Admit it

You used to like his show and was once a liberal atheist dudeweed

Other urls found in this thread:

>you was once a


just you

>tfw to intelligent for grammar

This. Eat a dick liberal atheist dudeweed.

I admit...I was once a liberal atheist dudeweed
>But then I grew up


>You used to like his show and was once a liberal atheist dudeweed

yeah hes right, but i also used to like john oliver, but all political comedy shows are a huge dissapointment

>to intelligent
You are classically retarded.

Well I always thought weed was degenerate, but I was a liberal atheist in middle school.
I don't regret it because my opinion didn't matter then, and it gave me lots of insight into how libtards think.

I still like his show, it's funny as fuck and if you can't handle someone with different opinions then you're no better than a SJW.

True, I was a fedora liberal but I was young.

I still watch it.

I was never a dude weed, but I used buy into the muh liberal and equality meme. But then I found out about the eternal jew.

I liked Colbert Report.
Not for anything politcal I just think Colbert is a funny guy

He turned into a Democrat Establishment stooge. He is also in violation of federal law. He owns guns and smokes "medical" marijuana. Which was recently ruled on by a federal court.

someone should send the ATF to his house.

I've always been an atheist and never really liked his humor. I was more centrist than I am now but I definitely didn't find his jokes funny. Poor guy.

i sorta fucking hate bill maher tho his like a conceited asswhole i loved it when he did politically correct heres my fave

Colbert Report was a brilliantly crafted Strawman.

Colbert on the Late Show is just another annoying limo liberal douche.

Yeah I didn't always agree with this guy but thought he was funny, still no reason to believe in dumb myth tho

A young conservative has no heart but a young liberal has no brain.

A old conservative has no brain while an old liberal has no heart.

Minus the weed...OP is correct.

bill mahers opinion (((coincidentally))) changes depending on whats going on in the world with current events.
If you watch his older shit he contradicts his future self. Once a jew, always a jew

The drugs wore off.

When my mom was diagnosed with cancer I went through and edgy atheist phase and a Muslim phase.

I think it's completely normal for someone raised in the church to try and break out only to come back to the light. Especially in protestant America.

I also currently smoke weed but only when I'm home from college because it's my relaxation time.

I never liked his show, Maher is unlikeable. Stewart has more intellectual credibility. Hell, Noah does. Maher is an imbecile.

I was an atheist, anti-theist, antigun to fudd, pro-slut, dudeweed, racism against blacks still exists strong, Colbert and Stewart dick sucking faggot. I still hated Bill Maher. He is too fucking smug and snarky that even I reeled at the sight of his show. The sad thing is that I watched is comedy stand up and genuinely laughed.

What. The. Fuck. Happened?

I was actually never dudeweed or even left leaning. I attribute this to growing up in all black schools and hearing the teachers and students lament over how right wing politicians wanted them all enslaved. It was so nonsensical that I was probably pushed further to the right in elementary/middle school.

Everyone knows Maher is a dick, but he's a funny dick even if he is a liberal. A lot of his opinions are wild but he's a smart and funny man.


I was once a environmentalist, even a vegetarian. But never such a loathsome creature.

Like Disney, everything HBO puts out has to be 100% kosher.


I have literally never been liberal. Never dabbled, never experimented.

I started as a boilerplate Republican. Going to a hyper liberal college got me interested in nationalism, the chicken shit Republican party turned me away from traditional partisanship.

College did teach me how liberals work. Learned about hiding my power level long before Cred Forums.

So here I sit. Militant nationalist disguised as a normie.

This, the over-the-topness of his strawman was great. Shame his new show doesn't include his old character.

You think your opinion matters now?

Why yes you're right! Everyone was a teenager

I like his show.

I think I agree with about 75% of what he says.

I love it when he rips on religion and religious people.

>edgy atheist phase and a Muslim phase
which is worst?

I personally went through my nihilistic atheist phase for a bit.

>I love it when he rips on religion and religious people
You do understand pretty much all of his arguments are shitty strawmen?

5 years ago this website was all about liberal atheism. Not anymore

Liberals - in the form of anti-hereditarian, racial egalitarians - are dickless morons.

Religious people are gullible cucks and ignorant fucktards.

Weed is ok.

Bill Maher is a smug, unprincipled faggot.

i always thought he was pretty obnoxious and an unfunny smug libshit. he used to be tolerable but hes really ramped it up over the past few years like the rest of msm

I used to watch him way back on his show Politically Incorrect.
I still watch him, and I am voting for Hillary.

>You used to like his show and was once a liberal atheist dudeweed
never did found him obnoxious even at 16

>if you can't handle someone with different opinions
maher is condescending and tries completely to keep the attention on himself while also pandering to his audience. he's a hack

I was a fedora liberal, but I never smoked weed, and never liked Bill Maher.

The Muslim phase was the lord telling me I was wrong but my mind telling me what I believed in the past was wrong. So it eventually lead me to where I am now.

I wasn't militantly atheist just had those standard "look at these sheep" thoughts

Even when I liked Maher, I didn't think he was that funny...

And there's nothing liberal about being atheist. I'm "far right" for the same reason I'm atheist, and that reason is simply because it's logical.

I still like his show. It's one of the best of its kind and I prefer not to hide from opinions that differ from my own. He's smug and irritating, sure, but I find him to be far more respectable than most shitlibs if for no other reason than his willingness to criticize Islam. He'll also have anyone with any viewpoint on his panel.

The man makes sense for the first 20 seconds and then you realize he's an insufferable twat.

I call it the Chomsky Effect.

Been an atheist most of my life. Yeah, granted I was a communist in high school because I had just got into understanding politics before getting a job and being on my own. The more I thought about it, and the more I learned history and politics the harder it was for me to support the idea of Marxism.
Over time I went from that to a center leftist, to which one who watches Bill Maher's show would be. I joined the army reserve and encountered much more intelligent and educated people then I, and had exposure to new information. As I got multiple jobs, paid bills and just lived life as an adult I began drifting further right. Once I owned a gun I became more and more conservative, and starting seeing the left as idiotic, but the tipping point was the madness of 2015. So many idiotic things, so much horrible victories by the left. Then there was our election. I wanted Harper to be re-elected so our gun rights wouldn't get worse, but things failed. Not long after, I started coming here.
The truth is, anyone who seeks knowledge, will probably start out as a leftist/communist, and over time shift right as their knowledge base grows. Common sense isn't common, and often grows as people learn how life really is. What I will point out is that the speed one goes from a leftist to hard right is dependant on their intelligence level. An intelligent person will seek out knowledge, even if it goes against their current beliefs, and almost tries to find things that prove themselves wrong. A strong mind turns over the rocks hoping to find whats on the other side whilst a weak mind fears the rock may be hiding a spider.

I still like the show from time to time. I watched it religiously until the Trayvon-Zimmerman incident when all Maher would do was shill for Trayvon. It was my first redpill for religion, although I consider myself more of an agnostic rather than atheist.

We all make mistakes mate, I'm not above admitting that.

Congratulations on missing the joke, you extra chromosome having fuck.

10 years ago maybe. Cred Forums (then /n/) became Cred Forums right after Obama got elected.

> MFW I've spent nearly 10 years on this shithole

I started hating him back in 2012 when he revealed himself for the slimy Zionist Israel first kike he was.

t. social democrat

>if you can't handle someone with different opinions then you're no better than a SJW
Sounds like Bill Maher

>Cred Forums (then /n/) became Cred Forums right after Obama got elected.
confirmed for not knowing what you're talking about

go be a newfag on Cred Forums

Like everyone, he sometimes has good ideas. Of course, the ratio of good to bad is quite low, which is why I haven't watched the show in years.

Go blog about it in your safe space.

Speak for yourself I was never a dudeweed

He's still pretty funny and atleast he gives dissenting viewpoints coverage. I do think he's way too pro-Hillary and pro-Weed, but I'm not going to be convinced of that shit so why not atleast get a laugh out of it.

>tries to keep the attention on himself
>pandering to his audience

Are you sure you aren't talking about Trump? Trump isn't a hack but you're definitely a fucking idiot for thinking any of those things make a TV show host bad.

No, I always thought he was a a smug douche bag and now that I know he's a Zionist Jew I hate him even more.


I liked him when he had that "Politically Incorrect" show, basically pointing out that PC culture was obnoxious and uncool and retarded/ridiculous.

Leaf-bro speaks the truth. I experienced everything he's said in that order. Still in highschool tho, wonder where I get to go from here.

Never watched his show, still an atheist, not a dudeweed

It is evident to me that mainstream " Atheism" is a rhetoric that has actively promotes by the Jews and the commies, in order to erode indigenous European culture.

....damnit OP.

Christianity always kept me on the right and conservative.
>always been against atheism
>always been against weed
>always been against leftists
But back then I bought into the whole equality meme and how amazing the constitution is and that "we should oppress others by not letting them be degenerates"

Now I understand that libertarians are inherently moral relativism, and that the only true way to combat degeneracy is by establishing a Catholic monarchy that combats the Jewish forces of Marxism, relativism and corporatism.

You lost me at Catholic Monarchy

Bill maher was always a moron and i always liked him despite it.

>Catholic monarchy

I can at least respect Maher for standing up to liberals about the snackbars. He doesn't cuck out like all the other faggots when it comes to talking about Mudslimes. He took a lot of shit for going against the leftist grain during the whole fiasco with the clock building sand nigger kid.

I used to watch it somewhat regularly when he was on broadcast television. Watched it sporadically after he moved to HBO. Haven't watched it in years.

>Catholic Monarchy

Maher doesn't give a fuck about liberal fee fees when it comes to muslims though. I can at least respect him slightly for that.

typical jew

You guys are missing out.



Lad I love monarchies. But I'm not serving under a Cathocuck king.

Too recent for me, but yes I was once brainwashed by the Daily Shoah and pretty much anything else on Comedy Jewcentral.

never watched his show.

did watch colbert though.

I've always been an atheist, never a liberal or a dudeweed though.

More of an aryan, weed to quell murderous thoughts kinda guy myself.


try 10. 5yrs ago libertarianism was the new and trendy thing here

Because God ranks higher than Man. We don't elect a creator, but we do elect people to lead us on Earth.
What I'm saying is this quote is dumb.

I used to like his show when Bush was in office. There was a time when evangelical conservatives were the bad guys and their antics were pure entertainment. Bill used to have a point. He used to make an argument. But the world changed completely and he failed to change with it, instead choosing to continue to pander to liberalism even though they had become the new crazies.

Yeah, I used to like his show. I was never a dudeweed, was and still am atheist. At least this guy prescribes red pills about islam on the reg fampai.

Evolution not real

This was hilarious. Thanks for posting.


From here, I hate to tell you but prepare for misery. You now know why things are as bad as they are. Your friends are likely too far from the truth to understand things as you do. Over time you will become more and more isolated because of this. The only thing you can do is hope for the best and prepare for the absolute worst.
My advice is the following:
Get a job, particularly a trade, and get good at it. If you can, join the army. There are some very good survival skills to learn from it, along with discipline. Get a wife, a house and have kids. Try to live outside of cities. Own some guns, and know how to use them.
Best case scenario you end up an old man who people thought were crazy and end up showing your grandkids how to shoot guns at your place out in the woods.
Medium Case scenario you hold onto a skill set that keeps you employed and successful throughout a new depression era.
Worst case, you have the means to defend your family from the starving hordes of former city dwellers and hold your land.

My parents are hippy druggy faggots who vote democrat and when i was a kid they forced me to watch this faggots show for its first few years and Dennis Millers shitty show before that

I treat the HBO channel like the kikes treat the Fake holocaust.......never again.


Im working on some savings and some minor cheap disaster prep and im already on the prowl for a young traditional girl to marry. (the womans gonna be hard but goddamn if im ever gonna waste time and monmey on a drug smoking, tattoo covered millenial whore)

Trump really made him go full retard

He's still funny occasionally, but his irrational, abusive hatermania hardon for Trump is just as irritating as that of any other liberal celeb. He should be ashamed of himself, because one, he's sufficiently intelligent that I don't believe he just buys the liberal Pravda lies hook, line and sinker--so he must be bullshitting and playing partisan politics for his own reasons. And two, the guy is redpilled as fuck on Islam, so I REALLY don't respect his supporting Hillary--again, he's smart, so why would he want to inflict sharia law and Islamic terrorism on his gay and female Hollywood pals? He's bullshitting and I want to know why.

Plus he's just so whiny and butthurt nowadays; it's boring and tiresome to watch, and makes me want to smack him upside the head to make him shut the fuck up.

Thing is, I did use to like him, because he was more of a centrist than a liberal, and he was cynical, nasty and genuinely "politically incorrect." Now he's degraded himself to just another bitchy, hysterical liberal. Rubbish.

i liked Skype Leibowitz

>leaf posts

Everyone intelligent is, until they see that in reality lots of groups are against it, or aren't up to it. So anything but the staunchest defence of the west will only lead to more violent and regressive groups taking over.

In a perfect world we would all be liberal athiest lmaoweeders. Instead we have to be stormfront.

I get the young part, but what's up with old cons and libs?

I just miss Craig Ferguson. Like Seinfeld, he's made it clear that he quit because he dislikes political correctness and the current political climate.

Some truth to this.


>Dennis Miller
Now quite the pissed off conservative. It was 9/11. That changed everything for him, and he never looked back. He's still pretty funny so I guess next time someone asks "why aren't there any good conservative comics?" I really ought to bring him up.

I honestly still like his show at least because he always makes sure to have panel stuffed with people who have different views so the conversation is always heated, especially when they invite someone conservative.
Also Maher is for the full freedom of speech, he said that the Holocaust denial shouldn't be criminalized, I mean, that's pretty bright.
I don't like his latest shilling though, the entirity of 2016 he's just been doing it so fiercely

I still don't mind his show because he's an actual liberal and not an SJW and at the very least is willing to have dialogue with outspoken conservatives and he doesn't resort to strawmanning them the entire time like Colbert used to

I don't think we've watched tv since before his stupid show came on the air. But he's an asshole. Only other assholes would appreciate that kind crap.

>still like this show
>still an liberal, atheist dudeweed

He's redpilled on Islam and SJWism and if an asshole presenter is what it takes to expose liberals to those views than it's all good

He is good about putting together panels that encompass the political spectrum but this comes at the cost of always having some turbo leftist on who will defend Islam even when presented with footage of gays being executed in every Islamic country on earth

I get that being a liberal dudeweed is lame and stupid. but how does being religious make you smart? I only see evidence of the opposite.

>Says he is liberal
>Supports Hilary "because we need a female president"


I honestly couldn't have worded it better than this. It's always strange how he'll have a complex or nuanced view on something, or at least a new angle, but then other times just basically reads the democratic party platform ticket condescendingly at people. It's confusing

Thankfully the United State is a Republic.

>Killary is a democrat
>the lesser of two evils
that's why

Besides, he never once said that he was a liberal. He self labeled many times as Libertarian, in fact, he is well regarded for his disdain of Islam...something most liberals deem as politically incorrect.

So, is he a liberal? Not even close to one, brotatochip.

Am I a liberal, yes...but only by a smaller margin do I follow all your basic leftist principals.

>Tfw this is me 7 years ago
>Tfw put troll face memes and "u mad Republicans?" on my car when Obama won in 2012

I still am, except now I hate niggers and muslims

Threadly reminder that if you ever, ever, liked this cunt, you don't belong here.

what r u gonna do about it

I still am an atheist.
I still enjoy Bill Maher because its healthy to hear opposing viewpoints and not just circlejerk all day.
I smoked weed a handful times in middle school, one of which was to cheer up my friend after his dad died. I was never a dudeweed.
And I am no longer liberal, ever since I learned what economics was and realized how little people deserve to be helped *tips*

Christianity is the red pill, what are you talking about?


This is true. I used to be a libfag that liked the (((The Daily Show))), (((Colbert Report))), (((Bill Maher))), etc. But through psychedelics and weed I've seen the made up institutions and rules we humans blindly accept. Today I'm red pilled and damn happy about it.

More people need to wake the fuck up.

I liked his show in the 90s a little bit. At that time he was making fun of Clinton.

I was never an athiest. Never smoked the (((herbals))) either.

OP all these anons are being lying fags. I will admit it. I was a libtard. I loved Bill Maher. Now I don't bother with his show. #POINTLESS. He is never going to expose globalism, hence he is useless. Fuck that guy.

I did lean to the left but not that far left. I knew the Democrats were flawed but sided with them due to muh moral. Seeing liberals take over with an iron fist made me lean farther right.
I prefer non-religious maybe, because I really don't give a shit until a religion starts screwing with people or directly interfere with me and my daily life.
I hate those fucks. They are the number one reason medicinal cannabis can never get passed and why the states that have it are rethinking it due to abuse of the system.
I did like his show but the surge of PC bullshit, pandering, and race baiting drove me into the middle right. I still think Marco Rubio is a cunt though.