Flawed logic

If you can get great ice creams, milks, yogurts and even Gary now, what logical sense does it have that these foods need to be animal derived anymore? Their lives and the environment (humanity's future) matters more than a few minutes of palette pleasure which you can get a vegan version of that won't make you feel like shit to boot :)

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Because I don't give a shit.

Hurr Durr ice cream is a replacement for meat now. faggot get out.

>This tastes totally fine
Total lie. Vegan products don't taste exactly like the non-vegan ones. That's not to say that they're terrible, it's just that it won't float everyone's boat.

>Well in the ...
I bet it's a humane blow to the head?

>So do you think you'll switch
I tried it once. I really like cows too, but it won't change anything.

>So you're just choosing this for no reason whatsoever.
Yeah, don't pretend vegan products don't cost more. More than the organic ones, too. a poorfag like me can't afford that shit.

That veganshit icecream is $10 more.

Stop trying to extend the care you have for your family and close ones to everything else.

I don't even eat ice cream, checkmate vegans.

Also milk is the white man's drink.

>I concour.

The answer is i don't give a fuck about cows.

These are the Tumblrina who have forsaken or lost the love of family for their social conditioning.

Yet none of them taste anything like the thing they are trying to emulate.

The only thing that ever came close was Linda McCartney's frozen vegetarian sausages, and then they had to go and change the recipie when someone pointed out that they contained 60% fat.

Try again when you actually have a product that lives up to its title.

I knew it, vegans are cannibals.

Me switching won't make a difference and I don't care enough to take a stand.

>cows have been milked for millennia
>it's only bad now




The entire comic relies on panel 2 to work: in which vegan food tastes like actual food. This is a fallacy.


I hope vegans never drive cars, use heaters/air conditioners, or use computers.

That such a defeatest attitude. Every person who takes a stand encorages others to also take a stand because most people are stupid sheep following the heard. Stop looking for logic and reason, those ideas are dead :)

Dairy cows no longer have a purpose. We should totally kill all the cows, because we love animals. Stop being cruel to animals by making them economically viable for breeding and support our agenda of kindly killing them all. Extinction is the kindest cure to animal cruelty.

Well, it's not for NO reason, I simply don't care for the welfare of cows. Now stop shoving your feelings down my throat, faggot my burger is ready

>MFW vegan fantasy

fuck cows

vegan/vegetarian cucks should be forced to inhale crushed glass

It's not about that, it's about preaching against vegetarianism for being so eggspolitative.

>no leather

Why would I care about some candyass cows

Worse, it relies on another fallacy: that vegan food has just as many calories, vitamins, and minerals as non-vegan food.

People starve on vegan diets, unless someone slips some animal protein and/or fat into their food without telling them.

Okay, so there is a "ethical" option now according to you. That doesn't make the decision to change a logical one.

There is a cost to implement and supplant a new industry over an existing one. Your feels and ethics do not change this cost, so unless you are willing to put forth your own money and convince customers to share your feels and buy your alternative product instead, they aren't going to stop. Either that, or you're going to have to go through a voting public and figure out how to convince the MAJORITY that your feels are worth it. Your audience here is extremely small, so you have your work cut out for you.

Put in the time, put in the money, or GTFO. Wake me when you either have a proper movement or own an industry.

Vegan diets work out better for women and faggots.

Semen supplements.

Vegan stuff taste is absolutely not even close to what it's supposed to taste like. I even like soya ice cream, but there is no fucking way i would ever switch totally.

A vegan diet needs to be taken very carefully, you hear a lot of cases of child malnutrition, we gotta take proteins from somwhere and beans are not enough.

A bio-vegan fresh shit cost from 50% to 200% more.

I'm absolutely sure farmers don't enjoy harming animals, and UE makes sure animals rights are respected.
If you are talking about inhuman killing of animals for no reason, halal meat and the mosque is two blocks down.

I'm not going to stop eating meat just to be a trendy hippy faggot that tries to gently fuck a landwhaleget into a landwhale from tumblr

fpbp as usual.

Another important point. Almost all relationships humans have established with other animals are symbiotic in nature. These animals greatly benefit us with their meat, skin, milk, etc. But they are also greatly benefited, in an evolutionary sense, with our actions. Do note that they would not exist if it weren't for us. If we ever can 100% replace traditional meat, I can guarantee you the population of cattle, pigs, chickens, etc. will fucking tank. They are granted an existence, even though they serve us in the end. In this sense, raising animals this way is an evolutionary success for them.
This matter is summed up by the answer you'd give to the following question: would you want to exist if you knew you would be a slave for the rest of your life?

This is true, unfortunately. We have completely displaced the focus of our care.

a) more expensive to the point that people can1t afford it
b) it does NOT taste the same
c) fucking milking doesn't hurt cows you imbecile they have been bred to make them produce so much milk that they kinda HAvE to be milked
vegetarianism is good, and i wish i could subscribe to it
veganism is lunacy

Vegan products do not taste "totally fine" and cost much more. Fuck off, leaf.


... is that lindybeige?

Holy shit c'est vrai. Mon dieu.

Oh wow.

the absolute madman.

I haven't verified myself but despite being discussed often, it has yet to be disproved.

If humans stop breeding and caring for cattle then they will go extinct in 4-5 years. They are literally too stupid to take care of themselves.

>eating ice cream

what are you, children

Let me know when you stop using computers build by child slaves. Let me know when you stop flying on planes that kill countless birds daily, or when you stop driving cars. Because, after all, the tires are made from animal products. It's within your power to stop doing these things, but you don't because "muh convenience". At least is honest and admits to not giving a shit. You're just a virtue-signalling sack of shit. Kys ASAP.


>vegan ice cream tastes the same
so you have no taste buds?

Bullshit. Gary is not made of vegetables.

One of the favorite tactics of the left:

Present every situation as a false dichotomy.

This is how they try to escape challenges of nuance, evidence, extenuating circumstances, contradictions, and other things which might otherwise alter their narrative. Combine this with circular reasoning and you get a fun mix.

1. Set up proposition in which the premise and conclusion is that anyone who disagrees with vegan idealism must hate animals and want to kill them for no reason.

2. Imply that vegan ice cream is the same as dairy ice cream.

3. Inevitable disagreement where the premise is expressed in the conclusion.

4. Use the "conclusion" that your argument was rigged to "prove" as evidence that you were right all along.

You see this stupid shit with arguments about gay marriage, trannies, racism, feminism and other things. For instance:

>SJW: "If you question the experiences of people of color, then you are a racist who hates minorities."

>You: "These 'experiences' cannot be trusted, because they reject empirical data while also citing emotions as evidence to prove that their perceptions are reality. This is the same thing religious people and alien abductees do when they are trying to prove their case. It is irrational."

>SJW: "You are a racist that hates minorities."

Fuck that.


Get me a liter of vegan icecream for $2.60 as opposed to $6.20 and I'll consider it.

Gary here: not sure why you spreading these rumors about me being made of veggies. I expected more from you, not this libelous vegan garbage. Please cease and desist before i have to unleash my mad dog kike lawyer on you.

Thanks, Gary