Why do fat women think they're so entitled Cred Forums?

Why do fat women think they're so entitled Cred Forums?

Because we pity them and they know we look down on them so they live in pretend to make themselves feel better.

That's great, so they've figured out that they shouldn't weight themselves because it's demotivating since you lose weight so slowly and it fluctuates and they know for certain that their diet is going to work because they eat very little and exercise, right?

They get constant validation from thirsty men.

And it isn't like Cred Forums is much better. Just add 't. femanon' to any of your posts and you get +10 (you)s guaranteed.

>baseball bats
all they had to do is step on them

they know the truth deep down, random men may fuck them, but no one will date them.

Because beta male nu-cucks KEEP FUCKING THEM.

Goddamn; stop fucking fat chicks, you disgusting assholes.

>t. femanon
what if they're cool though?

>what if they're cool though?


>what if they're cool though?
this is the attitude that enables fatties


At least they're getting some exercise swinging the hammers.

More fat cells = more estrogen.

Would you want to deal with the emotional shitstorm when you try to explain reality to them?

>women all have shit personalities
>their personality doesn't matter
tbf it's pretty rare for them to have a non-shitty personality, fat or not.
It's not like all fatties have nice personalities just because they're fat though. Most of them seem to let their self-esteem issue turn them into cunts. And yeah, they are being enabled. I see what you mean.

I didn't say all women have shit personalities, but a fat chick having a "cool one" isn't reason to fuck them.

Stop fucking fatties.

what if i'm so desperate

You have a hand.

And if you don't have a hand, well... fuck a pumpkin.

what if i'm a girl

Then squat on a lava lamp.

>Stop fucking fatties.
Yeah, no I don't. I don't interact with 3D women. And fat ones are exaggeratedly 3D. They seem to have high standards nowadays anyway.

The funny thing is smashing those scales is actually making them exercise.

Obesity is literally worse than smoking cigarettes.

And yet our society thinks it's alright to encourage this self destructive behavior.

its not just fat women, beta nu males to.

basically its their ego protecting them from letting them know they are shit

shit people defend eachother
it's not suprising

Basic evolutionary math is that as female effort to produce offspring is massively higher than male one of three options becomes favorable.

1) Find alpha to provide high quality genes, and if possible raise kids.

2) Find highest quality guy willing to raise kids with you.

3) Cuck a beta with an alpha

As no one worth a damn (lets say the top 10-20% of the male population) wants to date the bottom third of the breeding age female population you see them massively inflate their standards so that options 1 and 3 are optimized.

what the fuck man.
Do women experience a single bit of adversity in their lives other than childbirth and raising kids?

There is no reason to hate on overweight women, it's their choice not to be skinny

t. femanon

It I'd ok to hate on then if they think I need to change my standards for them.

t. Guy who isn't looking in model magazines to see a hippo

>mfw I realize thirsty betas who fuck produce have more dignity than thirsty betas who fuck whales.
>mfw I have no face

No, the funny thing is that they're smashing a scientific measurement. Its not like they're burning magazines that sexualize women in a way they don't agree with, they're trying to smash a representation of reality.

Meh, it's the same shit fat, pimpled, basement dwelling male geeks do: blame the other sex for their inadequacies. Fat virgin feminists blamen men, fat virgin geeks blame women. Exact same shit.

>N-nuh, I'm not like t-that, n-not me, I'm nice, and special. THEY just hate me because THEY are evil! They h-have to be... r-right?

>an inanimate object that is designed to display earth's gravitational pull on different objects is responsible for my eating habits and complete lack of physical activity


>Fat virgin feminists
kek, no. They get laid plenty. They're still unhappy unless they get Chads though.
>no I'm special
I think autism makes me special desu.