Cred Forums is pro-gun

>Cred Forums is pro-gun
>Cred Forums is anti Pitbull

How do you reconcile these beliefs?

Owning a Pitbull is just another means of protecting your property. The government is unjustly removing our means of self-defense and you retards are applauding.

Guns only kill and maim when a person commands them to. Pits do it when they feel like it.


This might blow your mind, but 3rd world shitholes that are full of guns probably don't report most of the homicides.

Doesn't change the fact that pitbulls are not as predictable and reliable as a gun, but just as lethal.

Why don't you get an actual guard dog

Not one that might decide to kill grandma at random.

According to what stats?

It's the same as any firearm. If you're reckless with the way you handle and train your pitbull, it's going to be dangerous. You retards have been memed into giving up your own means of self defense.

If you're anti pitbull (or any dog for that matter) you're a faggot pussy.

I leave my wolfdog alone with my pet rabbits, he doesnt do shit.

You know why?
I trained that nigger.

Blaming a dog for a shitty owner is the same as blaming a gun for a shitty owner.

The only reason Cred Forums hates pitbull is because they're associated with Googles, and we all know how cucked Cred Forums is.

Long story short, KYS anti doggo pussies.

>According to what stats?
No stats, simple fact. Dogs are sentient animals. Guns are objects.

Pitbulls are fine, what are you talking about?

Show me how many people have been mauled to death by pitbulls since 2000

If its more than 100 ill be shocked.

Your argument means nothing.
Fuck you Frog.

>Cred Forums is anti Pitbull

Furthermore the two convictions aren't contradictory. Guns don't act on their own, dogs do.

Switzerland isn't a third world shithole, you nation that needs to fly in help from South Africa to put out a fire.

>Your argument means nothing.
It means I trust a gun more than a pitbull.

Well from 2005 to 2015 pitbulls killed 232 people in the US. Rottweilers come in second but not as high as pits.

Who knows how many thousands of people pets got killed in that period of time. My neighbors golden retriever was murdered in his own back yard by one that jumper the fence when I was a kid.

what ever happened to those niggers anyway? did the canucks get them to go home?

Pits are a lot like guns. Idiots shouldn't have them. The problem is sometimes you don't know theyre an idiot until they're dead.

>Cred Forums is one guy

Reminder that pitbulls are subhuman

more like shitbulls lol

you sound fucking stupid. pitbulls were bred for aggression. it's in their blood. either breed it out or accept the fact that a good amount of pitbulls are time bombs waiting to go off.

My wolfdog will eat your face nigger. Watch your tone.

id rather trust a dog than a nigger.

Why the fuck do I need a nigger dog, when I have fucking guns?

>Islam is anti-dogs
>surprisingly, thousands new pitbulls come to the west EVERY SINGLE DAY
mmm makes you think

Fuck sand monkeys

Fucking Jawas, cucked by dogs.
No wonder the world has been bombing their counties have been getting btfo for over a decade.

If your culture/religion forbids mans best friend, your people deserve to be exterminated.

At least the gooks eat dogs, rather than cowering in fear in a sand hut.

I love pitbulls and grew up with them but my father trained dogs in the airforce so I understand why pitbulls are hated.

They dont feel pain and enjoy violence as much as a jackrussel enjoys killing rats.

Majority of people who have them are scum not people with experience in dog handling.

Another thing is that every SJW, liberal, lesbian gay, person I've met have one thing in common. They all have fucking pitbulls and bitch non stop on Facebook about bans and how their dog would only "lick you to death". It's like a new religion or something.

Yes they do

52 murders a day over here.

What is with pol's obsession with pit bulls?

Pitbull is like a nigger. unpredictable, unstable and unsafe. Cannot trust and never can relax when with one.

Guns don't get crazy.