Pope calls gender theory a ‘global war’ against the family

Pope calls gender theory a ‘global war’ against the family


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Let's hope to God the Pope wakes up.

A broken clock is right twice a day.

YES! go pope

>the Pope saying something non cucked

inb4 he mysteriously resigns from his position

Nice to know he's not 100% cucked. Every little bit helps I suppose.

Go fuck yourself with your shit chatolic sect

Everything non-orthodox is a PAGANIC SECT

Whelp, liberals are going to abandon him in droves now, even though he was their favorite pope.

I dont know who's cucking who anymore

>but lets keep bringing in Muslims to Europe because they're future Christians

Pope is starting to redeem himself. Perhaps he'll go full red pill before he dies.

Want to learn the fun origins of "gender theory?"

Here is a pithy video.... just jump straight to 11:05 to get to where the explanation is:


He doesnt care about your redpill ideals.
Believe me I heard this man speaking b4 he became pope


Please this.

Catholic here. I can't help but think that this pope might be redeemable some how.

Maybe things will get better.

seems unlikely, the wall debacle and muslim pandering is pretty awful, but I have to believe anyone can swallow their first redpill

Reminder that a large portion of
Cred Forums also thinks this way

Ave o Maria, piena di grazia, il Signore è con te, tu sei benedetta fra le donne e benedetto il frutto del tuo seno, Gesù. Santa Maria, madre di Dio, prega per noi peccatori, adesso e nell’ora della nostra morte. Amen.

Came here to say this

Berniebots are deluded but they are redeemable. Hillary might be forcefeeding them their first redpill. We can never stop outreach to dissatisfied millennial leftists.
