Cred Forumsacks you dun goofed! Cred Forums is getting way too much attention in the media lately...

Cred Forumsacks you dun goofed! Cred Forums is getting way too much attention in the media lately. Some say any press is good press but not when its labeling you as alt-right white supremacists.

First Moot bails, now the new fuhr, Hiroshima Yamaha Suzuki, is talking of financial collapse. Has Cred Forums pissed off too many Jews/libs/Clintons and is about to get shut down?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Complains about Cred Forums being labeled as white supremacists
>Posts day of rope Pepe

I can't wait for normies to find out Pepe is all about chicken tendies, piss bottles and GBPs

Unironically voting for Clinton. As much as I love mastertrolling in your safespace I will cry tears of pure euphoria if your little LARP forum gets axed by a private corporation to stay profitable.

>inb4 it's not the free market when it negatively impacts ME

>I will cry tears of pure euphoria if your little LARP forum gets axed by a private corporation to stay profitable.

this much implicit salt


As the eternal Semite says...

Do you really think (((they))) could allow so many redpills to be just casually left lying around for any normie or cuck to stumble across?

>my candidate of choice is going to be the next president


I don't even know what country you're from but I promise - liberal ideals, free trade, and gender equality are coming to a theater near you. Soon.

Did you glance at either of the articles? The Clinton campaign is aware of the Pepe/Trump meme.

The ADL (((Anti-defamation leage))) has branded it officially as a racist emblem.

This is fucking serious guise. Too much attention from the wrong crowd. You can wave your flags and talk about muh freedumbs all you want but at the end of the day their is no true freedom. The government owns you and everyone else and will SHUT IT DOWN if they want to shut it down.

the power of kek is with us and you weak ass normies need to get educated because we aren't fucking going anywhere. were going to rule the fucking world soon you degenerate asswipe.

You know what ALT, you may be RIGHT

Enjoy being put on a watch list. You don't think being labeled a white supremacist will have negative consequences irl? Every time you cross a border, get on an airplane, get pulled over by a cop, you're going to get scrutinized harder cuz your names on a list.

Who knows what is next. Cred Forums might get labeled as a terrorist group.

white power

the fuck you gonna do about it normalfag?

im not afraid of some gay ass list, I have lists too, my lists are far better than their faggot lists

sieg heil mother fucker

Do you live in a Waco style commune somewhere with an arsenal of guns and food rations waiting for the revolution? or are you just some neckbeard in his parents basement talking tough on the interwebz? Just curuuious.

maybe /pol should be deleted

When things become mainstream they get commercialized and ruined. If Cred Forums is deleted we will just find somewhere else in the shadowy corners of the interwebz to congregate until it too is found 10 to 15 years down the road. As Zach de la Rocha once said "You can kill the revolutionary, but you cant kill the revolution."

I hate labels, but yeah, I'd say I fall somewhere between libertarian and anarchist on the spectrum. Too much big government involved in every aspect of our daily lives.

I've traveled around a bit and honestly I think they have more freedoms in everyday life in 3rd world countries then we do in America.
Hell, in India you can just take a shit in the middle of the street and no one cares. Do that in America and you'd get charged with a felony and be required to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life.

im a nobody

>hurrrr im so scared of internet nazis hurrrr
>quick linda get the list
>omg that guy not committing crimes and posting memes is such a horror
>omg i have to totally vote cunton now
>omg XDD literally cant evening right now

would you like some vagisil with your vegan dinner? maybe some pink razor blades to shave your feminine penis? fucking normies

we should have deleted you as a fetus

Alt right is a white nationalist movement, dumb fuck.

>multiculturalism is ruining white countries
>build the wall, make it tall, deport them all

And before any of you faggots say the alt right doesn't exist, Cred Forums is not the founders of the alt right nor is aids Milo. If the alt right didn't exist, it wouldn't have a name.

>TRS Radio
>The Daily Shoah
>The Daily Stormer
>Richard Spencer
>Fash The Nation
>Louder with Crowder

>but not when its labeling you as alt-right white supremacists.

Huh? How is that bad. Now people know where to go.
Maybe you should stick to sucking dicks

>branded it officially

The ADL is nothing but a small group of fuck kikes who do not work for or in the government. They are just a bunch of car salesmen peddling the holyhoax.

the strongest government in the world is shaken up by a foreign image board

>Cred Forums is not the founders of the alt right

Well no shit, dumbfuck. Are you actually retarded? Those other white supremacist sites you listed aren't getting national media attention right now, where as Cred Forums is thanks to its Pepe/Trump memes. When the so called 'small group of fuck kikes' get a hold of their uncles and cousins and brother in laws who own the banks and the media Cred Forums will be depicted as the asshole of the internet and there will be a public outcry to get it shut down. Similar to occupy Wallstreet. MSM labeled the protestors as criminals, degenerates, and communists. The general public thought it was justified when the 'miscreants' were peppersprayed, beaten, and arrested.

>Louder with Crowder

Why do people respect that grating voiced faggot?