Why don't you agree with this?

Why don't you agree with this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Actually yes, except no niggers.

maybe she should fuck off to China and ask them to make it then

Hmmm, interesting, reminds me of Hopper from the classic Pixar film, A Bug's Life

If SJWs are so concerned about the casting in movies created by whites and Jews, why don't they write, produce, and direct their own movies and cast them however they wish?

No, what about the Mongolians?

>mulan needs to be asian
>robin hood, cinderella, and all other "white" stories need to be all black

Because the huns weren't ethnic chinese


How well did that work out for Ghostbusters?

I do agree though.

>Caring for some nobody's opinion
Your waifu is shit because reasons.
There, now screencap this and start a new thread.

Eddie Murphy as mushu was distracting in my opinion.
So no, I don't agree with Nikki whoever the fuck she is.

Eddie Murphy was great as the Donkey though, it works far better there.
Mulan was supposed to at least be half serious and his goofy voice stands out far too much.

Based on that reasoning kungfu panda should have been all chinese, which means it would have never been made because it was non chinese who came up with it.

China has its own fucking film industry. There is zero reason to ever complain about the lack of Chinese people in films. Just watch Chinese films.

If the actors don't fucking destroy the movie then sure.

Quality of movie should always go before the amount of diversity

Yup, and you can't perform any old English plays with googles

because no one wants to see disgusting chinamen on their tv

Didn't you know? It's the burden of the white man to create culture for races that can't.

>Founding Fathers

>What's a Mongolia?

SJW's will argue with you when there's nothing to even argue about.

>budget: $144 million
>box office: $228.1 million

it should also be 100% in Mandarin you racist bigots

Is that nigger wearing a do rag?

um , mongolians?

there already is a chinese mulan movie and it's pretty good.
not the cuddle-disney version.
watch that if you don't like western regisseurs making western movies

Get some Finns to play them

Because I am literally Hitler.


>not mentioning the $150 million+ blown on advertising

Because I have more important things to worry about than 20 year old cartoons

>not mentioning that the studio gets at most 50% of ticket revenue

Das ist kein Englisch wort

when horrywut make n finance the movie, they can have all chinese cast

Not gonna lie, I would agree with her if it meant I got to have sex with her. Not like nodding my head would actually remake the voice acting, so what's the harm?

Oh, so Mongolians aren't allowed.

Leftists are the biggest hypocrites in the world,

Is there going to be a live-action Mulan or something? In which case, yeah - the Chinese characters should be played by Chinese people. And the Mongol characters by mongolians.

If she's talking about the cartoon - there is a chinese cast. In fact, I was listening to the chinese version of 'I'll make a man out of you' just a few hours ago.


By the way - has anyone else noticed that the entire movie after this song is completely unnecessary? The whole reason Mulan joined up in the first place was to save her father from getting conscripted. When the officer guy tries to send her home, instead of climbing up to get the arrow why didn't she just take the opportunity to go home?

Make all the Chinses character be played by Japanese actors.

Don't you dummies know that the Chinese were all culturally enriched by the Mongols? Modern chinks are descendants of Mongols as much as of anything else.


Idris Elba would make a great Mulan.

>Battlefield 1 needs to be a 99% white cast. The 1% is the French colonials and German Askaris in Africa. Anything else is unacceptable.

Because the original one wasn't either, it was a bunch of white people behind the mic

>America is the first multicultural country in history.

Because she strong femare who don need noman

> USA formed before the UK

That's actually incorrect Leaf.

I'm fine with but I know it's a double standard so fuck them.

Because she had to bring honor to her family, it's the key theme of the whole story

>America is the first multicultural country in history.
The funny thing is, there have been plenty of multi-cultural countries throughout history. In fact really it's been the historical norm.

it's just that they used to be called Empires.

ah right, directors*

except that pretending to be a man when she's actually a woman is pretty much the greatest shame she can bring on her family if she gets caught, and as we see later she does

>forced colonialism is multiculturalism
dont you got government pedophile scandals to cover up?





What are these niggers complaining about now?

Don't forget the "alexander hamilton was le refugee u racists :'(((" maymay

Dear Mongolia,

Your history, ethnicity and culture is now 99% Chinese and 1% Eddie Murphy.

- Nikki.

Getting caught wasn't part of her plan



It's true economically at least.

I AM okay with it, but it would be nice if they weren't hypocrites and let white stuff stay white.

I agree except for Eddie Murphy

No Mongols?

A bit racist to be brutally honest

you never see people asking mexican films to put more niggers in

This is pretty good.

Mexicans make movies? You mean like snuff?

I've been thinking about this double standard a lot lately. It's "unacceptable", "cultural appropriation", and/or "white washing" when a film is made in America about another culture and one or more of the characters isn't white. Liberals take this shit seriously and say that it's a big deal. On the flipside when products are made where firmly established white characters like the Norse god Heimdall, Hermione Granger, or Steven King's Gunslinger are portrayed by black people, it's a triumph of diversity and how dare anybody care enough to make a big deal out of it, it's just a movie and they need to grow up. Funny how that works isn't it?

Furthermore I see this as the liberal notion of wanting to have one's cake and eat it too. I'm not one of those hard NatSoc anti-race mixing types, but movies with characters of varying races is the future these people chose and fought for. If they wanted art that was completely culturally homogeneous, they shouldn't have become a multicultural society.

As a side note, are there that many Chinese voice actors? There's a show on one of the major networks about a Korean family, and they couldn't even cast all Koreans, so some are chinks and some are Japs.

Finally, if people like this self-entitled, flowercrown filter-using basic bitch don't find a piece of art "acceptable", they're welcome not to consume it. Not everything needs to cater to them and their worldview. Nor will it.


I wish my life was easy enough to worry about shit like this.

Wow Jackie's not a bad singer. Man can really do it all.

Isn't it? We're here after all. I get your point though.

Blacks need representation

The theme to Police Story is better.


Mostly correct, Mongolians should play the Mongols.

I agree, but extrapolate it. Keep blacks in black culture, whites in white culture, Asians in Asian culture, etc. In fact, let's keep Muslims in Muslim countries and Mexicans in Mexico

Porn movies with Ur mum

Seems reasonable. Have fun in Europe

So Hamilton needs to be 99% White by that logic.