He's right you know

He's right you know.

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He is right. I blame Democrats for creating a welfare system to game.

Trump works and creates jobs.

Welfare recipients don't work, don't create jobs and not only do they not pay taxes but they receive money from tax payers.

Law is the law, if it's legal it's legal. And if it's illegal it's illegal. With Trump we know he do it by legal ways. With the welfare ones there are many cases that can be legal or illegal

>Trump cleverly and legally avoids paying taxes by declaring legit losses

>Shaniqua lies on her welfare sheet to get more gibs

cmon breh

He is right. But the thing is the welfare state has ruined people's lives.

After we abolish welfare it will be a moot point.

Didn't Trump's "system gaming" begin during Bill Clinton's presidency?

Nobody really blames people for gaming welfare. This is like saying "If you support people taking advantage of welfare, I never want to hear you talk about closing tax loop holes."


>Guy who creates millions of jobs is the same as someone who leeches off millions
Autism detected

Hell, if you're not paying taxes, no one would get welfare.

And Trump isn't "taking advantage" of the system, he's just using it normally. When whores shit out a dozen kids just to get more money, that taking advantage of welfare.

Does anyone know how to join? I keep trying but it wont go through

The IRS issuing you a tax break because you lost nearly a billion dollars isn't exactly gaming the system. Unless you think farmers who lost a crop getting subsidized are gaming subsidies.

>Ben Moser

So then if a person on welfare games the system in a technical legal way it's a ok then right?

It isn't possible

Crediting your capital losses against your AGI in future tax returns is in no way comparable to receiving free money from the state.


That knife cuts both ways.

All the people defending those who get welfare shouldn't be attacking Trump. And yet they are.

>keeping money that belongs to you is the same as stealing the money other people have paid into the system
Into the trash progressivism goes.

>Brookline, MA

confirmed for jew

Actually, yes. If someone is taking advantage of a loop hole that is LEGAL, then yes.

I don't like tax evasion or welfare leeches. I think both should be outlawed. But I totally understand why both take advantage of the system.

We're complaining that welfare doesnt work

It doesn't lead to wealth accumulation

I don't blame Trump or the people taking advantage i blame the faggots who created the flawed system to begin with


Shaquanalisha games the system legally every eight months when she shits out a new niglet and increases her monthly allotment of gibs. That is a problem with how the system works, because when we wrote the rules we didn't have niggers in mind. They've broken the system, though completely legally.

She is, however, breaking the law when she's driving around in a Lexus SUV because baby-daddy #9 is paying all the bills, and she's lying about it on her government paperwork. Or blowing all $1200 of her EBT that was supposed to go to her children on steak and lobster tails on the first of every month.

Niggers who are flagrantly breaking the law are trying to compare themselves to people that aren't breaking the law. Because niggers.

Are you pretending to be retarded?

>With Trump we know he do it by legal ways.
>With Trump we know he do it
>he do it

pigmented intruder alert

Your telling me you know the intrical working of all the different welfare systems in the United States well enough to know its impossible?

The rich arent only stealing their own money, i mean universally they dont owe anybody, including the state, shit.

Welfare niggers dont have money, they take other peoples money. How can a libtard nigger fag not know the difference?

>Someone who games the welfare system is now in support of dismantling the welfare system.
I'd support them, just like I support Trump for wanting to destroy the corrupt system that allows people to take advantage of it.

I don't like the fact that Trump gamed the system for personal benefit, but I understand it was partially out of defiance of a government that would squander it on things that would provide no net benefit to society.

>"In 1995, Trump claimed to be worth about $US2 billion. But according to the leaked documents, he claimed only $US6108 in salary and tips and a further $US7.5 million in interest income."



Trump hired accountants, that did their job, so welfare fraud should be legal?

Thousands of companies/people do the same thing.
Go look up how many senators don't pay taxes.
Clinton's used the same loophole. zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-02/clinton-campaign-admits-hillary-used-same-tax-avoidance-scheme-trump

The NYT who broke the story, pays zero taxes.

It boggles the mind when people like Clinton and Sanders, who have been in Congress for more than 30 years combined, call out Trump for using the system they haven't bothered to change.


>That is a problem with how the system works, because when we wrote the rules we didn't have niggers in mind.

In California the governor just passed a law that allows more welfare for those who have more kids if they're on welfare. Some fucks actually claimed it was racist and sexist if it wasn't passed.

Name one elected US politician that is against Israel.

Randlet could fit that bill if I hope hard enough, right?

Nope. He barely mentioned cutting off aid to Israel, if it happens with every other country.

>You don't like parasites abusing your forced generosity? Hah, well I guess because someone is trying to avoid that, you can't complain about it.

Easy to debunk

>Keep more of what you earn
>Get more unearned resources from others

does this somehow make mr (((moser))) from (((brookline, MA))) not a jew?

>Cred Forums doesnt think taxation is theft

Blue pilled as fuck

Lmao at all the butt blast ITT.

This is good though. This is part of Cred Forums's disavowal of the losing Republican candidate. They're still kicking back, but soon, soon we'll know that Trump was a shill the whole time. Just like Romney.

>heard u like welfare

It never ceases to amaze me how the left will turn a blind eye to the shit Clinton pulls again and again, but everything has to be a gotcha moment when it comes to Trump. She truly is the candidate that could shoot someone in the street and nobody would care, not Trump.

At least Trump didn't just shirk away after his bailout and actually went on to build productive and successful businesses.

Meanwhile, what do people who stay on welfare have to show?

Sheeeeeit it ba a dam monf til da next chek yo


Cred Forums yet right again

>avoiding paying the full amount of protection money to the local armed gang is morally wrong

Leftism: its literal slave morality.

No, that faggot isn't.

Trump creates wealth, employs many, and pays many taxes OTHER THAN personal income tax.

See, the thing faggots like you don't get is that there are still many, many taxes on businesses that you simply cannot circumvent. So, personal income tax aside, you have jack fucking squat to go on which is why you need to shoot yourself in the face, CTR.


Currently? Pat Buchanan but he now works only as a pundit.
Past? Only JFK has reduced any aid or help to Israel, and look what happened to him.

thanks for correcting the record, trumpbots

This thread reeks of BLTT

I agree, get rid of welfare and tax loopholes. Once welfare is gone, we will pay less taxes. Ever.


No he isn't, Trump isn't black.

White makes right.

avoid income tax =/= troughing other's income tax