How do we fix the nu-male problem? What causes it ?

How do we fix the nu-male problem? What causes it ?

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I dont think there is a nu male problem. More women for us regular men.

it is caused by the increase in estrogen in our water due to the recycling of tap water from sewage.

urine from women using birth control contains high amounts of estrogen, which cannot be filtered even by the best water filters.

this causes the increase in lady boys and edgelord butterflies.

all numales i see look like they're low test kikes

This. If you're ever wondering why a numale is hanging out with women, it's because he is nonthreatening and is equivalent to one of the girls.

estrogen in the water supply. We need a major happening to weed out the losers.

Politicized education is the problem, we constantly have white guilt shoved down our throats as children, and it only gets reinforced with media.

Society is trying hard to demonize masculinity.

Just don't be a fucking faggot. Its not that hard.

This is very true.
Men that are suitable mates normally make women weary (in an instinctive and normal way)
However Nu-males are able to be in their inner circles like other women because that is what they are to them, women, not suitable nonthreatening cucks.


this is an upside but the downside is they give women more power

Women cause it. Here you're either a turbo nigger or a nu male, otherwise you don't get pussy.

Guess fucking what? I'll rather have 2D over these whores.

>weed out the losers.

>estrogen in the water supply.
Found one

Sisters? No? stfu about stuff you are ignorant of. There is a difference between someone who is comfortable around women without thinking about their dick and an SJW

tldr nu males are not alphas and because they do not rival the alpha position they are not a threat and should not be eliminated

>tfw the jews got my body but not my mind
I didn't ask for this womanly frame, Cred Forums. what is a nat soc trap to do? Just because I enjoy shaving my legs and wearing dresses doesn't mean I can't help cleanse Europe on the day of the rope, right?



public schools being controlled by lefties

You can hide in my basement, you filthy degenerate. But you will need to be thoroughly punished for your sins, repeatedly, and at length...

It's worth making some effort to avoid xenoestrogens, but 90% of the low-t numale problem is caused by some combination of obesity, shitty diet and lack of exercise. Excess fat tissue is a particular problem since it causes testosterone to aromatise to oestrogen. Artificial oestrogens may technically be present in drinking water, but they ought to be at extremely low concentrations such that it doesn't really matter.

>being exposed to a ton of estrogen mimicking chemicals
>boys typically being around women more (moms, grandmas/babysitters, female classmates, teachers)
>internet pornography and video games decrease testosterone production indirectly
>shitty diets made up almost entirely of animal products

The damage is done. Luckily prostitutes dont care

Why is this a problem? They're borderline homosexual at this point, therefore more women for the guys who have high testosterone.

nu-male is just another way of people making fun of ugly people, even non-cucks are considered numales. eugenics can't come any faster

It happens when men begin to act like women

Money is stronger than muscle son.

If it comes from animal products, why are so many numales vegan?

Nu-Male Properties and Principles

-Abandon body maintenance
-Wear eyewear unnecessarily
-Support communism for the sake of opposing Capitalism and for no other reason
-Support Marxist ideologies (see above)
-Deny or shame heritage
-Abandon traditional family values
-Experiment in sexual depravity (cuckholdry)
-Dress in flamboyant tight clothes
-Mutilate skin with ink and piercings
-Blame older generations for the way things are
-Harass people who work hard
-Broaden definitions of certain words to construct social barriers
-Consider existence as special and unique rather than curious happenstance
-Defend Islam for the sake of opposing Catholicism and for no other reason
-Have no applicable qualifications for longterm work
-Don't enter STEM degrees
-Avoid manual labour

Criteria for a cuck.

They will cuck themselves out of existence. Their genes wont be passed on. Its important to befriend numales and be their bulls. Its a self correcting genetic issue. Cucks. Will. Die. Childless.

Pic related.

You guys are forgetting the main essential point that nu males suffer from:

No strong father figure. Period.

Have you noticed lately people who frequent bars/taverns regularly and have done for years don't seem effeminate?

The beer and spirits aren't the same water supply.
It's also why women are going fucking mental on alcohol, no estrogen water to balance their hormone while they're smashed. now they have a dependency on it.

What is a "nu male" exactly anyway. I have goofy hair and a beard but I look more like Charlie from Always Sunny than that turbonerd and I'm reasonably right wing

If whites end up being a minority in 100 years, can a smart minority topple a sea of niggers and half-caste sympathizers?

femboys are okay, even the roman and greeks were cool with them

>Consider existence as special and unique rather than curious happenstance

what is meant by this

>What causes it ?
The only reason behind anything a man does is to increase his chances of getting laid. They think if they support women, women will go "oh george, you're a fantastic feminist, fuck me now. Fuck my rusty pussy george the fantastic feminist.". It'll die off when they soon realise this is a shit way to get pussy.

That's what's happening in Mexico anyways.
Of all the upper class, 95% are full European descendants. The rest are clear mestizos and there are some brown guys.

That's a symptom of more complex social issues e.g. the normalisation of both parents working (loss of traditional breadwinner role), lack of job security / quality, and less ability to rely on extended family.

t. General Ripper
Alcohol decreases testosterone, it's calorific which can cause the obesity aromitization problem, and beer contains phytoestrogens from the hops. Realistically the average man has to drink to deal with this shitty world, and by helping you relax and socialize it can actually be good for you (lowers cortisol), but don't do it too frequently and prefer spirits to beer.

Guys like this are the problem. We don't need women. women are a curse and a bane on our existence. I wouldn't wish a woman upon even my worst enemies. Masochists like these are the reason women think they have some relevance even though they are incapable of doing anything beyond fucking, eating, and sleeping things that even a monkey can do.

We manly men must move past women and onto the superior dragon waifu master race

Was Alex Jones ultra-redpilled? Are the chemicals in the water not only making the frigging frogs gay, but our men as well?

Slight levels of degeneracy (traps) are a must to maintain basic decency in every day activities.

>What causes it ?
a lack of death squads
>How do we fix the nu-male problem?
right wing death squads

Nearly all people on that diet didnt make that decision until they were grown
Most kids will eat whatever their parents give them and the large majority of people in the US eat eggs for breakfast, turkey sandwich for lunch, and chicken with a side for dinner if we are being generic


we don't teach are young boys how to have healthy sexual relationships. Instead we tell them to be abstinent and not watch pornography. You can only have one and pornography is an infinitely safer choice and it has the added benefit of taking sexual power away from the white biches. Although I don't expect most young boys to move to Pokephilia immediately they can start with a normal waifu like Shantae. Thus this new generation of men will not fall into the traps of other generations.

Most of the masculine looking guys I know are the blue-collar eat meat daily and drink beer often type.

I've never met a masculine looking vegan personally, though I've seen a couple online.

Special snowflake syndrome. A decent fraction of them have narcissistic tendencies or full-blown NPD.