Woman is raped by Ahmed

>woman is raped by Ahmed
>she becomes pregnant
>it turns out that her life in threatened by this pregnancy
>she gets an abortion
>she is imprisoned for 5 years

Woah! Is that some arab country?! Nope, just Poland under catholic gov't

Other urls found in this thread:


That is not a Polish woman

Hey, PO scum, Poland does not have the kebab problem found in Germany.

Yep, that's arab woman that feels sorry for women living in Poland. Really makes you think, doesn't it?

Birth control in all its forms are responsible for creating slut culture. The more the state does to curb it the less degenerate a society will become.

If abortion is illegal women will be less likely to put themselves in situations where an abortion is the logical conclusion

You doesn't have any nigger or shitskins so no rapes.
Normal rapes are ok you have even a lower birthrate as germany.

Holy fuck Luxembourg.

btw the reason the Baltic have so high non EU citizens is they tend to be Russian or Belorussian

To nie tylko przez katolicyzm i dobrze o tym wiesz

I love when pro-abortion people use the "Muh rape! Muh woman is going to die if she gives birth!" arguments.

These things are so fucking rare that they're not even worth discussing.
The vast majority of abortions are due to whores who want to slut it up and not deal with consequences.
They need to shut up, go to church, stop being sluts, get married, and produce children.

Oesu, przecież zmieniają to w Senacie ty matole

no, they aren't. Breeding rapists creates a nigger tier society. Plus, I refuse to breed with some ugly loser. I'd slaughter the embryo/fetus

under a right-wing government Boland will have no immigrants :DDDD no rape :DDDDD

Except, you will end up breeding rapists. Look up the MAOA gene and ask yourself, why are niggers so violent again?

>t. didn't read

breeding possible rapists and creating less sluts is preferable to less possible rapists and having slutdom on the rise

>sign in English directed towards a non-English speaking populace, held by someone who probably also doesnt speak English.

It's like they aren't even trying to be subtle anymore

yeah, because it disproves you

yeah, to a fat ugly neckbeard. Wait until whites become niggers. As someone who supports eugenics, all rapists and their offspring need to be sterilized

Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual -- the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenics operatives within the occultic elite to cury Satan's favor while gaining his protection of their warmaking, usury, currency manipulation, and control over the minds of men.

Why is abortion the most powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it entails the most defenseless victims conceivable (the unborn) being murdered by the very persons most duty-bound to love and protect them from harm -- their own mothers, and medical doctors who've sworn oaths to their gods to do no harm.

These ritual murders which society misnames abortions are, furthermore, carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience; symbolically placing ten seconds of vaginal pleasure above the value of a human lifetime's worth of a living, breathing human being's consciousness.

In short, Satan loves abortion because it symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life itself, and it does this using the greatest symbols of love and compassion (mothers and doctors), satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.

So the next time you see a western woman screeching about her abortion rights on the steps of some state capitol, look into her empty eyes and know that you're seeing more than a simple murderer. Look into her eyes and know that you're seeing a demon, the very definition of evil. And know that the steady stream of death she inflicts on the unborn is what powers the elite's satanic karma.

But those are only two cases when abortion is allowed in Poland you cuck. And our wise catholic gov't want to ban abortion in those cases.

>resorting to shitposting

Sluts don't create a violent society either. Rapists do

It appears you have resorted to shitposting, you massive cuck
>wants to breed more white-niggers

Why should the child suffer for the crimes of the parents?

Cred Forums is a Christian board, maybe you'd feel more at home on Reddit.

Chuj mnie to obchodzi. W ogóle nie powinni tego ruszać. Niezły kompromis zaproponował senat - aborcja zakazana w przypadku gwałtu, ale dozwolona gdy życie matki zagrożone. Niech się cmokną z takim kompromisem te przydupasy watykanu. Ktoś powinien po tym zgwałcić ich córki i żony.

All religion is extremism.

Anyone thinking an all powerful imaginary giant who wrote a magic book tells them what is good and bad; is an extremist.

Real people work out good from bad with their human brains; not their imaginary sky god friend.

So being raped is a crime? No wonder USA is considered land of cucks

because it's the offspring of a rapist. Rapist offspring need to be either sterilized or killed

abortion will be allowed if the mothers life is in danger you fucking idiot.

Murder is a crime. Why should the child die because its father was a rapist.

And yes, murder IS worse than rape.

This tbqh

So should we kill children of rapists? Like if some guy rapes someone and has a two year old kid already, should we kill the kid?

Despite it being more socially acceptable can you explain to me what the difference is?

No, rape is worse than murder. Being forced to breed with some ugly, disgusting, malformed loser is a crime against humanity. Killing embryos is not even murder and even if it was, I would 100% support it. Rapist offspring don't deserve life

It's mostly businessmen dodging taxes. They don't actually stay there.

Women shouldn't put themselves in situations where they're at risk of rape.

I can guarantee that the vast majority of these ""rape"" abortions are sluts who got drunk, didn't use protection, and regretted it the next morning.

i would expect the polish to be more upset about that, but most of them are just fine with it
they can justify anything with "god works in mysterious ways"

Yes or sterilize it. I would kill the embryos and sterilize any kids

>raped by Ahmed
Sure she was. I've met enough of your women to know they love brown things.

Nope, the blame falls on the rapist unless you think men are children and cannot think properly thus need a woman to tell them what is wrong or right

>Ending a human life isn't ending a human life

Liberal mental gymnastics at its finest.

The blue number doesn't matter.
The red number is the one that tells you how many rapefugees there are.

I agree, the blame is on the rapist.

A death sentence shouldn't be handed down to the child, however.

>what is free will
Fuck off Ahmed Virgin Goatfucker, women can fuck if they want and they have right to use birth control.

If it's so rare, then what's the point of removing these "rare cases" from law?
>calling someone degenerate and slut
>posting on Cred Forums
you fucking hipocryte

Except, it's not a human life. It's cluster of cells. Do you consider chimeras homicidal?
>christ cuck would breed white niggers

No, it should be handed down to the spawn. It needs to be killed or sterilized

>its a cluster of cells
you are a cluster of cells too, idiot

>i would expect the polish to be more upset about that
Upset with what? A law the Polish people proposed themselves?

Sluts create unintelligent and undisciplined children which in turn create a violent society

You ass

It should be legal to abort kebabs

>a developing human baby isn't a baby
>a living human fetus isn't a human

Holy fuck how do you liberals manage to breath?

Life begins at conception, faggot. Well done Poland, I'm glad at least one country isn't completely cucked.

Nope, I mean in terms of how it barely resembles a human, you literal retard

>life begins at conception

I have a concept that I would fuck your mother. Can we both agree that right now I will have children with her? :^)

Your childish mind doesn't seem to understand concepts more complex than "it's either person A's fault or it's person B's fault"

lolol is that true?

Are you saying abortion shouldn't be allowed in rape cases? Ultimate cuck

we are not talking about zygote, embryo after 8 weeks looks exacly like a small human you fucking retard

Barely, rapist create a more violent society as genetics pretty much influence all behaviour. Sluts won't create a violent society unless they breed with rapists
No, how do you explain chimeras and moles?
how do you even remember to breath? You didn't even answer my question about chimeras. You know nothing about biology. Instead, you follow a dead jew on a stick

But it will, shortly.

I mean a baby doesn't resemble a grown man in anything other than a superficial way. Why not slit its throat seconds after birth?

Its the same thing, you're ending the same life before it can experience anything.

You liberals are ridiculous.

Nope, you little pea brained bitch. You don't seem to comprehend that genetics have an impact on behaviour

Can you name even one instance in the 21st century where a Polish woman's life has been threatened by childbirth? If you can (spoiler: you can't), can you explain why that situation would not be solved by cesarean section?

This concept is raised constantly by idiots such as yourself who never stop to consider that we're not living in Africa or the dark ages anymore, and we have numerous surgical procedures to alleviate any dangers arising from childbirth.

giv me link on that news

It's the same human life at any stage of development. It's also a law the Polish people proposed for themselves.


Yes, we are talking about zygotes and embryos don't resemble one before that. You retard
Nope, you still didn't answer my question about chimeras! Once it has brain activity, it has a right to some life but prior to that, nope. If it's a rape baby, it doesn't have any rights

what a lame picture, did you just take it randomly from your 9gag folder?

So is my shit, but I don't want to keep it for 18 years

If you actually look up statistics it's about 1% of all abortions that are conducted due to rape/incest. The 99% are just convenience.

Would you personally murder 99 innocent babies because the 100th baby is a rape baby?

Using that argument completely falls apart when you actually look into who is killing what and why

She can always go back to her shothole and be stoned to death

Yes, because you can still kill the rape babies

>thinks a human fetus isn't a human life
>thinks a baby and mole is the same thing
>thinks he can take the intellectual high ground

Kek. I'm sure that argument goes down well on r/feminism, perhaps you should go back there.

Or do you think the Polish people shouldn't be free to set their own laws? You think you know better than them?

I say we abort this leaf faggot

Wanting to raise Jamal and Ahmed's son that bad, cuck?
It's just a bundle of cells with no sentience that will inherit the genes of a rapist, possibly of a different race.

>B-but muh situashun of risk
Only applies to shit like getting drunk, hanging around degenerates or dating a criminal.
There are many cases of young girls getting raped by family members, or acquaintances.
Are you going to condemna girl to give birth to a half-breed because her cucked family was friends with Jamal?

I hope brits all get outfucked to death, if you can't kill a non-sentient being you would be even useless in a war.

after 8 weeks most of the women who are retarded enough to kill their baby dont even know they are pregnant, so no, we are not talking about just 8 weeks, we are talking about up to 5 months or even more


Are you really saying you can, 100%, prove you are not descended from any criminal?

And should we execute the already living children of criminals?

then dont put your dick in vagina, jesus

She lives in Palestine. She's some blogger or something. Can you imagine it - ARABIC woman living in PALESTINE feels sorry for women living in Poland. That's ultra-catholic gov't for you.

Also Ireland and N. Ireland.

All it really means is Polish abortion tourists going to Germany or wherever

>some woman feels something
Wow it's nothing, boohoo no baby murderers

Fuck off nigger
Except it isn't a human life. Embryos aren't, but fetuses are. Moles develope from zygotes, that's why I asked you. If it only has the chance to develop into a human, then it obviously disproves that a zygote will always develop into a human.
>can't answer question about chimeras
>wants to breed white niggers
>worships a dead Jew on a stick and thinks this is high moral ground
>literal sandnigger "morals"

well,i mean, letting the mother die because her baby isnt doing well is a little extreme

hmm...yes i would kill it. just to make sure.

while we're at it we should kill the children of any politician who takes bribes. that treachery might be genetic as well.

And what about the potential for brain activity?

If left uninterrupted it will develop, as God intended. What difference is there killing it at 6 weeks development or at 46? You're still ending the same human life?

No, we are talking about 1-3 months. Most abortions are performed before 3 months. They aren't retarded for killing rape babies

well your id has cuk so you're probably wrong

>Poland under (((catholic))) gov't

Duda = jew
Macierewicz = jew
Kaczyński = jew

It has potential just like all sperm and eggs have potential. What about chimeras?
Brain activity is the difference

They'll still be imprisoned after coming back to Poland

I love that you actually had to make up a story where this happens because in reality, it has never happened.

How will they know? Will they make every woman go to a gynecologist like in 1970s Romania?

>a living developing human isn't a human life

No matter how many times you ignore it it's not going to go away you liberal baby killing homo.

no shit retard the law hasnt come into effect yet

>The 99% are just convenience.
In Poland those aren't a thing.

You can legally abort rape baby or a retard. Everything else has to be born.

These fuckers want full "raising my raped wife's son" cuck kind of laws.

The reality is of course that PiS has tons of gynaecologists lobbying them to do so, so they can rake even more money on blackmarket abortions but whatever.

Muzzies who get abortions should be rewarded.

>No shit I'm lying, but you know, take me seriously anyway!

Is a braindead person alive?

>But muh potential life!
My food will potentially become shit, but that doesn't mean it's currently shit.
You are taking what is for what will be.

>But it's human
Genetically they are human cells, but they have no SENTIENCE. Again. Is a braindead person alive? Is a blood sample?

Answer the question about chimeras. Chimeras are the combination of TWO DIFFERENT embryos that combined. One just becomes a pair of legs or an eye. THAT DOESN'T BECOME A HUMAN.
It's not baby killing when it's an embryo.
>rapist breeder

OK, you know sperm and eggs are haploids, right? They won't magically become fetuses.

Humans life begins at conception. It's demonstrably true. Sticking your fingers in your ears won't change that you filthy liberal.

Read what he wrote again you fucking leaf

>some pro-life faggots get 10.000 signatures under some highly restrictive antiabortion law
>leftist marxist parties like razem jump onto fearmongering bandwagon, brainwashing gullible women
>the project will be dumped by gov like all public law projects but the brand of "WTF THEY TOOK OUR RIGHT TO GET DRUNK AN KILL OUR CHILLUNS BECAUSE WE FUCKED UP"
nothing will change in this country if you'll keep getting so easily manipulated polebros

No, but embryos won't always develop into a human. Look up jmp.oxfordjournals.org/content/14/6/641.short

Human life can also be ended before natural death which is also demonstrably true.

Retards, niggers and criminals should get scrubbed.

Nope, you read what I fucking wrote. You rapist breeding cuck

How many women were "raped" so they could get an abortion?

Calm down. Its polish liberashka's dreams.

That's a complete nonsequitur to what I was discussing. Holy shit trudeau, put down the bong.

>still claims an alive, developing human isn't a human life
>by..but genetic Chimeras, which aren't human fetuses, somehow magically prove its OK to kill an actual fetus.

How's shifting those goal posts working out? Human life begins at conception.

God didn't write the bible and noone thinks he's an almighty giant

Nice one

Margaret Sanger was Right! Do you want googles, kebabs and yahoos everywhere? Best approach is to keep em out. Second best approach is give em access to abortion. Poland is doing a fine job with the first approach.

About tree fiddy

You have to realise the kind of people you're talking to lad. These people are so self-entitled that they believe it's their RIGHT to murder a child they consider an inconvenience. You cannot convince these people of anything. Ever. If it isn't self-serving.

No, it isn't. You stupid nigger
Nope, it shows that life doesn't begin at conception. We are talking about embryos/zygotes
Life doesn't begin at conception. Chimeras prove that. Brain activity is everything

You will not find information like that because of "medical secrecy". And women don't die because they are using abortion to save their lives you dumbass - here is your fucking 21st century and surgical procedure.

google this:
>Agata Lamczak
>Alicja Tysiac
>A.S. (Kazimierz Szewczyk, Bioetyka, Państwowe Wydawnictwo PWN, Warszawa 2009.)

Use google. Even Russia Today wrote article criticizing it.

kill yourself

>Abortion in Poland is banned except in the following three circumstances.
>When the woman's life or health is endangered by the continuation of pregnancy,
>When the pregnancy is a result of a criminal act, or
>When the fetus is seriously malformed

Nice try,fag.

All in favor of aborting this leaf, please respond by posting "I"

Fuck off nigger

>talking about living, growing human embryos isn't talking about human life
>ending the life of an embryo isn't ending a human life

Seriously how do you manage to breath?

Arab countries allow abortions just fine, just like divorce

Catholicucks are funny with their no divorce or abortion

There's new project that wan't to ban abortion totally - it's supported by catholic church and current gov't. We had protests here for the whole week and on monday women will be protesting by not going to work. Just google it.

When a kike disagrees with you you know you're doing something right.

I wonder how you even remember to breath when chimeras and my article just disproved. Can you not read?
>literal rapist breeder

>get raped
>kill baby
The only time abortion should be acceptable is life threading. The problem was Ahmed being allowed here in the first pace.

Well done faggots, you have fallen for "le abortion debate" meme for the nth time.

I wonder what polish goverent will try to accomplish this time while left and right are busy arguing. Maybe they will sell another part of poland to jews, rise some taxes even more, put more censorship on internet?
These are things that every polish goveremnt does, doesnt matter liberal or conserbative. There are NO debates in these matters.

>ustasha insignia
im hard tbhfam

Except you worship a dead jew on a stick. How you reconcile with that, window licker? Are you anti-abortion because your special needs ass would have been aborted with your mother wasn't such a christcuck and welfare recipient

hey leafboi, you enjoying that big Arab cock in your ass? I thought so.

>still claims a living human embryo isn't a human life

Are you just shitposting now? Is this like a Canadian thing I don't get? No one can be this intentionally stupid.

>The problem was Ahmed being allowed here in the first pace

What about Polish Seba raping your woman - would this be ok?

Nope, rape babies should not bred

hell i wouldnt be as mad if it was them
at least they are white

Fuck off leaf. Kike stems from anti-Christian. Calling Jesus a kike is like saying Muhammad is islmaphobjc.

I think he is, based Britbro. Leaves can't be right in the head to elect top cuck Trudeau

I bet you like Juan's BIG MEXICAN COCK up yours
Except, it isn't. It can develop into a mole or chimera
>still has not educated itself
Are you literally retarded?

Poles are the master race. Have some fucking pride in your people.

OK, so you've conceded that you (obviously) can't prove that a living human embryo magically isn't a human life.

Thanks for playing you liberal faggot.

Jesus was a Jew, deal with with christcuck

Bread not "bred" moron. You should have been aborted.

OP is a butthurt teenage girl don't ask me how i know this

Leave it to Cred Forums to claim that the useless incomplete brainless spawn of dindus and ahmeds is a human being.

"B-but think of the chilluns"
Conservatards fell for the christian kike and now need to masturbate while thinking of their wife's womb having been impregnated by brown seed. Disgusting.

Thanks for showing that you have no understanding of biology

Nope, bred, you literal retard.

Yep, I'm cute Polish teenage girl ;3

I'm talking about incentives and disincentives towards acting like a slut, and you're talking about rapist genetics. It's like you mistakenly quoted my posts and meant to argue against someone else. Lay off the weed, canada.

I think we can all agree that this fedora here is a lost sheep who wondered over from r/atheism.
Cred Forums is a Christian board, you leaftard.

Talumud was written 600 years after Christ. Jews worship Talmud as holy book. Explain that leafnigger. I could call myself a Musilm but it wouldn't make it true.

fucking retards both of you

Is she Polish?
Damn she is HAWT

wrong you faggot
jesus was a kike like it or not

No, Cred Forums isn't anything but politically incorrect. Go to some christcuck forum if you want a safe space

Ireland is the same, only due to mass polak immigration. What ya gonna do?

Like you haven't made a spelling error.

So are you claiming that, from conception, an embryo has a 1/3 chance of being either a chimera, a 'mole' or an actual baby?

And how? You know most women don't know they're pregnant until about four or five weeks into their pregnancy, right? How many times do you think they go to their doctor and hear "Oh don't be too excited, it might turn into a mole"

What's that, you're using a fringe case which has nothing to do with a perfect human embryo and trying to magically prove that a living human embryo isn't a human life?

I ask again, how do you manage to breath?

croatia...isn't that a rapefugee ghetto?

nope, it started a century before christ

for some reason the cyka blyat is stronger than the kurwa in this photo.

gotta side with the turks on this one


Women will act like entitled children regardless of what you do, so the best you can hope for is being a patriarch and protecting them from themselves.

>But then why allow abortion
Because sometimes even if you do everything right some degenerate will try to fuck it up, even if you were doing everything right, and it's up to you to kill him and his spawn.
This is particularly important if this happens say to your underage daughter, as is common here in shitholeistan because we're full of roaming niggers.

That is indeed before the new refugee wave

It still shows that can develop into a mole or chimera. Thus, life doesn't begin at conception. It begins when brain activity begins.
How do you manage to still breath is a more appropriate question

Compare that to:
>Woman is raped by Ahmed
>3 male witnesses are required for Ahmed to be tried for rape
>Ahmed walks
>Woman's pregnancy is evidence of adultery
>Woman gets stoned to death for being raped

Only kike here is you and your fucking Jew disinfo.

During His lifetime, no persons were described as "Jews" anywhere. That fact is supported by theology, history and science. When Jesus was in Judea, it was not the "homeland" of the ancestors of those who today style themselves "Jews". Their ancestors never set a foot in Judea. They existed at that time in Asia, their "homeland", and were known as Khazars. In none of the manuscripts of the original Old or New Testament was Jesus described or referred to as a "Jew". The term originated in the late eighteenth century as an abbreviation of the term Judean and refers to a resident of Judea without regard to race or religion, just as the term "Texan" signifies a person living in Texas.

In spite of the powerful propaganda effort of the so-called "Jews", they have been unable to prove in recorded history that there is one record, prior to that period, of a race religion or nationality, referred to as "Jew". The religious sect in Judea, in the time of Jesus, to which self-styled "Jews" today refer to as "Jews", were known as "Pharisees". "Judaism" today and "Pharisaism" in the time of Jesus are the same.

Jesus abhorred and denounced "Pharisaism"; hence the words,"Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites, Ye Serpents, Ye Generation of Vipers".

the opposite

No. That religon was the same as Christianity. They just didn't call it that because Jesus wasn't born yet dumbfuck. Isaiah predicted Jesus would come long before he was born. Also read revelation 3:9. That explains the kikes.

you're a living example as to why abortion needs to exist. To abort the mouthbreathers

Nothing wrong with underage daughters getting the dick
You raising her into becoming some entitled princess whore or what?

It's only proper to kill the man when he is of a lower caste, like you Brazilians...

Always using the obscure and non-typical cases to argue with.

Going to be fun when cunts get BTFO and they can't slut it up anymore without being found out by their multiple fatherless children. Hopefully this is just the beginning of a wider tearing up of womens' rights in Poland and they go for a ban on using contraception next for really epic cunt butthurt.

Also because it'd be useful for Europe to have itself flooded with white Poles who without contraception could then outbreed niggers and sandniggers instead of importing third world trash all over the continent. Can send the surplus Poles to the parts of Europe with the lowest birthrates.

White future for Europe secured and cunts BTFO.

Are you still claiming that human lives aren't human lives?

People can develop cancer, should we give everyone chemotherapy?

What's that, no? Because that would be stupid? As stupid as claiming that a human life isn't a human life, right?


I think I know the guy on the far right. Single child of a single mother, hmmm...

nope, Jesus was a jew and brown. you retard.

Are you retarded?
>Heebs ain't jews
>Muh christ
>Waaah we have no direct descendants of heebs that still live/d in that shithole
>Waaah muh genetic testing is a lie

Not an ARGUEMENT. Get shreked heathen scum.

Are you still claiming that every embryo/zygote can develop into a person? Are you literally retarded? I'm surprised you can even write or maybe mommy is writing for you.
That's not even an argument. I said that they have the potential to develop into something that isn't human. Wtf are you on?

>not knowing Cara
Croatian bro pls

Jesus was an Aryan yogi

Read the fucking thread.

You can't abort kid in Poland just because. You can only abort rapebaby or retard in Poland as we speak. The government wants to push total ban.

We have that discussion for like a week now and people still come to these threats and start talking about sluts.


You a kike or a faggot atheist?

It is an argumet, it was an insult. Are you retarded?

They ain't. He's right and your just in denial. Name one example that proves him wrong that isn't a (((biased source))).

Ebin memes Pablo.
Now get the fuck down to Mexico before Trump gets you.

>Your underage daughter should get a dick
Not from the roaming criminal niggers that prey around Brazil.

only 5 years to kill somebody ? wtf

It wasn't an argument**


You're claiming that a living human embryo isn't a human life. That's retarded. No matter how much you shift the goal posts you must see that.

OK, where do you think babies come from? Do you think the Atheism Fairy just magics them into existence?

>Muh heebs ain't heebs because of a heeb conspiracy
This is getting too deep, just admit you're another kile loving cockmuncher.

I'd give your underage daughter the dick and make her my slave because I am an Aryan yogi patriarch.

And please don't call me Pablo.

Some tiny exception that almost NEVER happens

Insults aren't arguments you leafnigger. I'm not talking about arguements like the kind that lead to your parents divorce. I'm talking about logical arguments. Calling someone a big dummy doesn't exactly prove your point.

Nope, it isn't. You're claiming that all will develop into humans, now that's retarded.
Not an argument. I already proved to you that they have the potential to develop into something besides a human.

I just said it wasn't an argument. That was a typo

Opie pedale wykurwiaj na swoje vi czy inne karako i przestań siać tutaj swoje spierdolenie

Redditor atheists or Jews are the only people who claim modern Jews and Jesus are in anyway related.

>generation of serpants
>synagog of Satan

So are you an atheist or a Jew?

>Huehuehue what is is what will be
Why do you keep spouting this shit?
It's already been pointed out embryos don't necessarily turn out human, and regardless of that they are non-sapient and non-sentient.
They are literally cells with no mind, if a human is a bunch of cells with no mind then you might as well consider braindead people alive.

>Waaah muh chilluns
Look if you think thought isn't important to defining humanity then it might just be that you yourself are a brainless retard.
Fuck off cuck.

>you know too much and you are thinking too hard
Typical kike. They have been plannig this for over 2 centuries. You think they're plan is one dimensional? Lmao at you hue.


I am claiming that a living human embryo is a human life, yes. Because it's obvious.

How much more are you willing to move those goal posts, kiddo?

>it might not be human
>we should just fucking kill it then
Nice logic hue.


Are you on crack? I just showed that human embryos won't always develop into human life. Now do you accept that life doesn't begin at conception?

Like the bear or like Dhalsim?

>Triggered christ cuck keeps sucking up to his slave morality and jewish lies
I'm clearly an atheist kike, if I disagree with your delusions and inability to utilize reason.

Tell me, proddykike or catholikike?

You're a liar. In situations like that where it's a rape or incest, abortions aren't illegal. Stop peddling your lies.

Women are to immature and irrational to be given power over life and death. There are literally people on Cred Forums right now who trust women to make the ultimate decision.

>Huehuheue it certainly is the halfbreed spawn of a rapist
>We should keep it then
Cuck logic.

>Thinking too hard
More like you are applying your thought to the most ridiculous theory-weaving I've ever seen.
Jews are jews, heebs are jews, christcucks are jews, anyone that falls for the cuck morality is a jew, you, gentleman, are a JEW!

God will punish women by aborting their fetus through a miscarriage.
“Give them, O LORD–what will You give? Give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts.” (Hosea 9:14)
God teaches the use of a bizarre ritual using cursed “bitter water” to abort a fetus who was conceived through infidelity. (Numbers 5:11-21)
God orders Moses to kill every Midianite woman who was no longer a virgin. (many of these women would obviously have been pregnant) (Numbers 31:15-18)
God promises to destroy the infants of Samaria and rip open the stomachs of pregnant women.
The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open. (Hosea 13:16)
God allows the pregnant women of Tappuah to be ripped open.
At that time Menahem, starting out from Tirzah, attacked Tiphsah and everyone in the city and its vicinity, because they refused to open their gates. He sacked Tiphsah and ripped open all the pregnant women. (2 Kings 15:16)
God commands the killing of infants and nursing babies.
Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey. (1 Samuel 15:3)
God repays your enemies by destroying their babies.
Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us. He who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks. (Psalms 137:8-9)

Anyway, I got to go study for midterms. Bye faggots

>All religion is extremism.
there is literally nothing wrong with "extremism"

calling something "extreme" means that it's very different from your political view. if you avoid studying anything "extreme" then you will blind yourself to many truths.

democracy was once thought to be an extreme position, monarchy is now thought to be an extreme position. you're at the mercy of opinion when you could have chosen to be the master of logic.

She shouldn't say "solidarity"

isn't the government trying to smear Walesa?

>abortions aren't illegal


>by the power of self delusion I've proven to myself that a living human embryo isn't a human life. Don't question it lalalalalla

You're literally running around with your fingers in your ears at this point.

Want to stop you from killing rapist niggers.
Want you to pay for housing and food for the rapist niggers.

Want to stop you from killing the rapist nigger's spawn.
Want you to pay for housing, food and education for the rapist nigger's spawn.

Both are KIKES
Now kill yourselves, gigacucks

>Brit doesn't know what is isn't what will be
>Can't answer why he disregards thought as an important characteristic for defining humanity
>Keeps shilling about embryos being humans because they turn into humans but can't counterargue the fact that not all embryos turn into humans
>Really wants people to get cucked and raise ahmed's kid
At least get good points before trying to peddle your bullshit. And maybe apply some thinking to it, all you're doing right now is copy and paste what your (((priest))) told you.


They need to take the fucking loss already

Oh look, someone else trying to prove that a living HUMAN embryo magically isn't a HUMAN life.

Did the canuck pass the retard baton to you?

>Still no arguments
:^) get out schlomo

controversial major social issues should not be decided by politicians, but by a public vote on them

we have the tool of a referendum

>we should base our laws on a thing that happen every 23 years

Why do liberals believe in this?

Are you mad cuck ?
You can leave Catholic Poland if you aren't happy :)

Kill yourself leaf.

The zygote either becomes born human or dies trying.

Haha, women BTFO! Stupid, slutty whores.

poland try to shed your communist past

wtf? I love Poland now!

>reddit spacing
>incorrectly using semicolons to try to sound smart
>thinking subjective morality is a good thing

Kill yourself.

>Abortion is a {{{human sacrifice ritual}}} blah blah blah
This crazy whack-job again.

There has never been a culture or society in the history of the world that did not treat routine abortion as anything but a woman's natural prerogative.

Satan was invented by religious loonies thousands of years later.

>Why should the child die
It's not a child.

>Life begins at conception, faggot.
Life begins at birth. It always has. We celebrate birth as the miracle of life. That's the day we welcome new life into our world and confer personhood on the infant. We stopp calling it an "it" and officially give him/her a real name. We issue a certificate of LIVE birth to make the point where the fetus came alive

We don't celebrate Fucking Day. We don't issue a fertilization certificate. No legitimate scientist is going to pretend a blastosphere is a "person" to placate the butthurt feelings of illiterates and virgin misogynists.

Your "fertilizer" argument smells like bullshit.

>Would you personally murder 99 innocent babies
Great! It's already against the law to murder babies, so we don't need any new laws.

Thanks for clearing that up.

There's nothing miraculous about birth, you fruitcake.

This. Bitch should've fucking died.
Fuck you're anti-christian thread OP.

>liberal baby killing
No criminal charges, no baby killing

Proof or it didn't happen

>Margaret Sanger was Right!
Margaret Sanger never said that quote.

Rapes are not commom, and pregnancy resulted from rape is even more unlikely.

Plus, no one want a women that commited abortion, they are not good mothers

>Are you still claiming that human lives aren't human lives?
The obvious answer is that you lack the cognitive ability to know what human life is.


>You're claiming that a living human embryo isn't a human life.
Are you making the claim that one embryo is what, one human life?

An embryo is living human tissue. It is not a human being until it is born. We don't consider it alive until then.

It's understandable why you're so desperate to blur the lines between these distinct stages that you resort to intellectual dishonesty.

Scientifically, a single embryo can be cloned into many lives, so even your made-up nonsense falls apart.

>there is literally nothing wrong with "extremism"
That's what all the terrorists believe.

>We don't consider it alive until then.

Speak for yourself, fag. Take your extremist views and fuck off.

Holy shit UK!

You win.

>There's nothing miraculous about birth, you fruitcak
Birth is the most radical change that occurs in a human being's life.
The fetus is submerged in amniotic fluid encased in an "egg" sac. It does not breathe or eat on its own. It relies on a umbilical cord to deliver food, water, oxygen and countless other necessities.

On the day of birth born, the egg sac breaks and the amniotic fluid spills out. The fetus is pushed out into the air, the umbilical cord is cut and the newborn baby's breathes air for the first time. The baby's brain controls the heartbeat for the first time without any chemical signals from the host. The baby speaks/cries for the first time.

On not. The fetus might be born still and not come alive. It' still born, but never considered alive for even one minute.

>Take your extremist views and fuck off
The idiots who claim life begins at fucking are the radical goal-post movers. They're the ones rebelling against thousands of years of established law, language, science and culture with their false claims, weak ideas, irrational nonsense and emotional pleas.

You're the butthurt extremist faggots that everyone laughs at, faggot.

if this alien race wasn't in poland she wouldn't be in jail.
