for the purpose of harvesting votes/power like a fucking archon using your taxes. This is not owed to blacks, but to the whole of the American people. Fuck you.


Reporting in.

Slaves were property, on a similar legal level to a horse. Doesn't matter how long they worked unpaid, as in the laws of the time that was perfectly legal.

We don't apply laws retroactively (e.g Everyone owns a car. We make cars illegal, then arrest everyone who has once owned or operated a car).

We're not about to make an exception because you think you can make a quick buck...

If my father did, I'd be doing something about it.
But if my great-great-greatgrandfather did, I wouldn't give a shit.


150 going on 200

Never tried it, saw it at the supermarket last time i went. Considered but got marmite instead.

Only descendents of slave owners e.g. Anderson Cooper should pay

I tried that hazelnut stuff. Ferget what it's called. I still haven't finished it. Tastes like chocolate paste or something. I seem to recall you guys like it but it tastes like shit here.

But a lot of stuff tastes bad here.

To this day I will never know what a Hazel but is supposed to taste like.

If you present to me a former slave from the US, I will pay him reparations.

A bit sweeter than vegemite, maybe similar to marmite.

Nutella? Basically sugar and cocoa. It's got about 13% hazelnuts. Better off eating jam - at least the sugar is fructose and you get maybe a little bit of fibre....

Get real, every office worker in the US with a masters or higher, all STEM workers, we put in an extra 10-20 hours a week because we have to. I'm never getting compensated for it all because none of us are hourly. I don't expect my son to be a little faggot and sue them for it.

>3/4 of my grandparents were first generation immigrants
>the other one was second generation and so poor that she had to sleep on the couch of her family's tiny apartment
>somehow I'm responsible for the plight of niggers

Black people should also have two votes, women too to make up for all the times they couldn't legally vote.

>White 72 39 59
>African-American 13 93 6


im .001% black wheres my nigger money

Why should I, a product of Czech immigrants coming over during the mid 20th century, pay reparations for something I
1) am not personally responsible for,
2) my ancestors are not responsible for?

Why is it that all of us Americans should pay reparations for crimes we did not commit to people who are not victims?

only supporting slave reparations if its proposed by a literal nazi as a way to gain power and unite the country against our true enemies, the sand people (mexicans count as sand people too).

hey cuck, if anything they owe us money for getting them out of africa

Nice try Cuckadian OP fag. Thousands upon thousands of Union troops died to free the slaves. Kindly fuck off and go suck off your cardboard cut out of that little bitch Trudeau.

They were better off in chains

Moral and law have nothing to do.
Morally debts are eternal.
Legally debts expire, after x years.

You can't argument morally for this.

Precisely this. Slaves were bought and imported into the US under what was considered valid trade laws during their time. It was legitimate business and the descendants of slaves are therefore owed nothing.

It's not MY money

Dad maybe. But not great-great-great grandfather.
Japan paying Koreans is more realistic but I wouldn't push for China because it was a long time ago

>black father

Top kek.

I want for every Leaf to be annihilated to the atomic scale by millions of millions nuclear hydrogen bombs in every possible timeline they may be struggling to exist.

>government should pay for unpaid wages and not the previous employer


Never gonna happen

Marmite is more tart than vegemite so probably the opposite end of the spectrum.

somewhere down the line you would see most people would at some point have been exposed to slavery. who owes who then

How about getting taxed to shit to feed little nigglets and store them in prison until they can nig again.

In your first example, you would sue the employer for lost wages. The employer is directly related to the incident and nobody else is, so nobody else has to pay for it. With slavery you're going to make everyone pay for it when they didn't have any direct relation to it.

He was paid, the descendant needs to get the wages from the boss or their spawn. Not the client.

Think of slavery thusly,

A temp agency. Client comes and pays the temp agency for the worker. It is the agency's requirement to pay their cuasual since the client already paid the agency.

You can't sue children for their parents mistakes.
There are very few circumstances where a responsible entity still exists.
They cant sue the state because it was legal
They cant sue people cause they're dead.
At most they might find one or two companies still around that predate slavery that actually owned slaves, but then you'd have to prove the descendants of those slaves, and prove how much work was done, at what value.

They were considered valid then, but they were fucked up, and that's why they were changed. Obviously, there's not really any legal obligation to give reparations for slavery, and I don't think it should be done at this point, however I do think that reparations would've been appropriate directly after slavery, because it's just the decent thing to do.