To the people who support Trump, and not just support out of a necessity to oppose Clinton...

To the people who support Trump, and not just support out of a necessity to oppose Clinton, but support with a wholehearted belief in his political ideology, what are your values?

When I think of the classical 'American Patriot' I think of a strong degree of national pride, fiscal conservatism, support of a loyal opposition but not necessarily obstructionism, and grounded in the belief that democracy and liberal values are the foundation of what makes America great.

When I think of the Trump supporter, I think of jingoism, authoritarianism, and a looser fiscal philosophy.

So what are your values, what are the political ideas that you think should drive America's future, and how does Trump best represent these?

Other urls found in this thread:


>support trump
>not out of a necessity to oppose Clinton

A priority on American infrastructure and American citizens.

I think you're looking at it from all the wrong angles.

If you want to understand the support for Trump, you need to
1) Look at the development world-wide: There is a Trump in almost every Western nation now
2) Look at the roots of his support in the US: Mainly frustration and disdain for the establishment along with very real problems for the White middle class
3) Understand Cred Forums and how it works off of two things: Values like free speech on the one hand, and memes and exaggeration on the other hand: People here often pick a horse and then ride it into exhaustion. Compare Ron Paul threads a few months ago to right now, it's gone from 100 to 0.

Don't want to make this a tl;dr but the single most important value of Trump is for me that he makes it possible for a lot of people to dare say for the first time in a long time: The emperor has no clothes on. It's okay to call out a harsh truth instead of buckling to the PC police.
People are finally taking about certain issues.

to be honest, I'd rather Ted Cruz gotten the republican nominee but I support Trump because there is no other viable candidate
>m-m-muh libertarian GARY
Gary is not a libertarian. He's a bumbling idiot. His ideas are most similar to a SJW-democrat.
>m-m-muh green party
1) (((STEIN)))
2) She thinks nuclear energy is bad
>m-m-muh woman president
((($hillary))) is one of the most corrupt politicians ever. Not to mention she's a globalist.

pic related

i believe in a system that is not rigged
i believe in a strong military and strong leaders
i believe in the right to defend yourself from foreign and domestic terrorism
i believe in a free country where everyone is the same, no matter of race, gender, or sex
i believe in america and i support trump bitch

Top central banker's Clinton donation puts Fed in political crosshairs


Hillary Clinton Wants Power for One Reason, ‘To Protect Her Donors and Take Their Money’


America first, a healthy disdain for internationalism and its root cause marxism. And fed up with the cultural depravity that is plaguing western nations.

they don't have any values, not really. they're frightened dumb and lost

Pretty simple, I want US jobs to go to US citizens; I want companies punished for moving manufacturing to mexico or canada just to avoid us standards, I want to stop tech giants from importing labor just to undercut wages of US degree holders; I want to make sure the people immigrating here can contribute by at least showing they can speak english well enough to get a job and not be a threat (ie radical islamist, murdering drug dealer etc) and I want to get rid of the blatant corruption seen in the political establishment; and I want my right to own a firearm maintained

I want Mexicans and Muslims out.



His political philosophy amounts to DONALD WANT!

A strong degree of national pride, fiscal conservatism, and grounded in the belief that democracy and conservative values are the foundation of what makes America great.

this all day


I wanted Marco Rubio, but after the Republican debate and hearing Scott Adams' take on Trump, Trump was just clowning fools left and right and winning.

With that said, it's his history of success and actual results that say more about who he really is than his public ramblings. People are so bent on analyzing people's words, they forgot that words are nothing, and results are what really matters.

People giving too much of a fuck about what people say and having laws that penalize people for saying certain words gave birth to all this political correctness and generations of people who keep bitching about their situations while doing nothing about it.

None of the other Republican candidates can win like how Trump is winning right now. They're too cut and dry and too focused on maintaining their image and principle (and are unwilling to change image-wise) that they become easy targets for radical leftist tactics taken from the Saul Alinsky book.

they're reckless and shortsighted, they hate most of the people
most they're so called values contradict their other values
the pro-life kill 'em all halfwits

It's just a fuck you to Washington that's how I see it.

Please, no more nigger threads.

>Hillary Clinton's Illness Revealed

>Hillary Clinton FAINTS At 9/11 Ceremony


I think it's because Trump has so much pride and faith in America. He is so sure that America can come back from the trillion levels of debt, unemployment rate, minority work ethic, and corporate greed that it's almost dumb. After taking a WW2 and Civil War class, I know the truth of how great America really is. He's also very blue-collar as opposed to Clinton who is extremely unethical and corrupt beyond belief.

reagan had dementia and bush jr was an idiot, they don't care either