YouTube blocked trailer for Christian movie 'I'm Not Ashamed' for months, film execs say

Film about Christian girl in Columbine high school. Trailer features niggers and friends beat up Eric and Dylan and fedoralords BTFO. Alternate Trailer features Nigger gets influenced by Rachel and becomes friends with a retarded kid, presumably before he is killed by the shooters after he turned his life around.


>Producers of the Christian film "I'm Not Ashamed" have been embroiled in a battle with YouTube after the video sharing site took down their film's trailer with no explanation.

>The video site has since reinstated the trailer, but those closest to the film say the months of being kept off the video sharing site have damaged the publicity for the movie.

>"It’s 11 months we’ve been fighting this battle," "I'm Not Ashamed" co-writer Bodie Thoene told FOX411. "They actually took down the trailer and would not permit it to be put up."

>Thoene added, "[YouTube] would not give any explanation, no explanation whatsoever, why they... [took it down]...we’ve lost 11 months of being able to use social media freely. We feel it’s an interference with our freedom of expression."

I thought the FBI debunked the story that Eric and Dylan shot that girl after asking her if she believed in god?

A movie made outside of our Hollywood circles? SHUT IT DOWN.

(((christian movies)))

fuck drumpf and fuck white people

They did....

>shitty Christian chickflick gets suppressed by YouTube
Looks like there is a God after all.

how many you's have you collected over the weekend before you go back to high school?

I saw the trailer for this before Hillarys America.

It looked gay

That whole are you christian boom thing never happened.

Didnt stop my priest from giving a sermon about it back in the day

Churches have to give govt propaganda in exchange for tax free status

>Churches have to give govt propaganda in exchange for tax free status

Fucking disgusting

All religions institutions should be burnt to the ground

How come sometimes when looking at the catalogue, some threads have weird giberish in them? Pic related, this thread did.

>they won't tell the story of the two that were bullied and tormented constantly and decided to retaliate
>implying she didn't publically shame them for not believing in God and turned her 'friends' against them

They targeted her for a reason.

Yeah but it wasnt a cake and they werent gay so.

it's the quotation marks

Sometimes apostrophes yield this result. Probably parenthesis.

Sometimes apostrophes yield this result. Probably parenthesis. *quotation marks, pardon me.

Daily reminder not to reply to the shills. They get paid for every (You) they get.

Im not lying when i say you will probably die within two months.

her parents as well as the parents of cassie bernall practically get off on propagating the lie that their daughters were the ones that were asked that


Kikes and fedoras are a plague upon civilized society.

Pretty sure that girls dad came and talked at my school in the middle of nowhere Australia.
I found it pretty rad

>We feel it’s an interference with our freedom of expression

Is YouTube a government organization now? If not, you can shove your whining bullshit right back up your shit-chute. A private organization has no obligation to host your shit.

"""christian"""" propaganda is more vile than jewish propaganda simply because the Jews are not hiding their degenerate bullshit.

alot of times this """christian"""" entertainment is based on lies or half truths, spun into convenient narratives that seem to only be made for the sole purpose of wrecking people's faith once they find out its a lie.

probably a conversion issue from ascii to unicode.

that's my guess.

And yet you'd be the first one to start whining about "The Greatest Story Never Told" being censored on YouTube, you fucking atheist national socialist LARPing fagboy.

Go jerk off to pictures of Adolf Hitler. Hope you realize your hero is rotting in the same place you will be in the afterlife.

Youtube is run by a private corporation. It's their right to host whatever content they want.

they also have no obligation to bake your faggot cake or marry your faggot son off to Tyrone either.


Ban that fucker. Cred Forums is a Kekist board.

Thou shalt have no other gods before Kek

A mighty fortress is our Kek.

Well then maybe they should have founded their company in a country that wasn't founded as a Christian nation.

I'm at this point well too tired of lolbertarians arguing that everyone should be able to take advantage of America's educational and financial capital to make all of their dreams come true, while at the same time having the freedom to abandon and outright shit on all of the values that made this nation so great and that enabled those people to do the great things they did.

This is a Christian country, and YouTube is an American Christian property. If you don't like that, move elsewhere.

Amen. Lolbertarians are just edgy fedorafags with no concept of how the real world works.

They did it because the film wasn't Jewish enough. It didn't talk about the shekel shoah holocaust and it promotes actual christian morals which is something the Jews don't want. If it doesn't promote gender fluid nigger loving tranny crap it doesn't get to be shown on jewtube.

>digging up the school shooting event

I wonder if her parents gave permission to make this film...

>I'm at this point well too tired of lolbertarians arguing that everyone should be able to take advantage of America's educational and financial capital to make all of their dreams come true, while at the same time having the freedom to abandon and outright shit on all of the values that made this nation so great and that enabled those people to do the great things they did.

haha yeah! also we should give up our guns, thats just a stupid lolbertarian notion!

Nice strawman, I said nothing about guns.

oh look, the only stable person is a nigger trying to cuck a closet jew.


>Retards who don't understand what would happen if churches lost their tax exempt status.


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i am gay

if you knew her parents you could pretty much assume they 100% know and are contributors in the funding process if not completely in charge of the whole thing

>tfw you can see uncensored hardcore pornography on jewtube but not some shitty trailer for a Christian film