It's over, the paid shills won. Cred Forums is now pay-2-win

It's over, the paid shills won. Cred Forums is now pay-2-win.

Press F


My balls are full to burst. Please op, suck my balls dry

what's the new cooldown time?



I dunno about you guys but I get banned way too often for a Cred Forums pass to be worth it

sorry gonna spam some gondolas to test




ok looks like 7 seconds now thx bros


>Not having a backup pass

finally i can shitpost effectively

test 1

test 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in congue urna, a sagittis arcu. Aliquam fringilla ex a velit tristique, id laoreet magna ultrices. Aliquam consectetur nibh ac massa venenatis, sit amet fringilla ex mollis. Maecenas et neque vitae est vestibulum lobortis a eget dui. Nunc rhoncus fermentum dui vel sodales. Proin tincidunt, tellus vitae dictum posuere, felis lectus venenatis eros, ac tempus libero dolor in ipsum. Mauris at arcu accumsan, luctus ex nec, placerat ligula. Maecenas posuere aliquam neque, nec pulvinar mi facilisis vel. Morbi in fermentum nulla. Morbi magna justo, malesuada non purus vitae, facilisis dignissim risus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque molestie massa tempor ligula pellentesque rhoncus. Sed imperdiet nulla ut hendrerit maximus. Cras sagittis, tellus condimentum faucibus consectetur, sem nibh viverra quam, ac pharetra elit leo vel orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

test 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut faucibus tempus urna eu condimentum. Nullam quis ultricies mi, quis imperdiet dui. Aenean imperdiet dui quis lorem consequat bibendum. Suspendisse lectus nisl, pharetra vehicula mauris sit amet, aliquet aliquet lectus. Nulla euismod pulvinar gravida. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse at nulla ut ligula maximus finibus sed at velit. Proin ut risus in leo ultricies gravida.

test 4

Sed at erat urna. Cras a ex tempor magna vulputate volutpat non sed sem. Nam aliquet efficitur felis ac egestas. Aenean ut purus tristique ipsum malesuada faucibus. Duis ut lacus a leo tincidunt mattis. Cras sed auctor lacus, eget eleifend tortor. Sed sit amet purus eu tortor eleifend semper sit amet id lacus. Nulla gravida et nulla et faucibus.

7 second cool downs, wow they really want this place shilled




Yeah I just bought one, it's insane how much better the board feels with them. Honestly I feel like enough Trump supporters will also buy them to balance the shills. We can shitpost just as fast as they can.

5 minute cooldown on duplicate replies

We must fight back against the shill hoards.

Who needs dupes when you can quickly type a sentence

I just bought a pass. The cooldown time appears to be zero. I can't believe I waited so long to buy one, this is great.

We will fight on the beaches, we will fight on the hills, we'll fight on the rooftops we'll never surrender!

Mfw Trump supporters get ahold of these though

its 7 seconds

get Cred Forums x and you can pretype and set images for subsequent posting.

Just buy a pass, if you regularly use the board it literally saves you hundreds of man hours over a year. All those 3-10 second captchas add up.

This. I get banned late as fuck too which is retarded. Make shitpost on Monday, ban doesn't hit till Friday. At least most of the bans aren't from all boards.

I still remember when Cred Forums first got captchas. I thought it was a joke or some kind of mistake. Filling them out here felt so wrong. The picture ones were better at least, but still if you fucked up once you had to go through like 10 of them.

>he's a captcha cuck
>he fills out forms for free

I only ever get banned when I post on Cred Forums. Everyone else shitposts all the time, but I do it once and bam, 3 day ban from ALL boards. I just don't post there anymore. At least when I get banned on Cred Forums or Cred Forums, it's only a ban for that board. Cred Forums mods are drunk on power.

>he doesn't pay a measly 15 dollars to support a website he uses all the time

>He helps google learn how to best destroy everyones privacy.

Personally I'd prefer a sort of Patreon type setup for Cred Forums.

>mfw been using a pass since they came out

How does it feel to be a free-riding nigger? You're worse than those guys that don't donate to Molyneux.

>tfw I always thought Cred Forums pass sounded like a waste of money
>Tonight I've been shitposting at the speed of sound on 5 different boards without a captcha to hold me back


I feel you bro.
There are shill threads and people spamming referrals and other ponzis on /biz/ literally 24/7. Once I posted one referral for doing a meme and I got banned for 8 fucking days on all of Cred Forums.

*posted one bitcoin address

captchaless posting when for fun?

almost exact same happened to me except it was for star citizen

ironically there is nothing but shitty trivia threads on Cred Forums even though the mods pretend to be such serious business