Why did WW2 start

>why did WW2 start

>because Hitler invaded Poland

Why do (((they))) never tell us the full story?

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Because that would make you look into the rise of communism. That would make you realize the Germans had no choice in the face of the Communist menace. That would make you sympathize with Hitler because it was mostly Jews who were involved with communists.

This. If they ever talk about Germany pre-WWII, they try to spin it like 'Hitler used the Great Depression to gain political power'. They never talk about the freikorps and they don't talk about the Spartacus League.

It's amazing how much of a redpill this turns into for people who are into history. When they realize their history teachers lied to them, they get mad.

>When they realize their history teachers lied to them

I was fortunate enough to have a decent teacher who gave us both sides of the argument. Pretty based lad, he even brought in a real Dreyse needle gun when we were studying the Franco-Prussian War.

He was probably my first "redpill".

Did your teachers seriously never mention communism? I'm pretty sure even "The World at War" had an episode on it.

No, I'm 23 and we touched on D-Days actual landing and our combat doctrine in the Pacific more then any European politics or the actual causes for the shaping of Nazi Germany.

For most kids my age its like he popped out of the devils vagina and started killing jews willy nilly. No political discourse, just "Ya he was bad, he killed the Jews".

Go read Dweitz Buch. Hitler spells it out pretty clearly that he wants the German race to expand eastward and enslave/eliminate the Slavs.

Of course that would require reading primary sources written by Hitler himself and not basing your opinions on "documentaries" like the Greatest story never told, which Cred Forums is too fucking stupid to do.

Shit, I took a Holocaust class and even that went into the history of Jews and how anti-semitism formed, and how Hitler wasn't doing anything new

Poland was anti-Communist too.

Meanwhile Germany was allied with the Fucking Commies.

>pic related
>full story

The japs really kicked that shit off after the bombing of pearl harbor dragging the U.S into the game

>Poland was anti-Communist too.
DELET TISH! It wuz muh gommunism! It really wuz!

Yeah because the oil embargo didnt have anything to do with that.

Call me a pleb but I studied history up until 18 (in the UK you stop at like 14, can optionally take it to 16, and then again at college), and I learned fuck all about WW2 besides:

>the holocaust
>LEBENSRAUM and ANSCHLUSS and SUDETENLAND (just needed to memorise the words and their literal definition, not anything contextual)
>the holocaust
>Hitler was an evil madman high on meth the entire time, threw 600,000 jews into the ovens himself
>the holocaust

And that's about it.

I've learned more from playing Hearts of Iron and reading the event popups regarding WW2 than I ever did in history lessons.


This isn't really true tho. Hitler invaded because he though Germans should have lebensraum, he knew very well that it had nothing to do with the border dispute.

Im not saying it didn't but the fact they attacked gave Roosevelt the excuse to drag us into the war.

Makes me sick.
Someone builds time machine and kill the Jews before they arrive in Europe.
Take the gypsies out too.

German Revolution of 1918. It was the sort of watershed "Jews are Jews before they are Germans" moment

After Germany lost WW1 they had wicked bad sanctions that necessitated a drastic response. The communists wanted bolshevism for Germany and who would become the fascists wanted to double down on nationalism. Basically the difference between tucking your tail between or legs or rising back up and throwing your middle finger in the world's face.

The communism thing might have actually worked pretty well except that it turned out that all the communist leaders were Jews. They also started a small war and a bunch of Germans got killed fighting eachother. Everyone sort of took a "wait, how the fuck did this happen?" moment. Hitler, being the savvy asshole that he was, made the argument that there is no way that normal German people had it in them to go out and kill eachother again after this great terrible war. He pointed out that all the leftists in Germany were Jews and that since they owned the newspapers and the banks they were able to convince "intellectuals" to fight for them. He said that the Jews tried to make Germans forget that they were German and make them identify with their "class" instead. Hitler said that when everyone was suffering the way they were, it didn't matter how much money someone had. The poor people needed to thrive just as much as the rich did for the good of the entire country.


Part 2

Hitler was so disgusted, and later the entire German people were disgusted, that these Jewish people, who didn't think of themselves as German, were trying to pit German people against eachother. He argued that the whole "class" thing was an invention of the Jews to keep people distracted from the fact that Jews were actually doing quite well despite the widespread poverty and eventual fighting. Also, because the Jews were discouraging German nationalism while themselves being INCREDIBLY racist and exclusive (remember Hitler didn't get into art school even though his less talented Jewish classmates did) it made it pretty easy to paint the picture that Jews didn't give a fuck about Germany, didn't consider themselves German, and would have no problem leaving Germany when it failed under their leadership.


You see this same kind of shit today. Jewish culture is incredibly resilient. You only see the kind of big religious-political action from Jews and Evangelicals, and Evangelicals are fucking morons. They rely on numbers. The reason gay marriage didn't happen 30 years ago is because there are simply ridiculous amounts of dumbass Christians in the US. There are not ridiculous amounts of Jews. But they work at Goldman-Sachs, they fund political campaigns, they're your doctor, your lawyer, the head of pharmaceutical companies, the head of news organizations. And they're just as "fuck ethics, fuck logic, I want it my way for people like me" as the Evangelicals. The same Jewish people (here's the big spoiler, I'm from a Jewish family) who go about saying how racial diversity is a good thing are the same people who would shit the bead if their daughter didn't marry a nice Jewish boy, and GOD FORBID you don't think Jewish people deserve to have a homogenous racial state at the expense of Palestinians. Jews are very, very smart people. They don't give a fuck about stupid redneck Americans who live in the bible belt. They live in New York and Miami. That's why you're seeing a resurgence of anti-semitism today, because people are realizing that Jews don't really think of themselves as "Americans" first, and they don't even really think of themselves as "White Americans". They think of themselves as Jews. No border wall in the US, but sure, border wall in Israel. No racial profiling in the US, but sure, racial profiling in Israel.

>editor : Gerhard Weinberg

Really makes you go hmmmm

>Germany uses communism agitators to start the Russian Revolution and get them out of WWI
>gets mad when those communist embers come back and catch fire in Germany


Post proof lad

No one EVER brings up berlinka as a cause of the war. Hitler wanted to make an autobahn from berlin to konisberg. Poland refused

Why should germany face tbe consequences of their action


It's not about Jews it's about Germany achieiving hegemony.

Did he insert his "redpill" in your bumhole

It's like if you have a bunch of women and they love your cock more than the betas you keep around and some cunt walks in with a mondo king cock, what are you going to do?

You're going to put a bullet in his fucking head.

>stupid Christians
I'll pray for you.
Hopefully you'll be able to pull head from ads and see the truth.
Revelations is a redpill in and of itself.


but honestly in retrospect Hitler should have just let the commies invade first in order to gain the sympathy of britain (who would then attack the USSR due to their treaty with poland) hitler could do what stalin did and keep a bunch of the liberated territory and then proceed to attack the west later once the ussr was in ruins

>Gain sympathy from Britain

What planet do you live on?

>the kaiser himself does this in order to weaken russia with the intention of BTFO ing it later
>meanwhile jews in germany stab the army in the back and get the kaiser kicked out replacing him with degenerate weimar republic
>a few germans are based enough to stop the commies from taking over the weak ass republic (which was probably set up to be super easy for commies to take over)

That would be fancy and dandy but Poland at that time was a anti-semite and far right regime. Poland even won a war against USSR


Naw. Everyone was cool with poland being cucked. Britain was a like, ok but that's it. And Hitler was all like, no problem bro. But deep down he was all like , fuck that noise. Then he bombed the shit outta everyone til the leafs showed up and saved the fucking day...

the same reason britain and the allies became friendly with the USSR throughout the war (the enemy of my enemy is my friend)

germany had a very good chance of becoming the ussr in this relationship had they simply left poland entirely alone and let stalin attack. Germany could go in a week later after the british declare war on the ussr and an alliance of sorts is made with the brits

criminally underrated

Guys , Hitler didn't want a war in the first place.

Hitler explains it in part here


>Jewish culture is incredibly resilient.
Lol, german jews were close to disapearing (integrating) before Nazis took over. Modern western jews are also close to losing their jewish identity. You just have to see their birth rates

>t in order to gain the sympathy of britain
If he wanted that then maybe he shouldn't have broke the munich treaty that allowed for Churchill to assume power

>at the expense of Palestinians
and this is the problem with mainstream anti-israel is it tends to be pro muslim

personally i think both the jews and the muslims need to be thrown in ovens

>Hitler invaded Poland
Poland attacked Germany at Gleiwitz
>inb4 muh German false flag
Yeah, the "confession" of one lowly Freikorps sergeant somehow being privy to a top-secret German false-flag operation involving kidnapped Polish commandos and German convicts dressed as SS officers doesn't sound like something I'm going to believe and retain my self respect.

>Gerd Shulze-Ronhoff
>Ben Freedman on World Zionist wars
>David Irving

That's right.

He was all like, gimme all ur stuff n bitches n we is good right? But they wasn't. So he had em all wacked.

You didn't watch the video , you probably can't read it if tried to

>Hitler should have just let the commies invade first in order to gain the sympathy of britain
Britain would have helped Stalin; they bent over backwards to ensure that Germany was crushed. Churchill sacrificed the British Empire to ensure it would happen.

You know how much it costs to heat an oven that size nowadays? Shit son.

Did too watch it. Hitler was all like, yo check out my way of doin shit. Blik bang. You is all dead. And everyone was like , oh fuk. The end.

That's retarded considering the Palestinian kids didn't do shit. Children are the future you selfish stupid faggot. By helping Palestinians you are ensuring the west has a future beyond Israel.

Whoa whoa whoa we all know that ain't true. Palestine is like children of men now. There are no babies. They will b extinct in 20 yrs.


threadly reminder:
never take sides between warring semites