/cfg/ Clinton Foundation General: 3 Months Old Edition

Clinton Foundation General is about:
1) Investigating the corruption of Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and related entities.
2) Creating memes and infographics on the above mentioned topics.

Investigation Resources

Meme Division Resources

Google document of all of our findings

Our History

Meme Collections



Online Meme Generator

You can also find us here

Other urls found in this thread:

beta.fec.gov/data/disbursements/?two_year_transaction_period=2016&recipient_name= LEE, BARBARA&recipient_state=MA&min_date=01/01/2015&max_date=12/31/2016
beta.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?two_year_transaction_period=2016&committee_id=C00495861&contributor_name=LEE, BARBARA&contributor_state=MA&min_date=01/01/2015&max_date=12/31/2016







(From previous thread)

Thinking of working on a project to help redpill my town, and the other towns near it.

How would I start off?

I'm thinking about downloading a few good pictures saved here, and using the MAGA lion for the Trump symbol and making stickers or whatever to plaster around the town. Then, put posters up around town about Hillary and her lies.

Think it might work?






that's a great idea, our ground game is lacking



reposting from old bread for Hussar and other interested to search the FEC database


I am out.
Keep up the good work.


later g

im out for today, have fun on twitter lads. see you tomorrow.
see late mane


l8ter homeslice,
see you ITT :DD :DDD

later g


see ya lads. Thanks for your great work

QR codes instead of links would work perfectly



Do it but slap a QR code linking via bitly to the source on it, that way you can track your conversions and see what flyers work best and make sure people might actually read what is going on.

imo #HillaryVision would be a fun and easier tag for normies to jump on.

ok bruv. You come back, you make mehr memes, ja?


ja mein kamerad, im just taking a 6-9h break from memeing :^)

hot off the presses

Meme Kraft ist der Schlüssel zum ewigen Leben!
>taking a break

Hillary and the DNC vs Sanders and the People:

Hillary Clinton Seizes The Upper Hand Before Voting Starts With Super Delegate Pledges - www.politicususa.com/2015/08/29/hillary-clinton-moves-lock-nomination-voting-starts-super-delegate-pledges.html

"while Hillary Clinton was addressing the Democratic National Committee in Minneapolis, Minnesota, senior campaign officials announced that Clinton had already received pledges of support from at least 440 of the party’s estimated 713 super delegates. That total includes 130 superdelegates who have publicly endorsed Clinton, as well as an additional 310 who have made private commitments to support Hillary."

Clinton Has 45-To-1 'Superdelegate' Advantage Over Sanders - www.npr.org/2015/11/13/455812702/clinton-has-45-to-1-superdelegate-advantage-over-sanders

"AP was able to reach 80 percent of the 712 superdelegates; 210 delegates remain undecided.

It's true that Clinton also led in the superdelegate race in the 2008 presidential cycle and eventually lost to Barack Obama. But Clinton's support is far greater than what it was around this time in 2007.

Back then, AP found that 169 superdelegates were for Clinton; Obama had 63 of the 90 percent they contacted in December 2007. That's a nearly 3-to-1 advantage. Her lead this year is 45 to 1."


Now, the juicy part...Election Rigging (I can provide well documented sources for each claim made about Sanders being cheated by DNC/Hillary).

Democratic Primaries Timeline:
>Iowa (Feb. 1st) - Sanders Should Have Won (DNC Cheated)
-New Hampshire (Feb. 9th) - Sanders Wins
>Nevada (Feb. 20th) - Sanders Should Have Won (DNC Cheated)
-South Carolina (Feb. 27th) - Hillary Wins
-Alabama (March 1) - Hillary Wins
-Arkansas (March 1) - Hillary Wins
-Colorado (March 1) - Sanders Wins
-Georgia (March 1) - Hillary Wins
>Massachusetts (March 1) - Sanders Should Have Won (DNC Cheated)

to be continued...


-Minnesota (March 1) - Sanders Wins
-Oklahoma (March 1) - Sanders Wins
-Tennessee (March 1) - Hillary Wins
-Texas (March 1) - Hillary Wins
-Vermont (March 1) - Sanders Wins
-Virginia (March 1) - Hillary Wins
-Louisiana (March 5) - Hillary Wins
-Kansas (March 5) - Sanders Wins
-Nebraska (March 5) - Sanders Wins
-Maine (March 6) - Sanders Wins
-Michigan (March 8) - Sanders Wins
-Mississippi (March 8) - Hillary Wins
>Illinois (March 15) - Sanders Should Have Won (DNC Cheated)
-Florida (March 15) - Hillary Wins
-Ohio (March 15) - Hillary Wins
>Missouri (March 15) - Sanders Should Have Won (DNC Cheated)
-North Carolina (March 15) - Hillary Wins
-Arizona (March 22) - Hillary Wins
-Utah (March 22) - Sanders Wins
-Idaho (March 22) - Sanders Wins "However, Clinton lost both Idaho and Utah by roughly 60 points, allowing Sanders to close his delegate deficit by 25"
-Alaska (March 26) - Sanders Wins
-Hawaii (March 26) Sanders Wins
-Washington State (March 26) - Sanders Wins
-Wisconsin (April 5) - Sandes Wins "On April 5, Sanders won the Wisconsin primary by 14 points, closing his delegate deficit by 10 more"
-Wyoming (April 9) - Sanders Wins
>New York (April 19) - Sanders Should Have Won (DNC Cheated)
>Connecticut (April 26) - Sanders Should Have Won (DNC Cheated)
-Delaware (April 26) - Hillary Wins
-Maryland (April 26) - Hillary Wins
-Pennsylvania (April 26) - Hillary Wins
-Rhode Island (April 26) - Sanders Wins
-Indiana (May 3) - Sanders Wins
-West Virginia (May 10) - Sanders Wins
>Kentucky (May 17) - Sanders Should Have Won (DNC Cheated)
-Oregon (May 17) - Sanders Wins

to be continued...


I say we push election rigging and fraud HARD around Halloween

All the dead people voting for Democrats sets up easy jokes to bring up the topic

no bully please

"On June 6, both the Associated Press and NBC News reported that Clinton had sufficient support from pledged and unpledged delegates to become the presumptive Democratic nominee. Clinton’s campaign seemed reluctant to accept the mantle of "presumptive nominee" before all the voting was concluded, while Sanders' campaign stated it would continue to run and accused the media of a "rush to judgement.""

>California (June 7) - Sanders Should Have Won (DNC Cheated)
-Montana (June 7) - Sanders Wins
-New Jersey (June 7) - Hillary Wins
-New Mexico (June 7) - Hillary Wins
-North Dakota (June 7) - Sanders Wins
-South Dakota (June 7) - Hillary Wins


How Hillary Clinton "Clinched "The Nomination On A Day Nobody Voted - zerohedge.com/news/2016-06-07/symbolic-end-farcical-democratic-primary-anonymous-super-delegates-declare-winner-th

Perfect End to Democratic Primary: Anonymous Superdelegates Declare Winner Through Media - theintercept.com/2016/06/07/perfect-end-to-democratic-primary-anonymous-super-delegates-declare-winner-through-media/

"LAST NIGHT, the Associated Press — on a day when nobody voted — surprised everyone by abruptly declaring the Democratic Party primary over and Hillary Clinton the victor. The decree, issued the night before the California primary in which polls show Clinton and Bernie Sanders in a very close race,
was based on the media organization’s survey of “superdelegates”: the Democratic Party’s 720 insiders, corporate donors, and officials whose votes for the presidential nominee count the same as the actually elected delegates.

AP claims that superdelegates who had not previously announced their intentions privately told AP reporters that they intend to vote for Clinton, bringing her over the threshold. AP is concealing the identity of the decisive superdelegates who said this."


im not tired in the least, but i gotta be fresh when i start my hospital work. see you tomorrow lads.

Small example of what can be found when looking at the Primaries that Bernie should have won. Main word - "Voter Suppression."

Hillary Cheated - www.counterpunch.org/2016/07/04/hillary-cheated/

"New York State was arguably the most important contest of the primary season. Had Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton in her adopted home state where she had served 1 1/3 terms as senator, he would have dealt her campaign a blow from which she might never have recovered, along with a pile of delegates. Because of her local roots and the fact that New York was a closed primary state in which independence were not allowed to vote, it was a long shot for Bernie. But like the LAPD in the O.J. Simpson case, the Clinton team wasn’t taking any chances.

Did they drop a line to Governor Andrew Cuomo, who endorsed Clinton? Or did state elections officials act on their own initiative? Either way, Bernie Sanders stronghold, the borough of Brooklyn where he was born, was targeted for massive voter suppression. At least 125,000 New Yorkers were illegally purged from the rolls, had their votes lost/thrown away, or were not permitted to vote due to broken voting machines – all in Brooklyn.

Even Mayor Bill de Blasio, who endorsed Clinton, was angry. “It has been reported to us from voters and voting rights monitors that the voting lists in Brooklyn contain numerous errors, including the purging of entire buildings and blocks of voters from the voting lists,” De Blasio said. “The perception that numerous voters may have been disenfranchised undermines the integrity of the entire electoral process and must be fixed.” "

Only Voter Suppression Can Stop Bernie Sanders - www.huffingtonpost.com/tony-brasunas/only-voter-suppression-can-stop-bernie-sanders_b_9780128.html

TrustVoteDotOrg Lawsuit June 6 - youtube.com/watch?v=_IAJ5fAm3Cs


Take care, and best of luck.


Working on more material. I'm going to be gone for about two hours.

Keep fighting the good fight, you fuckin' Googles!




What is this new meme. Did Trump say something?

Hillary called Sanders supporters Basement Dwellers and hopeless baristas with no future...

It would have been glorious.
I mean Bernie is a cuck but I think he really cared even though he is a massive cuck.


Work on undeniable, non-conspiracy theory stuff.

-For women voters - Hillary tried to silence one of Bill's rape victims (Juanita Broaddrick)
-For black voters - Hillary is only pandering to them, and asked to their face if it was working (Hot Sauce YouTube Video)
-People that say the Trump Foundation is corrupt - there are many examples of Clinton Foundation donors getting Government jobs that would never get them in the first place (e.g. Rajiv Fernando)
-People that say the Clinton Foundation is good - The Clintons exploiting Haiti for their personal wealth
-People that think Trump is for war - Hillary is a major war hawk. WikiLeaks/Assange talk about how she armed the rebels in Libya (Benghazi) & Syria (ISIS). She also takes millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia that get major arms deals, even though Hillary said Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest financiers of terrorism around the world
-For people that say Trump is a liar - Hillary has no problem lying to people. Look at what she said about her email server, and there is also a 13 minute YouTube video about Hillary lying for 13 minutes straight
-Poll numbers lie - Look at the rally attendance numbers and social media prescence
-Rigging of election - Hillary, the DNC and MSM suppressed and try to discredit Bernie supporters that said the Primaries were rigged. It's called 'collusion.' Hillary's 2008 campaign manager was head of the DNC, and she stepped down after the DNC Leaks via WikiLeaks. That cunt's name is Debra Wasserman Schultz (DWS). Hillary hired that bitch back as Honorary Campaign Chairman after she resigned from DNC, less than 24 hours later.
-Skeptics of censorship - Google and Twitter are actively censoring negative Hillary posts and articles.




Later homie. Forgot to say "later" earlier.

Take care.

Two non-establishment candidates fighting for the top spot. Fuck the Super PACs right in their fuckin' mouths! Big Money would have to re-think how they play the game.


idk shit like this but good

>Two non-establishment candidates fighting for the top spot. Fuck the Super PACs right in their fuckin' mouths! Big Money would have to re-think how they play the game.

Two of them at once? Instant CIA coup.



I need a meme ASAP - "Audit Media Matters"

I'm gonna crash coys. Keep killing this shit with meme magic, my basement dwellers!


But if it wasn't already a meme, how did you just type it out? Every idea, every fact or opinion, every data string is a meme

>Every idea, every fact or opinion, every data string is a meme

I uploaded it in the CFG Meme Generator - imgflip.com/memesearch?q=cfg

Image as an example.



Let me know your thoughts.


Take care mane! Thanks for everything.


I think it is a good idea, and the formatting is legit. Also, great work with making it look super professional. I like the sources, and how well the info is presented.

However, I'm not filling out any of that info.

I don't want to provide any info that can identify me. I'm pretty sure I'm on a list, but I try to limit my exposure.


later man, great maymays today, thanks.
holy fucking shit, now that's a petition. Excellent job mane, hard to argue with that level of preparation. We can push it when you want


i gotta step out for a bit, back in 40 man keep it strong

Thanks guys, not looking for you guys to sign, especially not the first couple signatures.

Good feedback, I'll let you know when to push.


Keep up the good work anons.
If she somehow manages to cheat her way to the oval office, we need to impeach her on her first day there.

fucking stupendous mane, guaranteed to catch on when the moment is right


clinton foundation is basically clean they said on grman tv!
pol 0 tolerance 1

Sounds good, and will do.

Sounds good. I'll definitely spread the word, and get people to sign up.

You know Orthodox Jewish Rabbis suck the blood from baby penises? There have been over 14 cases documented where these rabbis have spread herpes to these new born babies.

What a horrible religion that condones that type of thing. Stop sucking bloody baby penises!




Still ITT? Tossing something together with a pic I found.



Oh what a awesome night, CTR is running amok on twitter. Even my small account got hit by 3 different shills. What a day, we're killing it.

I'm here

Include Correct the Record in the image if possible.

I don't think many recognize the connection between Media Matters and CTR

Can easily swap Soros out for a Brock pic.

Hilariously he was already in the picture.



Swapped in a pic of brock, took off the gradient filter and made the drop shadow 100% opaque.

Other option with Soros with fixed colors

Yo, I'm out. I should be able to return in 3 hours.


thicker text




oh shit guys, i was reading the msm and came across a startling discovery

hillary clinton never used the term "basement dwellers"

she merely talked about people who live in their parents basements. she never used the word "dwell!" that's totally different!

fuck you david brock

stamp audit on the graphics from the citizens audit report with the money spinning around?

Too late


Which one?

Solid video of guy blasting the Clinton Foundation over Haiti - twitter.com/TEN_GOP/status/782312719349346304

I'm pretty sure there are more videos that show how pissed off people are over the Clintons and the Haiti situation.

I'm out. Will return in about 3 hours.



See you mane.

I'm planning on doing some doc updates in a few hours after Twatter gets boring.

its actually 2 sep images near the end


And again Trump is CFG posting in his speech.
Beautiful. We got a whole new level of traction.

It's fucking glorious

>"so crooked Hillary Clinton..."


Progressive News starting to swing at Podesta

How many of you have hammered their phone? It's epic.

Is there a speech right now?
Link me up.

here you go


Where did he start memeing. I need it!



nice digits.
It's the entire speech. if you know what we posted you would recognize it.

All of it is in there, even our latest discoveries.

>Mrs. Bill Clinton
well, fuck


Thanks for making my meme great bro.

y u no release OFA donors Barry?

did you make this one? Good tho for sure

yep also made another one with the same template.

Inspired by the Sheriff Clarke
He always calls her by that name kek

Holy shit. Nice compilation man

Fucking epic work dude! Great job!


Wow man. Well done. Haven't ever really looking into creating petitions, so not sure what they need, but looks good.


Are you guys still banning people for posting memes that you didn't read, or are you over with that faggotry yet?

Just wondering.

smug shots


don't forget the illegal funding of CTR by hillarys official super pac.
If they claim to do only online work why did her campaign pay them for research?


how does someone ban people for memes

i honestly have no idea and dont know wtf Cred Forums is and nobody bans me

Seth Rich bump.

hey drumpf fags, gonna make an infographic about how drumpf is a billion in debt?





I wish Zyclon was here to read this. There may be hope for the Vaterland yet.

>German Mayor Beaten Unconscious After Announcing Plan To Accept Refugees

trump no pay taxes

trump has no money only debt

trump should pay taxes on his negative money

give trump free money

omfg!! yes!!!


Well latest find, who spent 45millions on anti trump adds?
Priorities USA PAC
Who found them? Pic related or


Made this quite awhile ago and was inspired by the photoshop of trumps parents in KKK wardrobes. Please make this spread

Also one of their most pushed ad for reference:


that's a Brock PAC - we know what much. Juicy af mane, ppl fucking hate Soros

decided to go check out /x/ for the first time in a long time... MAGA hats and happy merchants alll over the place... damn we are pilling the masses goys!!!

No, it's not but it's closely associated with him.

You think about Media Matters, American Bridge or American Priorities Joint Fundraising Committee but thats a whole new thing.

He's a board member. Important because the Brock-Hillary-Soros connection is spicy

Oh, give me a minute.

Don't forget to target the guy.


fucking kek
Hey bruv, do you have any fancy Soros templates we haven't used yet? Maybe with Hillary's face on it as well?

you forgot that you took your trips off when you went to /gif

aaaaand no... wtf is wrong with me... guess I'll make some... he's a goooofy lookin kike

I hope you don't mind my dank memes in your pile of epic contributions.

I love /x/ sometimes

>space niggers, we're full

Oh it all checks out. CTR, Priorities USA...
I remember that name, it's a perfect match.

>beta.fec.gov/data/disbursements/?two_year_transaction_period=2016&recipient_name= LEE, BARBARA&recipient_state=MA&min_date=01/01/2015&max_date=12/31/2016


Carlos Slim being a kike

People who shill for Hillary will pay with their lives.





Pulling a few things from you-know-where.

Someone did a really really good analysis of the Reuters poll.. and see for yourself.

I can smell the outrage already


ofc, that one's pretty gud btw


Me too and all of it is backed up by the fec.gov




We got them o their heel.


Going to work on an email having to do with If you know where this came from, get in that thread and start finding ways to get it out (plebbit, twatter, etc), or at least look at the data and see what came of it.

I requested a write-up, and I have to head out for ~30 mintues, so hopefully someone will get something started.

I think this ones been already done once but I'm not sure.

This any good? preliminary text ofc, thoughts?

Oh it get's even worse, she donated to her employer
>beta.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?two_year_transaction_period=2016&committee_id=C00495861&contributor_name=LEE, BARBARA&contributor_state=MA&min_date=01/01/2015&max_date=12/31/2016


misses the whole name PRIORITIES USA ACTION
Else I would give it a good to post.

good shieeeet, maybe make text concerning money green?


this dump is article-worthy mane, good fucking work

and you can't read the source urls, consider using bitly for it.


Thanks bro, sadly I miss the capabilities to turn it into a article. I can lay out the bread crumbs for you and you gonna have to make it yuge.

not happy with the clorox bottle
but it looks pretty good on my phone.

>mfw Trump actually believes she used bleach

false flagging internet death threats now? shame on you mr brock

or i totally msinterpretted that user and then him me

regardless, it is david's fault

david notices

user threatens people who shill for hill

david has nothing to do with it of course

It's all good. I need to start organizing more work better. I've just been shit posting facts lately.

Thanks mane!

Thanks again!

For every time I said that Sanders should have one, you can easily find multiple articles citing voter suppression or wide margin of errors of Exit Polling happen.

The reason for citing each Primary that Bernie should have one serves multiple purposese.
1. Provide solid examples of voter manipulation that only favors Hillary
2. Remind Bernie supporters with hard evidence that they were fucked over, and Hillary is not the rightful candidate.
3. Show that numbers favored Bernie, however, Hillary was able to win major swing States when she should not have.
4. Plant the seeds of suspicion that this type of voter rigging can happening during the presidential election, especially in Swing states.


Holy shit! The shilling that went on while I was gone was through the roof.

Good shit!

Damn, Trump killing it! Talking about TPP, talking about crowd numbers, and real movements kicking the shit out of special interest groups (Big Money).

Fuckin' legit!


I'm back, you fuckin' Googles!




#LastTimeTrumpPaidTaxes trending on Twitter. NYT dropped a bomb just now!



>he reported a $916 million dollar loss on his 1995 income tax returns

Wait for a proper article like the citizensaudit one? Could blow up on high energy sites now with just some minimal formatting.

Go for it bro!

Holy shit, the amount of grammar errors!

Should be:
"start organizing my work better."
"For every time I said that Sanders should have won"
" margin of errors of Exit Polling happening."
" Show that pre-polling numbers favored Bernie"


Iowa Democrats reviewing some caucus precinct results - www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/elections/presidential/caucus/2016/02/05/iowa-margin-between-clinton-sanders-shifts-errors/79877898/

"Iowa Democratic Party officials are reviewing results from the Iowa caucuses and making updates where discrepancies have been found.

Party Chairwoman Andy McGuire the day after Monday's caucuses said no review would be conducted, and that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s narrow victory over Bernie Sanders was final.

But as errors are being discovered, the final tally is being changed, party officials confirmed to the Des Moines Register on Friday."

ELECTION BOARD SCANDAL: 21 BERNIE VOTES WERE ERASED AND 49 HILLARY VOTES ADDED TO AUDIT TALLY, GROUP DECLARES - www.inquisitr.com/3022058/election-board-scandal-21-bernie-votes-were-erased-and-49-hillary-votes-added-to-audit-tally-group-declares-video/


now we're memetic

The NYT tax thing is complete bullshit... contains no real information. We literally BTFO NTY.

This thread right here.

Fucking destroys everything the NYT can muster.

Just posting this. I don't particularly believe so much in CTR even though we have been getting tonnes of shills shit posting constantly but just wanted to ask if anyone else has noticed the typical slightly anti-trump posts. The ones which kind of subtly puts him down or the posts which subtly compliment Hillary.... I swear I've started to notice quite a few doing spelling mistakes e.g. whether for weather etc...

plus if you read the hashtag it's mostly just people making fun of it

I'm off for the night, but please continue laying the breadcrumbs. I'll review everything tomorrow.

This is good stuff.

you don't "believe in" correct the record?


the fuck you smokin goy

Epic finds man. Have you contacted bonner? This is some serious shit


Later man. Great fucking job on it all.

On 6-30-2015, Barbara Lee received $216,919.46 from Priorities USA Action

On 6-30-2015, Barbara Lee donated 216,919.46 to Priorities USA Action

WTF is up with that? Why would they do that? Just 5 days after Babs donated 500k on 6-25-2015

I guess he got it
We are winning so much, I can't get tired of it.

It's called money laundering and collusion bro.

Exclusive: Clinton charities will refile tax returns, audit for other errors - www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-clinton-taxes-exclusive-idUSKBN0NE0CA20150423

"CHAI, which is best known for providing cheaper drugs for tens of thousands of people with HIV around the world, began filing separate tax returns in 2010, and has previously refiled at least once both its 2010 and 2011 form 990s. For both those years, CHAI said its initial filings had over-reported government grants by more than $100 million.

Some experts in charity law and taxes said it was not remarkable for a charity to refile an erroneous return once in a while, but for a large, global charity to refile three or four years in a row was highly unusual."

Exclusive: Clinton charities ignore law requiring them to disclose millions from foreign donors - www.newsnet5.com/longform/exclusive-clinton-charities-ignore-law-requiring-them-to-disclose-millions-from-foreign-donors

"The $225 million discrepancy

By 2010, Hillary Clinton was entering her second year as secretary of state and the Clinton Health Access Initiative had just split off from the Clinton Foundation as part of an agreement with the Obama administration. The separation was intended to help bring "greater transparency" to the Clinton charities during her tenure at the State Department, according to a memorandum of understanding with President Obama's transition team.

That year, CHAI reported only $242,099 in “Total Government Contributions” to New York regulators, and that number included only domestic grants. But for the same time period in 2010 it told the IRS it received $26,740,319 in foreign and domestic government grants. "

Take care, and thanks for creating that petition. Let us know when you want us to get people to sign it.


Hmm, i think i could've made the meme more incriminating Tbh; seems like i might've not used the info to it's full potential

Start pushing.



Hey faggots and bitches,

I'm in with my daily nuisance making. Did an inversion attack when I bought some meat and stuff earlier tonight.

My contribution to the cause tonight is that you can spell PePe publicly using 2 copies of PEOPLE magazine. Pic related


>operation inversion

This us what I can do in 60 seconds or so. Any feedback?

Can someone please be my ui gf and makes a logo with Hillary's arrow pointing down? Thanks!

Scratch that... this is the correct link



This article is fucking Gold!

Exclusive: Clinton charities ignore law requiring them to disclose millions from foreign donors - www.newsnet5.com/longform/exclusive-clinton-charities-ignore-law-requiring-them-to-disclose-millions-from-foreign-donors

"New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has the power to force the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Health Access Initiative to publicly disclose the names of foreign governments and the millions they donate each year to the charities but he’s not doing it, a Scripps News investigation has found.

Schneiderman’s failure to require compliance with New York law and written instructions from his own office keeps the public in the dark about whether the foreign governments that gave money to the Clinton charities also had special access to Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state, experts in private foundation law say. New York state has long required more transparency from non-profits operating within its borders than many other regulators.

A Scripps Washington Bureau review of tax returns and regulatory filings found that year after year the Clinton charities have ignored New York law and related instructions. "

"In 2009, Secretary Clinton’s first year heading the State Department, the Clinton Foundation disclosed to New York only a lump sum of $122 million in foreign government donations, listing the amount on a required form that directs all charities to “list each government contribution (grant) separately.” The foundation continued to provide the lump sum disclosures for foreign governments in every year that followed.

Nelson said, “The Clinton Foundation cannot say they are in compliance with New York regulations.” "

MC, you need to read this fuckin' article!
Exclusive: Clinton charities ignore law requiring them to disclose millions from foreign donors - www.newsnet5.com/longform/exclusive-clinton-charities-ignore-law-requiring-them-to-disclose-millions-from-foreign-donors

Let me explain that
1. Those 216k did never exist. A invoice a faked receipt and bam she got 216k off the record and the PAC can take 216k in cash donations without a receipt
2. launder money, pay in cash, get a salary from a FEC audited account, you could even wash the most dirty drug money that way.

just me and kek red pilling X

That motive makes sense. Gunna be a challenge putting that into words without sounding tinfoil hat

that's breddy yuge man. Funny how this story kinda went under the radar...

Oy Vey!

link to post pls, screencap worthy.

Don't go off the track or into tinfoil territory bro. Just the implications are good enough.
Soros funded anti trump campaign, same people as CTR are involved in it, they get a salary and pay in straight back and even top it up.

We got the FEC records and they don't lie.


Repost from Reddit, but expanded a little.

Pepe makes ADL's 'Hate Symbol Database'
but also says
>because so many Pepe the Frog memes are not bigoted in nature, it is important to examine use of the meme only in context. The mere fact of posting a Pepe meme does not mean that someone is racist or white supremacist.
Sooooo, what else can be turned racist and then yelled about? Maybe a cheeseburger? How about a shoe lace? They really are stretching.

I digress

CEO of ADL is Jonathan Greenblatt
Who also happened to be:
>Greenblatt worked in Little Rock, Arkansas on Bill Clinton's first successful presidential campaign in 1992.
>as an aide in the Clinton White House and the Department of Commerce
>In the fall of 2011 [under Obama presidency], Greenblatt was appointed to serve as Special Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation

Also, he has done a lot of work overseas in poor countries. I seem to remember FBIanon saying something about this kind of work being a front
>co-founded Ethos International and served on the board of directors of the Starbucks Foundation where he developed Ethos’ global investment strategy that has invested millions of dollars to bring clean water to communities in need around the world, including Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Honduras, India and Kenya

And there you go. Another 'politically neutral' organization proven to be not so politically neutral.



Holy shit 10/10.

wow! rekt!!!

well done

Sup mane. Every little bit helps, I suppose... have any time to do since research or stuff on socmed? Thx for the bump. Your shenanigans made me chuckle .

Also the same person got a salary from CTR and donated it back.... So there's no doubt about it.

On it

Yeah, this stinks.

btw - reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/55grpz/sign_the_petition_correct_the_record_and_the/

Hey faggots, looky-here

>#LastTimeTrumpPaidTaxes listed as No. 3 hashtag atm

Site that tracks the top hashtags. Ctrl-F yields no results.
Uh, CTR much?

Fucking twatter kikes.

I noticed all the debate hashtags have been used as placeholders in the trending list for the past week.

Also another poll pic, male vs female sampling without the %dems line.

>being this obvious

Got it!

Yeah, the article was published early September of this year. It's a great article with a wealth of information. Great writing and sources. Well put together.

Good find! Also, check this article out! It's fuckin' gold!

Exclusive: Clinton charities ignore law requiring them to disclose millions from foreign donors - www.newsnet5.com/longform/exclusive-clinton-charities-ignore-law-requiring-them-to-disclose-millions-from-foreign-donors

Word. You're already on it, my bad.

Yeah, looks like they are really trying to push that angle hard. It is really nothing when compared to the pay-to-play shit the Clinton Foundation and Obama Administration are about. Selling of government positions to donors on the tax payers' dime.

Anyways...here is something we need to know about the article.

The New York Times article is bad because it gives Hillary's supporters plenty of ammunition about the tax issue. However, they fucked up big time. Big time.


They blew their load too soon. In 1 to 2 weeks, this will be old news. It will probably be mentioned in the 2nd Debate, get some attention but will pass the Overton Window the week after the 2nd Debate.

They fucked up. They came too soon. This news will be irrelevant for most normies in two weeks.

Assange will probably deliver the October surprise after the 2nd Debate, so it can hit hard on the 3rd (final) Debate.

These Googles don't understand the game. We're way beyond checkers. We're not even playing chess anymore. We're working with meme magic and they have no idea the forces they are up against.


Going to send an email to everyone since potatochan isn't being helpful, and we have some good writers in /cfg/.


Sent an attachment and link in response to a recent message to everybody.

Not sure how much time or IF we can exploit it, but it's worth looking over.

Out of curiosity, do you have protonmail?

I do now. BonnerAnon

god's work!!

can someone tie hillary to china? been bothering me for days!

Respond once you get it.

Got it. Delete this.


Made something for you guys about the recent voter fraud stuff involving vote swapping.

I threw in the basement dweller stuff as well as it doesn't seem to have been picked up anywhere yet.

Dump this on plebbit if you can. Going to start dumping on social media.

holy shit.




waste of quads, I'm ashamed. Post was meant for

good stuff mang!

Thanks guys, appreciated.

we MUST get that website attached to Brock or something... this shit seems illegal as all fuck... even for Hillary

Meant to thank you and not it's very early here.

Steve Hull of Oakland, CA,

It's so straight up illegal. I think I made the video so simple even normies can understand it quickly, and teh website is right there for them to check.
It's a ridiculous tactic, she should get in trouble for it.



ghey much?

Just look at that smug bastard.
I wonder if he's willfully doing wrong, or if he thinks he's doing the right thing?


LITERALLY just telling the planet that he's a paid shill.


The site says it is down for me, can anyone else access it???

Did you guys see the 1995 Tax Return yet? REAL GOOD AT MATHS, VERY BUSINESS. IT'S YUGE, SO GOOD AT THE MONEYS.



It's up for me.

Up for me.

Tweet him the video.

oh for fucks sakes... Sean White Retweets... and he's a kratom activist.

Kratom is an opiate... same shit as oxy/heroine/codeine/morphine... IT'S NOT A GOOD THING

I don't have twatter I'm afriad. Try to stay off most social media.
If someone else tweets it him, post screenshot please.



All the code is public for makeyourscount.org


any coders in the thread? Only 2 contributors, may be some holes in the code.

I sent mine to him, but seems like he doesn't have huge twatter presence either, so not a huge chance that he'll personally get mad about it.

Can't screenshot or post twatter accounts ITT for the sake of security reasons.

and he retweeted this.... man...


We don't even need to hack it, its very existence is damning.

Pumping it up a notch.

/cfg/ is a board of peace. we do not partake in illegal activity



Serious question:

Is this related to "Project Athena?"

Good shit!

Here is the website in question - makeminecount.org/

For leddit, send to /r/The_Donald


Just shared info with Trump General, and will see what they say.

Looks like Hillary is really fuckin' scared that the 3rd party votes will cost her the election.

Divide and conquer.


It's up, not by me.


Not heard of that.

Ahhh... handle?


sli.mg/a/jLve54 (gallery - how it works)
i.sli.mg/X25nAp.jpg (fundraising)



Basically, a DNC API exchanges and updates data between states' voter rolls twice a year!
This is how purges happen, this is how voters are targeted, registrations switched, or voters made invalid due to any number of changes by an automated system.

>Swap Summary
After this agreement is negotiated with the ASDC, it is a contract between the DNC and individual states. The DNC is not bound by it in any state that does not sign.

>Public Data- Data from government agencies and all other data included in the voter file that does not constitute Proprietary Data.
>DNC Proprietary Data- Data appended or acquired by the DNC, including appended enhancements such as consumer information, political IDs, and models.
>State Party Proprietary Data- Data appended to the public record by the state party or campaigns and organizations in the state.

Data being swapped

State Party Provides
>State Party Voter File
>Any State Party Proprietary Data collected.

DNC Provides
>Phone and NCOA matches;
>DNC Proprietary Data relating to registered voters in that state;
>Modeling created or obtained by the DNC for that State and appended to records of voters in that state, accompanied by an explanation of the purpose and effectiveness of the model;
>Training of State Party personnel in the use of the above information;
>All information collected or obtained by the DNC concerning partisan or Democratic candidate ID’s in State Party’s state, including information on all persons who have moved into State Party’s state.
>The DNC will maintain and give the State Party access to VoteBuilder, the national Voter Activation

Network online platform
Frequency of Swap
>This exchange shall take place 2 times each year, and will include this information for an additional new registrant update each year.

holy Shit. Based Putin ACTUALLY banning microsoft!


he was tweeting to John Oliver top kek

It could be a whole network of fake voting methods that they're trying to crop up.

Ran out of space, this is from the DNC leaks.

DNC planned for anti-white ethnicity based gerrymandering prior to 2010 elections

DNC plan to destroy the GOP House majority through nonstop litigation.

The DNC was planning to overturn the GOP House majority by using Latinos as a wedge.

DNC plot to steal GOP House seats in Texas..

If the GOP hadn't won in 2010, the Dems would have gerrymandered a permanent majority for the next 2 election cycles
Leaks contained donor credit card info. DNC did not protect. This is illegal.

The Democrats have secret links to companies that produce legislative redistricting software

Memo to Obama deputy CTO Mike Conlow from 2010 shows plan for manipulating information online

Early voting is designed to skew elections in Dems' favor. North Carolina used as laboratory

DNC starting a National Person Database

DNC selling data to the highest bidder, and phonebanking

Plans for 2016:

Finance plan doc:

Are there any normie friendly sources for the story?

It seems to not be tied to that. This is trying to do it out in the open. It's trolling for volounteers to join in.

read about that. The madman
>he was tweeting to John Oliver
no comment holy shit what a cucc

Could be easy to send them some of the tweets, since a lot of people compiled info and got it into simple pics.

There's a whole powerpoint on how Athena works, but it's confusing for people outside of the actual election mess. They use industry-specific terms.

(((shut it down)))

Whoa, epic dump. Nice!

Ok boys I'm out. This is fucking huge! This will piss sooooo many people off! Keep crushing it!

A known handle responded to his tweet, apologies.

>forgot pic



It's an interesting story (and I believe it) but I can't spread it to more people without proof first.

Plus that is complicated to sell to normies in a 2 minute video.

quality fucking post bruv

later famiglia

The video works very well just to expose the website, since that's essentially proof.

If you want to make one with data we can give you, someone from off-board found this
tl;dr, Even fucking Reuters is massively skewing their own sample in their polls.




>If you want to make one with data we can give you, someone from off-board found this
I've been up for 36 hours straight, I'm gonna crash pretty soon. I'll check this stuff out next time I pop by this general.

Sounds good, it's a sticky on infinitychan if you want to find the original thread.

I'll make sure to dump it again in the next thread if you need it tomorrow.

>Plus that is complicated to sell to normies in a 2 minute video.

Dancing 3d pepe could explain it in 2 min!

Good work Doc!

When I was researching how Hillary stole the election from Bernie, it looks like the media was in on it too.

MSM participating in DNC election fraud - twitter.com/cbellantoni/status/739994014984736768

Why is this important? Because Bernie needed California to stay alive in the Primaries until the convention. If he lost California, then it basically was over.

Hillary was up 10 points in California two weeks before the California Primaries. During those two weeks, Sanders climbed in the polls and was only two points from Hillary.

On Monday (June 6th), day before election, AP releases an article saying that Hillary won. Then, the next day (Tuesday/election day), Hillary wins by a bigger margin than expected in California.

-(June 5th) Poll: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders down to the wire in California - www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-hillary-clinton-bernie-sanders-down-to-the-wire-in-california/

"Heading into the last big primary day, California's contest looks like a virtual toss-up with Hillary Clinton up two points on Bernie Sanders, 49 percent to 47 percent, as Sanders has closed a double-digit gap there in recent weeks."

(June 8th) 2016 California Primary Full Election Results - kcra.com/politics/2016-california-primary-full-election-results/39458552

Hillary wins by 13 points.

How California's Primary Was Rigged Against Independent Voters - www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-06-08/how-californias-primary-was-rigged-against-independent-voters

tl;dr The media colluded with the DNC that Hillary already won, this info was to give credit to the election results in California giving Hillary a 13 point lead when it was a virtual tie between her and Bernie.

The election results were rigged. The MSM planted an article to give credit to the polling results that did not match with the Exit Polling numbers. They would claim Bernie supporters did not turn out to vote because he already lost the Primary Election.


Cheers, appreciated.


the dude gets home tomorrow night, by then we should have all the info too

>tfw you post your OC 2 weeks ago
>gets 2k RTs
>fix typo, post new version last night
>another 2.4k RT

>Bb-but this isn't working goyim


"I've seen this thread here for a while, but is this stuff even getting off Cred Forums?"


I've been funneling a little bit into ultra-normie land and can confirm it's really making people think.

>"I've seen this thread here for a while, but is this stuff even getting off Cred Forums?

When CTR says we are taking things out of context.

Something doesn't add up: If Putin hates Clinton, and Comey is going to bring down Clinton (and the rest of the U.S. gov apparently), why is Russian propaganda trying to get Comey impeached?


>Comey is going to bring down Clinton (and the rest of the U.S. gov apparently)
Uh no he won't. Have you not been following?



Take care mane! Thanks for everything.

Keep up the good work!

Good fuckin' work again, Doc!


Slide, slide, slide. These Googles are onto voter fraud and election rigging. Slide, slide, slide.

CTR, you bitch ass faggots, why don't you slide into my ride and come along for a fantastic voyage. We taking that cunt bitch down. Come along for the ride. You have front row seats :)


I see it. I just wanted to blast CTR before I go to the next bread. So yummy and fresh, cuz.


Fixed hand a bit.