Two white males were doused with gasoline and set on fire by a black male co-worker in Baltimore County...

>Two white males were doused with gasoline and set on fire by a black male co-worker in Baltimore County. Both victims were severely injured. The media is censoring the story.

>Two different witnesses, who appear to be black males, videotaped part of the attack on their cellphones and posted the videos online. One of the people filming is heard yelling “Fuck Donald Trump! Fuck that cracker!.” The witnesses do not appear to try to offer any help.

>Witnesses say that men could be heard shouting "die you white fuckers die" in the background.
Video can be found in link.

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bump for justice

not BLM

Might not be blm, but fuck trump screams chimps

Oh then its fine then, carry on!

Baltimore user here, born and bred... The Baltimore Washington corridor is the liberal version of Mordor.

No one will care because they aren't black

that article say 2016 but this video is a few years old

when do they say fuck trump?

I didnt hear that.


2015 i believe.

All niggers must hang


That kikery don't fly around here, kiddo.

Highly probable that this was yelled before the video imo


Whatever snopes says, believe the opposite.


This is why Snopes is such a joke. It fact checks the newspapers by ONLY referring to the same newspapers. What was the argument about? Was their racial language used? What was the actual motivation of the attack? None of these questions are even attempted to be answered. Snopes literally just read a few news articles and guessed that those articles contained ALL the facts of the case. This is despite the fact that their are gaping holes in the account given. Snopes is a joke of an organization.

Only niggers can be dumb enough to commit attempted murder, film it and then upload it to the internet.

imagine if the races were reversed


It's not even that it's two douchebags with a cat plus forums filled with smug "fact checking" liberals.

Could you imagine if the situation was reversed and whited did this to black Hillary supporters?

The media would never stop talking about it, it would go into FBI field manuals as an example of why whites are domestic terrorists.

exactly, this would be a shitstorm, even if snopes is correct and it was 2015

let it go fags

Yes.....doesn't it just make you want to take up arms?

I'm thinking we need to start reporting snopes to the FCC for fraudulent reporting, and exploiting their position as an authority on """""fact checking"""""

I'm not hugely in favor of big daddy government stepping in for everything, but they've gone too far when they outright deny stores, for the sake of preventing anything from going outside of the popular political narrative, and people trust them as an authority just because.

Got play when it happened in the DC area, but unless people die, it's just "normal". Consider Africans burn people to death all the time. Neckties, any one?

The real lesson is never relax. He'd have lit anyone on fire that way, because when black people feel inferior, they get violent about it.

If it ain't white, it ain't right.

Evict the feral negro:

1. Arm yourself to the teeth.
2. Stop funding negroid baby mamas.
3. Demolish social housing.


Old and gay