Today is the Feast of Trumpets! Rejoice!

Today is the day to remind those who believe in the Messiah that the Feast of Trumpets has begun at sundown. This is the great calling out! We are to remind everyone to reacquaint themselves with the covenant relationship on this day, one of the seventh God ordained Sabbath feasts.

This year, the early and unexpected death of Prince happened to land right on Passover, and the Orlando shooting took place on Pentecost. What do they have in store for tomorrow, I wonder, as this feast lasts from sundown 10/2 to sundown 10/3. We also just had a rare Black Moon on Friday, the day after which occurred the ICANN takeover of the DNS system. Today we have talks of Mark Zuckerberg dumping his Facebook stock, and Julian Assange has finally begun making annoucements towards his "October Surprise". Not to mention least of these is a string of rather unsettling memes known ominously as D.A.K 16.10.16, which just so happens to fall on another feast day, coming up soon.

This is the first of three Biblically ordained holidays to occur this month. Next is the Day of Atonement on Oct. 11/12 and then the Feast of Tabernacles on Oct. 16/17. Is October going to bring us the happenings we've been all been nervously waiting for?

If you would like to know more about the God ordained Sabbatical holidays, check out this link: www.blessyahowah.com
It has some excellent information on translations of the Bible and is a repository of critical information if you can get past the rather blunt tone.

Today is a day to remind yourselves of covenant relationship with the one true God! Rejoice!

And prepare

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how many times has the world ended so far? we already due for a new prediction?

Noticed there are no Jews on Cred Forums right now? It's a Sabbath and they aren't allowed to converse with the gentiles.

These Habbenings (TM) come in April/May and September/October.

If I was conspiracy minded I would think it was some person(s) or organization(s) that make these threads to cause panic in the markets so the gullible can either spread this information far to people with stocks or sell their own stocks so the conspirators can buy low and then sell high later.

>how many times has the world ended so far? we already due for a new prediction?
I am not suggesting that the world is ending. I am both celebrating an oft-forgotten holiday with fellow anons and pointing out the coincidental events that took place on two of the other feast days that happened this year with rumblings of happenings that have been happening lately. The Knowledge Bomb threads for example have called out media actions before they took place, predicting that there would be a string of "Gas Leaks" and "Firework accidents".

Not to mention "Would you, Could you, On a Train?" being broadcast via the FEMA controlled EMS system, that the News Station had to officially comment on.

It's merely strange times brother. It's also a holiday! Rejoice!

The purpose of this holiday is preparation for the coming of the messiah ;)

I don't know who is more annoying. Protestants or "Messianic Jews."

Yes, Jews have converted the Feast of Trumpets into a slightly different holiday known as Rosh Hashana. Entirely invention though, much like Christmas.
I assure you that despite being a very big tinfoil hat who lets his neuroses run wild I am just a dude celebrating the holiday in the way it was written the Bible.

To remind brothers to reconnect with God today, that's all. And to make aware that "violent coincidences" often fall on these hidden, long forgotten holidays. I believe 9/11 happened on one of these feast days, and other tragedies as well. Since these holidays lurk in the background, no one tends to notice the confluence.

What about people who prescribe to neither denomination?

I guess you could call me an Abrahamic at best. Though I reject Mohammad and all that noise. What is it that annoys you friend?

Does this mean I should've become Catholic?

I'm always the last to find out this stuff.


You don't need to become anything at all. To begin the search with an institution is a misstep in my opinion, because many denominations include unnecessary rituals and man-made practices that will confuse you and dilute the more important ones you should observe.

anintroductiontogod.com is a great online book that cuts through much of the confusion. Of course, this is just one man's opinion, but it is heavily sourced and provides tools for you to check his work because the author is a man who is looking for truth, not a man trying to establish dogma or start a religion. There is an even more in depth book by this same author at yadayah.com which is also free.

Thanks for the friendly thread. I've been looking more into Christianity and am trying my best to lead a just life following Christ and the teachings of The Bible.

I hope that you're feeling as at peace as I am. We can only do so much to let people know about the teachings of Christianity.

L'shana Tova!

Tfw you're literally out of food and money and so you can't even go anywhere to pick up boxes from the gibs groups

I'm at a serious risk of starving to death right now and there's a biblical feast coming up

Lord help me, it isn't Christmas but i need a fucking miracle

I've been examining many faiths for a while now, and have even studied some of the more occult and esoteric practices to better understand them, and the biggest thing I can find that separates the Mosaic philosophy from most of the others is its humility before god. Buddhism appreciates humility to the point of nothingness, but the Abrahamic god appreciates humility as a path to righteousness and deification, insisting that these two things are inseparable.

Gnostic/Occult paths tend to glorify power and knowledge as the means to deification, which makes them attractive, though morally they are all over the place, and some of them are exceedingly dark.

Sure sure. In waiting on The Feast of Trumps. 11/8/16

The Feast of Trump/Pence indeed, good sir.


I'd say I had a similar journey. Basically went from agnosticism to panentheism to Buddhism and many theories inbetween. Never looked at Christianity really well until I decided to read The Bible for gits and shiggles. Turned out I liked what I read, and the lessons that are taught resonated with me.

I can't agree more with that fact that trying to put yourself in a sect with Christianity limits what you can see. Catholicism, Orthodox, and Protestants all have quirks that don't really fit what the bible teaches.

I basically pulled from it that one should strive to follow the Ten Commandments, as well as learn about all the other allegories and lessons within. That, and to trust in God and never idolize anyone, not even Christ himself. I think a lot of people these days have turned Jesus into an Idol, where he originally was meant as a teacher. Too many people believe that saying they follow Christ is enough to make them pure of heart. To truly repent of ones sins is much more than that.

I still know next to nothing, though. Always looking to learn more so thanks for the links!


Oh shit, I had forgotten about the earthquake predictions made a few days ago regarding the SA fault, conspicuously coinciding with the abrupt and rapid growth of Hurricane Matthew.

Do you feel it, frogs? The water's boiling.

Me (jew) had to attend my gf's (mormon) friend's (jew) jew years feast. When she started talking about how much her family hated trump i had to guzzle wine to keep from saying anything. Fuckn jews.

No problem, and I would say you're on the right track. Just remember to keep your mind open, challenging not only the new information you shall find, but the old information you already believe. The only beliefs worth holding are those that can withstand inquiry.

The links I've provided are worthwhile in that they provide many fleshed out translations by closely examining the original Hebrew, using the best resources and software on the market. These are dutiful translations, and though some might seem small or insignificant, by tracing their origin and scrutinizing the evidence, we can find some long forgotten truths that make understanding the bible much easier.

One small example is the word "Law". We tend to think of sin as a violation of the "law", but this isn't entirely accurate. Torah is better translated as something like guidance or teaching. And there isn't even a Hebrew word for "obey", so telling someone the Biblical God wants you to "Obey the law" is not a good representation of his character, since the words used in the oldest manuscripts translate better as "observe the teaching". Same thing with the word LORD. There are thousands of instances where we see the name for god erode down the line of manuscripts as his name is slowly and seditiously replaced by the word Lord, which is Ba'al.

God doesn't want you to call him Ba'al, as Ba'al is an enemy of god. Imagine the old Hebrews calling him Ba'al in one breath and condeming Ba'al in another. It would tremendously confusing (and doesn't make sense).

I hope it wasn't kosher wine. That shit is horrible.

Time to get drunk

Actually, Yom Teruah was last month. The Hillel II calndar used in modern Judaism is not biblical. There should not have been a leap month in the Spring, but their method of regularly rotating leap months put them off this year from what it should have been. They did not take into account the equinox and the abib. So yea, Talmudim get it wrong again.


They certainly did! I love this section of the Bible, because it suggests an ancient time where men wielded the power of the gods themselves, and could work great miracles. The Egyptian magicians were able to replicate the first five or six plagues that Moses performed.

This is why God "hardens Pharaoh's heart" and forces Egypt to endure all the plagues—because there were many gods in those days. How could one god claim superiority other than demonstrating his truly awesome power? He was sending a message to the Egyptians that their gods were subordinate to him, echoing throughout the ancient world that Yahowah was the supreme god and that the gods of the Egyptians were false or secondary. This couldn't have been accomplished by an equal match, he needed to blow them the fuck out and teach them a lesson.

These Egyptian gods could very well be likened to the Watchers from the book of Enoch, or the fallen angels described in other various books of the bible. I guess my main point is that we usually interpret the land of the Bible as the land of today; we don't really accept or make room for the idea that it was a world where many gods would offer tangible, other worldly power if you would just follow them.

You know, it's sort of like that today. We've got people praising a meme frog because he supposedly gives them great happenings and leverage over politicians that has not been wielded by the general populace in many years. But I predict that, just as before, the Magicians who make miracles happen will be reminded of who the true god really is :^)

I am going to require some sources on this because everything I have looked into suggests the contrary.

I will admit I find the dating of the Hebrew year to be confusing but I am using non talmudic, non-rabbinical sources to figure out the dates and there seems to be a large consensus that today is the Feast of Trumpets.

Can you tell me where you found your information or even a website that indicates this holiday occured last month? I have difficulty finding concrete information on this subject.

It's funny how dozens of Pagan holidays have survived throughout the years and have retained their dates and history yet the original holidays for the largest and most influential religion in the world are largely forgotten, or are transmuted and mixed with so many new traditions that they become lost in the shuffle.

I think it's because they don't want us to know the truth.



Thanks for the repository. Will check out!

And I think you're absolutely right. The amount of fuckery that the Abramamic tradition has been subject to is absolutely insane. I always have believed it to be the greatest trick of the devil to usurp the base religion and essentially rob the Hebrew language over time from the rest of the tribes of Israel. Hebrew Christian texts are next to non-existent and whatever we have are but fragments and whispers. Meanwhile the religion spread primarily via the Greek vehicular language and over time the Hebrew heritage of the Christian faith was entirely severed, usurped, and whatever remant was left was fused with the Satanic, Rabbinical Talmud that Christ denounced himself when it was taking shape in the Pharisees.

There are so many people who have been turned off of the one true God simply because the two main usurper religions have created absolutely unbearable people.

You're right about one thing.
enlil is finally going to find out who the true god is, once and for all, shortly before he is put down for his crimes.

What makes you trust the Babylonian account more than the Hebrew account? Age?

The Sumerians are highly suspect, and their early account (and writing system) can be explained as being similar to that of the Egyptians—gifts from fallen angels. When you study the Babylonian rites and traditions you see some bone-chilling practices and gruesome rituals. Not to mention that much of our knowledge regarding the Sumerian tablets comes from Zecharia Sitchin, whose translations are uncorroborated by some translators and attacked by some scholars. He is also a Freemason, whose tradition has much in common with the Babylonian, Egyptian, and Greek Mystery schools. So it might be considered that he has an agenda.

The early account of the Sumerians and the concordances with the Biblical tale do not necessarily suggest that Sumerian account is true and the Biblical account is a derivation. It is a hypothesis worth exploring though.

I am more inclined however to trust Yahowah as his testimony has not yet been wrong. There are simply too many fulfilled prophecies met on their exact timeframes to ignore his assertions of supreme divinity. No other religion comes close in terms of prophecies fulfilled. Also there is a great obsession with the Torah in many schools of the occult, with many practices revolving around the magic properties of Yahowah's "secret name".

The Sumerian account is very interesting, but I just don't trust snakes, is all.