Lolbertarians BTFO

>> Want 100% free market and free market enterprise with no government/government interference.

Okay! Let's say there's no government. Free enterprise is allowed to do what ever it wants. One enterprise becomes large enough that it hires mercenaries to claim the land and kill any opposition. They sell it to people on the conditions they can tax you, draft you, make you follow their rules, etc... The name of this corporation--

What's your argument against this lolbertarians? Face the fact that your retarded ideology would only put a worse (or similar) government in place than we have now, only as a private business that uses non-stop threats of violence to hold the state together. Your nothing but fucking liberals who don't have the balls to tell degenerate cucks they can't cross-dress. You probably enjoy doing drugs or other degenerate shit in your freetime and want an excuse for it. Time to grow up. The government is allowed and responsible for telling you what you can and can't do. This 16 year old mentality you libtards have is just the result of entitlement + lack of reason.

>the worst possible outcome of a stateless society is someone creating a state
>therefore we should have a state
really made me think


This is now an ancap hate thread.

sage this shit thread please, it actively lowers the standard of discourse

libertarianism advocates that a state is necessary to guarantee liberty. No libertarian advocates the non-existence of government; by definition that would be anarcho-capitalism (or some other anarchist group)

>has an objectively wrong hidden premise
>presents extremely poor arguments
>presents them with equally poor grammar
>accuses others of being stupid idiots who lack reason

Wen your having a nap rhen you're dog do a big Bork and wake you up and you tell him he's bad dog for violating nap

I claimed it either
a) would make no difference
b) make no difference besides costing a ton of lives

>One enterprise becomes large enough that it hires mercenaries to claim the land and kill any opposition
That isn't how it works. Neither is the threat of force the primary reason why governments have power. You're strawmanning all sides here.

Libertarian /= ancap. Kys

you better not have bumped this shit thread

What's your argument against this lolbertarians?

Blood & Soil


read my post if you're interested


When I say I'm a libertarian, I just mean that I am socially left and economically right. I stand for civil liberties.

for all of that image you still fucking bumped the thread, didn't you?

way to virtue signal retard



the worst possible outcome of a stateless society is a state venturing into it and genociding or enslaving the people.



>Posts Ayn Rand

>Okay! Let's say there's no government.

Ayn Rand never said that. She advocated for a small government that only consisted of the military, courts and the police, funding through voluntary donations with the price of these things being openly public. The only purpose of government is too protect individual's rights.

(I consider myself an Objectivist, but I'm at odds with my own community because I think firefighters are part of the "protecting individual rights" just from natural disasters rather than other people.)

But the point is, don't post shit that people didn't say and create a negative association.

The minute people stop donating to the military is the minute the military will kick down your door and drag you to a camp, mate.

statists are so fucking retarded

It's within their self-interest to donate to a military to protect them. They know that.

>watching 1984 with friends
>mention something off-hand about Ayn Rand
>friend asks me "Who is that? Is she a pornstar?"

What do we do about the education problem