Ask a Toronto mandem anything

Pic related is my white ting

Indian bro btw

Hello my dravidian brother. How u doin

Holy shit! It's David Blaine

When are you going back?

>canadian indians imitating british googles

top kek

how insecure about white people are you

You know when I look at Indians I think two things

1) How come Indians aren't used as an example of how the system doesn't actually care if you're not white. Look at Indians, very dark skin tones and distinct smell and don't have the best reputations yet many high powered positions in Fortune 500 companies and doctors and you name it are held by Indians. Why is it only black people who think because they are black no one likes them.

2) How can a ethnicity that produces so many doctors and engineers and grand masters etc have such a disgusting shitty backwards country?

because democrats are the real racists, vote republican goy

>you will never be white.

No matter how much you over compensate and shit-post, you will always be an Indian, Plain and simple. Without the aid of money, the appeal of a comfortable lifestyle, or having to downplay your culture and, who you are naturally, you will never be taken fully seriously.

Everyone pretty much hates Indians now get me my coffee, Pajeet!

Holy shit, the white insecurity on this board is real. Have you accomplished anything in your life besides being born white?

Because Indians haven't been in this country for 200 years and systemically targeted. Whether by Jim Crow laws, discriminatory housing like redlining, denied bank loans, targeted by police. Yawn we can go all night

>implying the OP wasnt created out of deep seeded insecurity.

>look white bois !! i got a white girl! she may look mildly retarded and deffinately settled, but jokes on you white bois!!

Why does every single Indian smell like a mixture of curry and BO. I like the taste of Indian food but goddamn, one Indian walks on the bus and I need nose plugs.

Indians are Aryan so I'll let this one slide.

desu I just think of Indians as tan white people, at least "Desis" rather than the super dark southern indians.

Regardless, indians are always better than A-Rabs in my experience.

>Waaahh waaah da gubmint was mean to me
it was mean to literally every other group besides wasp's up until WW2 fucking deal with it faggot

You can tell this poo has family money or got a high laying medical or IT job. She's gold digging but still he's a good looking dude for a poo and he's got his slut trophy wife. Let him have it

>Indians are Aryan

t. Poo-Stain Mcgee

Agreed, you're both borderline white. Fine by us


>borderline white
He's south India, he will be considered kind of dark in North India.

>Indians are Aryan

that's like half true at most. Aryans were from what is now Iran/North India. still most of that same region would have been composed of Dravidians, who aren't Aryans

I agree with the rest though, I don't mind Indian people in the slightest. I kinda feel bad I used to group all non-Mexican/South American brown people together. Indians are equal to white poeple in my eyes, they'd probably be economically comparable to the West if they didn't get BTFO by Great Britain repeatedly. I also think Hinduism is vastly superior to sandy religions

all that aside, they should stop shitting in the street

I don't get how Indians can adapt so well to the modern world.

If you look at India, it has more culture and history on a street corner than most other places. Asian culture is literally ripped off of India, from the doorknobs up.

It has pantheons upon pantheons upon heresies and different religious interpretations and customs and traditions by region and people and caste.

and yet, Indians still don't seem to go into the west, set up segregated ghettos and start knocking up the locals outside of marriage, they assimilate by the second generation pretty well and they tend to keep their particular brand of religion to themselves.

To top it all off, India seems to be swallowing Pakistan as we speak.

Fuck. Maybe the west should just strategically take in more Indian immigrants to surround the durka durka and keep them under control, because they clearly are muslim kryptonite and go good with western values.